¡ Semiconductor MSM514212
Data Inputs (DIN0 - DIN7)
Data on these inputs is shifted in on the rising edge of WCK while WE is held at a low level. The
data setup and hold times tDS and tDH are referenced to the rising edge of WCK.
Data Outputs (DOUT0 - DOUT7)
Data is shifted out on these outputs during the rising edge of RCK while RE is held at a low level.
The data becomes valid after the access time interval tAC which begins at the rising edge of RCK.
Write Address Pointer Reset (WR)
If WR is brought to a low level, the next rising edge of WCK resets the write address pointer to
the first address location. The write address pointer is automatically reset when the last address
location (5048) is clocked. The WR setup, and hold times tRS and tRH are referenced to the rising
edge of WCK. Each write operation, which begins after WR, must contain at least 18 active write
cycles, i.e. WCK cycles while WE is high.
Read Address Pointer Reset (RR)
If RR is brought to a low level, the next rising edge of RCK resets the read address pointer to the
first address location. The read address pointer is automatically reset when the last address
location (5048) is clocked. The RR setup, and hold times tRS and tRH are referenced to the rising
edge of WCK. Each read operation, which begins after RR, must contain at least 18 active read
cycles, i.e. RCK cycles while RE is high.
Write Enable (WE)
This pin is used as a gating function for the WCK input. If WE is held low, normal write cycles
can occur. If WE is brought to a high level before the next rising edge of WCK, all subsequent
write cycles will be inhibited, and the write address pointer remains unchanged. The WE setup
and hold times tWES and tWEH are referenced to the rising edge of WCK.
Read Enable (RE)
This pin is used as a gating function for the RCK input. If RE is brought to a high level before the
next rising edge of RCK, all subsequent read cycles are inhibited, and the read address pointer
remains unchanged. The data outputs will tri-state after the output buffer turn off delay time tHZ,
which begins at the rising edge of RCK. After the disabled cycles are completed, and the RE signal
is brought back to a low level, the data output buffers are re-enabled by the next rising edge of
RCK. The RE setup, and hold times tRES and tREH are referenced to the rising edge of RCK.
Write Clock (WCK)
The rising edge of the WCK input latches the data into the internal registers, and also increments
the write address pointer when WE is held low.
Read Clock (RCK)
The rising edge of the RCK input shifts out the data from the internal registers and increments
the read address pointer when RE is held low.