Product brief TLS850B0-family High-performance linear voltage regulator The TLS850B0 is a high-performance, very low dropout linear voltage regulator for 3.3 V and 5.0 V supply in a TO263-5 and TO252-5 package. The input voltage range of 3.0 V to 40 V and a very low quiescent current of 20 A make it the perfect match for automotive or other supply systems connected to the battery permanently. The new loop concept combines fast regulation and very high stability while requiring only one small ceramic capacitor of 1 F at the output. Below an output current of 100 mA the typical dropout voltage of 100 mV is very low. The operating range starts at an input voltage of only 3 V (extended operating range). This makes the TLS850B0 suitable for automotive systems that need to operate during cranking condition. Key features Enable Output voltage accuracy: 2 percent Dropout voltage: 100 mV Current consumption: 20 A Available in TO252 and TO263 package Wide operating temperature range: -40C Tj 150C The device can be switched on and off by the enable feature. Benefits Internal protection features like output current limitation and overtemperature shutdown protect the device from immediate damage. Wide input voltage range Robust TO252 and TO263 package Reduces energy consumption, Application diagram for TLS850B0 for 12 V ECUs Minimized external BOM I suitable for stand-by operation Q CI CQ Current limitation Battery line EN Enable Temperature shutdown Applications Load General automotive MCU power supply EPS, 2 wheeler dashboard, instrument cluster Body electronics, HVAC panel, etc. Product brief TLS850B0-family High-performance linear voltage regulator VIn 3-40 V I Q VOut 1 F TLS850B0x EN Microcontroller GND Key features Key benefits Low drop voltage (~100 mV) Suitable for cranking (stop and start support from VIn = 3 V) Low current consumption (~20 A) Longer battery lifetime Excellent regulation loop BOM cost optimized stable VOut Products Product name OPN Output current IOut [mA] Quiescent current Iq [A] Enable RthJA Output voltage TLS850B0TBV33 TLS850B0TBV33ATMA1 500 20 Yes TLS850B0TBV50 TLS850B0TBV50ATMA1 500 20 TLS850B0TEV33 TLS850B0TEV33ATMA1 500 TLS850B0TEV50 TLS850B0TEV50ATMA1 500 Package [K/W] [V] 26 3.3 TO263 Yes 26 5.0 TO263 20 Yes 26 3.3 TO252 20 Yes 26 5.0 TO252 Demoboards Product name OPN Description TLS850B0TB50 BOARD TLS850B0TB50BOARDTOBO1 TLS850B0 Demoboard DPAK TO263-5, 5.0 V TLS850B0TB33 BOARD TLS850B0TB33BOARDTOBO1 TLS850B0 Demoboard DPAK TO263-5, 3.3 V TLS850B0TE50 BOARD TLS850B0TE50BOARDTOBO1 TLS850B0 Demoboard DPAK TO252-5, 5.0 V TLS850B0TE33 BOARD TLS850B0TE33BOARDTOBO1 TLS850B0 Demoboard DPAK TO252-5, 3.3 V Published by Infineon Technologies AG 81726 Munich, Germany (c) 2018 Infineon Technologies AG. All Rights Reserved. Please note! THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY AND ANY INFORMATION GIVEN HEREIN SHALL IN NO EVENT BE REGARDED AS A WARRANTY, GUARANTEE OR DESCRIPTION OF ANY FUNCTIONALITY, CONDITIONS AND/OR QUALITY OF OUR PRODUCTS OR ANY SUITABILITY FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. WITH REGARD TO THE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF OUR PRODUCTS, WE KINDLY ASK YOU TO REFER TO THE RELEVANT PRODUCT DATA SHEETS PROVIDED BY US. OUR CUSTOMERS AND THEIR TECHNICAL DEPARTMENTS ARE REQUIRED TO EVALUATE THE SUITABILITY OF OUR PRODUCTS FOR THE INTENDED APPLICATION. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CHANGE THIS DOCUMENT AND/OR THE INFORMATION GIVEN HEREIN AT ANY TIME. Order Number: B124-I0560-V1-7600-EU-EC-P Date: 04 / 2018 Additional information For further information on technologies, our products, the application of our products, delivery terms and conditions and/or prices, please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies office ( Warnings Due to technical requirements, our products may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question, please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies office. Except as otherwise explicitly approved by us in a written document signed by authorized representatives of Infineon Technologies, our products may not be used in any life- endangering applications, including but not limited to medical, nuclear, military, life-critical or any other applications where a failure of the product or any consequences of the use thereof can result in personal injury.