CYG2217 CybergateTM DAA INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIVISION Features Description * Low Distortion Transformer Signal Coupling (0.01% max) * Complete Ring Detector Circuit * Low Power Hook Switch * Electronic Inductor/Gyrator Circuit * Solid State Surge Protection * Transient Protection Zener Diodes * Complete Hybrid Circuit (2-4 Wire Converter) Included * Compatible with All Modem Chip Sets * V.32 bis/V.34 Compatible IXYS Integrated Circuits Division's CybergateTM CYG2217 DAA module provides a complete telephone line interface circuit including a 2-4 wire converter for transmit and receive signal separation in a small 1.07" x 1.07" x 0.4" package. The module provides a fast and cost effective solution for designs that require an interface to the telephone line. The module is designed to meet FCC part 68 requirements, thus providing a low risk design solution. Approvals Applications * * * * * * * * * * * * UL Recognized Component: File E174201 Modems Fax Machines Remote Data Acquisition Security Systems Voice Mail Systems PC Motherboard Computer Telephony Process Control Medical PBX Direct Broadcast Satellite Ordering Information Part Description CYG2217 DAA Module (18/Tube) Block Diagram Surge Protection XMIT+ 2 to 4 Wire Converter Line Transformer Line Current Circuit TIP RING RCV OH Hook Switch Ring Detect RI DS-CYG2217-R02 1 CYG2217 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIVISION 1 Specifications 1.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings @ 25C Symbol Ratings Units 1000 Vrms 120 mA 50 mA 5 V 20 V 10-85 % 0-70 C 0-100 C Isolation Voltage Tip/Ring Load Current (Continuous) Hook Switch LED Drive Current Hook Switch LED Reverse Voltage Ring Detect Phototransistor Voltage VCC Relative Humidity (non-condensing) Operational Temperature Storage Temperature Absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings. Stresses in excess of these ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. Functional operation of the device at conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this data sheet is not implied. 1.2 DC Electrical Characteristics @ 25C (Unless Otherwise Noted) Parameter On-Hook Impedance 2, 1 (R, T) per FCC 68.312 Off-Hook Line Leakage Current 2, 1 (R, T) per FCC 68.312 Power Supply Current @VCC Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Units @100VDC Across Pins 1, 2 10 - - M @100VDC Across Pins 1, 2 - - 10 A VCC = 5V 4 5 6 mA VOH = 2.4V 3.5 4.1 5 VOH = 5V 11.8 12.4 13 Off-Hook - 2 3 20 On-Hook - - 0.2 0.5 Hook Switch Control Current @ OH mA Hook Switch Control Voltage V 1.3 AC Signal Path Electrical Characteristics @ 25C (Unless Otherwise Noted) Parameter Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Units 600, 1800Hz 39 40 - dB Transmit 600, 1800Hz, Test Circuit 1 6 6.5 7 Receive 600, 1800Hz, Test Circuit 2 -1 0 +1 300Hz - 3500Hz -0.25 - +0.25 60 - - 40 - - - -32 -10 Return Loss Insertion Loss Frequency Response dB dB Longitudinal Balance On-Hook Off-Hook Per FCC 68.310 dB Transhybrid Loss 600, 1800Hz Total Harmonic Distortion 600, 1800Hz - -80 - dB - 20 - 120 mA DC Loop Current R02 dB 2 CYG2217 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIVISION 1.4 Ring Detection Circuit Electrical Characteristics @ 25C (Unless Otherwise Noted) Parameter Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Units Ringing Voltage Detection Range - 20 - 150 Vrms Ringing Frequency Detection Range - 15 - 70 Hz Ringer Equivalence Number - - 0.8B - - - - 0.8 - - VCC RING (Pin 5) Output Voltage (Pulsed) Logic "0", Ring Present @ VCC = +5V Logic "1", Ring Not Present V 1.5 Surge and Isolation Electrical Characteristics @ 25C (Unless Otherwise Noted) Parameter Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum - - - 300 V - Vrms Surge Protection Voltage Tip & Ring (Pins 1, 2) Isolation Voltage, Pins (18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 5, 4) to (1, 2) Per FCC 68.302 1000 - Units 1.6 Test Circuits +VBATT 10H +VBATT ILOOP 10H 600 TIP 600 10H Test Circuit 2: CYG2217 Receive Insertion Loss Test Circuit 1: CYG2217 Transmit Insertion Loss VLT RING +5V GND XMIT+ NC RCV RI -VBATT Transmit Insertion Loss = GTR = 20Log TIP VLR AC Source RING +5V VCC OH ILOOP 600 10H +5V OH RI AC Source +5V GND XMIT+ VCC NC RCV VR -VBATT VLT Receive Insertion Loss = GRC = 20Log VT VR VLR 1.7 CYG2217 Pinouts and Definitions Pinouts Pin CYG2217 TIP RING 1 2 OH RI 4 5 18 17 16 15 14 Top View 3 GND XMIT+ VCC NC RCV Name Function 1 TIP 2 RING 4 OH Driving this pin high asserts the off-hook condition. The hook switch LED is current limited by an internal 300 resistor 5 RI Active LOW indicates an incoming ring signal. This is pulsed LOW by the AC ring signal, and is not a steady state LOW during ringing. 14 RCV 15 NC No Connection 16 VCC Provides power to the CYG2217. Typically +5V, VCC should not exceed 20V. 17 XMIT+ Provides the analog input signal from the 2-4 wire converter of the CYG2217. XMIT+ uses a 2.5 volt reference signal, and therefore must be capacitively coupled to host equipment that uses a ground reference. 18 GND Connection to telephone line Tip connected through an external fuse. Connection to telephone line Ring conductor. Provides the analog output signal from the 2-4 wire converter of the CYG2217. RCV uses a 2.5 volt reference signal, and therefore must be capacitively coupled to host equipment that uses a ground reference. Connection to host system ground. R02 CYG2217 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIVISION 2 Manufacturing Information 2.1 Handling and Assembly Recommendations The CYG2217 is not hermetically sealed, and should not be exposed to any liquid-based rinsing processes. IXYS Integrated Circuits Division recommends two (2) approaches: (1) the modem should be installed in a wave-soldering process that uses a no-clean soldering flux that will mostly evaporate during the normal wave-soldering processes, (2) the modem should be soldered in by hand after the rest of the card is wave-soldered. 2.2 Reflow Profile This product has a maximum solder temperature as shown below. Device Maximum Temperature CYG2217 260C 2.3 Mechanical Dimensions 2.3.1 CYG2217 1.91 (0.075) 27.18 (1.070) TIP 10.16 (0.400) 21.59 (0.850) GND 3.43 (0.135) XMIT+ RING +VCC 27.18 (1.070) OH NC RI RCV 2.54 (0.100) 0.634 SQ. (0.025) TYP. 1.09 DIA. (0.043) TYP. 3.18 (0.125) TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW PCB Pattern (Top View) Dimensions mm (inches) For additional information please visit our website at: IXYS Integrated Circuits Division makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this publication and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Neither circuit patent licenses nor indemnity are expressed or implied. Except as set forth in IXYS Integrated Circuits Division's Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale, IXYS Integrated Circuits Division assumes no liability whatsoever, and disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to its products including, but not limited to, the implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or infringement of any intellectual property right. The products described in this document are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or in other applications intended to support or sustain life, or where malfunction of IXYS Integrated Circuits Division's product may result in direct physical harm, injury, or death to a person or severe property or environmental damage. IXYS Integrated Circuits Division reserves the right to discontinue or make changes to its products at any time without notice. Specification: DS-CYG2217-R02 (c)Copyright 2012, IXYS Integrated Circuits Division All rights reserved. Printed in USA. 12/19/2012 R02 4 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: IXYS: CYG2217