Authorized Information Technology Schedule Pricelist GENERAL PURPOSE COMMERCIAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT, SOFTWARE AND SERVICES SIN 132-8 Purchase of Equipment FSC Class 7025 ........................................................................................ INPUT/OUTPUT AND STORAGE DEVICES Network Equipment FSC Class 7042 ............................................................... MINI AND MICRO COMPUTER CONTROL DEVICES Microcomputer Control Devices NOTE: Installation must be incidental to, in conjunction with and in direct support of the products sold under SIN 132-8 of this contract and cannot be purchased separately. If the construction, alteration or repair is segregatable and exceeds $2,000, then the requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act apply. SIN 132-12 Repair Services FPDS Code N070 .................................................................................................... See FSC Class for basic equipment Repair Services SIN 132-51 Information Technology Professional Services FPDS Code D302 ......... IT Systems Development Services FPDS Code D306 ......... IT Systems Analysis Services FPDS Code D 399 ........ Other Information Technology Services, Not Elsewhere Classified Note 1: All non-professional labor categories must be incidental to and used solely to support hardware, software and/or professional services, and cannot be purchased separately. Note 2: Offerors and Agencies are advised that the Group 70 - Information Technology Schedule is not to be used as a means to procure services which properly fall under the Brooks Act. These services include, but are not limited to, architectural, engineering, mapping, cartographic production, remote sensing, geographic information systems, and related services. FAR 36.6 distinguishes between mapping services of an A/E nature and mapping services which are not connected nor incidental to the traditionally accepted A/E Services. Note 3: .. This solicitation is not intended to solicit for the reselling of IT Professional Services, except for the provision of implementation, maintenance, integration, or training services in direct support of a product. Under such circumstances the services must be performed by the publisher or manufacturer or one of their authorized agents. Contractor: Digi International Inc. 11001 Bren Road East Minnetonka, MN 55343 952-912-3444 Contract Number: GS-35F-0351J Period Covered By Contract: April 1, 1999 through March 31, 2019 General Services Administration Federal Supply Service Products and ordering information in this Authorized FAS Information Technology Schedule Pricelist are also available on the GSA Advantage! System. Agencies can browse GSA Advantage! by accessing the Federal Supply Service's Home Page via the Internet at TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Customer Information 1 Terms and Conditions Applicable to Purchase of General Purpose Commercial Information Technology Equipment (Special Item Number 132-8) 5 Terms and Conditions Applicable to Repair Services for Government-Owned General Purpose Commercial Information Technology Equipment (After Expiration of Guarantee/Warranty Provisions and/or When Required Service is not Covered by Guarantee/Warranty Provisions) (Special Item 132-12) 8 Terms and Conditions Applicable to Information Technology (IT) Professional Services (Special Item Number 132-51) 13 Labor Categories Descriptions 17 Awarded GSA Schedule Contract Pricing SIN 132-51 18 USA Commitment to Promote Small Business Participation Procurement Programs 19 Suggested Formats for Blanket Purchase Agreements 20 Basic Guidelines for Using Contractor Team Arrangements 23 Equipment Price List 24 CONTRACT MODIFICATIONS This Schedule Contract Price List includes Modifications through Number PS-0154 effective August 31,2015. CUSTOMER INFORMATION 1a. TABLE OF AWARDED SPECIAL ITEM NUMBERS (SINs) SIN 132-8 Purchase of Equipment SIN 132-12 Repair Services SIN 132-51 Information Technology Professional Services 1b. LOWEST PRICED MODEL NUMBER AND PRICE FOR EACH SIN: SIN 132-8 20-668-0030 RABBIT I/O CHIP FINAL- 160 per tray $3.43 SIN 132-51 IT Professional Services Wage Rate for Application Developer I $117.28 per hour. 1c. HOURLY RATES: See IT Professional Labor Categories and Rates under SIN 132-51 2. MAXIMUM ORDER*: The Maximum Order value for the following Special Item Numbers (SINs) is $500,000: SIN132-8 - Purchase of New Equipment SIN132-12 - Maintenance of Equipment SIN132-51 - Information Technology Professional Services 3. MINIMUM ORDER: The minimum dollar value of an order for delivery to one destination is $100.00. 4. GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE: Domestic Delivery Only 5. POINT(S) OF PRODUCTION: Digi International Inc. 11001 Bren Road East Minnetonka, MN 55343 6. DISCOUNT FROM LIST PRICES: All prices shown herein are Net GSA prices (discounts deducted) unless otherwise indicated. 7. QUANTITY DISCOUNT: None GS-35F-0351J Page 1 8. PROMPT PAYMENT TERMS: Prompt payment is 0%, Net 30 days from receipt of invoice or date of acceptance, whichever is later. 9.a GOVERNMENT PURCHASE CARD Government Purchase Cards must be accepted at or below the micro-purchase threshold. 9.b GOVERNMENT PURCHASE CARD Government Purchase Cards are accepted above the micro-purchase threshold. 10. FOREIGN ITEMS: All items are U.S. made end products, designated country end products, Caribbean Basin country end products, Canadian end products, or Mexican end products as defined in the Trade Agreements Act of 1979, as amended. 11a. TIME OF DELIVERY: SIN 132-8 90 Days (ARO) SIN 132-12 As negotiated between the Contractor and the ordering activity SIN 132-51 As negotiated between the Contractor and the ordering activity. 11b. EXPEDITED DELIVERY: Quicker delivery times than those set forth in paragraph (a) above are available from the Contractor or its Authorized Government Reseller based on the availability of product inventory. Delivery times of 1-60 days after receipt of order (ARO) are available, as negotiated between the Ordering Activity and the Contractor. 11c. OVERNIGHT AND 2-DAY DELIVERY: When schedule customers require overnight or 2-day delivery, ordering activities are encouraged to contact the Contractor or Authorized Government Resellers for the purpose of obtaining accelerated delivery. The Contractor provides overnight and 2-day delivery times subject to the availability of product inventory. The Contractor shall pay for shipment, with freight prepaid and invoiced. Authorization must be included on the ordering activity order for products. 11d. URGENT REQUIRMENTS: When the Federal Supply Schedule contract delivery period does not meet the bona fide urgent delivery requirements of an ordering activity, ordering activities are encouraged, if time permits, to contact the Contractor for the purpose of obtaining accelerated delivery. The Contractor shall reply to the inquiry within 3 workdays after receipt. (Telephonic replies shall be confirmed by the Contractor in writing.) If the Contractor offers an accelerated delivery time acceptable to the ordering activity, any order(s) placed pursuant to the agreed upon accelerated delivery time frame shall be delivered within this shorter delivery time and in accordance with all other terms and conditions of the contract. GS-35F-0351J Page 2 12. FOB POINT: Destination Destination for the 48 contiguous states, the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Point of Exportation for all other overseas locations. In place of a delivery/installation date for equipment, a shipping date shall be specified on the order. The Contractor shall pay for shipment to a CONUS APO/FPO. At the option of the ordering activity, F.O.B. will be Point of Origin, with freight prepaid and invoiced. Authorization for all shipping, export, and other charges must be included on the ordering activity order. 13a. ORDERING ADDRESS: Digi International Inc. 1001 Bren Road East Minnetonka, MN 55343 Attn: Federal Sales 13b. ORDERING PROCEDURES: Ordering activities shall use the ordering procedures of Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 8.405 when placing an order or establishing a BPA for supplies or services. These procedures apply to all schedules. 14. PAYMENT ADDRESS: Digi International Inc. 1001 Bren Road East Minnetonka, MN 55343 Attn: GSA Accounts Receivable 15. WARRANTY PROVISION: See Terms and Conditions specific to SIN 132-8. 16. EXPORT PACKING CHARGES: Not available within the scope of this contract. 17. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF GOVERNMENT PURCHASE CARD ACCEPTANCE: Not Applicable to this Contract 18. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF RENTAL, MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR (IF APPLICABLE): See Terms and Conditions specific to SIN 132-12. 19. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF INSTALLATION (IF APPLICABLE): See Terms and Conditions specific to SIN 132-12. 20. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF REPAIR PARTS INDICATING DATE OF PARTS PRICE LISTS AND ANY DISCOUNTS FROM LIST PRICES (IF AVAILABLE): See Terms and Conditions specific to SIN 132-12. GS-35F-0351J Page 3 20a. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR ANY OTHER SERVICES (IF APPLICABLE): See Terms and Conditions specific to SIN 132-51. 21. LIST OF SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION POINTS (IF APPLICABLE): Not Applicable to this Contract 22. LIST OF PARTICIPATING DEALERS (IF APPLICABLE): Not Applicable to this Contract 23. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE (IF APPLICABLE): Not Applicable to this Contract 24a. SPECIAL ATTRIBUTES SUCH AS ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES (e.g. recycled content, energy efficiency, and/or reduced pollutants): Not Applicable to this Contract 24b. SECTIION 508 COMPLIANCE FOR EIT: Section 508 compliance information on the supplies and services in this contract is available in Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) at the following: The EIT standard can be found at: 25. DUNS NUMBER: 14-465-5669 26. NOTIFICATION REGARDING REGISTRATION IN THE SYSTEM FOR AWARD MANAGEMENT (SAM) DATABASE: Registration completed. GS-35F-0351J Page 4 TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO PURCHASE OF GENERAL PURPOSE COMMERCIAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY NEW EQUIPMENT (SPECIAL ITEM NUMBER 132-8) 1. MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP All equipment furnished hereunder must satisfactorily perform the function for which it is intended. 2. ORDER Written orders, EDI orders (GSA Advantage! and FACNET), credit card orders, and orders placed under blanket purchase agreements (BPA) agreements shall be the basis for purchase in accordance with the provisions of this contract. If time of delivery extends beyond the expiration date of the contract, the Contractor will be obligated to meet the delivery and installation date specified in the original order. For credit card orders and BPAs, telephone orders are permissible. 3. TRANSPORTATION OF EQUIPMENT FOB DESTINATION. Prices cover equipment delivery to destination, for any location within the geographic scope of this contract. 4. INSTALLATION AND TECHNICAL SERVICES a. INSTALLATION. The equipment provided under this contract is considered to be normally self-installable by technical personnel. Technical services/assistance or installation in not included in the purchase price of equipment and is not available under the scope of this contract. b. INSTALLATION, DEINSTALLATION, REINSTALLATION. The Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a-276a-7) provides that contracts in excess of $2,000 to which the United States or the District of Columbia is a party for construction, alteration, or repair (including painting and decorating) of public buildings or public works with the United States, shall contain a clause that no laborer or mechanic employed directly upon the site of the work shall received less than the prevailing wage rates as determined by the Secretary of Labor. The requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act do not apply if the construction work is incidental to the furnishing of supplies, equipment, or services. For example, the requirements do not apply to simple installation or alteration of a public building or public work that is incidental to furnishing supplies or equipment under supply contract. However, if the construction, alteration or repair is segregable and exceeds $2,000, then the requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act apply. The ordering activity issuing the task order against this contract will be responsible for proper administration and enforcement of the Federal labor standards covered by the Davis-Bacon Act. The proper Davis-Bacon wage determination will be issued by the ordering activity at the time a request for quotations is made for applicable construction classified installation, deinstallation, and reinstallation services under SIN 132-8 or SIN 132-9. c. OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS. The Contractor shall furnish the ordering activity with one (1) copy of all operating and maintenance manuals which are normally provided with the equipment being purchased. GS-35F-0351J Page 5 5. INSPECTION/ACCEPTANCE The Contractor shall only tender for acceptance those items that conform to the requirements of this contract. The ordering activity reserves the right to inspect or test any equipment that has been tendered for acceptance. The ordering activity may require repair or replacement of nonconforming equipment at no increase in contract price. The ordering activity must exercise its post-acceptance rights (1) within a reasonable time after the defect was discovered or should have been discovered; and (2) before any substantial change occurs in the condition of the item, unless the change is due to the defect in the item. 6. WARRANTY a. Unless specified otherwise in this contract, the Contractor's standard commercial warranty as stated in the contract's commercial pricelist will apply to this contract. The Contractor will furnish all machine adjustments, repairs, and parts on a return to depot basis for a period of five (5) years from the date of shipment unless otherwise specified. b. The Contractor warrants and implies that the items delivered hereunder are merchantable and fit for use for the particular purpose described in this contract. c. Limitation of Liability. Except as otherwise provided by an express or implied warranty, the Contractor will not be liable to the ordering activity for consequential damages resulting from any defect or deficiencies in accepted items. d. If inspection and repair of defective equipment under this warranty will be performed at the Contractor's plant, the address is as follows: Digi International Inc. 11001 Bren Road East Minnetonka, MN 55343 The ordering activity should not return defective equipment to the Contractor for adjustments and repairs or replacement without prior consultation, instruction and issuance of an RMA (Return Material Authorization). To obtain a RMA, please call 800-344-4276. e. When equipment is returned to the Contractor's establishment for warranty repair by the ordering activity, the ordering activity shall be responsible for all transportation costs and any loss or damage to equipment being returned until the equipment is received by the Contractor at its authorized service facility. Contractor shall be responsible for return transportation costs and any loss or damage while the equipment is at the Contractor's service facility and until the equipment is returned to the ordering activity's installation only. f. The Contractor offers an Emergency Advanced Replacement Service. The Contractor will ship a replacement product to a destination of the ordering activity's choice, in advance of receiving the defective product, for product five (5) years of age or less. The defective product must be returned to the Contractor within fifteen (15) days from the time the replacement product is delivered. The Contractor will pay freight from the Contractor's location via UPS Ground only. The fees for this Emergency Advanced Replacement Service are as follows: Product Age Charge 0-1 year .......................................... No charge 1-5 years ....... 35% of the then current list price GS-35F-0351J Page 6 7. PURCHASE PRICE FOR ORDERED EQUIPMENT The purchase price that the ordering activity will be charged will be the ordering activity purchase price in effect at the time of order placement, or the ordering activity purchase price in effect on the installation date (or delivery date when installation is not applicable), whichever is less. 8. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CONTRACTOR The Contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations (Federal, State, City or otherwise) covering work of this character, and shall include all costs, if any, of such compliance in the prices quoted in this offer. 9. TRADE-IN OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT When an ordering activity determines that Information Technology equipment will be replaced, the ordering activity shall follow the contracting policies and procedures in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), the policies and procedures regarding disposition of information technology excess personal property in the Federal Property Management Regulations (FPMR) (41 CFR 101-43.6), and the policies and procedures on exchange/sale contained in the FPMR (41 CFR part 101-46). GS-35F-0351J Page 7 TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO MAINTENANCE, REPAIR SERVICE AND REPAIR PARTS/SPARE PARTS FOR GOVERNMENT-OWNED GENERAL PURPOSE COMMERCIAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT, RADIO/TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT, (AFTER EXPIRATION OF GUARANTEE/WARRANTY PROVISIONS AND/OR WHEN REQUIRED SERVICE IS NOT COVERED BY GUARANTEE/WARRANTY PROVISIONS) (SPECIAL ITEM NUMBER 132-12) 1. SERVICE AREAS a. The maintenance and repair service rates listed herein are applicable to any ordering activity location within a _________ (**insert miles**) mile radius of the Contractor's service points. If any additional charge is to apply because of the greater distance from the Contractor's service locations, the mileage rate or other distance factor shall be negotiated at the Task Order level. b. Fixed price depot repair services cannot be performed at the ordering activity installation site. Repair services will be performed at the Contractor's plant(s) listed below: Digi International Inc. 11001 Bren Road East Minnetonka, MN 55343 2. MAINTENANCE ORDER a. Agencies may use written orders, EDI orders, credit card orders, or BPAs, for ordering maintenance under this contract. The Contractor shall confirm orders within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of receipt, except that confirmation of orders shall be considered automatic for renewals for maintenance (Special Item Number 132-12). Automatic acceptance of order renewals for maintenance service shall apply for machines which may have been discontinued from use for temporary periods of time not longer than 120 calendar days. If the order is not confirmed by the Contractor as prescribed by this paragraph, the order shall be considered to be confirmed by the Contractor. b. The Contractor shall honor orders for maintenance for the duration of the contract period or a lesser period of time, for the equipment shown in the pricelist. Maintenance service shall commence on a mutually agreed upon date, which will be written into the maintenance order. Maintenance orders shall not be made effective before the expiration of any applicable maintenance and parts guarantee/warranty period associated with the purchase of equipment. Orders for maintenance service shall not extend beyond the end of the contract period. c. Maintenance may be discontinued by the ordering activity on thirty (30) calendar days written notice, or shorter notice when agreed to by the Contractor; such notice to become effective thirty (30) calendar days from the date on the notification. However, the ordering activity may extend the original discontinuance date upon written notice to the Contractor, provided that such notice is furnished at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the original discontinuance date. d. Annual Funding. When annually appropriated funds are cited on a maintenance order, the period of maintenance shall automatically expire on September 30th of the contract period, or at the end of the contract period, whichever occurs first. Renewal of a maintenance order citing the new appropriation shall be required, if maintenance is to continue during any remainder of the contract period. e. Cross year Funding Within Contract Period. Where an ordering activity's specific appropriation authority provides for funds in excess of a 12 month, fiscal year period, the ordering activity may place an order under this schedule contract for a period up to the expiration of the contract period, notwithstanding the intervening fiscal years. f. Ordering activities should notify the Contractor in writing thirty (30) calendar days prior to the expiration of maintenance service, if maintenance is to be terminated at that time. Orders for continued maintenance will be required if maintenance is to be continued during the subsequent period. GS-35F-0351J Page 8 3. REPAIR SERVICE AND REPAIR PARTS/SPARE PARTS ORDERS a. Agencies may use written orders, EDI orders, credit card orders, blanket purchase agreements (BPAs), or small order procedures for ordering repair service and/or repair parts/spare parts under this contract. Orders for repair service shall not extend beyond the end of the contract period. b. When repair service is ordered, only one chargeable repairman shall be dispatched to perform repair service, unless the ordering activity agrees, in advance, that additional repair personnel are required to effect repairs. 4. LOSS OR DAMAGE When the Contractor removes equipment to his establishment for repairs, the Contractor shall be responsible for any damage or loss, from the time the equipment is removed from the ordering activity installation, until the equipment is returned to such installation. 5. SCOPE a. The Contractor shall provide maintenance for all equipment listed herein, as requested by the ordering activity during the contract term. Repair service and repair parts/spare parts shall apply exclusively to the equipment types/models within the scope of this Information Technology Schedule. b. Equipment placed under maintenance service shall be in good operating condition. (1) In order to determine that the equipment is in good operating condition, the equipment shall be subject to inspection by the Contractor, without charge to the ordering activity. (2) Costs of any repairs performed for the purpose of placing the equipment in good operating condition shall be borne by the Contractor, if the equipment was under the Contractor's guarantee/warranty or maintenance responsibility prior to the effective date of the maintenance order. (3) If the equipment was not under the Contractor's responsibility, the costs necessary to place the equipment in proper operating condition are to be borne by the ordering activity, in accordance with the provisions of Special Item Number 132-12 (or outside the scope of this contract). 6. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE ORDERING ACTIVITY a. Ordering activity personnel shall not perform maintenance or attempt repairs to equipment while such equipment is under the purview of a maintenance order, unless agreed to by the Contractor. b. Subject to security regulations, the ordering activity shall permit access to the equipment which is to be maintained or repaired. c. If the Ordering Activity desires a factory authorized/certified service personnel then this should be clearly stated in the task or delivery order. 7. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CONTRACTOR a. For equipment not covered by a maintenance contract or warranty, the Contractor's repair service personnel shall complete repairs as soon as possible after notification by the ordering activity that service is required. Within the service areas, this repair service should normally be done within 4 hours after notification. b. If the Ordering Activity task or delivery order specifies a factory authorized/certified service personnel then the Contractor is obligated to provide such a factory authorized/certified service personnel for the equipment to be repaired or serviced, unless otherwise agreed to in advance between the Agency and the Contractor. GS-35F-0351J Page 9 8. MAINTENANCE RATE PROVISIONS a. The Contractor shall bear all costs of maintenance, including labor, parts, and such other expenses as are necessary to keep the equipment in good operating condition, provided that the required repairs are not occasioned by fault or negligence of the ordering activity. b. REGULAR HOURS The basic monthly rate for each make and model of equipment shall entitle the ordering activity to maintenance service during a mutually agreed upon nine (9) hour principal period of maintenance, Monday through Friday, exclusive of holidays observed at the ordering activity location. c. AFTER HOURS Should the ordering activity require that maintenance be performed outside of Regular Hours, charges for such maintenance, if any, will be specified in the pricelist. Periods of less than one hour will be prorated to the nearest quarter hour. d. TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION If any charge is to apply, over and above the regular maintenance rates, because of the distance between the ordering activity location and the Contractor's service area, the charge will be negotiated at the Task Order level. e. QUANTITY DISCOUNTS Quantity discounts from listed maintenance service rates for multiple equipment owned and/or leased by a ordering activity are indicated below: Quantity Range Discounts ________ Units ________% ________ Units ________% ________ Units ________% 9. REPAIR SERVICE RATE PROVISIONS a. CHARGES. Charges for repair service will include the labor charge, computed at the rates set forth below, for the time during which repairmen are actually engaged in work, and, when applicable, the charge for travel or transportation. b. MULTIPLE MACHINES. When repairs are ordered by a ordering activity on two or more machines located in one or more buildings within walking distance of each other, the charges will be computed from the time the repairman commences work on the first machine, until the work is completed on the last machine. The time required to go from one machine to another, or from one building to another, will be considered actual work performance, and chargeable to the ordering activity, provided the time consumed in going between machines (or buildings) is reasonable. c. TRAVEL OR TRANSPORTATION (1) AT THE CONTRACTOR'S SHOP (a) When equipment is returned to the Contractor's shop for adjustments or repairs which are not covered by the guarantee/warranty provision, the cost of transportation, packing, etc., from the ordering activity location to the Contractor's plant, and return to the ordering activity location, shall be borne by the ordering activity. (b) The ordering activity should not return defective equipment to the Contractor for adjustments and repairs or replacement without his prior consultation and instruction and issuance of an RMA (Return Material Authorization). To obtain a RMA, please call 800-344-4276. GS-35F-0351J Page 10 (2) AT THE ORDERING ACTIVITY LOCATION (Within Established Service Areas) When equipment is repaired at the ordering activity location, and repair service rates are established for service areas or zones, the listed rates are applicable to any ordering activity location within such service areas or zones. No extra charge, time, or expense will be allowed for travel or transportation of repairmen or machines to or from the ordering activity office; such overhead is included in the repair service rates listed. (3) AT THE ORDERING ACTIVITY LOCATION (Outside Established Service Areas) (a) If repairs are to be made at the ordering activity location, and the location is outside the service area as shown in paragraph 1.a, the repair service and mileage rates negotiated per subparagraphs 1.a and 8.d will apply. (b) When the overall travel charge computed at the above mileage rate is unreasonable (considering the time required for travel, actual and necessary transportation costs, and the allowable ordering activity per diem rate for each night the repairman is required to remain overnight at the ordering activity location), the ordering activity shall have the option of reimbursing the Contractor for actual costs, provided that the actual costs are reasonable and allowable. The Contractor shall furnish the ordering activity with a report of travel performed and related expenses incurred. The report shall include departure and arrival dates, times, and the applicable mode of travel. d. LABOR RATES (1) REGULAR HOURS The Regular Hours repair service rates listed herein shall entitle the ordering activity to repair service during the period 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, exclusive of holidays observed at the ordering activity location. There shall be no additional charge for repair service which was requested during Regular Hours, but performed outside the Regular Hours defined above, at the convenience of the Contractor. (2) AFTER HOURS When the ordering activity requires that repair service be performed outside the Regular Hours defined above, except Sundays and Holidays observed at the ordering activity location, the After Hours repair service rates listed herein shall apply. The Regular Hours rates defined above shall apply when repair service is requested during Regular Hours, but performed After Hours at the convenience of the Contractor. (3) SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS When the ordering activity requires that repair service be performed on Sundays and Holidays observed at the ordering activity location, the Sundays and Holidays repair service rates listed herein shall apply. When repair service is requested to be performed during Regular Hours and/or After Hours, but is performed at the convenience of the Contractor on Sundays or Holidays observed at the ordering activity location, the Regular Hours and/or After Hours repair service rates, as applicable, shall apply. 10. REPAIR PARTS/SPARE PARTS RATE PROVISIONS All parts, furnished as spares or as repair parts in connection with the repair of equipment, unless otherwise indicated in this pricelist, shall be new, standard parts manufactured by the equipment manufacturer. All parts shall be furnished at prices indicated in the Contractor's commercial pricelist dated ______________, at a discount of ______% from such listed prices. 11. GUARANTEE/WARRANTY--REPAIR SERVICE AND REPAIR PARTS/SPARE PARTS a. REPAIR SERVICE All repair work will be guaranteed/warranted for a period of six (6) months. b. REPAIR PARTS/SPARE PARTS All parts, furnished either as spares or repairs parts will be guaranteed/warranted for a period of six (6) months. GS-35F-0351J Page 11 12. INVOICES AND PAYMENTS a. Maintenance Service (1) Invoices for maintenance service shall be submitted by the Contractor on a quarterly or monthly basis, after the completion of such period. Maintenance charges must be paid in arrears (31 U.S.C. 3324). PROMPT PAYMENT DISCOUNT, IF APPLICABLE, SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE INVOICE. (2) Payment for maintenance service of less than one month's duration shall be prorated at 1/30th of the monthly rate for each calendar day. c. Repair Service and Repair Parts/Spare Parts Invoices for repair service and parts shall be submitted by the Contractor as soon as possible after completion of work. Payment under blanket purchase agreements will be made quarterly or monthly, except where cash payment procedures are used. Invoices shall be submitted separately to each ordering activity office ordering services under the contract. The cost of repair parts shall be shown as a separate item on the invoice, and shall be priced in accordance with paragraph #10, above. PROMPT PAYMENT DISCOUNT, IF APPLICABLE, SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE INVOICE. GS-35F-0351J Page 12 TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (SPECIAL ITEM NUMBER 132-51) 1. SCOPE a. The prices, terms and conditions stated under Special Item Number 132-51 Information Technology Professional Services apply exclusively to IT Professional Services within the scope of this Information Technology Schedule. b. The Contractor shall provide services at the Contractor's facility and/or at the ordering activity location, as agreed to by the Contractor and the ordering activity. 2. PERFORMANCE INCENTIVES I-FSS-60 Performance Incentives (April 2000) a. Performance incentives may be agreed upon between the Contractor and the ordering activity on individual fixed price orders or Blanket Purchase Agreements under this contract. b. The ordering activity must establish a maximum performance incentive price for these services and/or total solutions on individual orders or Blanket Purchase Agreements. c. Incentives should be designed to relate results achieved by the contractor to specified targets. To the maximum extent practicable, ordering activities shall consider establishing incentives where performance is critical to the ordering activity's mission and incentives are likely to motivate the contractor. Incentives shall be based on objectively measurable tasks. 3. ORDER a. Agencies may use written orders, EDI orders, blanket purchase agreements, individual purchase orders, or task orders for ordering services under this contract. Blanket Purchase Agreements shall not extend beyond the end of the contract period; all services and delivery shall be made and the contract terms and conditions shall continue in effect until the completion of the order. Orders for tasks which extend beyond the fiscal year for which funds are available shall include FAR 52.232-19 (Deviation - May 2003) Availability of Funds for the Next Fiscal Year. The purchase order shall specify the availability of funds and the period for which funds are available. b. All task orders are subject to the terms and conditions of the contract. In the event of conflict between a task order and the contract, the contract will take precedence. 4. PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES a. The Contractor shall commence performance of services on the date agreed to by the Contractor and the ordering activity. b. The Contractor agrees to render services only during normal working hours, unless otherwise agreed to by the Contractor and the ordering activity. c. The ordering activity should include the criteria for satisfactory completion for each task in the Statement of Work or Delivery Order. Services shall be completed in a good and workmanlike manner. d. Any Contractor travel required in the performance of IT Services must comply with the Federal Travel Regulation or Joint Travel Regulations, as applicable, in effect on the date(s) the travel is performed. Established Federal Government per diem rates will apply to all Contractor travel. Contractors cannot use GSA city pair contracts. GS-35F-0351J Page 13 5. STOP-WORK ORDER (FAR 52.242-15) (AUG 1989) a. The Contracting Officer may, at any time, by written order to the Contractor, require the Contractor to stop all, or any part, of the work called for by this contract for a period of 90 days after the order is delivered to the Contractor, and for any further period to which the parties may agree. The order shall be specifically identified as a stop-work order issued under this clause. Upon receipt of the order, the Contractor shall immediately comply with its terms and take all reasonable steps to minimize the incurrence of costs allocable to the work covered by the order during the period of work stoppage. Within a period of 90 days after a stop-work is delivered to the Contractor, or within any extension of that period to which the parties shall have agreed, the Contracting Officer shall either(1) Cancel the stop-work order; or (2) Terminate the work covered by the order as provided in the Default, or the Termination for Convenience of the Government, clause of this contract. b. If a stop-work order issued under this clause is canceled or the period of the order or any extension thereof expires, the Contractor shall resume work. The Contracting Officer shall make an equitable adjustment in the delivery schedule or contract price, or both, and the contract shall be modified, in writing, accordingly, if(1) The stop-work order results in an increase in the time required for, or in the Contractor's cost properly allocable to, the performance of any part of this contract; and (2) The Contractor asserts its right to the adjustment within 30 days after the end of the period of work stoppage; provided that, if the Contracting Officer decides the facts justify the action, the Contracting Officer may receive and act upon the claim submitted at any time before final payment under this contract. c. If a stop-work order is not canceled and the work covered by the order is terminated for the convenience of the Government, the Contracting Officer shall allow reasonable costs resulting from the stop-work order in arriving at the termination settlement. d. If a stop-work order is not canceled and the work covered by the order is terminated for default, the Contracting Officer shall allow, by equitable adjustment or otherwise, reasonable costs resulting from the stop-work order. 6. INSPECTION OF SERVICES In accordance with FAR 52.212-4 CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS--COMMERCIAL ITEMS (MAR 2009) (DEVIATION I - FEB 2007) for Firm-Fixed Price orders and FAR 52.212-4 CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS COMMERCIAL ITEMS (MAR 2009) (ALTERNATE I OCT 2008) (DEVIATION I - FEB 2007) applies to Time-and-Materials and Labor-Hour Contracts orders placed under this contract. 7. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CONTRACTOR The Contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations (Federal, State, City, or otherwise) covering work of this character. If the end product of a task order is software, then FAR 52.227-14 (Dec 2007) Rights in Data - General, may apply. 8. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE ORDERING ACTIVITY Subject to security regulations, the ordering activity shall permit Contractor access to all facilities necessary to perform the requisite IT Professional Services. GS-35F-0351J Page 14 9. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR All IT Professional Services performed by the Contractor under the terms of this contract shall be as an independent Contractor, and not as an agent or employee of the ordering activity. 10. ORGANIZATIONAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST a. Definitions. "Contractor" means the person, firm, unincorporated association, joint venture, partnership, or corporation that is a party to this contract. "Contractor and its affiliates" and "Contractor or its affiliates" refers to the Contractor, its chief executives, directors, officers, subsidiaries, affiliates, subcontractors at any tier, and consultants and any joint venture involving the Contractor, any entity into or with which the Contractor subsequently merges or affiliates, or any other successor or assignee of the Contractor. An "Organizational conflict of interest" exists when the nature of the work to be performed under a proposed ordering activity contract, without some restriction on ordering activities by the Contractor and its affiliates, may either (i) result in an unfair competitive advantage to the Contractor or its affiliates or (ii) impair the Contractor's or its affiliates' objectivity in performing contract work. b. To avoid an organizational or financial conflict of interest and to avoid prejudicing the best interests of the ordering activity, ordering activities may place restrictions on the Contractors, its affiliates, chief executives, directors, subsidiaries and subcontractors at any tier when placing orders against schedule contracts. Such restrictions shall be consistent with FAR 9.505 and shall be designed to avoid, neutralize, or mitigate organizational conflicts of interest that might otherwise exist in situations related to individual orders placed against the schedule contract. Examples of situations, which may require restrictions, are provided at FAR 9.508. 11. INVOICES The Contractor, upon completion of the work ordered, shall submit invoices for IT Professional services. Progress payments may be authorized by the ordering activity on individual orders if appropriate. Progress payments shall be based upon completion of defined milestones or interim products. Invoices shall be submitted monthly for recurring services performed during the preceding month. 12. PAYMENTS For firm-fixed price orders the ordering activity shall pay the Contractor, upon submission of proper invoices or vouchers, the prices stipulated in this contract for service rendered and accepted. Progress payments shall be made only when authorized by the order. For time-and-materials orders, the Payments under Time-and-Materials and LaborHour Contracts at FAR 52.212-4 (MAR 2009) (ALTERNATE I - OCT 2008) (DEVIATION I - FEB 2007) applies to time-and-materials orders placed under this contract. For labor-hour orders, the Payment under Time-and-Materials and Labor-Hour Contracts at FAR 52.212-4 (MAR 2009) (ALTERNATE I - OCT 2008) (DEVIATION I - FEB 2007) applies to labor-hour orders placed under this contract. 52.216-31(Feb 2007) Time-and-Materials/Labor-Hour Proposal Requirements--Commercial Item Acquisition. As prescribed in 16.601(e)(3), insert the following provision: (a) The Government contemplates award of a Time-and-Materials or Labor-Hour type of contract resulting from this solicitation. (b) The offeror must specify fixed hourly rates in its offer that include wages, overhead, general and administrative expenses, and profit. The offeror must specify whether the fixed hourly rate for each labor category applies to labor performed by-- (1) GS-35F-0351J The offeror; Page 15 13. (2) Subcontractors; and/or (3) Divisions, subsidiaries, or affiliates of the offeror under a common control. RESUMES Resumes shall be provided to the GSA Contracting Officer or the user ordering activity upon request. 14. INCIDENTAL SUPPORT COSTS Incidental support costs are available outside the scope of this contract. The costs will be negotiated separately with the ordering activity in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the FAR. 15. APPROVAL OF SUBCONTRACTS The ordering activity may require that the Contractor receive, from the ordering activity's Contracting Officer, written consent before placing any subcontract for furnishing any of the work called for in a task order. 16. DESCRIPTION OF IT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AND PRICING a. The Contractor shall provide a description of each type of IT Service offered under Special Item Numbers 13251 IT Professional Services should be presented in the same manner as the Contractor sells to its commercial and other ordering activity customers. If the Contractor is proposing hourly rates, a description of all corresponding commercial job titles (labor categories) for those individuals who will perform the service should be provided. b. Pricing for all IT Professional Services shall be in accordance with the Contractor's customary commercial practices; e.g., hourly rates, monthly rates, term rates, and/or fixed prices, minimum general experience and minimum education. GS-35F-0351J Page 16 DIGI INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION - LABOR CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONS Job Title: Application Developer I Minimum/General Experience: 3 years Experience in a similar field Functional Responsibility: Performs basic front-end web application development and design contributing to the overall end-user experience. Minimum Education: Bachelor's Degree; Electronic Engineering or Computer Science Job Title: Application Developer II Minimum/General Experience: 5 years Experience in a similar field Functional Responsibility: Designs custom back-end application support (firmware, drivers, database management tools), designs and implements applications for mobile devices, performs front end web application development and design. Minimum Education: Bachelor's Degree; Electronic Engineering or Computer Science Job Title: Application Developer III Minimum/General Experience: 7 years Experience in a similar field Functional Responsibility: Responsible for general consulting on application development and systems architecture. Designs and implements applications for mobile devices, performs front end web application development and design. Minimum Education: Bachelor's Degree; Electronic Engineering or Computer Science Job Title: Solutions Architect Minimum/General Experience: 8 years Experience in a similar field Functional Responsibility: Functions as a solutions specialist- provides presales technical support and business/application analysis; designs solutions across a broad product and service related infrastructure. Minimum Education: Bachelor's Degree in a related field Job Title: Project Manager Minimum/General Experience: Qualification in project management or equivalent degree Functional Responsibility: Functional Responsible for planning, scheduling, executing, and closing projects according to requirements received. Coordinates efforts and acts as primary customer contact during production. Minimum Education: Bachelor's Degree in a related field GS-35F-0351J Page 17 AWARDED GSA SCHEDULE CONTRACT PRICING SIN 132-51 SERVICE CATEGORY MINIMUM EDUCATION/ CERTIFICATION LEVEL MINIMUM YEARS OF EXPERIENCE GSA RATE (INCLUDING IFF) iDigi-AppDev I Application Developer I Bachelor's 3 years $117.28 132-51 iDigi-AppDev II Application Developer II Bachelor's 5 years $146.60 132-51 iDigi-AppDev III Application Developer III Bachelor's 7 years $185.69 132-51 iDigi-AppDev Solutions Architect Solutions Architect Bachelor's 8 years $195.47 132-51 iDigi-AppDev Project Manager Project Manager Bachelor's 2 years $151.49 SIN SERVICE CATEGORY CODE 132-51 GS-35F-0351J Page 18 USA COMMITMENT TO PROMOTE SMALL BUSINESS PARTICIPATION PROCUREMENT PROGRAMS 1. PREAMBLE: Contractor provides commercial products and services to the ordering activities. We are committed to promoting participation of small, small disadvantaged and women-owned small businesses in our contracts. We pledge to provide opportunities to the small business community through reselling opportunities, mentor-protege programs, joint ventures, teaming arrangements, and subcontracting. 2. COMMITMENT: a. To actively seek and partner with small businesses. b. To identify, qualify, mentor and develop small, small disadvantaged and women-owned small businesses by purchasing from these businesses whenever practical. c. To develop and promote company policy initiatives that demonstrate our support for awarding contracts and subcontracts to small business concerns. d. To undertake significant efforts to determine the potential of small, small disadvantaged and women-owned small business to supply products and services to our company. e. To insure procurement opportunities are designed to permit the maximum possible participation of small, small disadvantaged, and women-owned small businesses. f. To attend business opportunity workshops, minority business enterprise seminars, trade fairs, procurement conferences, etc., to identify and increase small businesses with whom to partner. g. To publicize in our marketing publications our interest in meeting small businesses that may be interested in subcontracting opportunities. We signify our commitment to work in partnership with small, small disadvantaged and women-owned small businesses to promote and increase their participation in ordering activity contracts. To accelerate potential opportunities, please contact the Contractor. GS-35F-0351J Page 19 SUGGESTED FORMATS FOR BLANKET PURCHASE AGREEMENTS BEST VALUE BLANKET PURCHASE AGREEMENT FEDERAL SUPPLY SCHEDULE (Insert Customer Name) In the spirit of the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act (Ordering Activity) and (Contractor) enter into a cooperative agreement to further reduce the administrative costs of acquiring commercial items from the General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Supply Schedule Contract(s) ____________________. Federal Supply Schedule contract BPAs eliminate contracting and open market costs such as: search for sources; the development of technical documents, solicitations and the evaluation of offers. Teaming Arrangements are permitted with Federal Supply Schedule Contractors in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 9.6. This BPA will further decrease costs, reduce paperwork, and save time by eliminating the need for repetitive, individual purchases from the schedule contract. The end result is to create a purchasing mechanism for the ordering activity that works better and costs less. Signatures Ordering Activity Date Contractor Date GS-35F-0351J Page 20 BPA NUMBER_____________ (CUSTOMER NAME) BLANKET PURCHASE AGREEMENT Pursuant to GSA Federal Supply Schedule Contract Number(s) ____________, Blanket Purchase Agreements, the Contractor agrees to the following terms of a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) EXCLUSIVELY WITH (Ordering Activity): (1) The following contract items can be ordered under this BPA. All orders placed against this BPA are subject to the terms and conditions of the contract, except as noted below: MODEL/PART NUMBER*SPECIAL BPA DISCOUNT/PRICE (2) Delivery: DESTINATION DELIVERY SCHEDULE/DATES (3) The ordering activity estimates, but does not guarantee, that the volume of purchases through this agreement will be ______________. (4) This BPA does not obligate any funds. (5) This BPA expires on _________________ or at the end of the contract period, whichever is earlier. (6) The following office(s) is hereby authorized to place orders under this BPA: OFFICE POINT OF CONTACT (7) Orders will be placed against this BPA via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), FAX, or paper. (8) Unless otherwise agreed to, all deliveries under this BPA must be accompanied by delivery tickets or sales slips that must contain the following information as a minimum: (a) Name of Contractor; (b) Contract Number; (c) BPA Number; (d) Model Number or National Stock Number (NSN); (e) Purchase Order Number; (f) Date of Purchase; (g) Quantity, Unit Price, and Extension of Each Item (unit prices and extensions need not be shown when incompatible with the use of automated systems; provided, that the invoice is itemized to show the information); and (h) Date of Shipment. GS-35F-0351J Page 21 (9) The requirements of a proper invoice are specified in the Federal Supply Schedule contract. Invoices will be submitted to the address specified within the purchase order transmission issued against this BPA. (10) The terms and conditions included in this BPA apply to all purchases made pursuant to it. In the event of an inconsistency between the provisions of this BPA and the Contractor's invoice, the provisions of this BPA will take precedence. GS-35F-0351J Page 22 BASIC GUIDELINES FOR USING "CONTRACTOR TEAM ARRANGEMENTS" Federal Supply Schedule Contractors may use "Contractor Team Arrangements" (see FAR 9.6) to provide solutions when responding to an ordering activity requirements. These Team Arrangements can be included under a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA). BPAs are permitted under all Federal Supply Schedule contracts. Orders under a Team Arrangement are subject to terms and conditions or the Federal Supply Schedule Contract. Participation in a Team Arrangement is limited to Federal Supply Schedule Contractors. Customers should refer to FAR 9.6 for specific details on Team Arrangements. Here is a general outline on how it works: The customer identifies their requirements. Federal Supply Schedule Contractors may individually meet the customers needs, or - Federal Supply Schedule Contractors may individually submit a Schedules "Team Solution" to meet the customer's requirement. Customers make a best value selection. GS-35F-0351J Page 23 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 MFR Part Number UOI 300 Based Dev Kits RCM3000 DEV KIT Universal EA 101-0530 TOOLKT LP3500 Tool Kit Universal EA $155.50 US 101-0533 300 Based Dev Kits RCM3100 DEV KIT Universal EA $185.42 US 101-0552 300 Based Dev Kits RCM3209 DEV KIT UNIVERSAL EA $270.76 US 101-0587 300 Based Dev Kits RCM3400 DEV KIT Universal EA $309.55 US 101-0679 300 Based Dev Kits RCM3600 DEV KIT Universal EA $231.97 US 101-0681 300 Based Dev Kits RCM3700 DEV KIT Universal EA $231.97 US 101-0964 300 Based Dev Kits RCM3720 ETHERNET KIT Universal EA $154.39 US 101-1066 EA $40.07 US 101-1115 RCM3720 Proto RCM3720 Proto RS232 RS232 4000 Based Dev Kits RCM4010 DEV KIT Universal EA $185.07 US 101-1146 4000 Based Dev Kits RCM4000 Analog Development Kit Universal EA $193.33 US 101-1147 4000 Based Dev Kits RIO PROGRAM I/O KIT EA $232.62 US 101-1156 4000 Based Dev Kits RCM4200 Development Kit Universal EA $208.85 US 101-1158 4000 Based Dev Kits RCM4100 Analog Development Kit Universal EA $177.81 US 101-1177 4000 Based Dev Kits RCM4300 DEV KIT UNIVERSAL EA $232.62 US 101-1262 5000 Based Dev Kits RCM5400W DEV KIT UNIVERSAL EA $232.62 US 101-1279 EA $26.70 US 101-1326 BLxSxxx SBC series BL4S100 STANDARD ENCLOSURE BLACK (Rabbit) PLASTIC 6000 Based Dev Kits RCM6700 Deluxe Kit EA $164.41 US 101-1327 6000 Based Dev Kits RCM6700 Standard Kit EA $92.57 US 151-0075 Lightpipes 4 Unibox Set EA $4.38 US 151-0096 Lightpipes 4 Unibox Set Rabbit Other ASSY RCM30/31/32XX EA $12.41 US 151-0107 Rabbit Other ASSY RCM3400 PROTO EA $12.41 US 151-0128 ADAPTER BOARD RCM3000 Legacy Products: BL1600 Family Legacy Products: CM7100, CM7200 Family Legacy Products: CM7100, CM7200 Family Legacy Products: CM7100, CM7200 Family Legacy Products: CM7100, CM7200 Family Legacy Products: CM7100, CM7200 Family Legacy Products: CM7100, CM7200 Family Legacy Products: BL1500 Family Legacy Products: BL1500 Family ADAPTER BOARD RCM3000 EA $33.05 US BL1600 CNTRL (RoHS) EA $166.29 US CM7130 CORE MOD EA $43.14 MX CM7120 CORE MOD (RoHS) EA $57.81 MX CM7110 CORE MOD (RoHS) EA $72.36 MX CM7100 CORE MOD (RoHS) EA $87.03 MX CM7220 CORE MOD (RoHS) EA $72.36 MX CM7200 CORE MOD (RoHS) EA $101.58 MX BL1520 CNTRL (RoHS) EA $87.03 MX BL1510 CNTRL (RoHS) EA $116.25 MX 20-101-0030 20-101-0078 Digi 20-101-0079 International 132-8 Digi 20-101-0080 International 132-8 Digi 20-101-0081 International 132-8 Digi 20-101-0085 International 132-8 Digi 20-101-0087 International 132-8 Digi 20-101-0133 International Digi 20-101-0134 International GS-35F-0351J Product Description 101-0523 132-8 132-8 Product Name GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $231.97 US through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 24 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $80.44 MX 132-8 Digi 20-101-0181 International Legacy Products: XP XP8100 EXP BRD (RoHS) EXP Board Family EA 132-8 Digi 20-101-0183 International Legacy Products: XP XP8120 EXP BRD EXP Board Family EA $91.39 MX 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 20-101-0184 FWT50 MODULE FWT50 MODULE EA $15.70 MX 20-101-0185 FWT38 MODULE FWT38 MODULE EA $41.31 MX 20-101-0186 FWT38 OPTO MODULE Legacy Products: BL1700 Family Legacy Products: BL1700 Family Legacy Products: OPI Family SBC & TOOL Kits: BL1800 Family SBC & TOOL Kits: BL1800 Family SBC & TOOL Kits: BL1800 Family 2000 Based Core Modules SBC & TOOL Kits: Smart Star Family 2000 Based Core Modules 2000 Based Core Modules Legacy Products: OPI Family SBC & TOOL Kits: BL2000 Family 2000 Based Core Modules 2000 Based Core Modules 2000 Based Core Modules SBC & TOOL Kits: Smart Star Family 2000 Based Core Modules 2000 Based Core Modules 2000 Based Core Modules SBC & TOOL Kits: BL2000 Family SBC & TOOL Kits: BL2000 Family SBC & TOOL Kits: BL2000 Family SBC & TOOL Kits: BL2100 Family SBC & TOOL Kits: BL2100 Family SBC & TOOL Kits: BL2100 Family SBC & TOOL Kits: BL2100 Family KDU W/OUT CASE 5V ONLY KDU W/BL2100 CASE (RoHS) SBC & TOOL Kits: Smart Star Family 2000 Based Core Modules FWT38 OPTO MODULE EA $57.01 MX BL1700 CNTRL 16IN 16OUT (RoHS) EA $255.13 MX BL1720 CNTRL 16IN 16OUT (RoHS) EA $218.58 MX OP7100 DISPLAY (RoHS) EA $401.35 MX BL1800 JACKRABBIT (RoHS) EA $81.79 MX BL1810 JACKRABBIT (RoHS) EA $57.01 MX BL1820 JACKRABBIT (RoHS) EA $40.48 MX RCM2020 CORE (RoHS) EA $32.22 MX SR9220 DIG I/O 8IN 8OUT EA $48.75 MX RCM2000 CORE (RoHS) EA $57.01 MX RCM2010 CORE (RoHS) EA $40.48 MX OP6600 DISPLAY EA $160.14 MX BL2000 (RoHS) EA $205.72 MX RCM2100 CORE (RoHS) EA $73.53 MX RCM2110 CORE (RoHS) EA $48.75 MX RCM2120 CORE (RoHS) EA $57.01 MX SR9510 RELAY 8 EA $65.27 MX RCM2130 CORE (RoHS) EA $40.48 MX RCM2300 CORE (RoHS) EA $34.70 MX RCM2200 CORE (RoHS) EA $45.44 MX BL2010 (RoHS) EA $164.41 MX BL2020 (RoHS) EA $172.68 MX BL2030 (RoHS) EA $131.37 MX BL2100 (RoHS) EA $280.08 MX BL2110 (RoHS) EA $205.72 MX BL2120 (RoHS) EA $247.03 MX BL2130 (RoHS) EA $172.68 MX KDU W/OUT CASE 5V ONLY EA $72.52 MX KDU W/BL2100 CASE (RoHS) EA $90.56 MX SR9150 ETHERNET CPU (RoHS) EA $131.37 MX RCM2210 CORE (RoHS) EA $45.92 MX 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 GS-35F-0351J 20-101-0214 20-101-0216 20-101-0303 20-101-0356 20-101-0357 20-101-0358 20-101-0383 20-101-0391 20-101-0404 20-101-0405 20-101-0412 20-101-0430 20-101-0434 20-101-0435 20-101-0436 20-101-0440 20-101-0446 20-101-0453 20-101-0454 20-101-0455 20-101-0456 20-101-0457 20-101-0461 20-101-0462 20-101-0463 20-101-0464 20-101-0465 20-101-0466 20-101-0486 20-101-0488 through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 25 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist MFR Part Number SIN MFR Name 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 20-101-0492 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 20-101-0542 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 20-101-0494 20-101-0497 20-101-0502 20-101-0504 20-101-0506 20-101-0507 20-101-0508 20-101-0511 20-101-0513 20-101-0517 20-101-0518 20-101-0520 20-101-0522 20-101-0525 20-101-0526 20-101-0535 20-101-0536 20-101-0537 20-101-0538 20-101-0541 20-101-0561 20-101-0562 20-101-0563 20-101-0565 20-101-0568 20-101-0569 20-101-0575 20-101-0576 20-101-0581 20-101-0589 Digi 20-101-0590 International Digi 20-101-0591 International Digi 20-101-0599 International GS-35F-0351J Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $205.72 MX SBC & TOOL Kits: OPI Family 2000 Based Core Modules SBC & TOOL Kits: OPI Family KDU W/PANEL MOUNT 5V ONLY CABLE, KDU w/mnt HW SR9050 SBC & TOOL Kits: Smart Star Family 3000 Based CORE MODULES 3000 Based CORE MODULES RCM3000/3100/3200 PROTO (RoHS) RABBIT PROG CABLE 2MM RED 3000 Based CORE MODULES 3000 Based CORE MODULES 3000 Based CORE MODULES 3000 Based CORE MODULES SBC & TOOL Kits: LP Family SBC & TOOL Kits: LP Family SBC & TOOL Kits: OPI Family SBC & TOOL Kits: OPI Family SBC & TOOL Kits: OPI Family SBC & TOOL Kits: OPI Family KDU W/PANEL MOUNT 3.3V (RoHS) OP6800 EA RCM2250 CORE (RoHS) EA $65.27 MX OP6810 (RoHS) EA $164.41 MX KDU W/PANEL MOUNT 5V ONLY EA $90.56 MX CABLE, KDU w/mnt HW SR9050 EA $16.52 MX SR9160 CPU (RoHS) EA $98.32 MX RCM3000 RABBITCORE (RoHS) EA $65.27 MX RCM3010 RABBITCORE (RoHS) EA $48.75 MX RCM3000/3100/3200 PROTO (RoHS) EA $98.32 MX RABBIT PROG CABLE 2MM RED EA $20.19 MX RCM3100 RABBITCORE (RoHS) EA $53.70 MX RCM3110 RABBITCORE (RoHS) EA $37.18 MX RCM3200 RABBITCORE (RoHS) EA $73.53 MX RCM3220 RABBITCORE (RoHS) EA $65.27 MX LP3500 (RoHS) EA $164.41 MX LP3510 EA $123.10 MX OP7200 EA $370.96 MX OP7210 EA $329.65 MX OP7200 512/512K EA $404.01 MX OP7210 512/512K EA $362.70 MX KDU W/PANEL MOUNT 3.3V (RoHS) EA $90.56 MX RABBIT PROG CABLE 1.27MM 3000 Based CORE MODULES 3000 Based CORE MODULES RCM3400 PROTO BOARD SBC & TOOL Kits: BL2100 Family SBC & TOOL Kits: BL2100 Family SBC & TOOL Kits: BL2100 Family SBC & TOOL Kits: BL2100 Family SBC & TOOL Kits: BL2100 Family SBC & TOOL Kits: BL2100 Family RABBIT CLONING BOARD 3/5V (RoHS) RABBIT PROG CABLE 1.27MM EA $20.65 MX RCM3400 RABBITCORE (RoHS) EA $57.01 MX RCM3410 RABBITCORE (RoHS) EA $48.75 MX RCM3400 PROTO BOARD EA $139.63 MX BL2100 W/BTM MNT SOCKETS EA $313.13 MX BL2100 W/512K MEM OPTION (RoHS) EA $313.13 MX BL2120 W/BTM MNT SOCKETS (RoHS) EA $280.08 MX BL2500 (RoHS) EA $156.15 MX BL2510 (RoHS) EA $123.10 MX BL2500 SERIES CONNECT EA $14.87 MX RABBIT CLONING BOARD 3/5V (RoHS) EA $73.53 MX SBC & TOOL Kits: BL2000 Family SBC & TOOL Kits: BL2000 Family SBC & TOOL Kits: BL2100 Family BL2010 W/BTM MNT SOCKETS (RoHS) EA $197.46 MX BL2010 W/FRIC LOCK CONNS (RoHS) EA $185.07 MX BL2500 512/512K (RoHS) EA $172.68 MX through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 26 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist MFR Part Number SIN MFR Name 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 20-101-0602 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 20-101-0697 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 20-101-0654 20-101-0672 20-101-0673 20-101-0676 20-101-0732 20-101-0738 20-101-0764 20-101-0775 20-101-0889 20-101-0891 20-101-0955 20-101-1028 20-101-1051 20-101-1067 20-101-1068 20-101-1093 20-101-1094 20-101-1095 20-101-1105 20-101-1110 20-101-1112 20-101-1131 20-101-1132 20-101-1138 20-101-1139 20-101-1153 20-101-1154 20-101-1179 20-101-1183 20-101-1184 Digi 20-101-1185 International GS-35F-0351J Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $197.46 MX SBC & TOOL Kits: BL2100 Family SBC & TOOL Kits: OPI Family 3000 Based CORE MODULES 3000 Based CORE MODULES RCM36/37XX PROF PROTO BRD (RoHS) BL2500 10/100BT 512/512K (RoHS) EA OP6800 W/512K FLASH/SRAM (RoHS) EA $238.77 MX RCM3600 (RoHS) EA $40.48 MX RCM3610 (RoHS) EA $37.18 MX RCM36/37XX PROF PROTO BRD (RoHS) EA $98.32 MX SBC & TOOL Kits: BL2100 Family Legacy Products: OPI Family SBC & TOOL Kits: Smart Star Family Legacy Products: BL1700 Family SBC & TOOL Kits: Smart Star Family SBC & TOOL Kits: BL2600 Family SBC & TOOL Kits: BL2600 Family 2000 Based Core Modules 3000 Based CORE MODULES 3000 Based CORE MODULES 3000 Based CORE MODULES 3000 Based CORE MODULES 4000 Based CORE MODULES 4000 Based CORE MODULES SBC & TOOL Kits: BL2600 Family 4000 Based CORE MODULES Rio Protyping Board BL2101 WITH BOTTOM (RoHS) EA $313.13 MX OP7100 W/512K SRAM (RoHS) EA $451.12 MX SR9150 ETHERNET CPU EA $180.94 MX BL1700 16IN 16OUT WITH EA $319.82 MX SR9160 WITH 512K SRAM (RoHS) EA $147.89 MX BL2600 (RoHS) EA $238.77 MX BL2610 (RoHS) EA $222.25 MX RCM2260 CORE MOD (RoHS) EA $60.31 MX RCM3750 (RoHS) EA $61.14 MX RCM3365 RABBITCORE (RoHS) EA $86.75 MX RCM3305 RABBITCORE (RoHS) EA $98.32 MX RCM3315 RABBITCORE (RoHS) EA $81.79 MX RCM4110 RABBITCORE EA $37.18 MX RCM4000 RABBITCORE EA $73.53 MX BL2600 XD HOT SWAP 10/100 EA $255.29 MX RCM4100 RabbitCore Module EA $62.47 MX Rio Protyping Board EA $57.83 MX 4000 Based CORE MODULES 4000 Based CORE MODULES 4000 Based CORE MODULES 4000 Based CORE MODULES 4000 Based CORE MODULES RCM4000 A/D Proto RCM4010 RABBITCORE EA $57.01 MX RCM4200 RabbitCore Module EA $89.75 MX RCM4210 RabbitCore Module EA $81.49 MX RCM4300 RABBITCORE EA $94.19 MX RCM4310 RABBITCORE EA $81.79 MX RCM4000 A/D Proto EA $81.79 MX 4000 Based CORE MODULES 3000 Based CORE MODULES USB Cable RCM4120 RabbitCore Module EA $52.88 MX RCM3209 RABBITCORE (RoHS) EA $73.53 MX USB Cable EA $32.22 MX EA $21.07 MX EA $23.96 MX Chips: IC CPU RABBIT 2000 (2 pack) Microprocessors and Other Integrated Circuits Chips: IC CPU RABBIT 3000A (2 pack) Microprocessors and Other Integrated Circuits through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 27 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number 132-8 Digi 20-101-1186 International 132-8 Digi 20-101-1187 International 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 20-101-1194 20-101-1195 20-101-1196 20-101-1197 20-101-1201 20-101-1215 20-101-1217 20-101-1220 20-101-1235 20-101-1236 Digi 20-101-1252 International Digi 20-101-1253 International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International GS-35F-0351J 20-101-1254 20-101-1256 20-101-1257 20-101-1258 20-101-1259 20-101-1260 20-101-1267 20-101-1283 20-101-1300 20-101-1305 20-101-1306 20-101-1318 20-101-1319 20-101-1320 20-101-1321 20-101-1328 20-101-1329 20-101-1338 Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $23.96 MX Chips: Microprocessors and Other Integrated Circuits Chips: Microprocessors and Other Integrated Circuits 3000 Based CORE MODULES 3000 Based CORE MODULES 3000 Based CORE MODULES 3000 Based CORE MODULES USB Prog Cable 2MM 4000 Based CORE MODULES 3000 Based CORE MODULES SBC & TOOL Kits: BL4S200 Family 5000 Based CORE MODULES INTERFACE BOARD RCM56/57XX IC CPU RABBIT 4000 (2 pack) EA RABBIT RIO (2-pack) EA $8.26 MX RCM3309 RABBITCORE (RoHS) EA $98.32 MX RCM3319 RABBITCORE (RoHS) EA $81.79 MX RCM3900 RABBITCORE (RoHS) EA $86.75 MX RCM3910 RABBITCORE (RoHS) EA $80.97 MX USB Prog Cable 2MM EA $20.65 MX RCM4050 RABBITCORE EA $87.25 MX RCM3229 RABBITCORE (RoHS) EA $65.27 MX BL4S200 (RCM4310-based) EA $222.25 MX RCM5700 EA $28.92 MX INTERFACE BOARD RCM56/57XX EA $48.75 MX RCM56/57 Prototyping Board RCM56/57XX SERIAL COMMUNICATION BOARD RCM56/57XX DIGITAL I/O BOARD SBC & TOOL Kits: BL4S100 Family SBC & TOOL Kits: BL4S100 Family SBC & TOOL Kits: BL4S100 Family SBC & TOOL Kits: BL4S200 Family SBC & TOOL Kits: BL4S200 Family SBC DEMO BOARD RCM56/57 Prototyping Board EA $28.92 MX RCM56/57XX SERIAL COMMUNICATION BOARD EA $31.03 MX RCM56/57XX DIGITAL I/O BOARD EA $30.67 MX BL4S110 512K EA $106.58 MX BL4S150 1M with Xbee EA $131.37 MX BL4S160 1M EA $114.84 MX BL4S210 (RCM4010-based) EA $189.20 MX BL5S220 (RCM5400-based) EA $230.51 MX SBC DEMO BOARD EA $34.24 MX RCM5600W Interface Board 5000 Based CORE MODULES 3000 Based CORE MODULES 5000 Based CORE MODULES 6000 Based CORE MODULES 6000 Based CORE MODULES 6000 Based CORE MODULES 6000 Based CORE MODULES 3000 Based CORE MODULES 3000 Based CORE MODULES RCM6700 Interface Board RCM5600W Interface Board EA $45.44 MX RCM5710 EA $37.18 MX RCM3700 W/MOUNTING HOLES EA $48.75 MX RCM5750 EA $37.18 MX RCM6700 MiniCore EA $28.92 MX RCM6710 Minicore EA $37.18 MX RCM6750 Minicore EA $42.82 MX RCM6760 Minicore EA $51.08 MX RCM3710 W/MOUNTING HOLS EA $47.09 MX RCM3720 W/MOUNTING HOLES EA $45.44 MX RCM6700 Interface Board EA $48.75 MX through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 28 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $32.22 KR 132-8 Digi 20-151-0178 International USB-to-Serial cable USB-to-Serial cable (new ordering number for (new ordering number P/N 540-0070) for P/N 540-0070) EA 132-8 Digi 20-151-0183 International Digi 20-668-0030 International Universal Power Supply Chips Universal Power Supply EA $32.22 US EA $3.43 KR Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 301-1000-02 USB-to-Serial Converters Edgeport RABBIT I/O CHIP FINAL: MOQ=160 / MULT=160 -- 160 per tray: Must order in multiples of 160 Digi Edgeport 2 port DB-9 USB Converter EA $136.40 US Edgeport 2 port DB-9 USB Converter EA $136.69 US EA $154.30 US EA $255.54 US EA $178.44 US EA $297.21 US EA $475.28 US Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 301-1001-31 Dige Edgeport 2m 2 port DB-9 USB Converter with Metal Chassis Dige Edgeport 4m 4 port DB-9 USB Converter with Metal Chassis Edgeport 2s 2 port RS-232/422/485 serial software selectable DB-9 USB converter Digi Edgeport 4s 4 port RS-232/422/485 software selectable DB-9 USB Converter Digi Edgeport 4s 4 isolated port RS232/422/485 soft selectable DB-9 USB Converter Digi Edgeport 1i 1 port RS-422/485 DB-9 USB Converter Digi Edgeport 8s 8 port RS-232/422/485 software selectable DB-9 USB Converter Digi Edgeport 2c 2 port DB-9 Compact USB Converter Digi Edgeport 22c 2-USB 2-Serial port DB-9 Compact USB Converter Digi Hubport/4cM 10-28V DC powered USB 2.0 hub, metal chassis Digi Hubport/4cM 5V AC powered USB 2.0 hub, metal chassis Digi Edgeport 416 4-USB 16-serial port DB-25 USB Converter Digi Watchport/H USB Humidity & Temperature Sensor Watchport/H 20-Unit bulk pack USB Humidity & Temperature Sensor Digi Watchport/T USB Temperature Sensor EA $97.73 US EA $541.36 US EA $107.72 US EA $115.48 US EA $190.59 US EA $190.59 US EA $595.04 US EA $161.90 US EA $3,162.44 US EA $146.39 US Digi Watchport/D Distance Sensor EA $154.15 US Digi Hubport/4cM Int'l 5V/3A AC powered USB 2.0 hub, metal chassis Edgeport 416 4-USB 16-serial port DB-25 USB Converter Digi Watchport/V 3mm Wide Angle, 8mm Close-up, 12mm Telephoto Lens Pkg (Opt) Digi Watchport/V Wall Mount (Optional) EA $190.98 US EA $596.27 US EA $56.99 US EA $31.56 US Digi Watchport VESA camera mount EA $59.06 US Digi EtherLite 160 16 port RJ-45 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server Digi EtherLite 162 16 port RS-422 RJ-45 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server Digi EtherLite 32 port RJ-45 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server Digi EtherLite 2 port RJ-45 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server Digi EtherLite 160 16 port RJ-45 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server Digi EtherLite 162 16 port RS-422 RJ-45 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server Digi EtherLite 2 port RJ-45 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server Digi EtherLite 32 port RJ-45 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server EA $895.22 US EA $1,408.48 US EA $1,545.67 US EA $537.21 US EA $895.22 US EA $1,408.48 US EA $537.21 US EA $1,545.67 US 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 GS-35F-0351J 301-1000-03 301-1000-80 301-1000-81 301-1000-92 301-1000-94 301-1000-95 USB-to-Serial Converters USB-to-Serial Converters Edgeport USB-to-Serial Converters USB-to-Serial Converters 301-1010-34 USB-to-Serial Converters USB-to-Serial Converters USB-to-Serial Converters USB-to-Serial Converters Hubport 301-1010-36 Hubport 301-1016-16 301-2010-36 USB-to-Serial Converters Environmental Monitoring Environmental Monitoring Environmental Monitoring Environmental Monitoring Hubport 301-2016-16 Edgeport 301-9015-01 70001427 Environmental Monitoring Environmental Monitoring Environmental Monitoring EtherLite 70001428 EtherLite 70001429 EtherLite 70001430 EtherLite 70001528 EtherLite 70001529 EtherLite 70001531 EtherLite 70001533 EtherLite 301-1002-98 301-1003-10 301-1003-30 301-1141-01 301-1141-01B20 301-1144-01 301-1146-01 301-9018-01 301-9025-01 through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 29 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International MFR Part Number Product Name 70001609 ConnectPort LTS 70001610 ConnectPort LTS 70001611 ConnectPort LTS 70001612 ConnectPort LTS 70001613 ConnectPort LTS 70001614 ConnectPort LTS 70001615 ConnectPort LTS 132-8 Digi 70001616 International ConnectPort LTS 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 70001634 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 EA $1,127.96 KR EA $1,127.96 KR EA $1,187.65 KR EA $1,187.65 KR EA $1,307.03 KR ConnectPort LTS 8 port MEI RS232/422/485 RJ-45 terminal server Wireless (Intl) EA $1,307.03 KR ConnectPort LTS ConnectPort LTS 16 MEI 2AC EA $1,760.60 KR 70001654 Accessories NEMA Enclosure EA $82.11 US 70001733 PortServer TS EA $1,071.28 MX EA $865.38 MX EA $1,071.28 MX EA $865.38 MX EA $1,130.97 MX EA $1,130.97 MX EA $1,369.61 MX EA $799.80 US EA $799.80 US EA $1,104.14 MX EA $476.89 US EA $536.58 US 70001908 Digi PortServer TS 16 port RJ-45 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server PortServer TS Digi PortServer TS 8 port RJ-45 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server PortServer TS Digi PortServer TS 16 port RJ-45 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server PortServer TS Digi PortServer TS 8 port RJ-45 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server PortServer TS Digi PortServer TS 16 port rack-mountable RJ45 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server PortServer TS Digi PortServer TS 16 port rack-mountable RJ45 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server PortServer TS Digi PortServer TS 16 port 48Vdc RJ-45 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server EtherLite Digi EtherLite 80 8 port RJ-45 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server EtherLite Digi EtherLite 80 8 port RJ-45 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server PortServer TS Digi PortServer TS 8 port 48Vdc RJ-45 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server PortServer TS Digi PortServer TS M MEI 1 port RS232/422/485 RJ-45 Serial to Ethernet Device Server with Modem PortServer TS Digi PortServer TS M MEI 3 port RS232/422/485 RJ-45 Serial to Ethernet Device Server with Modem Console Management Digi CM 32 port RJ-45 Console Server EA $2,310.72 KR 70001909 Console Management Digi CM 32 port RJ-45 Console Server EA $2,310.72 KR 70001910 Console Management Digi CM 16 port RJ-45 Console Server EA $1,617.27 KR 70001911 Console Management Digi CM 16 port RJ-45 Console Server EA $1,617.27 KR 70001917 PortServer TS EA $357.41 US EA $447.05 US 70001931 Digi PortServer TS H MEI 1 port extended temp/hardened RS-232/422/485 RJ-45 Serial to Ethernet Device Server PortServer TS Digi PortServer TS H MEI 2 port extended temp/hardened RS-232/422/485 RJ45 Serial to Ethernet Device Server Console Management Digi CM 8 port RJ-45 Console Server EA $1,216.24 KR 70001932 Console Management Digi CM 8 port RJ-45 Console Server EA $1,216.24 KR 70001937 Console Management Digi CM 32 port 48 Vdc RJ-45 Console Server EA $2,602.03 KR 70001938 Console Management Digi CM 16 port 48 Vdc RJ-45 Console Server EA $1,907.32 KR 70001949 Console Management Digi CM 48 port RJ-45 Console Server EA $3,316.92 KR 70001734 70001738 70001741 70001742 70001743 70001747 70001767 70001768 70001885 70001898 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 132-8 132-8 Digi 70001918 International 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 GS-35F-0351J EA KR 132-8 132-8 ConnectPort LTS 8 port RS232 RJ-45 terminal server (Dom) ConnectPort LTS 8 port RS232 RJ-45 terminal server (Intl) ConnectPort LTS 8 port MEI RS232/422/485 RJ-45 terminal server (Dom) ConnectPort LTS 8 port MEI RS232/422/485 RJ-45 terminal server (Intl) ConnectPort LTS 8 port RS232 RJ-45 terminal server Wireless (Dom) ConnectPort LTS 8 port RS232 RJ-45 terminal server Wireless (Intl) ConnectPort LTS 8 port MEI RS232/422/485 RJ-45 terminal server Wireless (Dom) $1,008.58 Digi 70001899 International 132-8 UOI EA 132-8 132-8 Product Description GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $1,006.51 KR through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 30 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 MFR Part Number EA 70001951 EA $3,685.72 KR EA $3,685.72 KR 70001953 Console Management Digi CM 48 port dual power RJ-45 Console Server Console Management Digi CM 48 port dual power RJ-45 Console Server Console Management Digi CM 48 port 48 Vdc RJ-45 Console Server EA $3,611.74 KR 70001978 PortServer TS Digi PortServer TS 16 port RS-232/422/485 RJ-45 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server PortServer TS Digi PortServer TS 8 port RS-232/422/485 RJ45 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server PortServer TS Digi PortServer TS 16 port RS-232/422/485 RJ-45 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server PortServer TS Digi PortServer TS 8 port RS-232/422/485 RJ45 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server PortServer TS Digi PortServer TS M MEI 1 port RS232/422/485 RJ-45 Serial to Ethernet Device Server with Modem PortServer TS Digi PortServer TS M MEI 3 port RS232/422/485 RJ-45 Serial to Ethernet Device Server with Modem PortServer TS Digi PortServer TS 2 P MEI, 2 port RS232/422/485 Powered Serial to Ethernet Device Server PortServer TS Digi PortServer TS 4 P MEI, 4 port RS232/422/485 Powered Serial to Ethernet Device Server Console Management Digi RPM 8 port 120 v Remote Power Manager Console Management Digi RPM 8 port 230 v Remote Power Manager EA $1,348.79 MX EA $973.97 MX EA $1,348.79 MX EA $973.97 MX EA $476.89 US EA $536.58 US EA $447.05 US EA $596.27 US EA $497.84 KR EA $497.84 US Console Management Digi RPM 10 port 120 v Remote Power Manager Console Management Digi RPM 10 port 230 v Remote Power Manager Console Management Digi Passport 4 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM (4 RJ-45 serial ports) Console Management Digi Passport 4 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM (4 RJ-45 serial ports) Console Management Digi Passport 8 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM (8 RJ-45 serial ports) Console Management Digi Passport 8 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM (8 RJ-45 serial ports) Console Management Digi Passport 16 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM (16 RJ-45 serial ports) Console Management Digi Passport 16 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM (16 RJ-45 serial ports) Console Management Digi Passport 32 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM (32 RJ-45 serial ports) Console Management Digi Passport 32 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM (32 RJ-45 serial ports) Console Management Digi Passport 48 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM (48 RJ-45 serial ports) Console Management Digi Passport 48 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM (48 RJ-45 serial ports) Console Management Digi Passport 4 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM & internal modem (4 RJ-45 serial ports) Console Management Digi Passport 4 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM & internal modem (4 RJ-45 serial ports) Console Management Digi Passport 8 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM & internal modem (8 RJ-45 serial ports) Console Management Digi Passport 8 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM & internal modem (8 RJ-45 serial ports) Console Management Digi Passport 16 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM & internal modem (16 RJ-45 serial ports) EA $569.44 KR EA $569.44 US EA $1,158.94 KR EA $1,158.94 KR EA $1,370.23 KR EA $1,370.23 KR EA $1,821.42 KR EA $1,821.42 KR EA $2,604.41 KR EA $2,604.41 KR EA $3,612.86 KR EA $3,612.86 KR EA $1,338.01 KR EA $1,338.01 KR EA $1,579.15 KR EA $1,579.15 KR EA $2,060.18 KR 70001952 70001979 70001980 70001981 70001985 132-8 Digi 70001992 International 132-8 Digi 70001993 International 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 70002004 70002005 70002006 70002007 70002256 70002257 70002258 70002259 70002260 70002261 70002262 70002263 70002264 70002265 70002266 132-8 Digi 70002267 International 132-8 Digi 70002268 International 132-8 Digi 70002269 International 132-8 Digi 70002270 International GS-35F-0351J UOI Console Management Digi CM 48 port RJ-45 Console Server Digi 70001986 International 132-8 Product Description 70001950 132-8 132-8 Product Name GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $3,316.92 KR through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 31 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number 132-8 Digi 70002271 International 132-8 Digi 70002272 International 132-8 Digi 70002273 International 132-8 Digi 70002274 International 132-8 Digi 70002275 International 132-8 Product Name Product Description UOI EA Digi 70002276 International Console Management Digi Passport 16 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM & internal modem (16 RJ-45 serial ports) Console Management Digi Passport 32 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM & internal modem (32 RJ-45 serial ports) Console Management Digi Passport 32 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM & internal modem (32 RJ-45 serial ports) Console Management Digi Passport 48 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM & internal modem (48 RJ-45 serial ports) Console Management Digi Passport 48 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM & internal modem (48 RJ-45 serial ports) Console Management Digi Passport 16 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM & dual power (16 RJ-45 serial ports) 132-8 Digi 70002277 International 132-8 GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $2,060.18 KR EA $2,843.04 KR EA $2,843.04 KR EA $3,851.62 KR EA $3,851.62 KR EA $2,119.74 KR Console Management Digi Passport 16 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM & dual power (16 RJ-45 serial ports) EA $2,119.74 KR Digi 70002278 International Console Management Digi Passport 32 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM & dual power (32 RJ-45 serial ports) EA $2,902.73 KR 132-8 Digi 70002279 International Console Management Digi Passport 32 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM & dual power (32 RJ-45 serial ports) EA $2,902.73 KR 132-8 Digi 70002280 International Console Management Digi Passport 48 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM & dual power (48 RJ-45 serial ports) EA $3,911.31 KR 132-8 Digi 70002281 International Console Management Digi Passport 48 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM & dual power (48 RJ-45 serial ports) EA $3,911.31 KR 132-8 Digi 70002282 International EA $2,239.12 KR 132-8 Digi 70002283 International EA $2,239.12 KR 132-8 Digi 70002284 International EA $3,022.11 KR 132-8 Digi 70002285 International EA $3,022.11 KR 132-8 Digi 70002286 International EA $4,030.69 KR 132-8 Digi 70002287 International EA $4,030.69 KR 132-8 Digi 70002288 International Console Management Digi Passport 16 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM, dual power & internal modem (16 RJ45 serial ports) Console Management Digi Passport 16 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM, dual power & internal modem (16 RJ45 serial ports) Console Management Digi Passport 32 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM, dual power & internal modem (32 RJ45 serial ports) Console Management Digi Passport 32 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM, dual power & internal modem (32 RJ45 serial ports) Console Management Digi Passport 48 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM, dual power & internal modem (48 RJ45 serial ports) Console Management Digi Passport 48 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM, dual power & internal modem (48 RJ45 serial ports) Console Management Digi Passport 32 Integrated Console Server w/ freeKVM & DC power (32 RJ-45 serial ports) EA $2,902.73 KR 132-8 Digi 70002315 International PortServer TS EA $447.05 US 132-8 Digi 70002316 International PortServer TS EA $596.27 US 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 70002323 Connect EA $901.24 US 70002324 Connect EA $901.24 US 70002329 Connect EA $988.27 US 70002330 Connect EA $988.27 US 70002333 Accessories EA $63.18 US 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 GS-35F-0351J Digi PortServer TS P MEI 2 port RS232/422/485 Powered Serial to Ethernet Device Server (w/ end-span PoE support added) Digi PortServer TS P MEI 4 port RS232/422/485 Powered Serial to Ethernet Device Server (w/ end-span PoE support added) Digi ConnectPort TS 8 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server (US) Digi ConnectPort TS 8 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server (EU) Digi ConnectPort TS 8 MEI Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server (US) Digi ConnectPort TS 8 MEI Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server (EU) WatchPort distance sensor through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 32 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International MFR Part Number Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $30.71 US 70002334 Accessories WatchPort temperature sensor EA 70002335 Accessories WatchPort temperature and humidity sensor EA $78.98 US 70002373 Console Management Digi Passport 4 FIPS EA $1,447.86 KR 70002374 Console Management Digi Passport 8 FIPS EA $1,712.82 KR 70002375 Console Management Digi Passport 16 2AC FIPS EA $2,574.56 KR 70002376 Console Management Digi Passport 32 2AC FIPS EA $3,553.30 KR 70002377 Console Management Digi Passport 48 2AC FIPS EA $4,888.80 KR 70002388 Connect EA $1,178.12 US 70002389 Connect EA $1,178.12 US 70002403 ConnectPort LTS EA $1,307.03 KR 70002404 ConnectPort LTS EA $1,307.03 KR 70002405 ConnectPort LTS EA $1,521.84 KR 70002406 ConnectPort LTS EA $1,521.84 KR 70002407 ConnectPort LTS EA $1,545.67 KR 70002408 ConnectPort LTS EA $1,545.67 KR 70002409 ConnectPort LTS Digi ConnectPort TS 16 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server (US) Digi ConnectPort TS 16 Serial to Ethernet Terminal Server (EU) ConnectPort LTS 16 port RS232 RJ-45 terminal server (Dom) ConnectPort LTS 16 port RS232 RJ-45 terminal server (Intl) ConnectPort LTS 16 port MEI RS232/422/485 RJ-45 terminal server (Dom) ConnectPort LTS 16 port MEI RS232/422/485 RJ-45 terminal server (Intl) ConnectPort LTS 16 port RS232 RJ-45 terminal server Wireless (Dom) ConnectPort LTS 16 port RS232 RJ-45 terminal server Wireless (Intl) ConnectPort LTS 16 port MEI RS232/422/485 RJ-45 terminal server Wireless (Dom) EA $1,760.60 KR 132-8 Digi 70002410 International ConnectPort LTS ConnectPort LTS 16 port MEI RS232/422/485 RJ-45 terminal server Wireless (Intl) EA $1,760.60 KR 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 70002411 ConnectPort LTS EA $1,724.74 KR 70002412 ConnectPort LTS EA $1,724.74 KR 70002413 ConnectPort LTS EA $2,029.08 KR 70002414 ConnectPort LTS EA $2,029.08 KR 70002415 ConnectPort LTS EA $2,023.19 KR 70002416 ConnectPort LTS EA $2,023.19 KR 70002417 ConnectPort LTS ConnectPort LTS 32 port RS232 RJ-45 terminal server (Dom) ConnectPort LTS 32 port RS232 RJ-45 terminal server (Intl) ConnectPort LTS 32 port MEI RS232/422/485 RJ-45 terminal server (Dom) ConnectPort LTS 32 port MEI RS232/422/485 RJ-45 terminal server (Intl) ConnectPort LTS 32 port RS232 RJ-45 terminal server Wireless (Dom) ConnectPort LTS 32 port RS232 RJ-45 terminal server Wireless (Intl) ConnectPort LTS 32 port MEI RS232/422/485 RJ-45 terminal server Wireless (Dom) EA $2,327.53 KR 132-8 Digi 70002418 International ConnectPort LTS ConnectPort LTS 32 port MEI RS232/422/485 RJ-45 terminal server Wireless (Intl) EA $2,327.53 KR 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 76000423 Accessories Digi EtherLite 32-Port Rack Mount Kit EA $35.87 US 76000641 Accessories Wall-mount Bracket for ConnectPort X4 Gateways and PortServer 1/2/4 products Console Management Digi CM 8 19" Rack Mount Kit EA $23.06 US EA $53.80 US Enclosures & Din-Rail DiN rail mounting bracket (10 piece bulk pack) Mounts Accessories 5VDC IEC320-C14 input plug. CompatibilityVC7400 Accessories Mounting Bracket - Wall-mount. Compatibility: WR41 and WR21 Accessories Antenna - Cellular/GPS Combo, Glass Mount, Penta Band / 1575Mhz, 3.5dBic, 3m cable. EA $95.36 US EA $234.04 TW EA $26.95 US EA $74.95 TW Accessories EA $63.42 TW 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 76000705 76000756-B10 76000773 76000775 76000782 Digi 76000783 International GS-35F-0351J Antenna - WiFI, Surface/Through-hole Mount, 2450/5200Mhz, 10' cable through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 33 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name 132-8 Digi 76000788 International Accessories 132-8 Digi 76000789 International Accessories 132-8 Digi 76000790 International Accessories 132-8 Digi 76000793 International Digi 76000794 International Digi 76000801 International Accessories Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 76000848 Accessories 76000849 Accessories 76000875 Accessories 76000879 Accessories 76000910 Accessories 76000914 Accessories Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 76000915 Accessories 76000916 Accessories 76000917 Accessories 76000918 Accessories Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 76000920 Accessories 76000921 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 Product Description UOI 12VDC Extended Temp IEC320-C14 input plug. Compatibility-WR41 (locking power cord models) 12VDC Extended Temp. IEC320-C14 input plug. Compatibility: WR41 (4-pin power connector models) 12VDC Extended Temp. IEC320-C14 with NEMA 5-15P (NA) power cord. Compatibility: WR41 (4-pin power connector models) Antenna - Cellular Direct Mount Penta Band Antenna Antenna - WiMAX, Direct Mount, 2500/2700Mhz, 5dBi. Antenna - Cellular/GPS Combo, Glass Mount, Penta Band / 1575Mhz, 3.5dBic, 3m cable EA GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $74.84 TW EA $74.84 TW EA $74.84 TW EA $23.06 TW EA $13.91 TW EA $91.62 TW Mounting Bracket - Wall-mount. CompatibilityDR6410. Mounting Bracket - Wall-mount. CompatibilityDR6420/6460. Adapter - 14-pin Phoenix, TransPort Fleet EA $42.12 US EA $37.48 US EA $14.04 TW Mounting Bracket - DIN Rail. Compatibility: WR21. ConnectTank, 1" to 2" NPT Adapter, 2-pack EA $26.95 US EA $32.46 US EA $89.54 TW EA $26.95 US EA $37.48 US EA $232.79 TW EA $934.79 TW EA $14.04 US N/A Power Supply, EtherLite products: EL 2, EL 80, EL 160OLD PART # 76000464 OLD PART # 76000464 Mounting Bracket - DIN Rail. Compatibility: WR44 (models with DSL). Mounting Bracket - DIN Rail (Edge-mount). Compatibility: WR21. AC Power Supply - 24VDC. 4.2A OUT, 67143VDC IN. Compatibility: WR44RR AC Power Supply - 14.2VDC. 30A OUT, 40100VDC IN, Temperature Range: -40C to +70C. Compatibility: WR44RR WR21/WR41/DR64 SIM Security Bracket 2pack WR44 SIM Security Bracket 2pack EA $14.04 US 76000922 N/A WR44R SIM Security Bracket 10pack EA $56.16 US 76000923 N/A WR44R SIM Security Bracket 2pack EA $14.04 US 76000924 Accessories EA $74.84 TW EA $26.95 TW Accessories Accessories Digi 76000926 International Digi 76000926-2 International Digi 76000933 International N/A AC Power Supply - 18VDC, Extended Temp. Brazil AC cord to 4-pin connector. Compatibility: WR44. Antenna - LTE (L3,L4) Accessories Antenna - LTE 746 - 2700MHz, 2-Pack EA $52.65 TW Accessories EA $74.84 TW Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 76000945-2 Accessories AC Power Supply - 18VDC, Extended Temp. Austrailia AC cord to 4-pin connector. Compatibility: WR44. Antenna - Wifi 2.4/5GHz, 2-Pack EA $46.76 TW 76000946 Accessories EA $9.40 US 76000948 Accessories EA $40.99 TW 76002043 Accessories EA $26.95 US 76002052 Accessories EA $13.91 TW 76002056 Accessories 2-pin screw down power connector for TransPort WR21. 2-pack. Cellular Antenna,LTE Mag-Mount, 1-meter cable Mounting Bracket - DIN Rail. CompatibilityWR41. Antenna - Cellular, Direct Mount, Penta Band, 2dBi Xbee SMT Spring Socket (10 13-pin, 5 8-pin) EA $35.10 TW 77000889 Digi Neo and ClassicBoard Digi Neo PCI Express 8 port RS-232 Serial Card w/o Cables (includes low profile bracket) EA $327.67 US GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 34 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number 132-8 Digi 77000890 International 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 Product Name Digi Neo and ClassicBoard A09-HABMMP5I A09-HASM-7 900/868 MHz Antennas 900/868 MHz Antennas A09-HBMM-P5I 900/868 MHz Antennas A09-HBSM-P5I 900/868 MHz Antennas A09-HSM-7 900/868 MHz Antennas A09-HTM-675 900/868 MHz Antennas Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $238.13 US Digi Neo PCI Express 4 port RS-232 Serial Card w/o Cables (includes low profile bracket) EA 900 MHz, 7" half wave, articulating bulkhead, MMCX male, 5" pigtail 900 MHz, 6" half wave, (2.1 dBi) nonarticulating, RPSMA male 900 MHz, 7" half wave, bulkhead, MMCX male, 5" pigtail 900 MHz, 7" half wave, bulkhead mount, RPSMA male, 5" pigtail to RPSMA 900 MHz, 6" half wave, (2.1 dBi) nonarticulating, RPSMA male 900 MHz, 6" half wave, (2.1dBi) nonarticulating antenna w/ RPTNC maleFor XPress Ethernet Bridge Antenna-RA MMCX to 3" Wire EA $18.41 TW EA $7.89 TW EA $18.41 TW EA $18.41 TW EA $17.53 TW EA $18.41 TW EA $11.28 TW 900 MHz, Yagi, 10dBi, directional w/10" RPTNC Male connector & wall mounting bracketfor XPress EB 900 MHz, Yagi, 15dBi, directional w/10" RPTNC Male connector & wall mounting bracketFor XPress Ethernet Bridge 2.4 GHz, 6" articulating dipole (2.1 dBi), 5" pigtail, MMCX male Power-Over-Ethernet Injector EA $96.42 HU EA $109.57 HU EA $18.41 TW EA $17.53 US Digi A09-QRAMM International Digi A09-Y10TMInternational P10I Accessories 132-8 Digi A09-Y15TMInternational P10I 900/868 MHz Antennas 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International A24-HABMMP5I AWPOE 2.4 GHz Antennas AW-TS-44 USB Over IP Digi AnywhereUSB TS 4 RS-232 RJ-45 Serial, 4 USB, 1 10/100 Ethernet network enabled hub EA $653.98 US 132-8 132-8 132-8 900/868 MHz Antennas Cables 132-8 Digi AW-TS-44-W International AnywhereUSB Digi AnywhereUSB TS 4 RS-232 RJ-45 Serial, 4 USB, 1 10/100 Ethernet network enabled hub EA $655.34 US 132-8 Digi CC-3G-IDIGI International Wireless EA $389.87 US 132-8 Digi CC-9C-V212-25 Wired International EA $3,318.06 US 132-8 Digi CC-9C-V212-RJ Wired International EA $103.66 US 132-8 Digi CC-9C-V212-RJ- Wired International 25 Digi ConnectCore 3G 9P 9215 JumpStart Kit for iDigi - Includes Plug-and-Play Software for iDigi access Digi ConnectCore 9C Module w/16MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, Ethernet, USB connectors; 25 pack;Use this part number forexisting customers only - not for new designs Digi ConnectCore 9C Module w/16MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, Ethernet connector; Use this part number for existing customers only - not for new designs Digi ConnectCore 9C Module w/16MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, Ethernet connector; 25 pack;Use this part number for existing customers only - not for new designs EA $2,591.56 US 132-8 Digi CC-9C-V212-Z1 Wired International EA $114.94 US 132-8 Digi CC-9C-V212-Z1- Wired International B EA $2,873.44 US 132-8 Digi CC-9C-V212-Z6 Wired International Digi ConnectCore 9C Module w/16MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, Ethernet, Note: Replaces CC-9C-V212-RJ (Not pin compatible) Digi ConnectCore 9C Module w/16MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, 25 pack;Note: Replaces CC-9C-V212-RJ-25 (Not pin compatible) Digi ConnectCore 9C Module w/16MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, Ethernet, USB connectors; Note: Replaces CC-9C-V212 (Not pin compatible) EA $128.72 US 132-8 Digi CC-9C-V212-Z6- Wired International B EA $3,218.06 US 132-8 Digi CC-9C-V212-ZA Wired International Digi ConnectCore 9C Module w/16MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, Ethernet, USB connectors; 25 pack; Note: Replaces CC-9C-V212-25 (Not pin Compatible) Digi ConnectCore 9C Module w/16MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, Ethernet;Note: Replaces CC-9C-V212-RJ (Not pin compatible) EA $114.94 US GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 35 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $2,873.44 US 132-8 Digi CC-9C-V212-ZA- Wired International B Digi ConnectCore 9C Module w/16MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, Ethernet, 25 pack;Note: Replaces CC-9C-V212-RJ-25 (Not pincompatible) EA 132-8 Digi CC-9C-V223-RJ- Wired International 25 Digi CC-9C-V226-Z6 Wired International ConnectCore 9C ENET 8/32 (25) EA $3,681.81 US EA $147.27 US EA $3,681.81 US EA $140.49 US EA $3,512.19 US EA $156.55 US EA $3,913.69 US EA $165.82 US EA $4,145.56 US EA $478.47 DE 132-8 132-8 Digi International 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 Digi International 132-8 Digi International 132-8 Digi International GS-35F-0351J Digi ConnectCore 9C Module w/32MB SDRAM, 64MB Flash, Ethernet, USB connectors CC-9C-V226-Z6- Wired Digi ConnectCore 9C Module w/32MB B SDRAM, 64MB Flash, Ethernet, USB connectors; 25 pack CC-9C-V226-ZA Wired Digi ConnectCore 9C Module w/32MB SDRAM, 64MB Flash, Ethernet CC-9C-V226-ZA- Wired Digi ConnectCore 9C Module w/32MB B SDRAM, 64MB Flash, Ethernet, 25 pack CC-9C-V237-Z1 Wired Digi ConnectCore 9C Module w/64MB SDRAM, 128MB Flash, no connectors CC-9C-V237-Z1- Wired Digi ConnectCore 9C Module w/64MB B SDRAM, 128MB Flash, no connectors; 25 pack CC-9C-V237-Z6 Wired Digi ConnectCore 9C Module w/64MB SDRAM, 128MB Flash, Ethernet, USB connectors CC-9C-V237-Z6- Wired Digi ConnectCore 9C Module w/64MB B SDRAM, 128MB Flash, Ethernet, USB connectors; 25 pack CC-9P-9215-LX Digi ConnectCore 9P Digi ConnectCore 9P 9215 JumpStart Kit for 9215 JumpStart Kit Digi Embedded Linux; Includes: Digi for Digi Embedded Embedded Linux with Linux 2.6.26 kernel; Linux; Includes: Digi ConnectCore 9P 9215 Module with 32 MB Embedded Linux with SDRAM, 16 MB Flash CC-9P-V524-LX; Linux 2.6.26 kernel; ConnectCore 9P 9215 Development Board ConnectCore 9P power supply, and cables with schematics 9215 Module with 32 MB SDRAM, 16 MB Flash CC-9P-V524LX; ConnectCore 9P 9215 Development Board power supply, and cables with schematics through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 36 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $478.47 DE 132-8 Digi CC-9P-9215International NET Digi ConnectCore 9P 9215 JumpStart Kit for NET+OS 7; Includes: Digi ESP IDE with Integrated Microcross GNU Tools; Digi USB JTAG Link Debugger; ConnectCore 9P 9215 Module with 8 MB SDRAM, 4 MB Flash CC-9P-V502-C; ConnectCore 9P 9215 Development Board power supply, and cables with schematics; NET+Works Design Team License; NET+Works Software, CD and Documentation v.7.x; NET+Works Development Tools: Flash, Web and Build; Express Logic's ThreadX RTOS (royalty free binary version) Digi ConnectCore 9P 9215 JumpStart Kit for NET+OS 7; Includes: Digi ESP IDE with Integrated Microcross GNU Tools; Digi USB JTAG Link Debugger; ConnectCore 9P 9215 Module with 8 MB SDRAM, 4 MB Flash CC-9PV502-C; ConnectCore 9P 9215 Development Board power supply, and cables with schematics; NET+Works Design Team License; NET+Works Software, CD and Documentation v.7.x; NET+Works Development Tools: Flash, Web and Build; Express Logic's ThreadX RTOS (royalty free binary version) EA 132-8 Digi CC-9P-NET International Digi ConnectCore 9P 9360 JumpStart Kit for NET+OS 7; Includes: Digi ESP IDE with Integrated Microcross GNU Tools; Digi USB JTAG Link Debugger; ConnectCore 9P Module with 32MB SDRAM, 32 MB Flash (CC-9P-T225-Z1); ConnectCore 9P Development Board power supply, and cables with schematics; NET+Works Design Team License; NET+Works Software, CD and Documentation v.7.x; NET+Works Development Tools: Flash, Web and Build; Express Logic's ThreadX RTOS (royalty free binary version) Digi ConnectCore 9P 9360 JumpStart Kit for NET+OS 7; Includes: Digi ESP IDE with Integrated Microcross GNU Tools; Digi USB JTAG Link Debugger; ConnectCore 9P Module with 32MB SDRAM, 32 MB Flash (CC-9P-T225Z1); ConnectCore 9P Development Board power supply, and cables with schematics; NET+Works Design Team License; NET+Works Software, CD and Documentation v.7.x; NET+Works Development Tools: Flash, Web and Build; Express Logic's ThreadX RTOS (royalty free binary version) EA $478.47 DE 132-8 Digi CC-9P-T225-Z1 Wired International EA $156.55 US 132-8 Digi CC-9P-T225-Z1- Wired International B EA $3,913.69 US 132-8 Digi CC-9P-T236-Z1 Wired International EA $164.82 US 132-8 Digi CC-9P-T236-Z1- Wired International B Digi ConnectCore 9P 9360 Module 32 MB SDRAM, 32 MB Flash, 177 MHz;Replaces FS3031 Digi ConnectCore 9P 9360 Module 32 MB SDRAM, 32 MB Flash, 177 MHz, 25-piece bulk pack; Replaces FS-3031 Digi ConnectCore 9P 9360 Module 64 MB SDRAM, 64 MB Flash, 177 MHz;Replaces FS3032 Digi ConnectCore 9P 9360 Module 64 MB SDRAM, 64 MB Flash, 177 MHz, 25-piece bulk pack;Replaces FS-3032 EA $4,120.56 US GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 37 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name 132-8 Digi CC-9P-T237-Z1 Wired International 132-8 Digi CC-9P-T237-Z1- Wired International B 132-8 Digi CC-9P-V225-Z1 Wired International 132-8 Digi CC-9P-V225-Z1- Wired International B 132-8 Digi CC-9P-V236-Z1 Wired International 132-8 Digi CC-9P-V236-Z1- Wired International B 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Product Description UOI Digi ConnectCore 9P 9360 Module 64 MB SDRAM, 128 MB Flash single pack;Suitable for all JumpStart Kit Development (Not supported by NET+OS) Digi ConnectCore 9P 9360 Module 64 MB SDRAM, 128 MB Flash 25 pack;Suitable for all JumpStart Kit Development (Not supported by NET+OS) Digi ConnectCore 9P 9360 Module 32 MB SDRAM, 32 MB Flash, -40 to +85 C, 155 MHz;Replaces FS-3033 Digi ConnectCore 9P 9360 Module 32 MB SDRAM, 32 MB Flash, -40 to +85 C, 155 MHz;Replaces FS-3033 Digi ConnectCore 9P 9360 Module 64 MB SDRAM, 64 MB Flash, -40 to +85 C, 155 MHz;Replaces FS-3026 Digi ConnectCore 9P 9360 Module 64 MB SDRAM, 64 MB Flash, -40 to +85 C, 155 MHz;Replaces FS-3026 ConnectCore 9P 9360 128MB Flash 128MB RAM Industrial temp single pack ConnectCore 9P 9360 128 MB Flash 128 MB RAM Industrial temp 25 pack ConnectCore 9P 9215 Module w/8MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, Single Pack EA GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $176.37 US EA $4,609.31 US EA $161.82 US EA $4,045.56 US EA $173.10 US EA $4,327.44 US EA $173.10 US EA $4,327.44 US EA $57.21 US ConnectCore 9P 9215 Module w/8MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, 25 pack EA $1,430.23 US ConnectCore 9P 9215 Module w/8MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, RJ45, Single Pack EA $64.97 US 132-8 Digi CC-9P-V502-ZA- ConnectCore 9P ConnectCore 9P 9215 Module w/8MB SDRAM, International C-B 9215 Module w/8MB 4MB Flash, RJ45, 25 pack SDRAM, 4MB Flash, RJ45, 25 pack EA $1,460.45 DE 132-8 Digi CC-9P-V513-C International EA $69.40 DE 132-8 Digi CC-9P-V513-C- ConnectCore 9P International B 9215 Module w/16MB SDRAM, 8MB Flash, 25 pack Digi CC-9P-V513-LX ConnectCore 9P International 9215 Module w/16MB SDRAM, 8MB Flash, Single pack ConnectCore 9P 9215 Module w/16MB SDRAM, 8MB Flash, 25 pack EA $1,735.01 DE ConnectCore 9P 9215 Module w/16MB SDRAM, 8MB Flash, Single pack EA $69.40 DE Digi CC-9P-V513-LX- ConnectCore 9P International B 9215 Module w/16MB SDRAM, 8MB Flash, 25 pack Digi CC-9P-V524-C Wired International Digi CC-9P-V524-C- Wired International B ConnectCore 9P 9215 Module w/16MB SDRAM, 8MB Flash, 25 pack EA $1,735.01 DE ConnectCore 9P 9215 Module w/32MB SDRAM, 16MB Flash, NET+OS ConnectCore 9P 9215 Module w/32MB SDRAM, 16MB Flash, 25 pack EA $81.92 US EA $2,048.06 US EA $81.79 DE 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 CC-9P-V247-Z1 Wired CC-9P-V247-Z1- Wired B CC-9P-V502-C ConnectCore 9P 9215 Module w/8MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, Single Pack Digi CC-9P-V502-C- ConnectCore 9P International B 9215 Module w/8MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, 25 pack Digi CC-9P-V502-ZA- ConnectCore 9P International C 9215 Module w/8MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, RJ45, Single Pack ConnectCore 9P ConnectCore 9P 9215 Module w/16MB 9215 Module w/16MB SDRAM, 8MB Flash, Single pack SDRAM, 8MB Flash, Single pack ConnectCore 9P 9215 Module w/32MB SDRAM, 16MB Flash, NET+OS, 25 pack Digi CC-9P-V524-LX ConnectCore 9P ConnectCore 9P 9215 Module w/32MB International 9215 Module w/32MB SDRAM, 16MB Flash, 25 pack SDRAM, 16MB Flash, 25 pack GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 38 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $2,044.84 DE 132-8 Digi CC-9P-V524-LX- ConnectCore 9P ConnectCore 9P 9215 Module w/32MB International B 9215 Module w/32MB SDRAM, 16MB Flash, 25 pack SDRAM, 16MB Flash, 25 pack EA 132-8 Digi CC-9P-V527UJ- Wireless International S EA $214.02 US 132-8 Digi International EA $5,350.56 US 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International EA $95.16 US EA $2,379.06 US EA $141.14 DE EA $3,528.46 DE EA $63.27 DE EA $287.03 DE 132-8 132-8 ConnectCore 3G Cellular 9P 9215 Module w/32MB SDRAM, 128MB Flash, Plug and Play, Single Pack; Includes Qualcomm Gobi Module CC-9P-V527UJ- Wireless ConnectCore 3G Cellular 9P 9215 Module S-B w/32MB SDRAM, 128MB Flash, Plug and Play, 25-piece Bulk Pack; Includes Qualcomm Gobi Module CC-9P-V534-LX Wired ConnectCore 9P 9215 Module w/64MB SDRAM, 16MB Flash CC-9P-V534-LX- Wired ConnectCore 9P 9215 Module w/64MB B SDRAM, 16MB Flash, 25 pack CC-9U-T724-Z1 Digi ConnectCore 9U Digi ConnectCore 9U Module 32 MB SDRAM, Module 32 MB 16 MB Flash, Single Pack; Replacement for FSSDRAM, 16 MB 373, which is EOL Flash, Single Pack; Replacement for FS373, which is EOL CC-9U-T724-Z1- Digi ConnectCore 9U Digi ConnectCore 9U Module 32 MB SDRAM, B Module 32 MB 16 MB Flash, 25-piece Bulk Pack; SDRAM, 16 MB Replacement for FS-373, which is EOL Flash, 25-piece Bulk Pack; Replacement for FS-373, which is EOL CC-ACCConnectors for Connectors for baseboard - ConnectCore for 18M433 baseboard i.MX51, Tube of 6; Mating connector FCI P/N ConnectCore for 61083-184409LF or similar i.MX51, Tube of 6; Mating connector FCI P/N 61083-184409LF or similar CC-ACC-DB9C JumpStart Kit JumpStart Kit Baseboard and Power Supply for Baseboard and Digi ConnectCore Wi-9C and 9C (no module) Power Supply for Digi ConnectCore Wi-9C and 9C (no module) 132-8 Digi International 132-8 Digi International 132-8 Digi International 132-8 Digi CC-ACC-DB9P JumpStart Kit International Baseboard and Power Supply for Digi ConnectCore 9P (no module) Digi CC-ACC-DB9P- JumpStart Kit International 9215 Baseboard and Power Supply for Digi ConnectCore 9P 9215 (no module) JumpStart Kit Baseboard and Power Supply for Digi ConnectCore 9P (no module) EA $287.03 DE JumpStart Kit Baseboard and Power Supply for Digi ConnectCore 9P 9215 (no module) EA $287.03 DE Digi International Digi International JumpStart Kit Baseboard and Power Supply for Digi ConnectCore Wi-i.MX51 (no module) Second Ethernet Channel Adapter; Adapter to connect to Second Ethernet channel on JumpStart Kit Development Board EA $363.87 US EA $139.04 DE 132-8 132-8 132-8 GS-35F-0351J CC-ACC-DBMX- Wired 51 CC-ACCSecond Ethernet ETHMX Channel Adapter; Adapter to connect to Second Ethernet channel on JumpStart Kit Development Board through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 39 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $231.74 DE 132-8 Digi CC-ACC-LCDW- LCD Application Kit, International 70 7"WVGA 800x400 with integrated touch; Includes Sharp LQ070Y3DG3B with touch, carrier board and adapter for power from JSK power supply LCD Application Kit, 7"WVGA 800x400 with integrated touch; Includes Sharp LQ070Y3DG3B with touch, carrier board and adapter for power from JSK power supply EA 132-8 Digi International Digi International Connectors for baseboard - ConnectCore 9P 9215 and Wi-9P 9215, Tube of 12 VGA Camera Application Kit; Micron MT9V111 based on OmniVision OV9640 1.3MPixel VGA camera, -20 to +60C Operating Temperature EA $59.08 US EA $139.04 DE ETM Adapter Kit - ConnectCore for i.MX51; Adapter for ETM Trace Support for connecting JTAG Debbuggers - Debbugger and Software support not included EA $139.04 DE ConnectCore i.MX53 module, 1 GHz, 512MB Flash, 512MB RAM, 1xEthernet, single pack EA $127.44 US ConnectCore i.MX53 module, 1 GHz, 512MB Flash, 512MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 25-piece bulk pack ConnectCore i.MX51 ConnectCore i.MX51 module, 800MHz, 128MB module, 800MHz, Flash, 128MB RAM, 1xEthernet, single pack 128MB Flash, 128MB RAM, 1xEthernet, single pack EA $3,112.19 US EA $161.11 DE 132-8 132-8 132-8 CC-ACCMB02945 CC-ACCMT9V111 Wired VGA Camera Application Kit; Micron MT9V111 based on OmniVision OV9640 1.3MPixel VGA camera, -20 to +60C Operating Temperature Digi CC-ACC-MX51- ETM Adapter Kit International ETM ConnectCore for i.MX51; Adapter for ETM Trace Support for connecting JTAG Debbuggers Debbugger and Software support not included Digi CC-MX-KD69- Wired International ZM 132-8 Digi CC-MX-KD69International ZM-B 132-8 Digi CC-MX-LB47International ZM 132-8 Digi CC-MX-LB47International ZM-B Wired ConnectCore i.MX51 module, 800MHz, 128MB Flash, 128MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 25 pack EA $4,034.06 US 132-8 Digi CC-MX-LB58International ZM ConnectCore i.MX51 ConnectCore i.MX51 module, 800MHz, 256MB module, 800MHz, Flash, 256MB RAM, 1xEthernet, single pack 256MB Flash, 256MB RAM, 1xEthernet, single pack EA $177.63 DE 132-8 Digi CC-MX-LB58International ZM-B Wired EA $4,447.81 US 132-8 Digi CC-MX-LB69International ZK ConnectCore i.MX51, ConnectCore i.MX51, 800MHz, 512MB Flash, 800MHz, 512MB 512MB RAM, 2xEthernet, single unit Flash, 512MB RAM, 2xEthernet, single unit EA $198.29 DE 132-8 Digi CC-MX-LB69International ZK-B ConnectCore i.MX51, ConnectCore i.MX51, 800MHz, 512MB Flash, 800MHz, 512MB 512MB RAM, 2xEthernet, 25-piece bulk pack Flash, 512MB RAM, 2xEthernet, 25-piece bulk pack EA $4,957.18 DE 132-8 Digi CC-MX-LB69International ZM ConnectCore i.MX51 ConnectCore i.MX51 module, 800MHz, module, 800MHz, 512MB Flash, 512MB RAM, 1xEthernet, single 512MB Flash, 512MB pack RAM, 1xEthernet, single pack EA $194.16 US GS-35F-0351J Wired ConnectCore i.MX51 module, 800MHz, 256MB Flash, 256MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 25 pack through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 40 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $4,861.56 US 132-8 Digi CC-MX-LB69International ZM-B Wired ConnectCore i.MX51 module, 800MHz, 512MB Flash, 512MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 25 pack EA 132-8 Digi CC-MX-LB6BInternational ZM EA $227.20 DE 132-8 Digi International Digi International ConnectCore i.MX51 ConnectCore i.MX51 module, 600MHz, 2GB module, 600MHz, Flash, 512MB RAM, 1xEthernet, single pack 2GB Flash, 512MB RAM, 1xEthernet, single pack Wired ConnectCore i.MX51 module, 600MHz, 2GB Flash, 512MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 25 pack Wireless ConnectCore i.MX51, i.MX512 @ 800MHz, 128MB Flash, 128MB RAM, no Ethernet, no WLAN, no Accelerometer, single
pack Wired ConnectCore i.MX51, i.MX512 @ 800MHz, 128MB Flash, 128MB RAM, no Ethernet, no WLAN, no Accelerometer, single
pack Wired ConnectCore i.MX53 module, 800MHz, 512MB Flash, 512MB RAM, 1xEthernet, Industrial Temp,single pack Wired ConnectCore i.MX53 module, 800MHz, 512MB Flash, 512MB RAM, 1xEthernet, Industrial Temp,25-piece bulk pack Wired ConnectCore i.MX53 module, 800MHz, 1GB Flash, 512MB RAM, 1xEthernet, Industrial Temp, single pack Wired ConnectCore i.MX53 1G/512 (25) EA $5,689.06 US EA $136.54 US EA $3,413.44 US EA $131.57 US EA $3,216.63 US EA $139.85 US EA $3,425.50 US Wired ConnectCore i.MX53 module, 800MHz, 512MB Flash, 1GB RAM, 2xEthernet, Industrial Temp, single pack Wired ConnectCore i.MX53 module, 800MHz, 512MB Flash, 1GB RAM, 2xEthernet, Industrial Temp, 25-piece bulk pack ConnectCore i.MX51 ConnectCore i.MX51 module, 600MHz, 128MB module, 600MHz, Flash, 128MB RAM, 1xEthernet, Industrial 128MB Flash, 128MB Temp single pack RAM, 1xEthernet, Industrial Temp single pack EA $139.85 US EA $3,425.50 US EA $169.37 DE Wired ConnectCore i.MX51 module, 600MHz, 128MB Flash, 128MB RAM, 1xEthernet, Industrial Temp 25-piece bulk pack ConnectCore i.MX51 ConnectCore i.MX51 module, 600MHz, module, 600MHz, 256MB Flash, 256MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 256MB Flash, 256MB Industrial Temp, single pack RAM, 1xEthernet, Industrial Temp, single pack EA $4,240.94 US EA $185.89 DE Wired ConnectCore i.MX51 module, 600MHz, 256MB Flash, 256MB RAM, 1xEthernet, Industrial Temp, 25-piece bulk pack ConnectCore i.MX51, ConnectCore i.MX51, 600MHz, 512MB Flash, 600MHz, 512MB 512MB RAM, 2xEthernet, Industrial Temp, Flash, 512MB RAM, single unit 2xEthernet, Industrial Temp, single unit EA $4,654.69 US EA $193.65 DE ConnectCore i.MX51, ConnectCore i.MX51, 600MHz, 512MB Flash, 600MHz, 512MB 512MB RAM, 2xEthernet, Industrial Temp, 25Flash, 512MB RAM, piece bulk pack 2xEthernet, Industrial Temp, 25-piece bulk pack EA $4,957.18 DE 132-8 CC-MX-LB6BZM-B CC-MX-LC47Z1 132-8 Digi CC-MX-LC47International Z1-B 132-8 Digi CC-MX-LD69International ZM 132-8 Digi CC-MX-LD69International ZM-B 132-8 Digi CC-MX-LD6AInternational ZM 132-8 Digi International Digi International 132-8 CC-MX-LD6AZM-B CC-MX-LD79ZK 132-8 Digi CC-MX-LD79International ZK-B 132-8 Digi CC-MX-MB47International ZM 132-8 Digi CC-MX-MB47International ZM-B 132-8 Digi CC-MX-MB58International ZM 132-8 Digi CC-MX-MB58International ZM-B 132-8 Digi CC-MX-MB69International ZK 132-8 Digi CC-MX-MB69International ZK-B GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 41 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $202.42 DE 132-8 Digi CC-MX-MB69International ZM ConnectCore i.MX51 ConnectCore i.MX51 module, 600MHz, 512MB module, 600MHz, Flash, 512MB RAM, 1xEthernet, Industrial 512MB Flash, 512MB Temp, single pack RAM, 1xEthernet, Industrial Temp, single pack EA 132-8 Digi CC-MX-MB69International ZM-B ConnectCore i.MX51 ConnectCore i.MX51 module, 600MHz, 512MB module, 600MHz, Flash, 512MB RAM, 1xEthernet, Industrial 512MB Flash, 512MB Temp, 25-piece bulk pack RAM, 1xEthernet, Industrial Temp, 25piece bulk pack EA $5,060.45 DE 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Wireless ConnectCard i.MX280, 128 MB Flash/RAM 1xEthernet, single pack ConnectCard i.MX280, 128 MB Flash/RAM 1xEthernet, 25-piece pack ConnectCard i.MX287, 128 MB Flash/RAM, 2xEthernet, LCD, JTAG, CAN ConnectCard i.MX287, 128/128,2xENET,LCD (25) ConnectCard i.MX287, 128 MB Flash/RAM, 1xEthernet, LCD, JTAG, CAN CC, i.MX287, 128/128,1xENET, LCD (25) EA $65.37 US EA $1,551.56 US EA $73.65 US EA $1,758.44 US EA $69.51 US EA $1,655.00 US ConnectCard i.MX287, 256/256,2xENET,LCD single ConnectCard i.MX287, 256/256,2xENET,LCD (25) Digi ConnectCore Wi-9C Module w/16MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, USB, Ethernet, 802.11b/g, 2 x RP-SMA Digi ConnectCore Wi-9C Module w/16MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, USB, Ethernet, 802.11b/g 2 x RP-SMA, 25 pack Digi ConnectCore Wi-9C Module w/16MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, Ethernet, 802.11b/g 2 x U.FL Digi ConnectCore Wi-9C Module w/16MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, Ethernet, 802.11b/g 2 x U.FL, 25 pack Digi ConnectCore Wi-9C Module w/16MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, Ethernet, 802.11b/g 1 x RP-SMA Digi ConnectCore Wi-9C Module w/16MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, Ethernet, 802.11b/g 1 x RP-SMA, 25 pack Digi ConnectCore Wi-9C Module w/16MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, 802.11b/g 1 x RP-SMA EA $77.79 US EA $1,861.88 US EA $184.37 US EA $4,609.31 US EA $184.37 US EA $4,609.31 US EA $184.37 US EA $4,609.31 US EA $184.37 US Digi ConnectCore Wi-9C Module w/16MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, 802.11b/g 1 x RP-SMA, 25 pack Digi ConnectCore Wi-9C, w/32MB SDRAM, 64MB Flash, USB, Ethernet, 802.11b/g, 2 x RP-SMA Digi ConnectCore Wi-9C, w/32MB SDRAM, 64MB Flash, USB, Ethernet, 802.11b/g, 2 x RPSMA, 25 pack Digi ConnectCore Wi-9C, w/32MB SDRAM, 64MB Flash, Ethernet, 802.11b/g, 1 x RP-SMA EA $4,609.31 US EA $202.92 US EA $5,073.06 US EA $202.92 US Digi ConnectCore Wi-9C, w/32MB SDRAM, 64MB Flash, Ethernet, 802.11b/g, 1 x RPSMA, 25 pack Digi ConnectCore Wi-9C, w/64 MB SDRAM, 128MB Flash, USB, Ethernet, 802.11b/g, 2 x RP-SMA Digi ConnectCore Wi-9C, w/64 MB SDRAM, 128MB Flash, USB, Ethernet, 802.11b/g, 2 x RP-SMA, 25 pack EA $5,073.06 US EA $219.47 US EA $5,486.81 US 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 CC-MX-PE47ZM CC-MX-PE47ZM-B CC-MX-PF47ZK CC-MX-PF47ZK-B CC-MX-PF47ZM CC-MX-PF47ZM-B CC-MX-PF58ZK CC-MX-PF58ZK-B CC-W9C-V212Y9 Wireless Wired Wired Wireless Wireless Wired Wired Wireless 132-8 Digi CC-W9C-V212- Wireless International Y9-B 132-8 Digi CC-W9C-V212- Wireless International YB 132-8 Digi CC-W9C-V212- Wireless International YB-B 132-8 Digi CC-W9C-V212- Wireless International YC 132-8 Digi CC-W9C-V212- Wireless International YC-B 132-8 Digi CC-W9C-V212- Wireless International YF 132-8 Digi CC-W9C-V212- Wireless International YF-B 132-8 Digi CC-W9C-V226- Wireless International Y9 132-8 Digi CC-W9C-V226- Wireless International Y9-B 132-8 Digi CC-W9C-V226- Wireless International YC 132-8 Digi CC-W9C-V226- Wireless International YC-B 132-8 Digi CC-W9C-V237- Wireless International Y9 132-8 Digi CC-W9C-V237- Wireless International Y9-B GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 42 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $478.47 DE 132-8 Digi CC-W9P-9215- Digi ConnectCore WiInternational LX 9P 9215 JumpStart Kit for Digi Embedded Linux: DOES NOT INCLUDE QVGA LCD APPLICATION KIT; Digi Embedded Linux with Linux 2.6.26 kernel; ConnectCore 9P 9215 Module with 32 MB SDRAM, 16 MB Flash CC-W9PV524-LX; ConnectCore 9P 9215 Development Board power supply, and cables with schematics Digi ConnectCore Wi-9P 9215 JumpStart Kit for Digi Embedded Linux: DOES NOT INCLUDE QVGA LCD APPLICATION KIT; Digi Embedded Linux with Linux 2.6.26 kernel; ConnectCore 9P 9215 Module with 32 MB SDRAM, 16 MB Flash CC-W9P-V524-LX; ConnectCore 9P 9215 Development Board power supply, and cables with schematics EA 132-8 Digi CC-W9P-9215- Digi ConnectCore WiInternational NET 9P 9215 JumpStart Kit for NET+OS 7; Includes: Digi ESP IDE with Integrated Microcross GNU Tools; Digi USB JTAG Link Debugger; ConnectCore Wi-9P 9215 Module with 8 MB SDRAM, 4 MB Flash CC-W9P-V502C; ConnectCore 9P 9215 Development Board power supply, and cables with schematics; NET+Works Design Team License; NET+Works Software, CD and Documentation v.7.x; NET+Works Development Tools: Flash, Web and Build; Express Logic's ThreadX RTOS (royalty free binary version) Digi ConnectCore Wi-9P 9215 JumpStart Kit for NET+OS 7; Includes: Digi ESP IDE with Integrated Microcross GNU Tools; Digi USB JTAG Link Debugger; ConnectCore Wi-9P 9215 Module with 8 MB SDRAM, 4 MB Flash CC-W9P-V502-C; ConnectCore 9P 9215 Development Board power supply, and cables with schematics; NET+Works Design Team License; NET+Works Software, CD and Documentation v.7.x; NET+Works Development Tools: Flash, Web and Build; Express Logic's ThreadX RTOS (royalty free binary version) EA $478.47 DE 132-8 Digi CC-W9P-V502- ConnectCore Wi-9P International C 9215 Module w/8MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, Single Pack Digi CC-W9P-V502- ConnectCore Wi-9P International C-B 9215 Module w/8MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, 25 pack Digi CC-W9P-V513- ConnectCore Wi-9P International C 9215 Module w/16MB SDRAM, 8MB Flash, Single pack ConnectCore Wi-9P 9215 Module w/8MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, Single Pack EA $106.58 DE ConnectCore Wi-9P 9215 Module w/8MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, 25 pack EA $2,664.48 DE ConnectCore Wi-9P 9215 Module w/16MB SDRAM, 8MB Flash, Single pack EA $111.54 DE Digi CC-W9P-V513- ConnectCore Wi-9P ConnectCore Wi-9P 9215 Module w/16MB International C-B 9215 Module w/16MB SDRAM, 8MB Flash, 25 pack SDRAM, 8MB Flash, 25 pack EA $2,788.41 DE 132-8 132-8 132-8 GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 43 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN 132-8 MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name UOI ConnectCore Wi-9P 9215, 150 MHz, 32MB SDRAM, 16 MB Flash, Single Pack EA ConnectCore Wi-9P 9215, 150 MHz, 32MB SDRAM, 16 MB Flash, 25 piece Bulk Pack EA $3,284.13 DE ConnectCard Wi-i.MX28 Android Application Development Kit ConnectCard Wi-i.MX28 Linux Development Kit. Includes Freescale i.MX287, 256 MB NAND flash (SLC), 256 MB DDR2, Dual Ethernet, 802.11a/b/g/n + BT 4.0, dual CAN Bus, on-module LCD + touchscreen connector, JTAG/ETM Digi CC-WMX51-CE ConnectCore WiConnectCore Wi-i.MX51 JumpStart Kit for International i.MX51 JumpStart Kit Microsoft Windows Embedded Compact 7 for Microsoft (Includes CE6 R3); Includes CC-WMX-LB69Windows Embedded VK 800 MHz 512MB FLASH 512MB DDR2 Compact 7 (Includes RAM, 2xEthernet, 802.11abgn WLAN; CE6 R3); Includes Includes CC-ACC-LCDW-70 7" WVGA LCD CC-WMX-LB69-VK Application Kit 800 MHz 512MB FLASH 512MB DDR2 RAM, 2xEthernet, 802.11abgn WLAN; Includes CC-ACCLCDW-70 7" WVGA LCD Application Kit EA $478.62 US EA $288.12 US EA $478.47 DE 132-8 Digi CC-WMX51-LX ConnectCore WiInternational i.MX51 JumpStart Kit for Digi Embedded Liunx; Includes CCWMX-LB69-EA 800 MHz 512MB FLASH 512MB DDR2 RAM, 2xEthernet, 802.11abgn WLAN; Includes CC-ACCLCDW-70 7" WVGA LCD Application Kit ConnectCore Wi-i.MX51 JumpStart Kit for Digi Embedded Liunx; Includes CC-WMX-LB69-EA 800 MHz 512MB FLASH 512MB DDR2 RAM, 2xEthernet, 802.11abgn WLAN; Includes CCACC-LCDW-70 7" WVGA LCD Application Kit EA $478.47 DE 132-8 Digi CC-WMX53International ANDRD EA $478.62 US 132-8 Digi CC-WMX53-CE Wireless International EA $478.62 US 132-8 Digi CC-WMX53-LX Wireless International Digi CC-WMX-KD69- Wireless International VK ConnectCore Wi-i.MX53 Android Application Development Kit, Includes Digi Android Implementation, Includes
CC-WMX-KD69-VK and CC-ACC-LCDW70 ConnectCore Wi-i.MX53 JumpStart Kit for Microsoft Windows Embedded Compact, Includes Windows Embedded Compact
7 and Windows CE6 R3 ConnectCore Wi-i.MX53 Linux JSK EA $478.62 US ConnectCore WI-i.MX53 module, 1GHz, 512MB Flash, 512MB RAM, 2xEthernet, 802.11abgn, single pack ConnectCore WI-i.MX53 module, 1GHz, 512MB Flash, 512MB RAM, 2xEthernet, 802.11abgn, 25-piece bulk pack ConnectCore WI-i.MX53 module, 1GHz, 512MB Flash, 512MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, single pack ConnectCore WI-i.MX53 module, 1GHz, 512MB Flash, 1GB RAM, 2xEthernet, 802.11abgn, single pack ConnectCore WI-i.MX53 module, 1GHz, 512MB Flash, 1GB RAM, 2xEthernet, 802.11abgn, 25-piece bulk pack EA $143.99 US EA $3,563.69 US EA $143.99 US EA $148.12 US EA $3,648.38 US 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 Digi CC-W9P-V524- ConnectCore Wi-9P International LX 9215, 150 MHz, 32MB SDRAM, 16 MB Flash, Single Pack Digi CC-W9P-V524- ConnectCore Wi-9P International LX-B 9215, 150 MHz, 32MB SDRAM, 16 MB Flash, 25 piece Bulk Pack Digi CC-WMX28Wireless International ANDRD Digi CC-WMX28-LX Wireless International Product Description GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $131.37 DE Wireless 132-8 Digi CC-WMX-KD69- Wireless International VK-B 132-8 Digi CC-WMX-KD69- Wireless International VM 132-8 Digi CC-WMX-KD79- Wireless International VK 132-8 Digi CC-WMX-KD79- Wireless International VK-B GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 44 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN 132-8 MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name UOI ConnectCore Wi-i.MX51 module, 800MHz, 128MB Flash, 128MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, single pack EA ConnectCore Wi-i.MX51 module, 800MHz, 128MB Flash, 128MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, 25-piece bulk pack EA $4,853.90 DE ConnectCore WI-i.MX51 module, 800MHz, 256MB Flash, 256MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, single pack EA $210.68 DE ConnectCore WI-i.MX51 module, 800MHz, 256MB Flash, 256MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, 25-piece bulk pack EA $5,267.00 DE ConnectCore Wi-i.MX51, 800MHz, 512MB Flash 512MB RAM, 2xEthernet, 802.11abgn, single unit EA $231.34 DE 132-8 Digi CC-WMX-LB69- ConnectCore WiConnectCore Wi-i.MX51, 800MHz, 512 MB International VK-B i.MX51, 800MHz, 512 Flash 512 MB RAM, 2xEthernet, 802.11abgn, MB Flash 512 MB 25-piece bulk pack RAM, 2xEthernet, 802.11abgn, 25-piece bulk pack EA $5,783.38 DE 132-8 Digi CC-WMX-LB69- ConnectCore WIInternational VM i.MX51 module, 800MHz, 512MB Flash, 512MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, single pack Digi CC-WMX-LB69- ConnectCore WIInternational VM-B i.MX51 module, 800MHz, 512MB Flash, 512MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, 25-piece bulk pack Digi CC-WMX-LB6B- ConnectCore WiInternational VM i.MX51 module, 800MHz, 2GB Flash, 512MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, single pack Digi CC-WMX-LB6B- ConnectCore WiInternational VM-B i.MX51 module, 800MHz, 2GB Flash, 512MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, 25-piece bulk pack Digi CC-WMX-LD69- Wireless International VM ConnectCore WI-i.MX51 module, 800MHz, 512MB Flash, 512MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, single pack EA $227.20 DE ConnectCore WI-i.MX51 module, 800MHz, 512MB Flash, 512MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, 25-piece bulk pack EA $5,680.10 DE ConnectCore Wi-i.MX51 module, 800MHz, 2GB Flash, 512MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, single pack EA $260.25 DE ConnectCore Wi-i.MX51 module, 800MHz, 2GB Flash, 512MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, 25-piece bulk pack EA $6,506.30 DE ConnectCore Wi-i.MX53 800MHz, 512/512 1xENET EA $152.26 US 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 Digi CC-WMX-LB47- ConnectCore WiInternational VM i.MX51 module, 800MHz, 128MB Flash, 128MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, single pack Digi CC-WMX-LB47- ConnectCore WiInternational VM-B i.MX51 module, 800MHz, 128MB Flash, 128MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, 25-piece bulk pack Digi CC-WMX-LB58- ConnectCore WIInternational VM i.MX51 module, 800MHz, 256MB Flash, 256MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, single pack Digi CC-WMX-LB58- ConnectCore WIInternational VM-B i.MX51 module, 800MHz, 256MB Flash, 256MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, 25-piece bulk pack Digi CC-WMX-LB69- ConnectCore WiInternational VK i.MX51, 800MHz, 512MB Flash 512MB RAM, 2xEthernet, 802.11abgn, single unit Product Description GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $194.16 DE GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 45 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name 132-8 Digi International Digi International 132-8 MFR Part Number Product Name CC-WMX-LD69- Wireless VM-B CC-WMX-LD79- Wireless VK Product Description UOI ConnectCore Wi-i.MX53 800MHz, 512/512 1xENET (25) ConnectCore Wi-i.MX53 module, 800MHz, 512 MB Flash, 1GB RAM, 2xEthernet, 802.11abgn, Industrial Temp, single pack ConnectCore Wi-i.MX53 module, 800MHz, 512 MB Flash, 1GB RAM, 2xEthernet, 802.11abgn, Industrial Temp, 25-piecebulk pack ConnectCore Wi-i.MX51 module, 600MHz, 128MB Flash, 128MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, Industrial Temp, single pack EA GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $3,783.06 US EA $152.26 US EA $3,783.06 US EA $202.42 DE ConnectCore Wi-i.MX51 module, 600MHz, 128MB Flash, 128MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, Industrial Temp, 25-piece bulk pack EA $5,060.45 DE ConnectCore WI-i.MX51 module, 600MHz, 256MB Flash, 256MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, Industrial Temp, single pack EA $218.94 DE ConnectCore WI-i.MX51 module, 600MHz, 256MB Flash, 256MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, Industrial Temp, 25-piece bulk pack EA $5,473.55 DE ConnectCore Wi-i.MX51, 600MHz, 512MB Flash, 512MB RAM, 2xEthernet, 802.11abgn, Industrial Temp, single unit EA $239.60 DE 132-8 Digi CC-WMX-MB69- ConnectCore WiConnectCore Wi-i.MX51, 600MHz, 512MB International VK-B i.MX51, 600MHz, Flash, 512MB RAM, 2xEthernet, 802.11abgn, 512MB Flash, 512MB Industrial Temp, 25-piece bulk pack RAM, 2xEthernet, 802.11abgn, Industrial Temp, 25piece bulk pack EA $5,989.92 DE 132-8 Digi CC-WMX-MB69- ConnectCore WIInternational VM i.MX51 module, 600MHz, 512MB Flash, 512MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, Industrial Temp, single pack EA $235.47 DE 132-8 Digi CC-WMX-LD79- Wireless International VK-B 132-8 Digi CC-WMX-MB47- ConnectCore WiInternational VM i.MX51 module, 600MHz, 128MB Flash, 128MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, Industrial Temp, single pack Digi CC-WMX-MB47- ConnectCore WiInternational VM-B i.MX51 module, 600MHz, 128MB Flash, 128MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, Industrial Temp, 25piece bulk pack Digi CC-WMX-MB58- ConnectCore WIInternational VM i.MX51 module, 600MHz, 256MB Flash, 256MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, Industrial Temp, single pack Digi CC-WMX-MB58- ConnectCore WIInternational VM-B i.MX51 module, 600MHz, 256MB Flash, 256MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, Industrial Temp, 25piece bulk pack Digi CC-WMX-MB69- ConnectCore WiInternational VK i.MX51, 600MHz, 512MB Flash, 512MB RAM, 2xEthernet, 802.11abgn, Industrial Temp, single unit 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 GS-35F-0351J ConnectCore WI-i.MX51 module, 600MHz, 512MB Flash, 512MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, Industrial Temp, single pack through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 46 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name ConnectCore WI-i.MX51 module, 600MHz, 512MB Flash, 512MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, Industrial Temp, 25-piece bulk pack EA ConnectCard Wi-i.MX280, 128 MB Flash/RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn Chanels 1-11, JTAG EA $73.65 US Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International CC-WMX-PE47JT-B CC-WMX-PE47RM CC-WMX-PE47RM-B CC-WMX-PE47TM CC-WMX-PE47TM-B CC-WMX-PF47RM CC-WMX-PF47RM-B CC-WMX-PF47TK ConnectCard Wi-i.MX280,128/128,1xENET,JT (25) ConnectCard Wi-i.MX280, 128/128, Wi-Fi Intl, single pack ConnectCard Wi-i.MX280, 128/128, Wi-Fi Intl, bulk pack ConnectCard Wi-i.MX280, 128/128, Wi-Fi intl + Bluetooth single pack ConnectCard Wi-i.MX280, 128/128, Wi-Fi intl + Bluetooth bulk pack ConnnectCard WI-i.MX28, i.MX287, Wi-Fi Intl, single pack ConnnectCard WI-i.MX28, i.MX287, Wi-Fi Intl, bulk pack ConnectCard Wi-i.MX28, i.MX287, 128/128, WiFi, Bluetooth, Dual Ethernet, single pack EA $1,758.44 US EA $74.65 US EA $1,758.44 US EA $77.79 US EA $1,861.88 US EA $77.79 US EA $1,861.88 US EA $83.58 US Digi International Digi International CC-WMX-PF47- Wired TK-B CC-WMX-PF47- Wireless VM ConnectCard Wi-i.MX28, i.MX287, 128/128, WiFi, Bluetooth, Dual Ethernet, bulk pack ConnectCard Wi-i.MX287, 128 MB Flash/RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn Channels 1-11, LCD, JTAG, CAN ConnectCard Wi-i.MX287, 128 MB Flash/RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn Channels 1-11, LCD, JTAG, CAN, 25-piece ConnectCard, 287 802.11 ABGN BT Dual ENet JTAG ConnectCard Wii.MX287,BT,256/256,2xENET,LCD (25) ConnectCard Wi-i.MX287, 256 MB Flash/RAM, 2xEthernet, 802.11abgn Channels 1-13, BT4.0, LCD, JTAG, CAN, Japan EA $2,006.69 US EA $77.79 US EA $1,861.88 US EA $94.34 US EA $2,275.63 US EA $93.70 US ConnectCard Wi-i.MX287, 256 MB Flash/RAM, 2xEthernet, 802.11abgn Channels 1-13, BT4.0, LCD, JTAG, CAN ConnectCard Wii.MX287,BT,256/256,1xENET,LCD INTL ConnectCard Wi-i.MX287, 256 MB Flash/RAM, 2xEthernet, 802.11abgn Channels 1-13, BT4.0, LCD, JTAG, CAN, Japan EA $94.34 US EA $2,275.63 US EA $90.20 US ConnectCard Wii.MX287,256/256,1xENET,LCD (25) 1GB PCIe memory module (for CP X4 and CP X8 gateways) Digi ConnectPort TS 4x4 w/ 4 ports RJ45 serial and 4 ports Ethernet switch Digi ConnectPort TS 4x4 w/ 4 ports RJ45 serial and 4 ports Ethernet switch ConnectTank, Short Range Ultrasonic sensor, 1xRTT Sprint, Non-Rechargeable Battery EA $2,172.19 US EA $87.66 US EA $655.11 US EA $656.46 US EA $570.86 US ConnectTank, Short Range Ultrasonic sensor, 1xRTT Sprint, Non-Rechargeable Battery, 12Pack ConnectTank, Mid Range Ultrasonic sensor, 1xRTT Sprint, Non-Rechargeable Battery EA $6,587.40 US EA $621.60 US Wired Wired Wired Wireless Wireless Wired Wired Wired Digi CC-WMX-PF47- Wireless International VM-B 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International 132-8 CC-WMX-PF58- Wireless JT CC-WMX-PF58- Wired JT-B CC-WMX-PF58- Wired JT-J 132-8 Digi CC-WMX-PF58- Wireless International QK 132-8 Digi International Digi International CC-WMX-PF58- Wireless QK-B CC-WMX-PF58- Wired VM Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International CC-WMX-PF58- Wired VM-B CP-MOD-M1G CPX Accessories 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 UOI Digi CC-WMX-MB69- ConnectCore WIInternational VM-B i.MX51 module, 600MHz, 512MB Flash, 512MB RAM, 1xEthernet, 802.11abgn, Industrial Temp, 25piece bulk pack Digi CC-WMX-PE47- Wired International JT 132-8 132-8 Product Description GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $5,886.65 DE CPTS-4R4E CPTS-4R4E-R External Device Servers ConnectPort CTANK-M110 CPX series 132-8 Digi CTANK-M110International 12 CPX series 132-8 Digi CTANK-M120 International CPX series GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 47 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $7,196.25 US Product Description UOI ConnectTank, Mid Range Ultrasonic sensor, 1xRTT Sprint, Non-Rechargeable Battery ,12Pack ConnectTank, Short Range Ultrasonic sensor, 1xRTT Verizon, Non-Rechargeable Battery EA EA $570.86 US ConnectTank, Short Range Ultrasonic sensor, 1xRTT Verizon, Non-Rechargeable Battery 12Pack ConnectTank, Mid Range Ultrasonic sensor, 1xRTT Verizon, Non-Rechargeable Battery EA $6,587.40 US EA $621.60 US ConnectTank, Mid Range Ultrasonic sensor, 1xRTT Verizon, Non-Rechargeable Battery, 12Pack ConnectTank, Short Range Ultrasonic sensor, UMTS ATT and Global, Non-Rechargeable Battery ConnectTank, Short Range Ultrasonic sensor, UMTS ATT and Global, Non-Rechargeable Battery, 12-Pack ConnectTank, Mid Range Ultrasonic sensor, UMTS ATT and Global, Non-Rechargeable Battery ConnectTank, Mid Range Ultrasonic sensor, UMTS ATT and Global, Non-Rechargeable Battery, 12-Pack JumpStart Kit Baseboard and Power Supply for Digi Connect EM and Wi-EM (no module) EA $7,196.25 US EA $570.86 US EA $6,587.40 US EA $621.60 US EA $7,196.25 US EA $174.19 US 132-8 Digi CTANK-M120International 12 CPX series 132-8 Digi CTANK-M210 International CPX series 132-8 Digi CTANK-M210International 12 CPX series 132-8 Digi CTANK-M220 International CPX series 132-8 Digi CTANK-M220International 12 CPX series 132-8 Digi CTANK-M510 International CPX series 132-8 Digi CTANK-M510International 12 CPX series 132-8 Digi CTANK-M520 International CPX series 132-8 Digi CTANK-M520International 12 CPX series 132-8 Digi DC-ACC-DBEM JumpStart Kit International Baseboard and Power Supply for Digi Connect EM and WiEM (no module) 132-8 Digi DC-ANTInternational DBDP3 Wireless Accessories Dual Band Wireless Dipole Antenna - Standard - Antennas 7" dual band swivel dipole antenna with 50 Ohm SMA male connector, 0 dbi gain (replacement for Sprint DC-ANT-DBDP2) EA $18.54 US 132-8 Digi International Digi International Accessories EA $37.48 US Wireless Accessories Dual Band Wireless Dipole Antenna - Bulk - Antennas Pack - 25 pack of 7" dual band dipole antenna EA $429.02 US 132-8 Digi DC-ANT-DBDT Wireless Accessories Dual Band Wireless Desktop Antenna with International - Antennas Cable - Desktop 2.8" dual band antenna with magnetic base, 50 Ohm SMA male connector and 8 ft. low loss cable, 0 dbi gain EA $59.24 US 132-8 Digi DC-ANT-DBHG Wireless Accessories Dual Band Wireless High-Gain - High-gain 14" International - Antennas dual band antenna with magnetic mount, 50 Ohm SMA male connector, 14' cord length, 2 dbi gain low band , 4 dbi gain high band EA $74.16 US 132-8 Digi DC-ANT-DBHG- Wireless Accessories Dual Band Wireless High-Gain - Bulk Pack - 25 International 25 - Antennas pack of high-gain 14" dual band antenna EA $1,668.51 US 132-8 Digi DC-DTS-B100 Accessories International Digi DC-ME-9210-LX Digi Connect ME International 9210 JumpStart Kit for Linux; Digi Embedded Linux based on Linux 2.6.26 kernel; Digi Connect ME Module (DE-ME-V402-LX); Digi Connect ME/WiME Development Board power supply, and cables with schematics Digi DialServ EA $243.88 US Digi Connect ME 9210 JumpStart Kit for Linux; Digi Embedded Linux based on Linux 2.6.26 kernel; Digi Connect ME Module (DE-ME-V402LX); Digi Connect ME/Wi-ME Development Board power supply, and cables with schematics EA $194.49 US 132-8 132-8 GS-35F-0351J DC-ANTDBDP3-2 DC-ANTDBDP3-25 Antenna - Dual Band 7" Dipole, 2-Pack through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 48 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number 132-8 Digi DC-ME-9210International NET 132-8 Digi DC-ME-KT International 132-8 Digi DC-ME-NET International GS-35F-0351J Product Name Product Description Digi Connect ME Digi Connect ME 9210 JumpStart Kit for 9210 JumpStart Kit NET+OS 7; Includes: Digi ESP IDE with for NET+OS 7; Integrated Microcross GNU Tools; Digi USB Includes: Digi ESP JTAG Link Debugger; Digi Connect ME Module IDE with Integrated with JTAG interface (DE-ME-V402-JT); Digi Microcross GNU Connect ME/Wi-ME Development Board power Tools; Digi USB supply, and cables with schematics; JTAG Link Debugger; NET+Works Design Team License; Digi Connect ME NET+Works Software, CD and Documentation Module with JTAG v.7.x; NET+Works Development Tools: Flash, interface (DE-MEWeb and Build; Express Logic's ThreadX V402-JT); Digi RTOS (royalty free binary version) Connect ME/Wi-ME Development Board power supply, and cables with schematics; NET+Works Design Team License; NET+Works Software, CD and Documentation v.7.x; NET+Works Development Tools: Flash, Web and Build; Express Logic's ThreadX RTOS (royalty free binary version) Digi Connect ME Digi Connect ME Module Integration Kit (for Module Integration Kit use with "S" models); Includes: Digi Plug and (for use with "S" Play Firmware Configuration Software; models); Includes: Connect ME Development Board and module, Digi Plug and Play power supply, and cables with schematics Firmware Configuration Software; Connect ME Development Board and module, power supply, and cables with schematics Digi Connect ME Digi Connect ME JumpStart Kit for NET+OS 7; JumpStart Kit for Includes: Digi ESP IDE with Integrated NET+OS 7; Includes: Microcross GNU Tools; Digi USB JTAG Link Digi ESP IDE with Debugger; Digi Connect ME Module with JTAG Integrated Microcross interface (DE-ME-01T-JT); Digi Connect GNU Tools; Digi USB ME/Wi-ME Development Board power supply, JTAG Link Debugger; and cables with schematics; NET+Works Digi Connect ME Design Team License; NET+Works Software, Module with JTAG CD and Documentation v.7.x; NET+Works interface (DE-ME-01T- Development Tools: Flash, Web and Build; JT); Digi Connect Express Logic's ThreadX RTOS (royalty free ME/Wi-ME binary version) Development Board power supply, and cables with schematics; NET+Works Design Team License; NET+Works Software, CD and Documentation v.7.x; NET+Works Development Tools: Flash, Web and Build; Express Logic's ThreadX RTOS (royalty free binary version) through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 UOI EA GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $194.49 US EA $230.61 US EA $230.61 US Page 49 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name 132-8 Digi International Digi International MFR Part Number Product Name DC-ME-Y402MF DC-ME-Y402MF-B Wired 132-8 Digi DC-ME-Y402International MF-VS Wired 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Wired Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $48.52 DE Digi Connect ME 9210 w/8MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, for .NET Micro Framework Digi Connect ME 9210 w/8MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, 50 Pack for .NET Micro Framework EA EA $2,426.13 DE Digi Connect ME 9210 w/8MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, for .NET MF Visual Studio Development EA $48.52 DE Digi Connect ME 9210 w/8MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash Wired Digi Connect ME 9210 w/8MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, 50 Pack Controller Cards Digi Connect N2S-170 Traffic Signal Controller Card DC-N2S-170-S- Controller Cards Digi Connect N2S-170 Traffic Signal Controller 10 Card, 10 unit bulk pack DC-SP-01-C Digi Connect SP Digi Connect SP Adapter Customizable model Adapter Customizable (single-pack) model (single-pack) EA $48.52 US EA $2,426.13 US EA $268.05 US EA $2,489.43 US EA $148.80 US 132-8 Digi DC-SP-01-C-25 Digi Connect SP Digi Connect SP Adapter Customizable model International Adapter Customizable (25-pack) model (25-pack) EA $3,719.90 US 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International EA $149.10 US EA $3,727.44 US EA $180.75 US EA $134.49 US 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 DC-ME-Y402NC DC-ME-Y402NC-B DC-N2S-170-S Wired DC-SP-01-C-W Wired Digi Connect SP Adapter Customizable model (single-pack International) DC-SP-01-C-W- Wired Digi Connect SP Adapter Customizable model 25 (25-pack International) DC-SP-01-JT Wired Digi Connect SP Adapter Customizable model with JTAG interface DC-SP-01R-C Digi Connect SP Digi Connect SP Adapter Customizable model Adapter Customizable RS-232 only (single-pack) model RS-232 only (single-pack) 132-8 Digi DC-SP-01R-CInternational 25 Digi Connect SP Digi Connect SP Adapter Customizable model Adapter Customizable RS-232 only (25-pack) model RS-232 only (25-pack) EA $3,362.22 US 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Wired Digi Connect SP Adapter Customizable model RS-232 only - International Digi Connect SP Adapter Customizable model RS-232 only - International (25-pack) Digi Connect SP 1 port RS-232 DB-9 Serial to Ethernet Device Server Digi Connect SP 1 port RS-232 DB-9 Serial to Ethernet Device Server Digi Connect SP 1 port RS-232 DB-9 Serial to Ethernet Device Server (25 piece bulk pack) EA $134.82 US EA $3,370.56 US EA $133.52 US EA $134.82 US EA $3,370.56 US Digi Connect SP MEI 1 port RS-232/422/485 DB-9 Serial to Ethernet Device Server EA $148.92 US Digi Connect SP MEI 1 port RS-232/422/485 DB-9 Serial to Ethernet Device Server (25 piece bulk pack) Digi Connect SP MEI 1 port RS-232/422/485 DB-9 Serial to Ethernet Device Server EA $3,727.44 US EA $149.10 US Digi Connect SP MEI 1 port RS-232/422/485 DB-9 Serial to Ethernet Device Server (25 piece bulk pack) Digi Connect WAN routing gateway - cellular (1xRTT - Sprint), Ethernet, serial (RS-232), B45 VPN tunnels and encryption. Includes: US power supply, antennas EA $3,727.44 US EA $394.25 US 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 DC-SP-01R-CW DC-SP-01R-CW-25 DC-SP-01R-S DC-SP-01R-SW DC-SP-01R-SW-25 Wired External Device Servers Connect Connect 132-8 Digi DC-SP-01-S International 132-8 Digi DC-SP-01-S-25 Connect International 132-8 Digi DC-SP-01-S-W Connect International 132-8 Digi DC-SP-01-S-W- Connect International 25 132-8 Digi DC-WAN-B101- Connect WAN International A GS-35F-0351J External Device Servers through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 50 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN 132-8 MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Product Description Digi Connect WAN IA routing gateway - cellular (1xRTT - Sprint), Ethernet, serial (RS232/RS422/RS485), 5 VPN tunnels and encryption. Includes: No power supply, antennas, DIN rail mounting kit Digi DC-WAN-U901- Connect WAN Digi Connect WAN routing gateway - cellular International A (HSPA+ Int'l), Ethernet, serial (RS-232), 5 VPN tunnels and encryption. Includes: US power supply, antennas Digi DC-WAN-U901- Connect WAN Digi Connect WAN routing gateway - cellular International W (HSPA+ Int'l), Ethernet, serial (RS-232), 5 VPN tunnels and encryption. Includes: Int'l power supply, antennas Digi DC-WAN-U905 Connect WAN Digi Connect WAN IA routing gateway - cellular International (HSPA+ Int'l), Ethernet, serial (RS232/RS422/RS485), 5 VPN tunnels and encryption, terminal block power connector. Includes: antennas, DIN rail mounting kit Digi DC-WEM-02T- Digi Connect Wi-EM Digi Connect Wi-EM Customizable module with International JT Customizable module JTAG interface with JTAG interface EA 132-8 Digi DC-WEM-02TInternational NS Digi Connect Wi-EM Digi Connect Wi-EM Module w/ 8MB SDRAM, Module w/ 8MB 4MB Flash, Standard firmware; No Connector, SDRAM, 4MB Flash, single pack Standard firmware; No Connector, single pack 132-8 Digi DC-WEM-02TInternational NS-25 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 Digi DC-WAN-B105 Connect WAN International UOI Digi Connect Wi-EM Module w/8MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, Standard firmware; No Connector, 25pack Digi DC-WME-9210- Wireless International LX Digi DC-WME-9210- Wireless International NET Digi International Digi International Digi International DC-WME-Y402- Wireless JT DC-WME-Y413- Wireless C DC-WME-Y413- Wireless C-B Digi International Digi International DC-WME-Y413- Wireless LX DC-WME-Y413- Wireless LX-B GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $434.11 US EA $535.90 US EA $540.54 US EA $575.64 US EA $230.61 US EA $136.83 US Digi Connect Wi-EM Module w/8MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, Standard firmware; No Connector, 25-pack EA $3,045.34 US Connect Wi-ME 9210 Linux JSK EA $194.37 US Digi Connect Wi-ME 9210 JumpStart Kit for NET+OS 7; Digi ESP IDE with Integrated Microcross GNU Tools; Digi
USB JTAG Link Debugger; Digi Connect ME Module with JTAG interface (DC-WMEV402-JT) Digi Connect Wi-ME 9210 w/8MB SDRAM, 4 MB Flash with JTAG connector Digi Connect Wi-ME ME 9210 w/16MB SDRAM, 8MB Flash, NET+OS, single pack Digi Connect Wi-ME ME 9210 w/16MB SDRAM, 8MB Flash, NET+OS, 50-piece bulk pack Digi Connect Wi-ME ME 9210 w/16MB SDRAM, 8MB FlashLinux, single pack Digi Connect Wi-ME ME 9210 w/16MB SDRAM, 8MB Flash, Linus, 50-piece bulk pack EA $194.37 US EA $288.12 US EA $95.16 US EA $4,758.13 US EA $95.16 US EA $4,509.88 US 132-8 Digi DC-WSP-01-C International Digi Connect Wi-SP Digi Connect Wi-SP Adapter Customizable Adapter Customizable model (single-pack) model (single-pack) EA $295.50 US 132-8 Digi DC-WSP-01-C- Digi Connect Wi-SP Digi Connect Wi-SP Adapter Customizable International 25 Adapter Customizable model (25-pack) model (25-pack) EA $7,387.41 US 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International EA $296.05 US EA $7,401.19 US EA $180.75 US 132-8 132-8 GS-35F-0351J DC-WSP-01-C- Wireless W DC-WSP-01-C- Wireless W-25 DC-WSP-01-JT Wireless Digi Connect Wi-SP Adapter Customizable model - International Digi Connect Wi-SP Adapter Customizable model - International (25-pack) Digi Connect Wi-SP Adapter Customizable model with JTAG interface through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 51 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International MFR Part Number Product Name UOI External Device Servers DC-WSP-01-S- Connect 25 DC-WSP-01-S- Connect W DC-WSP-01-S- Connect W-25 DC-WWV-2A Digi ConnectCore WiWave 802.11b/g card, single pack Digi DC-WWV-2A-B Digi ConnectCore WiInternational Wave 802.11b/g card, 25 pack Digi DC-WWV-EKIT Digi Connect WiInternational Wave 2.0 JumpStart Kit for Windows CE 6.0 and Linux Digi Connect Wi-SP (standard firmware) EA Connect Wi-SP Domestic (25) EA $7,429.88 US Digi Connect Wi-SP (standard firmware) EA $297.20 US Digi Connect Wi-SP (standard firmware) (25 unit bulk pack) Digi ConnectCore Wi-Wave 802.11b/g card, single pack EA $7,429.88 US EA $92.78 US Digi ConnectCore Wi-Wave 802.11b/g card, 25 pack EA $2,306.30 US Digi Connect Wi-Wave 2.0 JumpStart Kit for Windows CE 6.0 and Linux EA $240.69 US 132-8 Digi DG-ACC-CE6International CD Digi BSP CD for Windows CE 6.0 for Digi JumpStart Kits EA $46.41 US 132-8 Digi DG-ACC-FIM International Flexible Interface Module Application Kit; For use with Digi Connect ME 9210, and ConnectCore 9P 9215 JumpStart Kits EA $324.43 DE 132-8 Digi DG-ACC-JADP- Digi JTAG Adapter for International 1 ConnectCore 9C W9C Digi DG-ACC-JLNK Digi JTAG Link USB International Debugger with 14-pin adapter Digi DG-ACC-JLNK- 14-pin JTAG Link International A7 Adapter Digi DG-ACC-LXDigi Embedded Linux International DVD DVD v4.0 for Digi JumpStart Kits Digi DG-ACC-NET- Digi NET+OS 7.4 CD International CD for Digi JumpStart Kits (Includes Software key) Digi JTAG Adapter for ConnectCore 9C W-9C EA $48.97 US Digi JTAG Link USB Debugger with 14-pin adapter EA $287.03 US 14-pin JTAG Link Adapter EA $48.97 DE Digi Embedded Linux DVD v4.0 for Digi JumpStart Kits EA $46.41 US Digi NET+OS 7.4 CD for Digi JumpStart Kits (Includes Software key) EA $230.61 US 132-8 Digi DG-ACC-NETInternational CD-UG Digi NET+OS 7.4 UPGRADE CD for Digi JumpStart Kits (No Software key) EA $46.41 US 132-8 Digi DG-ACC-POE International Power over Ethernet Application Kit; Module for JumpStart Kit baseboard, includes schematics and Bill of Material EA $63.27 DE 132-8 Digi DG-ACC-TTL2S Digi JumpStart Kit International TTL to Serial Adapter; Commpatible with ConnectCore 9C, Wi9C and 9P JumpStart Kits - required to access serial ports 3 and 4 Digi JumpStart Kit TTL to Serial Adapter; Commpatible with ConnectCore 9C, Wi-9C and 9P JumpStart Kits - required to access serial ports 3 and 4 EA $48.97 DE 132-8 Digi DG-ANT-20CB- Antenna - 2/4/5Ghz Antenna - 2/4/5Ghz Circuit Board Antenna International AG Circuit Board Antenna witrh w/2dB gain single pack witrh w/2dB gain single pack EA $9.51 US 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 GS-35F-0351J DC-WSP-01-S Product Description GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $295.50 US Digi BSP CD for Windows CE 6.0 for Digi JumpStart Kits Flexible Interface Module Application Kit; For use with Digi Connect ME 9210, and ConnectCore 9P 9215 JumpStart Kits Digi NET+OS 7.4 UPGRADE CD for Digi JumpStart Kits (No Software key) Power over Ethernet Application Kit; Module for JumpStart Kit baseboard, includes schematics and Bill of Material through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 52 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 MFR Name MFR Part Number EA $46.95 JP Digi DG-ANT-RH799- Digi telescopic whip International B antenna (25 piece bulk pack) Digi DG-APP-HHH Wired International Digi DG-M10 Digi m10 Satellite International Modem w/o antenna (Single pack) Digi DG-M10-B Satellite Embedded International Digi DG-M10-KIT Satellite Embedded International Digi telescopic whip antenna (25 piece bulk pack) EA $1,173.80 JP iDigi Remote Monitoring Application Kit Freescale Home Health Hub Digi m10 Satellite Modem w/o antenna (Single pack) EA $477.62 US EA $127.64 SG Digi m10 Satellite Modem w/o antenna (25piece bulk pack) Digi m10 JumpStart Kit; Includes Digi M10 Satellite modem, Development board with RS232 and USB connectivity, Telescopic whip antenna with magnetic mount,Serial cable;World power supply Digi M2M Solution Builder Kit EA $3,193.06 SG EA $258.12 US EA $921.86 US Digi ConnectCore XP Module w/64 MB SDRAM, 32 MB Flash Digi ConnectCore 9P 9360 Module 32 MB SDRAM, 32 MB Flash ;DO NOT ORDER FOR DESIGNS BASED ON JUMPSTART KITS EA $272.61 US EA $156.55 US U.FL female to RPSMA female bulkhead RG178 5" U.FL female to RPSMA female bulkhead RG178 6" U.FL female to RPSMA female bulkhead RG178 7" MMCX to RPSMA female bulkhead cable EA $3.94 TW EA $3.95 TW EA $3.95 TW EA $13.15 TW 9" MMCX male to RPTNC female bulkhead cable Power cord, 6', cord terminated in a 2.1mm/5.0mm barrel jack w/ 9mm shankCustom Cable for MSS 9V Battery Clip to 2.1mm/5mm barrel jack. Center +For use with XTend, XStream, XCite, and XBee PKGs & Interface Boards 10 foot, Right-angle RPSMA male to N-male connector 1 foot, Right-angle RPSMA male to N-male connector 20 foot, Right-angle RPSMA male to N-male connector 4 foot, Right-angle RPSMA male to N-male connector 6 foot, Right-angle RPSMA male to N-male connector 10 foot, Right-angle RPSMA male to RPSMA female connector 1 foot, Right-angle RPSMA male to RPSMA female connector 20 foot, Right-angle RPSMA male to RPSMA female connector 4 foot, Right-angle RPSMA male to RPSMA female connector 6 foot, Right-angle RPSMA male to RPSMA female connector 10 foot, Straight RPSMA male to N-male connector 1 foot, Straight RPSMA male to N-male connector 20 foot, Straight RPSMA male to N-male connector EA $18.41 TW EA $3.94 TW EA $4.38 US EA $35.06 US EA $28.05 US EA $42.95 US EA $30.68 US EA $31.56 US EA $34.19 US EA $27.17 US EA $42.08 US EA $29.80 US EA $30.68 US EA $35.06 US EA $28.05 US EA $42.95 US Digi International Digi International Digi International DG-M2M-SBKIT FS-377 Wired FS-382 Wired Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International JF1R6-CR3-4I Cables JF1R6-CR3-5I Accessories JF1R6-CR3-6I Accessories JM2R6-CR3-7I Cables JM2T1-CL0-9I Cables Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 GS-35F-0351J Wired JP2A1-C2C-6F Power Supplies & Batteries 132-8 132-8 UOI EA Digi JP2P3-C2C-4I International 132-8 Product Description Digi DG-ANT-20CB- Antenna - 2/4/5Ghz Antenna - 2/4/5Ghz Circuit Board Antenna International AG-B Circuit Board Antenna witrh w/2dB gain 25 pack witrh w/2dB gain 25 pack Digi DG-ANT-RH799 Digi telescopic whip Digi telescopic whip antenna (Single pack) International antenna (Single pack) 132-8 132-8 Product Name GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $150.93 US Power Supplies & Batteries JR2N1-CL1-10F Cables JR2N1-CL1-1F Cables JR2N1-CL1-20F Cables JR2N1-CL1-4F Cables JR2N1-CL1-6F Cables JR2R3-CL1-10F Cables JR2R3-CL1-1F Cables JR2R3-CL1-20F Cables JR2R3-CL1-4F Cables JR2R3-CL1-6F Cables JR4N1-CL1-10F Cables JR4N1-CL1-1F Cables JR4N1-CL1-20F Cables through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 53 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 MFR Part Number Product Name JR4N1-CL1-4F Cables JR4N1-CL1-6F Cables UOI EA JT2N1-CL1-10F Cables 4 foot, Straight RPSMA male to N-male connector 6 foot, Straight RPSMA male to N-male connector 10 foot, Straight RPSMA male to RPSMA female connector 1 foot, Straight RPSMA male to RPSMA female connector 20 foot, Straight RPSMA male to RPSMA female connector 4 foot, Straight RPSMA male to RPSMA female connector 6 foot, Straight RPSMA male to RPSMA female connector 10 foot, RPTNC male to N male connector JT2N1-CL1-1F EA $31.56 US EA $34.19 US EA $27.17 US EA $42.08 US EA $29.80 US EA $30.68 US EA $35.06 US 1 foot, RPTNC male to N male connector EA $28.05 US JT2N1-CL1-20F Cables 20 foot, RPTNC male to N male connector EA $42.95 US JT2N1-CL1-4F Cables 4 foot, RPTNC male to N male connector EA $30.68 US JT2N1-CL1-6F Cables 6 foot, RPTNC male to N male connector EA $31.56 US 10 foot, RPTNC male to RPTNC female connector 1 foot, RPTNC male to RPTNC female connector 20 foot, RPTNC male to RPTNC female connector 4 foot, RPTNC male to RPTNC female connector 6 foot, RPTNC male to RPTNC female connector Digi NS7520 NET+ARM Processor, 177 pin RoHS BGA Package, Commercial temp, 36 MHz;Tray Quantity: 160 Minimum Order: 320 Digi NS7520 NET+ARM Processor, 177 pin RoHS BGA Package, Commercial temp, 55 MHz;Tray Quantity: 160 Minimum Order: 320 Digi NS7520 NET+ARM Processor, 177 pin RoHS BGA Package, Industrial temp, 46 MHz;Tray Quantity: 160 Minimum Order: 320 Digi NS7520 NET+ARM Processor, 177 pin RoHS BGA Package, Industrial temp, 55 MHz EA $35.06 US EA $28.05 US EA $42.95 US EA $30.68 US EA $31.56 US EA $9.84 JP EA $12.55 JP EA $11.17 JP EA $13.87 JP JR4R3-CL1-10F Cables JR4R3-CL1-1F Cables JR4R3-CL1-20F Cables JR4R3-CL1-4F Cables JR4R3-CL1-6F Cables Cables JT2T1-CL1-10F Cables JT2T1-CL1-1F Cables JT2T1-CL1-20F Cables JT2T1-CL1-4F Cables JT2T1-CL1-6F Cables NS7520B-1-C36 Chips 132-8 Digi NS7520B-1-C55 Chips International 132-8 Digi NS7520B-1-I46 Chips International 132-8 Digi NS7520B-1-I55 Chips International GS-35F-0351J Product Description GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $30.68 US through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 54 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number 132-8 Digi NS-9210-NET International 132-8 Digi NS-9215-NET International 132-8 Digi NS9360B-0International C103 GS-35F-0351J GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $8,256.32 DE Product Name Product Description UOI Digi NET+ARM NS9210 JumpStart Development Kit for NET+OS; Includes: One Design Review; One Year Premium Support-unlimited hardware and software support; Digi ESP IDE with Integrated Microcross GNU Tools; Digi USB JTAG Link Debugger; Digi ConnectCore 9P 9210 Module, NS9210 150 MHz Microprocessor; Schematics and Bills of Material for Module and Development Board; Digi ConnectCore 9P 9215/9210 development baseboard and power supply; NET+OS Design Team License; NET+OS Software, CD and Documentation v.7.3; NET+OS Development Tools: Flash, Web and Digi NET+ARM NS9215 JumpStart Development Kit for NET+OS; Includes: One Design Review; One Year Premium Support-unlimited hardware and software support; Digi ESP IDE with Integrated Microcross GNU Tools; Digi USB JTAG Link Debugger; Digi ConnectCore 9P 9215 Module (CC-9PV502-C), NS9215 150 MHz Microprocessor; Schematics and Bills of Material for CC-9PV502-C Module and Development Board; Digi ConnectCore 9P 9215 development baseboard and power supply; NET+OS Design Team License; NET+OS Software, CD and Documentation v.7.3; NET+OS Development Tools: Flash, Web and Build; Express Logic's Chips Digi NET+ARM NS9210 JumpStart Development Kit for NET+OS; Includes: One Design Review; One Year Premium Supportunlimited hardware and software support; Digi ESP IDE with Integrated Microcross GNU Tools; Digi USB JTAG Link Debugger; Digi ConnectCore 9P 9210 Module, NS9210 150 MHz Microprocessor; Schematics and Bills of Material for Module and Development Board; Digi ConnectCore 9P 9215/9210 development baseboard and power supply; NET+OS Design Team License; NET+OS Software, CD and Documentation v.7.3; NET+OS Development Tools: Flash, Web and Build; Express Logic's ThreadX RTOS (royalty free binary version) EA Digi NET+ARM NS9215 JumpStart Development Kit for NET+OS; Includes: One Design Review; One Year Premium Supportunlimited hardware and software support; Digi ESP IDE with Integrated Microcross GNU Tools; Digi USB JTAG Link Debugger; Digi ConnectCore 9P 9215 Module (CC-9P-V502C), NS9215 150 MHz Microprocessor; Schematics and Bills of Material for CC-9PV502-C Module and Development Board; Digi ConnectCore 9P 9215 development baseboard and power supply; NET+OS Design Team License; NET+OS Software, CD and Documentation v.7.3; NET+OS Development Tools: Flash, Web and Build; Express Logic's ThreadX RTOS (royalty free binary version) EA $8,256.32 US Digi NS9360 NET+ARM Processor, 272 pin RoHS BGA Package, Commercial temp, 103 MHz;Tray Quantity: 40 Minimum Order: 200 EA $13.40 TW through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 55 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number 132-8 Digi NS9360B-0International C177 132-8 Digi NS9360B-0International I155 132-8 Digi NS9750B-0International C125 132-8 Digi NS9750B-0International C200 132-8 Digi NS9750B-0International I162 132-8 Digi NS9750B-A1International C125 132-8 Digi NS9750B-A1International C200 132-8 Digi NS9750B-A1International I162 132-8 Digi International Digi International 132-8 PKG-DINRAILKIT VC74-00S2DE5-SA 132-8 Digi VC74-00S2International DE5-SE 132-8 Digi VC74-00S2International DE5-SK 132-8 Digi VC74-00S2International DE5-SU 132-8 Digi VC74-00S2International DE6-SE 132-8 Digi VC74-00S2International DE6-SK 132-8 Digi VC74-00S2International DE6-SU 132-8 Digi VC74-00S2International DE7-SK 132-8 Digi VC74-00S2International DE8-SK 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International 132-8 132-8 GS-35F-0351J WR11-C100DE1-SU WR11-C200DE1-SU WR11-L600DE1-SU Product Name Product Description Chips Digi NS9360 NET+ARM Processor, 272 pin RoHS BGA Package, Commercial temp, 177 MHz;Tray Quantity: 40 Minimum Order: 200 Chips Digi NS9360 NET+ARM Processor, 272 pin RoHS BGA Package, Industrial temp, 155 MHz;Tray Quantity: 40 Minimum Order: 200 Chips Digi NS9750-0 NET+ARM Processor, 352 pin RoHS BGA Package, Commercial temp, 125 MHz;Tray Quantity: 24 Minimum Order: 120 Chips Digi NS9750-0 NET+ARM Processor, 352 pin RoHS BGA Package, Commercial temp, 200 MHz;Tray Quantity: 24 Minimum Order: 120 Chips Digi NS9750-0 NET+ARM Processor, 352 pin RoHS BGA Package, Industrial temp, 162 MHz;Tray Quantity: 24 Minimum Order: 120 Chips Digi NS9750-A1 NET+ARM Processor, 352 pin RoHS BGA Package, Commercial temp, 125 MHz;Tray Quantity: 24 Minimum Order: 120 Chips Digi NS9750-A1 NET+ARM Processor, 352 pin RoHS BGA Package, Commercial temp, 200 MHz;Tray Quantity: 24 Minimum Order: 120 Chips Digi NS9750-A1 NET+ARM Processor, 352 pin RoHS BGA Package, Industrial temp, 162 MHz;Tray Quantity: 24 Minimum Order: 120 Enclosures & Din-Rail PKG din rail kit mounting system for XStream, Mounts XTend, Xcite product lines TransPort VC74 TransPort VC7400, (2) DB25 Serial Ports (Sync), Encryption, 200 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, AU Power Cord TransPort VC74 TransPort VC7400, (2) DB25 Serial Ports (Sync), Encryption, 200 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, EU Power Cord TransPort VC74 TransPort VC7400, (2) DB25 Serial Ports (Sync), Encryption, 200 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, UK Power Cord Digi TransPort Digi TransPort VC7400 VPN concentrator with TransPort VC7400 2 DB-25 sync serial, 200 VPN tunnels, VPN Concentrator - encryption, and protocol switch. 200 Tunnels TransPort VC74 TransPort VC7400, (2) DB25 Serial Ports (Sync), Encryption, 500 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, EU Power Cord TransPort VC74 TransPort VC7400, (2) DB25 Serial Ports (Sync), Encryption, 500 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, UK Power Cord Digi TransPort Digi TransPort TransPort VC7400 VPN TransPort VC7400 concentrator with 2 DB-25 sync serial, 500 VPN Concentrator - VPN tunnels, encryption, and protocol switch. 500 Tunnels TransPort VC74 TransPort VC7400, (2) DB25 Serial Ports (Sync), Encryption, 1000 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, UK Power Cord TransPort VC74 TransPort VC7400, (2) DB25 Serial Ports (Sync), Encryption, 2000 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, UK Power Cord Transport TransPort WR11 - Sprint. Includes antenna and US power supply. Transport TransPort WR11 - Verizon. Includes antenna and US power supply. TransPort WR11 Transport WR11, North America LTE HSPA fallback, includes antenna and US power supply through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 UOI EA GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $19.49 TW EA $16.84 TW EA $18.29 TW EA $25.16 TW EA $22.59 TW EA $18.29 TW EA $25.16 TW EA $22.59 TW EA $13.15 US EA $2,737.80 US EA $2,737.80 US EA $2,737.80 US EA $2,734.91 US EA $3,498.34 US EA $3,498.34 US EA $3,494.90 US EA $3,878.55 US EA $6,160.05 US EA $305.92 US EA $305.92 US EA $373.52 US Page 56 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $373.52 US 132-8 Digi WR11-L700International DE1-SW TransPort WR11 Transport WR11, LTE HSPA fallback, Includes antenna and international power supply EA 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International WR11-L800DE1-SU WR11-U900DE1-SE WR11-U900DE1-SU WR11-U900DE1-SW WR21-001ADE1-TH TransPort WR11 EA $326.63 US EA $326.63 US EA $305.92 US EA $305.92 US EA $280.80 US 132-8 Digi WR21-001BInternational DB1-SK Transport WR21 EA $236.93 US 132-8 Digi WR21-002AInternational DB1-TB TransPort WR21 EA $203.58 US 132-8 Digi WR21-002AInternational DE1-TH Transport WR21 EA $298.35 US 132-8 Digi WR21-002BInternational DE1-SF Transport WR21 EA $228.15 US 132-8 Digi WR21-002BInternational DE1-SH Transport WR21 EA $298.35 US 132-8 Digi WR21-002BInternational DE1-SU TransPort WR21 EA $236.93 US 132-8 Digi WR21-002BInternational DE1-SW Transport WR21 EA $236.93 US 132-8 Digi WR21-B11AInternational DE1-TH TransPort WR21 Transport WR11, Verizon LTE-only, includes antenna and power supply TransPort WR11 - GSM. Includes antenna and EU power supply. TransPort WR11 - GSM. Includes antenna and US power supply. TransPort WR11 - GSM. Includes antenna and International power supply. TransPort WR21 - No Cellular, 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas TransPort WR21 - No Cellular, 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - No Cellular, 2 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, No Antennas TransPort WR21 - No Cellular, 2 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas TransPort WR21 No Cellular, 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR21 - No Cellular, 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - No Cellular, 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - No Cellular, 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 1XRTT Sprint, 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, AC Power Supply, Terminal Block and Antennas EA $433.49 US 132-8 Digi WR21-B11BInternational DB1-SH TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - 1XRTT Sprint, 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA $389.61 US 132-8 Digi WR21-B11BInternational DB1-SU WR21's EA $327.84 US 132-8 Digi WR21-B11BInternational DE1-SF Transport WR21 EA $363.29 US 132-8 Digi WR21-B11BInternational DE1-SH Transport WR21 EA $433.49 US 132-8 Digi WR21-B11BInternational DE1-SU Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 1XRTT Sprint, 1 Ethernet, RS232, Standard Software Package, US Power Supply and Antennas TransPort WR21 1XRTT Sprint, 1 Ethernet, RS232, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, Fused DC Power Cable and Antennas TransPort WR21 1XRTT Sprint, 1 Ethernet, RS232, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, AC Power Supply and Antennas TransPort WR21 1XRTT Sprint, 1 Ethernet, RS232, Enterprise Software Package, US Power Supply and Antennas EA $372.06 US 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 GS-35F-0351J TransPort WR11 Transport Transport Transport WR21 through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 57 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $451.04 US 132-8 Digi WR21-B12AInternational DE1-TH Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 1XRTT Sprint, 2 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, AC Power Supply, Terminal Block and Antennas EA 132-8 Digi WR21-B12BInternational DE1-SF Transport WR21 EA $380.84 US 132-8 Digi WR21-B12BInternational DE1-SH Transport WR21 EA $451.04 US 132-8 Digi WR21-B12BInternational DE1-SU Transport WR21 EA $389.61 US 132-8 Digi WR21-D01BInternational DB1-SB TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 1XRTT Sprint, 2 Ethernet, RS232, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, Fused DC Power Cable and Antennas TransPort WR21 1XRTT Sprint, 2 Ethernet, RS232, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, AC Power Supply and Antennas TransPort WR21 1XRTT Sprint, 2 Ethernet, RS232, Enterprise Software Package, US Power Supply and Antennas TransPort WR21 - EVDO Rev B 450MHz, 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, No Antennas EA $349.87 US 132-8 Digi WR21-D31BInternational DE1-SW TransPort WR21 EA $417.06 US 132-8 Digi WR21-D41BInternational DB1-SW Transport WR21 EA $373.19 US 132-8 Digi WR21-D42BInternational DB1-SW Transport WR21 EA $390.74 US 132-8 Digi WR21-D42BInternational DE1-SW Transport WR21 EA $434.61 US 132-8 Digi WR21-D61AInternational DB1-TA Transport WR21 EA $394.88 US 132-8 Digi WR21-D61AInternational DE1-TA Transport WR21 EA $438.75 US 132-8 Digi WR21-D61BInternational DB1-SK Transport WR21 EA $434.61 US 132-8 Digi WR21-D61BInternational DB1-SW Transport WR21 EA $373.19 US 132-8 Digi WR21-D61BInternational DE1-SW Transport WR21 EA $417.06 US 132-8 Digi WR21-D62AInternational DE1-TA Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 - EVDO Rev B 450MHz RUIM, 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - EVDO Rev B 450MHz ICE.NET, 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - EVDO Rev B 450MHz ICE.NET, 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - EVDO Rev B 450MHz ICE.NET, 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - EVDO Rev B 450MHz Sweden, 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas TransPort WR21 - EVDO Rev B 450MHz Sweden, 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas TransPort WR21 - EVDO Rev B 450MHz Sweden, 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - EVDO Rev B 450MHz Sweden, 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - EVDO Rev B 450MHz Sweden, 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - EVDO Rev B 450MHz Sweden, 2 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas EA $456.30 US GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 58 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name 132-8 Digi WR21-D62BInternational DB1-SW Transport WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-D62BInternational DE1-SK Transport WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-D62BInternational DE1-SW Transport WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-E11AInternational DB1-TA TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-E11AInternational DB1-TK TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-E11AInternational DE1-TA TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-E11AInternational DE1-TB TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-E11AInternational DE1-TK TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-E11BInternational DB1-SB TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-E11BInternational DB1-SF 132-8 Product Description UOI TransPort WR21 - EVDO Rev B 450MHz Sweden, 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - EVDO Rev B 450MHz Sweden, 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - EVDO Rev B 450MHz Sweden, 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - Edge (800/900/1800/1900MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas TransPort WR21 Edge (800/900/1800/1900MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, International Power Supply, Terminal Block and Antennas TransPort WR21 - Edge (800/900/1800/1900MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package,Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas EA GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $390.74 US EA $496.04 US EA $434.61 US EA $328.19 US EA $367.67 US EA $372.06 US TransPort WR21 - Edge (800/900/1800/1900MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, No Antennas TransPort WR21 Edge (800/900/1800/1900MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, International Power Supply, Terminal Block and Antennas TransPort WR21 - Edge (800/900/1800/1900MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, No Antennas EA $360.40 US EA $411.55 US EA $283.18 US Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 Edge (800/900/1800/1900MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, Fused DC Power Cable and Antennas EA $297.47 US Digi WR21-E11BInternational DB1-SH Transport WR21 EA $367.92 US 132-8 Digi WR21-E11BInternational DB1-SK TransPort WR21 EA $367.92 US 132-8 Digi WR21-E11BInternational DB1-SU WR21's TransPort WR21 - Edge (800/900/1800/1900MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - Edge (800/900/1800/1900MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 Edge, 1 Ethernet, RS232, Standard Software Package, US Power Supply and Antennas EA $305.92 US GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 59 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name 132-8 Digi WR21-E11BInternational DB1-SW WR21's 132-8 Digi WR21-E11BInternational DE1-SD Transport WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-E11BInternational DE1-SF 132-8 Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $305.92 US TransPort WR21 Edge, 1 Ethernet, RS232, Standard Software Package, International Power Supply and Antennas TransPort WR21 Edge (800/900/1800/1900MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, Fused DC Power Cable, No Antennas EA EA $332.57 US Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 Edge (800/900/1800/1900MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, Fused DC Power Cable and Antennas EA $341.35 US Digi WR21-E11BInternational DE1-SK Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 Edge (800/900/1800/1900MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, International Power Supply and Antennas EA $411.55 US 132-8 Digi WR21-E11BInternational DE1-SL Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 - Edge (800/900/1800/1900MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, No Antennas EA $341.60 US 132-8 Digi WR21-E11BInternational DE1-SW Transport WR21 EA $350.12 US 132-8 Digi WR21-E12AInternational DE1-TA Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 Edge, 1 Ethernet, RS232, Enterprise Software Package, International Power Supply and Antennas TransPort WR21 - Edge (800/900/1800/1900MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package,Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas EA $389.61 US 132-8 Digi WR21-E12AInternational DE1-TK Transport WR21 EA $429.10 US 132-8 Digi WR21-E12BInternational DB1-SF Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 Edge, 2 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, International Power Supply, Terminal Block and Antennas TransPort WR21 Edge (800/900/1800/1900MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, Standard Software Package, Extended
Temperature, Fused DC Power Cable and Antennas EA $315.02 US 132-8 Digi WR21-E12BInternational DE1-SD Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 Edge (800/900/1800/1900MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, No Antennas EA $350.12 US 132-8 Digi WR21-E12BInternational DE1-SF Transport WR21 EA $358.90 US 132-8 Digi WR21-E12BInternational DE1-SK Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 Edge, 2 Ethernet, RS232, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, Fused DC Power Cable and Antennas TransPort WR21 Edge (800/900/1800/1900MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, International Power Supply and Antennas EA $429.10 US 132-8 Digi WR21-E12BInternational DE1-SW Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 Edge, 2 Ethernet, RS232, Enterprise Software Package, International Power Supply and Antennas EA $367.67 US GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 60 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $474.48 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L11AInternational DB1-TA TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas EA 132-8 Digi WR21-L11AInternational DE1-TH TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas EA $558.09 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L11BInternational DB1-SK TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas EA $514.22 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L11BInternational DE1-SB TransPort WR21 EA $473.22 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L11BInternational DE1-SK TransPort WR21 EA $558.09 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L12AInternational DE1-TB TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, No Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, No Antennas EA $524.12 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L12BInternational DE1-SF TransPort WR21 EA $505.44 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L12BInternational DE1-SW TransPort WR21 EA $514.22 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L51AInternational DB1-TA Transport EA $532.89 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L51AInternational DB1-TB TransPort WR21 EA $521.24 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L51AInternational DB1-TH TransPort WR21 EA $572.76 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L51AInternational DE1-TA TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, No Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas EA $576.77 US GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 61 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name 132-8 Digi WR21-L51AInternational DE1-TB TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-L51AInternational DE1-TG TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-L51AInternational DE1-TH Transport 132-8 Digi WR21-L51BInternational DB1-SD TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-L51BInternational DB1-SF TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-L51BInternational DB1-SH TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-L51BInternational DB1-SU Transport 132-8 Digi WR21-L51BInternational DE1-SB TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-L51BInternational DE1-SD 132-8 Product Description UOI TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, No Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Terminal Block, No Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, No Antennas EA GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $565.11 US EA $604.85 US EA $616.63 US EA $493.78 US TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, No Antennas EA $502.56 US EA $572.76 US EA $511.33 US EA $531.77 US TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, No Antennas EA $537.66 US Digi WR21-L51BInternational DE1-SF TransPort WR21 EA $546.11 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L51BInternational DE1-SH Transport EA $616.63 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L51BInternational DE1-SU Transport EA $555.21 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L52AInternational DB1-TA TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas EA $550.44 US GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 62 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name 132-8 Digi WR21-L52AInternational DB1-TB TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-L52AInternational DB1-TH TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-L52AInternational DE1-TA Transport 132-8 Digi WR21-L52AInternational DE1-TB TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-L52AInternational DE1-TG TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-L52AInternational DE1-TH Transport 132-8 Digi WR21-L52AInternational DE1-TK TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-L52BInternational DB1-SD TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-L52BInternational DB1-SF Transport 132-8 Digi WR21-L52BInternational DB1-SH TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-L52BInternational DB1-SU Transport 132-8 Digi WR21-L52BInternational DE1-SB TransPort WR21 GS-35F-0351J Product Description UOI TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, No Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, No Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Terminal Block, No Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, International Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, No Antennas EA TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, No Antennas through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $538.79 US EA $590.31 US EA $594.32 US EA $582.66 US EA $622.40 US EA $634.18 US EA $634.18 US EA $511.33 US EA $520.11 US EA $590.31 US EA $528.88 US EA $549.32 US Page 63 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $555.21 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L52BInternational DE1-SD TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, No Antennas EA 132-8 Digi WR21-L52BInternational DE1-SF Transport EA $563.98 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L52BInternational DE1-SH Transport EA $634.18 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L52BInternational DE1-SU Transport EA $572.76 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L61AInternational DB1-TA TransPort WR21 EA $474.48 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L61AInternational DE1-TH TransPort WR21 EA $558.09 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L61BInternational DB1-SU TransPort WR21 EA $452.79 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L61BInternational DE1-SF TransPort WR21 EA $487.89 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L61BInternational DE1-SU TransPort WR21 EA $496.67 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L62AInternational DE1-TA TransPort WR21 EA $535.90 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L62AInternational DE1-TH TransPort WR21 EA $575.64 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L62BInternational DB1-SF TransPort WR21 EA $461.57 US 132-8 Digi WR21-L62BInternational DB1-SU TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America GSM / AT&T (700/1700(AWS) MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America GSM / AT&T (700/1700(AWS) MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America GSM / AT&T (700/1700(AWS) MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America GSM / AT&T (700/1700(AWS) MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America GSM / AT&T (700/1700(AWS) MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America GSM / AT&T (700/1700(AWS) MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America GSM / AT&T (700/1700(AWS) MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America GSM / AT&T (700/1700(AWS) MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America GSM / AT&T (700/1700(AWS) MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA $470.34 US GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 64 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name 132-8 Digi WR21-L62BInternational DE1-SF TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-L62BInternational DE1-SU TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-L81AInternational DB1-TA TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-L81AInternational DE1-TG TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-L81AInternational DE1-TH TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-L81BInternational DB1-SU TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-L81BInternational DE1-SU TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-L82AInternational DE1-TA TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-L82AInternational DE1-TH TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-L82BInternational DB1-SU TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-L82BInternational DE1-SF TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-R51AInternational DB1-TA TransPort WR21 132-8 Digi WR21-R52AInternational DE1-TK Transport WR21 GS-35F-0351J Product Description UOI TransPort WR21 - LTE North America GSM / AT&T (700/1700(AWS) MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE North America GSM / AT&T (700/1700(AWS) MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE Verizon (700/1700(AWS) MHz, No 3G Fallback), 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas EA GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $505.44 US EA $514.22 US EA $415.94 US TransPort WR21 - LTE Verizon (700/1700(AWS) MHz, No 3G Fallback), 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Terminal Block, No Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE Verizon (700/1700(AWS) MHz, No 3G Fallback), 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE Verizon (700/1700(AWS) MHz, No 3G Fallback), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE Verizon (700/1700(AWS) MHz, No 3G Fallback), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE Verizon (700/1700(AWS) MHz, No 3G Fallback), 2 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE Verizon (700/1700(AWS) MHz, No 3G Fallback), 2 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE Verizon (700/1700(AWS) MHz, No 3G Fallback), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR21 - LTE Verizon (700/1700(AWS) MHz, No 3G Fallback), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR21 - GSM-R, 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas EA $487.89 US EA $499.55 US EA $394.25 US EA $438.12 US EA $477.36 US EA $517.10 US EA $411.80 US EA $446.90 US EA $1,070.55 US TransPort WR21 - GSM-R, 2 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, International Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas EA $1,527.98 US through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 65 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $415.94 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U91AInternational DB1-TA TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas EA 132-8 Digi WR21-U91AInternational DB1-TK TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, International Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas EA $455.67 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U91AInternational DE1-TA TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas EA $459.81 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U91AInternational DE1-TH Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas EA $499.55 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U91AInternational DE1-TK Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, International Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas EA $499.55 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U91BInternational DB1-SB TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, No Antennas EA $370.93 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U91BInternational DB1-SF TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $385.47 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U91BInternational DB1-SH TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA $455.67 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U91BInternational DB1-SK TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas EA $455.67 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U91BInternational DB1-SU Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA $394.25 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U91BInternational DB1-SW Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas EA $394.25 US GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 66 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $420.57 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U91BInternational DE1-SD TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, No Antennas EA 132-8 Digi WR21-U91BInternational DE1-SF TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $429.35 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U91BInternational DE1-SH TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA $499.55 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U91BInternational DE1-SK Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas EA $499.55 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U91BInternational DE1-SL TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, No Antennas EA $429.35 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U91BInternational DE1-SU Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA $438.12 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U91BInternational DE1-SW Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 1 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas EA $438.12 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U92AInternational DB1-TA TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas EA $433.49 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U92AInternational DE1-TA TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas EA $477.36 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U92AInternational DE1-TB TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, Terminal Block, No Antennas EA $465.70 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U92AInternational DE1-TH Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas EA $517.10 US GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 67 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $517.10 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U92AInternational DE1-TK Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232/422/485, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, International Power Supply, Terminal Block, Antennas EA 132-8 Digi WR21-U92BInternational DB1-JW TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas, Japan EA $411.80 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U92BInternational DB1-SF TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $403.02 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U92BInternational DB1-SU Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA $411.80 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U92BInternational DB1-SW Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas EA $411.80 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U92BInternational DE1-JF TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas, Japan EA $446.90 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U92BInternational DE1-JW TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas, Japan EA $455.67 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U92BInternational DE1-SF TransPort WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $446.90 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U92BInternational DE1-SH Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA $517.10 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U92BInternational DE1-SK Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Extended Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas EA $517.10 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U92BInternational DE1-SU Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA $455.67 US GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 68 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $455.67 US 132-8 Digi WR21-U92BInternational DE1-SW Transport WR21 TransPort WR21 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 2 Ethernet, RS232, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas EA 132-8 Digi WR41-0000International DE1-SF Transport EA $335.73 US 132-8 Digi WR41-0000International NA1-SD Transport EA $356.77 US 132-8 Digi WR41-0000International NA1-SF Transport EA $379.56 US 132-8 Digi WR41-0000International NA1-SW Transport EA $390.08 US 132-8 Digi WR41-0000International NA1-XD Transport EA $436.53 US 132-8 Digi WR41-0000International NB1-SD TransPort WR41 EA $401.27 US 132-8 Digi WR41-0000International NB1-SN TransPort WR41 EA $407.16 US 132-8 Digi WR41-0000International NB1-SU TransPort WR41 EA $429.35 US 132-8 Digi WR41-0000International NE1-SF Transport EA $467.21 US 132-8 Digi WR41-00A3International NA1-SW Transport EA $447.05 US 132-8 Digi WR41-00I1-DA1- WR41's International SW TransPort WR41 - No Cellular, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR41 - No Cellular, WiFi (B/G/N), No Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, DC Power Cable, No Antennas TransPort WR41 - No Cellular, WiFi (B/G/N), No Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR41 - No Cellular, WiFi (B/G/N), No Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 - No Cellular, WiFi (B/G/N), No Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR41 - No Cellular, WiFi (B/G/N), Standard Software Package, Standard Temperature, DC Power Cable, No Antennas TransPort WR41 - No Cellular, WiFi (B/G/N), Standard Software Package, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, No Antennas TransPort WR41 - No Cellular, WiFi (B/G/N), Standard Software Package, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 - No Cellular, WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR41 - No Cellular, 3xRJ45 Async, WiFi (B/G/N), No Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41, ISDN, No Encyrption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Int Power Supply and Antennas EA $346.25 US 132-8 Digi International Digi International TransPort WR41, ISDNU, No Encyrption, 5 VPN Tunnels, US Power Supply TransPort WR41 - No Cellular, Telemetry 2, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR41 - Cellular Ready, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, No Antennas TransPort WR41 - EVDO Rev B 450MHz Sweden, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 - EVDO Rev B 450MHz Sweden, WiFi (B/G/N), No Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 - EVDO Rev B 450MHz Sweden, WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas EA $348.88 US EA $442.67 US EA $468.09 US EA $548.74 US EA $653.05 US EA $679.35 US 132-8 WR41-00I3-DA1- WR41's SN WR41-00T2Transport DV1-XD 132-8 Digi WR41-0100International DV1-SL Transport 132-8 Digi WR41-D600International DV1-SW Transport 132-8 Digi WR41-D600International NA1-SW Transport 132-8 Digi WR41-D600International NV1-SW Transport GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 69 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number 132-8 Digi WR41-D6S1International DE1-SW 132-8 Digi WR41-E100International DA1-SF 132-8 Digi International Digi International 132-8 WR41-E100DA1-SU WR41-E100DE1-SW 132-8 Digi WR41-E100International DE1-XD 132-8 Digi WR41-E100International DE1-XK 132-8 Digi International Digi International 132-8 WR41-E100DV1-SW WR41-E100NE1-SW Product Name Product Description Transport UOI TransPort WR41 - EVDO Rev B 450MHz Sweden, 1xSync, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas Transport TransPort WR41 - Edge, No WiFi, No Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR EDGE TransPort WR EDGE router with 1 ethernet EA Transport GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $696.88 US EA $358.52 US EA $363.78 US TransPort WR41 Edge, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Int Power Supply and Antennas Transport TransPort WR41 - Edge, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas Transport TransPort WR41 - Edge, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas WR41's TransPort WR41 Edge, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Int Power Supply and Antennas TransPort WR41 TransPort WR41 - Edge, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas Transport TransPort WR41 - Edge, 1xDB25 Async, No WiFi, No Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas Transport TransPort WR41 Edge, 1xDB25 Async, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temp, Int Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR EDGE TransPort WR EDGE router with 1 ethernet including 3 Async and 3 async ports EA $456.70 US EA $503.15 US EA $513.67 US EA $395.34 US EA $587.93 US EA $395.34 US EA $540.85 US EA $421.63 US EA $619.74 US EA $500.52 US EA $482.99 US EA $496.14 US 132-8 Digi WR41-E1A1International DA1-SW 132-8 Digi WR41-E1A1International DE1-XK 132-8 Digi WR41-E1A3International DA1-SU 132-8 Digi WR41-E1F1International DA1-XD Transport 132-8 Digi WR41-E1G1International DA1-SW Transport 132-8 Digi WR41-E1P1International DA1-SW Transport 132-8 Digi WR41-E1P3International DA1-SU TransPort WR41 Edge, PSTN, No Encyrption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Int Power Supply and Antennas TransPort WR EDGE TransPort WR EDGE router with 1 ethernet including DialServ and DialServ 132-8 Digi WR41-E1S1International DA1-SU TransPort WR EDGE TransPort WR EDGE router with 1 ethernet including Sync and 1 sync port EA $451.44 US 132-8 Digi WR41-E1S1International DA1-SW Transport EA $456.70 US 132-8 Digi WR41-E1S1International DE1-SW Transport EA $544.35 US 132-8 Digi WR41-E1S1International DV1-XK Transport EA $540.85 US 132-8 Digi WR41-E1S1International NE2-SW Transport EA $679.35 US 132-8 Digi WR41-E1S1International NE3-SW Transport EA $710.03 US GS-35F-0351J TransPort WR41 Edge, Fleet I/O, No Encyrption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temp, DC Power, Antennas TransPort WR41 Edge, GPS, No Encyrption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Int Power Supply and Antennas TransPort WR41 Edge, 1xSync, No Encyrption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Int Power Supply and Antennas TransPort WR41 Edge, 1xSync, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Int Power Supply and Antennas TransPort WR41 - Edge, 1xSync, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 Edge, 1xSync, WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 20 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Int Power Supply and Antennas TransPort WR41 Edge, 1xSync, WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 50 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Int Power Supply and Antennas through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 70 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name 132-8 Digi WR41-E1T1International DA1-SW Transport 132-8 Digi WR41-E1T2International DA1-SW Transport 132-8 Digi WR41-E1T2International DA1-XD Transport 132-8 Digi WR41-E1T2International DB1-SW TransPort WR41 132-8 Digi WR41-E1T2International DE1-XF TransPort WR41 132-8 Digi WR41-E1T2International DV1-SU Transport 132-8 Digi WR41-L100International DE1-SW TransPort WR41 132-8 Digi WR41-L100International NB1-SW TransPort WR41 132-8 Digi WR41-L100International NB1-XD TransPort WR41 132-8 Digi WR41-L1G1International DE1-XK TransPort WR41 132-8 Digi WR41-L1G1International NE1-SW TransPort WR41 132-8 Digi WR41-L1G1International NE1-XH TransPort WR41 132-8 Digi WR41-L1S1International DE1-SL TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR41-L500International DE1-XD TransPort WR41 132-8 Digi WR41-L500International NB1-SU TransPort WR41 GS-35F-0351J Product Description UOI TransPort WR41 Edge, Telemetry 1, No Encyrption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Int Power Supply and Antennas TransPort WR41 Edge, Telemetry 2, No Encyrption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Int Power Supply and Antennas TransPort WR41 - Edge, Telemetry 2, No WiFi, No Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR41 - Edge, Telemetry 2, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 - Edge, Telemetry 2, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, No Antennas TransPort WR41 - Edge, Telemetry 2, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply,Antennas TransPort WR41 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas EA GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $478.61 US EA $478.61 US EA $525.07 US EA $522.99 US EA $591.44 US EA $500.52 US EA $686.21 US TransPort WR41 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), WiFi (B/G/N), Standard Software Package, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), WiFi (B/G/N), Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR41 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), GPS, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas EA $773.33 US EA $820.21 US EA $875.75 US TransPort WR41 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), GPS, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), GPS, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), 1xSync, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, No Antennas TransPort WR41 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR41 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), WiFi (B/G/N), Standard Software Package, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA $949.46 US EA $1,002.11 US EA $751.77 US EA $791.51 US EA $827.23 US through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 71 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $878.63 US Product Description UOI TransPort WR41 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), WiFi (B/G/N), Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR41 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, No Antennas EA EA $893.30 US TransPort WR41 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 3xRJ45 Async, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 3xRJ45 Async, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR41 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 3xRJ45 Async, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, No Antennas TransPort WR41 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), Fleet I/O, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), GPS, No WiFi, Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR41 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), GPS, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $797.40 US EA $848.79 US EA $826.61 US EA $1,080.45 US EA $879.88 US EA $923.76 US TransPort WR41 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), GPS, WiFi (B/G/N), Standard Software Package, Extended Temperature, No Power Supply, No Antennas TransPort WR41 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), GPS, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $981.67 US EA $1,054.76 US 132-8 Digi WR41-L500International NB1-XD TransPort WR41 132-8 Digi WR41-L500International NE1-XB TransPort WR41 132-8 Digi WR41-L5A3International DE1-SU TransPort WR41 132-8 Digi WR41-L5A3International DE1-XD TransPort WR41 132-8 Digi WR41-L5A3International DE1-XF TransPort WR41 132-8 Digi WR41-L5F1International NE1-SW TransPort WR41 132-8 Digi WR41-L5G1International DB1-XD TransPort WR41 132-8 Digi WR41-L5G1International DE1-XD TransPort WR41 132-8 Digi WR41-L5G1International NB1-XB TransPort WR41 132-8 Digi WR41-L5G1International NE1-XD TransPort WR41 132-8 Digi WR41-L5G1International NE1-XH TransPort WR41 TransPort WR41 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), GPS, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA $1,060.65 US 132-8 Digi WR41-L5P1International DE1-XD TransPort WR41 TransPort WR41 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), PSTN, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $906.21 US GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 72 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $929.52 US 132-8 Digi WR41-L5P3International DE1-XH TransPort WR41 TransPort WR41 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), DialServ, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA 132-8 Digi WR41-L5P3International NE1-SU TransPort WR41 EA $1,003.23 US 132-8 Digi WR41-L5S1International DE1-XH TransPort WR41 TransPort WR41 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), DialServ, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 1xSync, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA $885.15 US 132-8 Digi WR41-L5S1International NE1-SU TransPort WR41 EA $958.86 US 132-8 Digi WR41-L5T2International DE1-SF TransPort WR41 EA $844.16 US 132-8 Digi WR41-L5T2International DE1-SU TransPort WR41 EA $850.05 US 132-8 Digi WR41-L5T2International DE1-XD TransPort WR41 EA $901.44 US 132-8 Digi WR41-L5T2International NE1-XH TransPort WR41 EA $1,038.33 US 132-8 Digi WR41-R5F1International NE1-SW Transport EA $1,617.28 US 132-8 Digi WR41-U900International DA1-SU Transport TransPort WR41 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 1xSync, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), Telemetry 2, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR41 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), Telemetry 2, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), Telemetry 2, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR41 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), Telemetry 2, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 - GSM-R, Fleet I/O, WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), No WiFi, No Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA $534.71 US 132-8 Digi WR41-U900International DA1-SW Transport TransPort WR41 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), No WiFi, No Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas EA $539.09 US 132-8 Digi WR41-U900International DE1-SW Transport TransPort WR41 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas EA $626.75 US GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 73 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $566.87 US 132-8 Digi WR41-U900International DV1-SW TransPort WR41 TransPort WR41 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas EA 132-8 Digi WR41-U900International NA1-SW Transport TransPort WR41 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), WiFi (B/G/N), No Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas EA $670.58 US 132-8 Digi WR41-U900International NB1-SU TransPort WR41 EA $710.15 US 132-8 Digi WR41-U900International NB1-SW TransPort WR41 EA $714.91 US 132-8 Digi WR41-U900International NE1-SW TransPort WR41 EA $758.79 US 132-8 Digi WR41-U900International NE1-XK TransPort WR41 EA $816.08 US 132-8 Digi WR41-U900International NV1-SF Transport EA $686.36 US 132-8 Digi WR41-U9A3International DE1-XD TransPort WR41 TransPort WR41 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), WiFi (B/G/N), Standard Software Package, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), WiFi (B/G/N), Standard Software Package, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR41 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 3xRJ45 Async, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $731.84 US 132-8 Digi WR41-U9A3International DV1-XK Transport EA $681.10 US 132-8 Digi WR41-U9G1International DE1-XD TransPort WR41 EA $806.67 US 132-8 Digi WR41-U9G1International NE1-SW TransPort WR41 EA $890.91 US 132-8 Digi WR41-U9S1International DE1-SL TransPort WR41 TransPort WR41 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 3xRJ45 Async, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), GPS, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR41 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), GPS, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 1xSync, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, No Antennas EA $693.23 US GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 74 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name 132-8 Digi WR41-U9S1International DE1-XK TransPort WR41 132-8 Digi WR41-U9S1International NE1-SW TransPort WR41 132-8 Digi WR41-U9T1International DE1-SF TransPort WR41 132-8 Digi WR41-U9T1International DE1-SW TransPort WR41 132-8 Digi WR41-U9T1International DE2-SW TransPort WR41 132-8 Digi WR41-U9T1International NE1-SF TransPort WR41 132-8 Digi WR44-0000International CE1-SN TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-0000International CE1-SW TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-0000International CE1-XD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-0000International CE2-SW TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-0000International CE5-SW TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-0000International CE5-XH TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-0000International FE2-SF TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-0000International FE2-SW TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-0000International FE2-XD TransPort WR44 GS-35F-0351J Product Description UOI TransPort WR41 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 1xSync, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 1xSync, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), Telemetry 1, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR41 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), Telemetry 1, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), Telemetry 1, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 20 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR41 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), Telemetry 1, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, No Antennas TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, No WiFi, Encryption, 20 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, No WiFi, Encryption, 200 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, No WiFi, Encryption, 200 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, VDSL (Annex A/M), No WiFi, Encryption, 20 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, VDSL (Annex A/M), No WiFi, Encryption, 20 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, VDSL (Annex A/M), No WiFi, Encryption, 20 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $772.83 US EA $846.54 US EA $727.20 US EA $737.73 US EA $742.37 US EA $858.20 US EA $423.58 US EA $450.41 US EA $497.29 US EA $455.17 US EA $555.71 US EA $608.36 US EA $678.56 US EA $689.09 US EA $735.97 US Page 75 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name 132-8 Digi WR44-0000International FE2-XK TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-0000International FE5-SW TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-0000International GE2-SW TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-0000International GE2-XD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-0000International LE2-SF TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-0000International LE2-XK TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-0000International NE1-RD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-0000International NE1-SU TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-0000International NE1-SW TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-0000International NE1-XD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-0000International NE1-XH TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-0000International NE5-XH TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-00A3International CE1-XD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-00A3International LE2-SU TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-00G1International CE1-RD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-00G1International NE1-RD TransPort WR44 GS-35F-0351J Product Description UOI TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, VDSL (Annex A/M), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 20 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, EU Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, VDSL (Annex A/M), No WiFi, Encryption, 200 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, VDSL (Annex B), No WiFi, Encryption, 20 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, VDSL (Annex B), No WiFi, Encryption, 20 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, VDSL (Annex A/M), WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 20 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, VDSL (Annex A/M), WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 20 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, EU Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44R - No Cellular, WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature,Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 200 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, 3xRJ45 Async, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, 3xRJ45 Async, VDSL (Annex A/M), WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 20 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44R - No Cellular, GPS, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA TransPort WR44R - No Cellular, GPS, WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $746.50 US EA $789.75 US EA $689.09 US EA $735.97 US EA $766.31 US EA $834.25 US EA $616.63 US EA $533.52 US EA $538.16 US EA $585.04 US EA $590.81 US EA $696.11 US EA $554.58 US EA $829.49 US EA $661.01 US EA $748.76 US Page 76 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name 132-8 Digi WR44-00G8International CE1-MB 132-8 Digi WR44-00I1-CE1- TransPort WR44 International RK 132-8 Digi WR44-00P1International CE1-SW TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-00P1International FE2-SW TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-00S1International FE1-XK TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-00S1International NE1-RD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-00T2International CE1-XF TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-0100International CE1-RF TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-D000International NE1-RD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-D000International NE1-XD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-D0G1International NE1-RD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-D0G1International NE1-RK TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-D300International CE1-SW TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-D400International CE1-SW TransPort WR44 GS-35F-0351J TransPort WR44 Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $1,077.57 US TransPort WR44RR - No Cellular, GPS, 8-pin Ethernet, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Mobile Enclosure, No DC Power Cable, No Antennas EA TransPort WR44R - No Cellular, ISDN, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, EU Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, PSTN, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature,International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, PSTN, VDSL (Annex A/M), No WiFi, Encryption, 20 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, 1xSync, VDSL (Annex A/M), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, EU Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44R - No Cellular, 1xSync, WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44 - No Cellular, Telemetry 2, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, No Antennas EA $638.82 US EA $565.11 US EA $803.79 US EA $829.49 US EA $704.38 US EA $585.04 US TransPort WR44R - Cellular Ready, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, No Antennas TransPort WR44R - EVDO Rev B 450MHz, WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44 - EVDO Rev B 450MHz, WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44R - EVDO Rev B 450MHz, GPS, WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44R - EVDO Rev B 450MHz, GPS, WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, EU Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - EVDO Rev B 450MHz RUIM, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - EVDO Rev B 450MHz ICE.NET, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas EA $745.25 US EA $879.88 US EA $848.29 US EA $1,012.01 US EA $1,034.32 US EA $713.66 US EA $713.66 US through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 77 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name 132-8 Digi WR44-D4F1International NE1-RK TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-D600International CE1-RD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-D6S1International NE1-SW TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-D700International CE1-RD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-E100International CE1-SW TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-E100International CE1-XD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-E100International CE1-XK TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-E100International FE2-SW TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-E100International GE2-SW TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-E100International NE1-XK TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-E1G1International CE1-RH TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L100International CE1-RD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L100International CE1-SW 132-8 Digi WR44-L100International CE1-XD GS-35F-0351J Product Description UOI TransPort WR44R - EVDO Rev B 450MHz ICE.NET, Fleet I/O, WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, EU Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44R - EVDO Rev B 450MHz Sweden, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44 - EVDO Rev B 450MHz Sweden, 1xSync, WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas EA GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $1,106.78 US EA $792.13 US EA $889.16 US TransPort WR44R - EVDO Rev B 450MHz Denmark, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44 - Edge, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - Edge, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44 - Edge, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, EU Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - Edge, VDSL (Annex A/M), No WiFi, Encryption, 20 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - Edge, VDSL (Annex B), No WiFi, Encryption, 20 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - Edge, WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, EU Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44R - Edge, GPS, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44R - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $792.13 US EA $560.47 US EA $607.23 US EA $617.76 US EA $799.15 US EA $799.15 US EA $705.51 US EA $793.26 US EA $868.10 US TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas EA $789.75 US TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $836.51 US through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 78 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $1,085.72 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L100International GE2-XK TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), VDSL (Annex B), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 20 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, EU Power Supply, Antennas EA 132-8 Digi WR44-L100International LE1-SW TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), VDSL (Annex A/M), WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas EA $1,111.54 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L100International LE2-XD TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), VDSL (Annex A/M), WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 20 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $1,162.94 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L100International LE2-XF TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), VDSL (Annex A/M), WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 20 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, No Antennas EA $1,140.75 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L100International NE1-XD TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $924.26 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L100International TE1-RD TransPort WR44 EA $1,096.25 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L1A3International NE1-RD TransPort WR44 EA $1,013.26 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L1F1International CE1-RD TransPort WR44 EA $1,072.93 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L1F1International NE1-SW TransPort WR44 EA $1,082.21 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L1G1International CE1-XK TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44R - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), Dual WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44R - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), 3xRJ45 Async, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44R - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), Fleet I/O, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), Fleet I/O, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), GPS, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, EU Power Supply, Antennas EA $979.29 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L1G1International NE1-RD TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44R - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), GPS, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $1,088.10 US GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 79 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name 132-8 Digi WR44-L1G1International NE1-RF TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L1P1International FE2-XD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L1T1International CE1-XD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L1T1International NE1-SW TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L500International CE1-RD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L500International CE1-RH TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L500International CE1-SF TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L500International CE1-SU TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L500International CE1-XD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L500International CE1-XH TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L500International CE2-SU TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L500International CE5-XH TransPort WR44 GS-35F-0351J GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $1,099.76 US Product Description UOI TransPort WR44R - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), GPS, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, No Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), PSTN, VDSL (Annex A/M), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 20 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA EA $1,189.89 US TransPort WR44 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), Telemetry 1, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE EMEA (800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600MHz), Telemetry 1, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas EA $946.57 US EA $987.44 US TransPort WR44R - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44R - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 20 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 200 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA $925.66 US EA $947.58 US EA $837.76 US EA $842.39 US EA $894.11 US EA $900.24 US EA $848.29 US EA $1,005.43 US through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 80 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name 132-8 Digi WR44-L500International LE2-SU TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L500International NE1-RD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L500International NE1-RF TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L500International NE1-RH TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L500International NE1-SU TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L500International NE1-XD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L500International NE1-XH 132-8 Product Description UOI TransPort WR44 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), VDSL (Annex A/M), WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 20 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44R - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44R - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, No Antennas TransPort WR44R - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $1,168.47 US EA $1,014.39 US EA $1,026.05 US EA $1,035.23 US EA $930.05 US TransPort WR44 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $982.80 US TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA $988.69 US Digi WR44-L500International TE1-RF TransPort WR44 EA $1,166.45 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L500International TE1-RH TransPort WR44 EA $1,176.98 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L5A3International CE1-SU TransPort WR44 EA $900.94 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L5A3International CE1-XD TransPort WR44 EA $952.34 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L5A3International CE1-XH TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44R - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), Dual WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, No Antennas TransPort WR44R - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), Dual WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 3xRJ45 Async, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 3xRJ45 Async, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 3xRJ45 Async, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA $958.23 US GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 81 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name 132-8 Digi WR44-L5A3International NE1-RD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L5A3International NE1-RH TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L5A3International NE1-SU TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L5F1International CE1-RD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L5F1International NE1-RD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L5F1International NE1-RF TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L5F1International TE1-RF TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L5F1International TE1-RH TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L5G1International CE1-RD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L5G1International CE1-XD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L5G1International NE1-RD TransPort WR44 GS-35F-0351J Product Description UOI TransPort WR44R - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 3xRJ45 Async, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44R - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 3xRJ45 Async, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 3xRJ45 Async, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44R - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), Fleet I/O, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44R - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), Fleet I/O, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44R - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), Fleet I/O, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, No Antennas TransPort WR44R - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), Fleet I/O, Dual WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, No Antennas TransPort WR44R - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), Fleet I/O, Dual WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44R - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), GPS, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), GPS, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA TransPort WR44R - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), GPS, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $1,071.68 US EA $1,093.99 US EA $988.69 US EA $1,131.35 US EA $1,217.56 US EA $1,229.83 US EA $1,371.28 US EA $1,381.81 US EA $1,058.03 US EA $1,027.30 US EA $1,145.68 US Page 82 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name 132-8 Digi WR44-L5G1International NE1-RF TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L5G1International NE1-RH TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L5G1International NE1-SU TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L5G1International NE1-XH TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L5G1International TE1-RD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L5G4International NE1-MD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L5G8International CE1-MD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L5G8International NE1-MB TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L5P1International NE1-SU TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L5P3International CE1-XH 132-8 Digi WR44-L5S1International CE1-RD GS-35F-0351J Product Description UOI TransPort WR44R - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), GPS, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, No Antennas TransPort WR44R - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), GPS, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), GPS, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $1,158.30 US EA $1,167.60 US EA $1,063.53 US TransPort WR44 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), GPS, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA $1,120.82 US TransPort WR44R - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), GPS, Dual WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44RR - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), GPS, 4-pin Ethernet, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Mobile Enclosure, DC Power Cable, No Antennas TransPort WR44RR - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), GPS, 8-pin Ethernet, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Mobile Enclosure, DC Power Cable, No Antennas TransPort WR44RR - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), GPS, 8-pin Ethernet, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Mobile Enclosure, No DC Power Cable, No Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), PSTN, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA $1,285.93 US EA $1,596.24 US EA $1,510.43 US EA $1,563.08 US EA $1,045.98 US TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), DialServ, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA $1,033.07 US TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44R - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 1xSync, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $1,014.39 US through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 83 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $931.28 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L5S1International CE1-SU TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 1xSync, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA 132-8 Digi WR44-L5S1International CE1-XD TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 1xSync, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $981.76 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L5S1International CE1-XH TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 1xSync, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA $988.69 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L5S1International NE1-RD TransPort WR44 EA $1,100.98 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L5T1International CE1-XD TransPort WR44 EA $1,004.99 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L5T2International CE1-RD TransPort WR44 EA $1,036.58 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L5T2International NE1-XD TransPort WR44 EA $1,092.74 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L600International CE1-RD TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44R - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), 1xSync, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), Telemetry 1, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44R - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), Telemetry 2, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE North America MultiCarrier (700/850/1700(AWS)/1900 MHz), Telemetry 2, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44R - LTE North America GSM / AT&T (700/1700(AWS) MHz), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $868.10 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L600International CE1-RH TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44R - LTE North America GSM / AT&T (700/1700(AWS) MHz), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, US Power Supply, Antennas EA $890.41 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L600International CE1-XD TransPort WR44 EA $836.51 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L600International CE1-XH TransPort WR44 EA $842.40 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L600International LE2-SU TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44 - LTE North America GSM / AT&T (700/1700(AWS) MHz), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE North America GSM / AT&T (700/1700(AWS) MHz), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE North America GSM / AT&T (700/1700(AWS) MHz), VDSL (Annex A/M), WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 20 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA $1,111.54 US GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 84 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name 132-8 Digi WR44-L600International NE1-SU TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L6A3International CE1-XH TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L6F1International NE1-RD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L6G1International CE1-RD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L6G1International NE1-RD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L800International CE1-RD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L800International CE1-RH TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L800International CE1-SU TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L800International CE1-XD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L800International CE1-XH TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L800International LE2-SU TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-L8F1International NE1-RD TransPort WR44 GS-35F-0351J Product Description UOI TransPort WR44 - LTE North America GSM / AT&T (700/1700(AWS) MHz), WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE North America GSM / AT&T (700/1700(AWS) MHz), 3xRJ45 Async, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44R - LTE North America GSM / AT&T (700/1700(AWS) MHz), Fleet I/O, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44R - LTE North America GSM / AT&T (700/1700(AWS) MHz), GPS, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $872.86 US EA $899.69 US EA $1,160.68 US EA $1,000.35 US TransPort WR44R - LTE North America GSM / AT&T (700/1700(AWS) MHz), GPS, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44R - LTE Verizon (700/1700(AWS) MHz, No 3G Fallback), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44R - LTE Verizon (700/1700(AWS) MHz, No 3G Fallback), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE Verizon (700/1700(AWS) MHz, No 3G Fallback), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE Verizon (700/1700(AWS) MHz, No 3G Fallback), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE Verizon (700/1700(AWS) MHz, No 3G Fallback), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE Verizon (700/1700(AWS) MHz, No 3G Fallback), VDSL (Annex A/M), WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 20 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA $1,088.10 US EA $809.68 US EA $831.87 US EA $726.57 US EA $778.09 US EA $783.86 US EA $1,053.00 US TransPort WR44R - LTE Verizon (700/1700(AWS) MHz, No 3G Fallback), Fleet I/O, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $1,102.14 US through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 85 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Product Description UOI GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $941.81 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L8G1International CE1-RD TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44R - LTE Verizon (700/1700(AWS) MHz, No 3G Fallback), GPS, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA 132-8 Digi WR44-L8G1International NE1-RD TransPort WR44 EA $1,029.56 US 132-8 Digi WR44-L8S1International CE1-XD TransPort WR44 EA $865.84 US 132-8 Digi WR44-U900International CE1-RD TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44R - LTE Verizon (700/1700(AWS) MHz, No 3G Fallback), GPS, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44 - LTE Verizon (700/1700(AWS) MHz, No 3G Fallback), 1xSync, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44R - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $809.68 US 132-8 Digi WR44-U900International CE1-RK TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44R - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, EU Power Supply, Antennas EA $831.87 US 132-8 Digi WR44-U900International CE1-SF TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $720.68 US 132-8 Digi WR44-U900International CE1-SU TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas EA $726.57 US 132-8 Digi WR44-U900International CE1-SW TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas EA $731.21 US 132-8 Digi WR44-U900International CE1-XK TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, EU Power Supply, Antennas EA $788.62 US 132-8 Digi WR44-U900International CE2-XD TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 20 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $782.73 US 132-8 Digi WR44-U900International FE2-SF TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), VDSL (Annex A/M), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 20 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $959.36 US GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 86 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name 132-8 Digi WR44-U900International FE2-SW TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-U900International FE2-XD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-U900International GE2-SW TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-U900International LE1-SW TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-U900International LE2-SF 132-8 Product Description UOI TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), VDSL (Annex A/M), No WiFi, Encryption, 20 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), VDSL (Annex A/M), No WiFi, Encryption, 20 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), VDSL (Annex B), No WiFi, Encryption, 20 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas EA GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $969.89 US EA $1,016.77 US EA $969.89 US TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), VDSL (Annex A/M), WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas EA $1,053.00 US TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), VDSL (Annex A/M), WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 20 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $1,047.11 US Digi WR44-U900International LE2-SW TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), VDSL (Annex A/M), WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 20 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas EA $1,057.64 US 132-8 Digi WR44-U900International LE2-XD TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), VDSL (Annex A/M), WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 20 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $1,104.52 US 132-8 Digi WR44-U900International LE2-XF TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), VDSL (Annex A/M), WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 20 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, No Antennas EA $1,082.21 US 132-8 Digi WR44-U900International NE1-RD TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44R - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $897.43 US 132-8 Digi WR44-U900International NE1-RF TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44R - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, No Antennas EA $909.09 US GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 87 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name 132-8 Digi WR44-U900International NE1-RK TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-U900International NE1-SU TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-U900International NE1-SW TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-U900International NE1-XK TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-U9F1International CE1-SF TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-U9F1International TE1-RF TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-U9G1International NE1-RD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-U9G1International NE1-RF TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-U9G1International NE1-SU TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-U9G1International NE1-SW TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-U9G1International NE1-XD TransPort WR44 GS-35F-0351J Product Description UOI TransPort WR44R - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, EU Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, EU Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), Fleet I/O, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $919.62 US EA $814.32 US EA $818.96 US EA $876.37 US EA $925.51 US TransPort WR44R - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), Fleet I/O, Dual WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, No Antennas TransPort WR44R - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), GPS, WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $1,254.20 US EA $1,029.56 US TransPort WR44R - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), GPS, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, No Antennas TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), GPS, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, US Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), GPS, WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), GPS, WiFi (B/G/N), Enterprise Software Package, 5 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $1,041.34 US EA $946.57 US EA $951.21 US EA $997.97 US through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 88 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $1,393.47 US Product Description UOI TransPort WR44RR - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), GPS, 4-pin Ethernet, No WiFi, Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, Rugged Mobile Enclosure, DC Power Cable, No Antennas TransPort WR44RR - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), GPS, 4-pin Ethernet, WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, Rugged Mobile Enclosure, DC Power Cable, No Antennas EA EA $1,481.22 US TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), ISDN, VDSL (Annex A/M), No WiFi, Encryption, 20 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), ISDN, VDSL (Annex B), No WiFi, Encryption, 20 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), PSTN, VDSL (Annex A/M), No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 20 VPN Tunnels, Extended Temperature, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $1,057.64 US EA $999.22 US EA $1,131.35 US 132-8 Digi WR44-U9G4International CE1-MD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-U9G4International NE1-MD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-U9I1International FE2-SW TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-U9I1International GE2-SW TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-U9P1International FE2-XD TransPort WR44 132-8 Digi WR44-U9S1International CE5-RD TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44R - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), 1xSync, No WiFi, Encryption, 200 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Extended Temperature, Rugged Enclosure, DC Power Cable, Antennas EA $1,002.73 US 132-8 Digi WR44-U9T1International CE2-SW TransPort WR44 EA $845.91 US 132-8 Digi WR44-U9T1International FE2-SW TransPort WR44 EA $1,079.95 US 132-8 Digi WR44-U9T2International NE1-SW TransPort WR44 TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), Telemetry 1, No WiFi, Enterprise Software Package, 20 VPN Tunnels, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), Telemetry 1, VDSL (Annex A/M), No WiFi, Encryption, 20 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas TransPort WR44 - HSPA+ (800/850/900/1700(AWS)/1900/2100MHz), Telemetry 2, WiFi (B/G/N), Encryption, 5 VPN Tunnels, Protocol Switch, Standard Temperature, International Power Supply, Antennas EA $929.02 US 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International WVA-J200 CPX series WVA Wi-Fi, Telematics EA $209.15 US WVA-J200-10 CPX series 10-pack of WVA-J200 EA $2,042.62 US X24-009-DK XStream Development Kits DevKits XStream Development Kit, 2.4GHz, 50mW, 9600 baud, 3" wire & RPSMA connector XStream Development Kit, 2.4GHz, 50mW, 9600 baud, 3" wire & RPSMA connector 24XStream, 50mW transceiver, w/MMCX, 9600 bps, Commercial Grade (0 - 70C) EA $337.91 US EA $338.45 US EA $94.80 US 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 GS-35F-0351J X24-009-DKINT X24-009NMC XStream Modules 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 89 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Digi X24-009NMI International Digi X24-009NNC International XStream Modules 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz XStream Modules 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz Digi X24-009NSC International Digi X24-009NSI International Digi X24-009NST International XStream Modules 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz XStream Modules 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz XStream Modules 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz EA $96.76 US EA $111.42 US EA $145.62 US 24XStream, 50mW, Ethernet, 9600 baud w/o accessories, Commercial Grade (0 - 70C) EA $232.05 US 24XStream, 50mW, Ethernet, 9600 baud w/ accessories, Commercial Grade (0 - 70C) EA $252.88 US 24XStream, 50mW, RS 232/485, 9600 baud w/o accessories, Commercial Grade (0 - 70C) EA $160.69 US 24XStream, 50mW, RS 232/485, 9600 baud w/ accessories, Commercial Grade (0 - 70C) EA $179.22 US 24XStream, 50mW, USB interface, 9600 baud w/o accessories, Commercial Grade (0 - 70C) EA $160.69 US 24XStream, 50mW, USB interface, 9600 baud w/ accessories, Commercial Grade (0 - 70C) EA $179.22 US 24XStream, 50mW, RS 232/485, 9600 baud w/o accessories, Industrial Grade (-40 - 85C) EA $174.59 US 24XStream, 50mW, RS 232/485, 9600 baud w/ accessories, Industrial Grade (-40 - 85C) EA $192.12 US EA $232.05 US EA $252.00 US EA $92.85 US EA $107.51 US EA $337.91 US EA $338.45 US XStream Modules 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz XStream Modules 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz XStream Modules 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz 24XStream, 50mW, RS 232/485, 9600 baud w/o accessories, Tested Industrial Grade (-40 85C) 24XStream, 50mW, RS 232/485, 9600 baud w/ accessories, Tested Industrial Grade (-40 85C) 24XStream, 50mW transceiver, 3" wire antenna, 9600 bps, Commercial Grade (0 70C) 24XStream, 50mW transceiver, 3" wire antenna, 9600 bps, Industrial Grade (-40 85C) XStream Development Kit, 2.4GHz, 50mW, 19.2 Kbaud, 3" wire & RPSMA connector XStream Development Kit, 2.4GHz, 50mW, 19.2 Kbaud, 3" wire & RPSMA connector 24XStream, 50mW transceiver, w/MMCX, 19200 bps, Commercial Grade (0 - 70C) 24XStream, 50mW transceiver, w/MMCX, 19200 bps, Industrial Grade (-40 - 85C) 24XStream, 50mW transceiver, w/MMCX, 19200 bps, Tested Industrial Grade (-40 - 85C) EA $94.80 US EA $109.46 US EA $143.67 US XStream Modules 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz XStream Modules 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz XStream Modules 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz 24XStream, 50mW transceiver, w/RPSMA, 19200 bps, Commercial Grade (0 - 70C) 24XStream, 50mW transceiver, w/RPSMA, 19200 bps, Industrial Grade (-40 - 85C) 24XStream, 50mW transceiver, w/RPSMA, 19200 bps, Tested Industrial Grade (-40 - 85C) EA $96.76 US EA $111.42 US EA $145.62 US 24XStream, 50mW, Ethernet, 19200 baud w/o accessories, Commercial Grade (0 - 70C) EA $232.05 US 24XStream, 50mW, Ethernet, 19200 baud w/ accessories, Commercial Grade (0 - 70C) EA $252.88 US XStream Modules 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International XStream Development Kits DevKits 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 X24-019NMI X24-019NMT Digi X24-019NSC International Digi X24-019NSI International Digi X24-019NST International Digi X24-019PKC-E XStream RF International Modems - 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz Digi X24-019PKCXStream RF International EA Modems - 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz GS-35F-0351J EA US Digi X24-009WNI International X24-019-DKINT X24-019NMC 24XStream, 50mW transceiver, w/MMCX, 9600 bps, Industrial Grade (-40 - 85C) 24XStream, 50mW transceiver, no antenna or connector, 9600 bps, Commercial Grade (0 70C) 24XStream, 50mW transceiver, w/RPSMA, 9600 bps, Commercial Grade (0 - 70C) 24XStream, 50mW transceiver, w/RPSMA, 9600 bps, Industrial Grade (-40 - 85C) 24XStream, 50mW transceiver, w/RPSMA, 9600 bps, Tested Industrial Grade (-40 - 85C) $96.76 132-8 132-8 UOI EA Digi X24-009PKC-E XStream RF International Modems - 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz Digi X24-009PKCXStream RF International EA Modems - 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz Digi X24-009PKC-R XStream RF International Modems - 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz Digi X24-009PKCXStream RF International RA Modems - 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz Digi X24-009PKC-U XStream RF International Modems - 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz Digi X24-009PKCXStream RF International UA Modems - 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz Digi X24-009PKI-R XStream RF International Modems - 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz Digi X24-009PKI-RA XStream RF International Modems - 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz Digi X24-009PKT-R XStream RF International Modems - 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz Digi X24-009PKTXStream RF International RA Modems - 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz Digi X24-009WNC XStream Modules International 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz X24-019-DK Product Description GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $109.46 US through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 90 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Digi X24-019PKC-R XStream RF International Modems - 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz Digi X24-019PKCXStream RF International RA Modems - 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz Digi X24-019PKC-U XStream RF International Modems - 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz Digi X24-019PKCXStream RF International UA Modems - 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz Digi X24-019PKI-R XStream RF International Modems - 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz Digi X24-019PKI-RA XStream RF International Modems - 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz Digi X24-019PKT-R XStream RF International Modems - 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz Digi X24-019PKTXStream RF International RA Modems - 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz Digi X24-019WNC XStream Modules International 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz EA 24XStream, 50mW, RS 232/485, 19200 baud w/ accessories, Commercial Grade (0 - 70C) EA $179.22 US 24XStream, 50mW, USB interface, 19200 baud w/o accessories, Commercial Grade (0 70C) 24XStream, 50mW, USB interface, 192000 baud w/ accessories, Commercial Grade (0 70C) 24XStream, 50mW, RS 232/485, 19200 baud w/o accessories, Industrial Grade (-40 - 85C) EA $160.69 US EA $179.22 US EA $174.59 US 24XStream, 50mW, RS 232/485, 19200 baud w/ accessories, Industrial Grade (-40 - 85C) EA $192.12 US 24XStream, 50mW, RS 232/485, 19200 baud w/o accessories, Tested Industrial Grade (-40 85C) 24XStream, 50mW, RS 232/485, 19200 baud w/ accessories, Tested Industrial Grade (-40 85C) 24XStream, 50mW transceiver, 3" wire antenna, 19200 bps, Commercial Grade (0 70C) 24XStream, 50mW transceiver, 3" wire antenna, 19200 bps, Industrial Grade (-40 85C) 24XStream, 50mW transceiver, wire antenna, 19200 bps;Tested Industrial Grade (-40 - 85C) EA $232.05 US EA $252.00 US EA $92.85 US EA $107.51 US EA $147.04 US EA $138.12 US EA $138.12 US EA $229.71 US EA $200.39 US X2E-Z1C-W1-A CPX series Digi X2 Gateway - Xbee (802.15.4), Extra Memory, and Antennas Included with US Power Supply Digi X2 Gateway - Xbee (802.15.4), Extra Memory, and Antennas Included with International Power Supply ConnectPort X2e ZigBee SE Coordinator EVDO (Sprint) ConnectPort X2e ZigBee SE Coordinator 3G GSM ConnectPort X2e SE WiFi Coordinator EA $111.30 US X2E-Z1C-W1-W CPX series ConnectPort X2e Smart Energy Coord WiFi Int EA $111.30 US X2E-Z1R-D1-A CPX series EA $229.71 US X2E-Z1R-H1-A CPX series ConnectPort X2e ZigBee SE Router EVDO (Sprint) ConnectPort X2e ZigBee SE Router 3G GSM EA $200.39 US X2E-Z3C-E1-W CPX series ConnectPort X2e ZB Eth Coord Int EA $97.39 US X2E-Z3C-W1-A CPX series ConnectPort X2e ZB Eth-WiFi Coord EA $111.30 US X2E-Z3C-W1-W CPX series ConnectPort X2e ZB Eth WiFi Coord Int EA $111.30 US X2E-Z4C-D1-A CPX series ConnectPort X2e ZigBee EVDO (Sprint) EA $229.71 US X2E-Z4C-D2-A CPX series EA $229.71 US X2-HMA-EM-W CPX series ConnectPort X2e ZigBee CDMA EVDO (Verizon) CPX2 900HP Ethernet AU3 EA $147.47 US X2-HMU-EM-A CPX series CPX2 900HP Ethernet EA $147.47 US X2-M11-EM-A CPX series ConnectPort X2B DM 24 Pro 9210 8/16 EA $138.20 US X2-M11-EM-W CPX series EA $138.20 US X2-M91-EM-A ConnectPort X2's ConnectPort X2 DM 2.4 Pro Ethernet 9210 8/16 Int Digi X2 Gateway - DM900 MHz, Extra Memory, and Antennas Included with US Power Supply EA $147.39 US Digi X24-019WNI International XStream Modules 900 MHz & 2.4 GHz 132-8 Digi X24-019WNT International Radio Mods 132-8 Digi X2-A11-EM-A International ConnectPort X2's 132-8 Digi X2-A11-EM-W International ConnectPort X2's 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International X2E-Z1C-D1-A CPX series X2E-Z1C-H1-A CPX series 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 GS-35F-0351J UOI 24XStream, 50mW, RS 232/485, 19200 baud w/o accessories, Commercial Grade (0 - 70C) 132-8 132-8 Product Description GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $160.69 US through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 91 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name 132-8 Digi X2-P81-EM-W International ConnectPort X2's 132-8 Digi X2-S11-EM-A International CPX series 132-8 Digi X2-T11-EM-A International ConnectPort X2 132-8 Digi X2-Z11-EM-A International ConnectPort X2's 132-8 Digi X2-Z11-EM-W International ConnectPort X2's 132-8 Digi X4-A11-A01-A International Digi X4-A11-A01-W International 802.15.4 CPX Gateways ConnectPort X4's Digi X4-A11-E-A International Digi X4-A11-E-W International 802.15.4 CPX Gateways ConnectPort X4's 132-8 Digi X4-A11-P01-A International ConnectPort X4's 132-8 Digi X4-A11-P01-W International ConnectPort X4's 132-8 Digi X4-A11-W-A International Digi X4-A11-W-W International 802.15.4 CPX Gateways ConnectPort X4's 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 Digi X4-A1J-U901-W CPX series International 132-8 Digi X4-A1J-U905 International 132-8 Digi X4-A1U-U901-A CPX series International 132-8 Digi X4-A1U-U905 International 132-8 Digi X4H-HMU-U901- CPX series International US 132-8 Digi X4-HMU-B201- CPX series International A GS-35F-0351J CPX series CPX series Product Description UOI Digi X2 Gateway - 868 MHz, Extra Memory, and Antennas Included with International Power Supply ConnectPort X2 - XBee-PRO XSC to Ethernet. Industrial enclosure. Antennas and power supply included XBee (XTend) to Ethernet. Industrial enclosure. Antennas and power supply included. Digi X2 Gateway - Xbee (ZigBee), Extra Memory, and Antennas Included with US Power Supply Digi X2 Gateway - Xbee (ZigBee), Extra Memory, and Antennas Included with International Power Supply ConnectPort X4, XBee to Ethernet & Cellular (2G GPRS) Digi X4 Routing Gateway - Edge 802.15.4, and Antennas Included with International Power Supply and 5 VPN Tunnels and Encryption EA GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $156.65 US EA $147.47 US EA $349.50 US EA $138.12 US EA $138.12 US EA $437.41 US EA $451.18 US ConnectPort X4, XBee to Ethernet EA $336.60 US Digi X4 Routing Gateway - 802.15.4, and Antennas Included with International Power Supply and 5 VPN Tunnels and Encryption Digi X4 Routing Gateway - Edge IA 802.15.4, and Antennas Included and 5 VPN Tunnels and Encryption Digi X4 Routing Gateway - Edge IA 802.15.4, and Antennas Included and 5 VPN Tunnels and Encryption ConnectPort X4, XBee to WiFi 802.11b/g EA $341.36 US EA $468.72 US EA $468.72 US EA $393.58 US Digi X4 Routing Gateway - WiFi, 802.15.4, and Antennas Included with International Power Supply and 5 VPN Tunnels and Encryption EA $429.02 US ConnectPort X4 - XBee (802.15.4) to Ethernet & Cellular (HSPA+). Serial (RS-232), Security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: Int'l power supply, antennas. ConnectPort X4 IA - XBee (802.15.4) to Ethernet & Cellular (HSPA+). Serial (RS232/RS-422/RS-485), Security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: terminal block power connector, antennas, DIN rail mounting kit. ConnectPort X4 - XBee (802.15.4) to Ethernet & Cellular (HSPA+). Serial (RS-232), Security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: U.S. power supply, antennas. ConnectPort X4 IA - XBee (802.15.4) to Ethernet & Cellular (HSPA+). Serial (RS232/RS-422/RS-485), Security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: terminal block power connector, antennas, DIN rail mounting kit. ConnectPort X4 H - XBee (XBee-PRO 900HP) to Ethernet & Cellular (HSPA+). Serial (RS232/RS-422/RS-485), Security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: US power cord, antennas. ConnectPort X4 - XBee (XBee-PRO 900HP) to Ethernet & Cellular (1xRTT Verizon). Serial (RS-232), Security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: U.S. power supply, antennas. EA $604.98 US EA $622.53 US EA $600.21 US EA $622.53 US EA $753.52 US EA $458.68 US through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 92 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name 132-8 Digi X4-HMU-E-A International 132-8 Digi X4-HMU-U901- CPX series International A 132-8 Digi X4H-Z1U-B101- CPX series International US 132-8 Digi X4H-Z1U-B201- CPX series International US 132-8 Digi X4H-Z1U-U901- CPX series International US 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International 132-8 Digi International 132-8 Digi International Digi International 132-8 CPX series Digi X4-M11-U901-A CPX series International 132-8 Digi X4-M11-U901International W CPX series 132-8 Digi X4-M11-W-A International Digi X4-M11-W-W International DigiMesh 2.4 Gateways ConnectPort X4's Digi X4-M91-A01-A International CPX series 132-8 GS-35F-0351J UOI ConnectPort X4 - XBee (XBee-PRO 900HP) to Ethernet. Serial (RS-232), Security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: US power supply, antennas. ConnectPort X4 - XBee (XBee-PRO 900HP) to Ethernet & Cellular (HSPA+). Serial (RS-232), Security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: US power supply, antennas. ConnectPort X4 H - XBee (ZigBee S2B) to Ethernet & Cellular (1xRTT Sprint). Serial (RS232/RS-422/RS-485), Security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: US power cord, antennas. ConnectPort X4 H - XBee (ZigBee S2B) to Ethernet & Cellular (1xRTT Verizon). Serial (RS-232/RS-422/RS-485), Security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: US power cord, antennas. ConnectPort X4 H - XBee (ZigBee S2B) to Ethernet & Cellular (HSPA+). Serial (RS232/RS-422/RS-485), Security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: US power cord, antennas. iDigi Gateway Development Kit Europe EA EA $600.21 US EA $611.87 US EA $611.87 US EA $753.52 US EA $378.62 US EA $378.62 US EA $377.71 US EA $378.62 US EA $437.41 US EA $451.18 US EA $458.68 US EA $336.60 US EA $341.36 US ConnectPort X4 - XBee (DigiMesh 2.4 GHz) to Ethernet & Cellular (HSPA+ Int'l). Serial (RS232), Security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: US power supply, antennas. ConnectPort X4 - XBee (DigiMesh 2.4 GHz) to Ethernet & Cellular (HSPA+ Int'l). Serial (RS232), Security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: Int'l power supply, antennas. Connectport X4, DM 2.4 WiFi EA $600.21 US EA $604.98 US EA $393.58 US Digi X4 Routing Gateway - WiFi, DM 2.4 GHz, and Antennas Included with International Power Supply and 5 VPN Tunnels and Encryption ConnectPort X4 routing gateway - cellular (Edge), XBee (DigiMesh 900 MHz), Ethernet, serial (RS-232), security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: US power supply, antennas EA $429.02 US EA $459.81 US X4K-Z1J-00012- CPX series W1 X4K-Z1J-00015- CPX series iDigi Gateway Development Kit Japan W1 X4K-Z1U-00011- ZB Development Kits iDigi Gateway Development Kit - '-xxx14 = A1 Australia; -xxx15 = Japan; -xxx12 = Europe; xxx13 = UK X4K-Z1U-00014- CPX series iDigi Gateway Development Kit Australia W1 X4-M11-A01-A DigiMesh 2.4 Connectport X4, DM 2.4 GPRS Gateways X4-M11-A01-W ConnectPort X4's Digi X4 Routing Gateway - Edge DM 2.4 GHz, and Antennas Included with International Power Supply and 5 VPN Tunnels and Encryption X4-M11-B201-A CPX series ConnectPort X4 - XBee (DigiMesh 2.4 GHz) to Ethernet & Cellular (1xRTT Verizon). Serial (RS-232), Security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: U.S. power supply, antennas. X4-M11-E-A DigiMesh 2.4 Connectport X4, DM 2.4 Ethernet Gateways X4-M11-E-W ConnectPort X4's Digi X4 Routing Gateway - DM 2.4 GHz, and Antennas Included with International Power Supply and 5 VPN Tunnels and Encryption 132-8 132-8 Product Description GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $336.96 US through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 93 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN 132-8 MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name Digi X4-M91-E-A International Digi X4-M91-W-A International DigiMesh 900 Gateways CPX series 132-8 Digi X4-M91-W-W International CPX series 132-8 Digi X4-P81-A01-W International ConnectPort X4's 132-8 Digi X4-P81-E-W International ConnectPort X4's 132-8 Digi X4-P8J-U901-W CPX series International 132-8 Digi X4-P8J-U905 International CPX series 132-8 Digi X4-Z11-A01-A International Digi X4-Z11-A01HInternational EU ZB CPX Gateways 132-8 Digi X4-Z11-A01HInternational UK ConnectPort X4's 132-8 Digi X4-Z11-A01HInternational US Digi X4-Z11-A01-W International ZB CPX Gateways 132-8 132-8 132-8 ConnectPort X4's ConnectPort X4's Product Description UOI Connectport X4, DigiMesh 900, 900 MHz, Ethernet ConnectPort X4 routing gateway - Wi-Fi (802.11 a/b/g), XBee (DigiMesh 900 MHz), Ethernet, serial (RS-232), security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: US power supply, antennas ConnectPort X4 routing gateway - Wi-Fi (802.11 a/b/g), XBee (DigiMesh 900 MHz), Ethernet, serial (RS-232), security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: Int'l power supply, antennas Digi X4 Routing Gateway - Edge 868 MHz, and Antennas Included with International Power Supply and 5 VPN Tunnels and Encryption EA GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $340.42 US EA $437.62 US EA $442.26 US EA $451.18 US Digi X4 Routing Gateway - 868 MHz, and Antennas Included with International Power Supply and 5 VPN Tunnels and Encryption ConnectPort X4 - XBee (Low Power 868 MHz) to Ethernet & Cellular (HSPA+). Serial (RS232), security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: Int'l power supply, antennas ConnectPort X4 IA- XBee (Low Power 868 MHz) to Ethernet & Cellular (HSPA+). Serial (RS-232/RS-422/RS-485), Security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: terminal block power connector, antennas, DIN rail mounting kit. ConnectPort X4, XBee to Cellular (2G GPRS) EA $341.36 US EA $627.41 US EA $644.91 US EA $437.41 US Digi X4 Routing Gateway - Edge NEMA Xbee (ZigBee), and Antennas Included with EU Power Supply and 5 VPN Tunnels and Encryption Digi X4 Routing Gateway - Edge NEMA Xbee (ZigBee), and Antennas Included with UK Power Supply and 5 VPN Tunnels and Encryption ConnectPort X4 H, XBee to Cellular (2G GPRS), NEMA 4X/IP66 enclosure, US Plug Digi X4 Routing Gateway - Edge Xbee (ZigBee), and Antennas Included with International Power Supply and 5 VPN Tunnels and Encryption Digi X4 Routing Gateway - Edge Xbee (ZigBee), and Antennas Included with International Power Supply and 5 VPN Tunnels and Encryption (25-unit bulk pack with IEC Cable) ConnectPort X4, XBee to Ethernet EA $604.33 US EA $604.33 US EA $599.58 US EA $451.18 US EA $10,159.90 US EA $336.60 US 132-8 Digi X4-Z11-A01-W- ConnectPort X4's International 25 132-8 Digi X4-Z11-E-A International Digi X4-Z11-E-W International ZB CPX Gateways ConnectPort X4's Digi X4 Routing Gateway - Xbee (ZigBee), and Antennas Included with International Power Supply and 5 VPN Tunnels and Encryption EA $341.36 US 132-8 Digi X4-Z11-P01-A International ConnectPort X4's EA $468.72 US 132-8 Digi X4-Z11-P01-W International ConnectPort X4's EA $468.72 US 132-8 Digi X4-Z11-PE-A International CPX series Digi X4 Routing Gateway - Edge IA Xbee (ZigBee), and Antennas Included and 5 VPN Tunnels and Encryption Digi X4 Routing Gateway - Edge IA Xbee (ZigBee), and Antennas Included and 5 VPN Tunnels and Encryption ConnectPort X4 IA - XBee (ZigBee S2B) to Ethernet. Serial (RS-232/RS-422/RS-485), Security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: terminal block power connector, antennas, DIN rail mounting kit. EA $359.28 US 132-8 GS-35F-0351J through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 94 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name 132-8 Digi X4-Z11-PE-W International CPX series 132-8 Digi X4-Z11-PW-A International ConnectPort X4's 132-8 Digi X4-Z11-PW-W International ConnectPort X4's 132-8 Digi X4-Z11-W-A International Digi X4-Z11-W-W International ZB CPX Gateways 132-8 ConnectPort X4's 132-8 Digi X4-Z1J-U901-W CPX series International 132-8 Digi X4-Z1J-U905 International 132-8 Digi X4-Z1U-B101-A CPX series International 132-8 Digi X4-Z1U-B105 International 132-8 Digi X4-Z1U-B201-A CPX series International 132-8 Digi X4-Z1U-B205 International 132-8 Digi X4-Z1U-U901-A CPX series International 132-8 Digi X4-Z1U-U905 International CPX series 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Adapters 132-8 132-8 132-8 GS-35F-0351J XA-A14-CE1P CPX series CPX series CPX series XA-A14-CE1P-J Adapters XA-A14-CS2P Adapters XA-A14-CS3P Adapters Product Description UOI ConnectPort X4 IA - XBee (ZigBee S2B) to Ethernet. Serial (RS-232/RS-422/RS-485), Security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: terminal block power connector, antennas, DIN rail mounting kit. Digi X4 Routing Gateway - IA WiFi, Xbee (ZigBee), and Antennas Included with US Power Supply and 5 VPN Tunnels and Encryption Digi X4 Routing Gateway - IA WiFi, Xbee (ZigBee), and Antennas Included with International Power Supply and 5 VPN Tunnels and Encryption ConnectPort X4, XBee to WiFi 802.11b/g EA GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $359.28 US EA $446.55 US EA $446.55 US EA $393.58 US Digi X4 Routing Gateway - WiFi, Xbee (ZigBee), and Antennas Included with International Power Supply and 5 VPN Tunnels and Encryption ConnectPort X4 - XBee (ZigBee S2B) to Ethernet & Cellular (HSPA+ Int'l). Serial (RS232), Security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: Int'l power supply, antennas. EA $429.02 US EA $604.98 US ConnectPort X4 IA - XBee (ZigBee S2B) to Ethernet & Cellular (HSPA+ Int'l). Serial (RS232/RS-422/RS-485), Security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: terminal block power connector, antennas, DIN rail mounting kit. ConnectPort X4 - XBee (ZigBee S2B) to Ethernet & Cellular (1xRTT Sprint). Serial (RS232), Security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: power supply, antennas. EA $622.53 US EA $458.68 US ConnectPort X4 IA - XBee (ZigBee S2B) to Ethernet & Cellular (1xRTT Sprint). Serial (RS232/RS-422/RS-485), Security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: terminal block power connector, antennas, DIN rail mounting kit. ConnectPort X4 - XBee (ZigBee S2B) to Ethernet & Cellular (1xRTT Verizon). Serial (RS-232), Security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: power supply, antennas. EA $480.87 US EA $458.68 US ConnectPort X4 IA - XBee (ZigBee S2B) to Ethernet & Cellular (1xRTT Verizon). Serial (RS-232/RS-422/RS-485), Security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: terminal block power connector, antennas, DIN rail mounting kit. ConnectPort X4 - XBee (ZigBee S2B) to Ethernet & Cellular (HSPA+ Int'l). Serial (RS232), Security (5 VPN tunnels and encryption). Includes: USl power supply, antennas. EA $480.87 US EA $600.21 US ConnectPort X4 IA routing gateway - cellular (HSPA+ Int'l), XBee (ZigBee high power), Ethernet, serial (RS-232/RS-422/RS-485), security (5 VPN tunnels & encryption), terminal block power connector. Incl: Antennas, DIN rail kit. XBee-PRO 802.15.4 USB adapter, wire antenna XBee-PRO 802.15.4 USB adapter, wire antenna XBee-PRO 802.15.4 RS-232 adapter, wire antenna (9 - 30V) XBee-PRO 802.15.4 RS-485 adapter, wire antenna (9 - 30V) EA $622.53 US EA $69.32 US EA $69.32 US EA $69.32 US EA $69.32 US through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 95 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 MFR Part Number Product Name XA-A14-CS4P Adapters XA-A14-CS5P Adapters XA-ACC-CS-L Power Supplies & Batteries XA-ACC-CS-L- Power Supplies & 25 Batteries XA-M14-CE1P- DigiMesh 2.4 A Adapters XA-M14-CE1P- Adapters W XA-M14-CS2P- Adapters A Product Description UOI XBee-PRO 802.15.4 Digital I/O adapter, wire antenna (9 - 30V) Xbee-PRO 802.15.4 Analog I/O adapter, wire antenna (9 - 30V) Lithium Battery PackFor XBee 3 - 6V adapters EA GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $69.32 US EA $91.82 US EA $17.53 US Lithium Battery Pack, 25 Unit PackFor XBee 3 6V adapters XBee-PRO DigiMesh 2.4, USB adapter EA $416.37 US EA $91.57 US XBee-PRO DigiMesh 2.4, USB adapter EA $91.62 US XBee-PRO DigiMesh 2.4, 232 adapter, external RPSMA Antenna (Included) (3 - 6V) EA $119.65 US 132-8 Digi XA-M14-CS2P- Adapters International W XBee-PRO DigiMesh 2.4, 232 adapter, external RPSMA Antenna (Included) (3 - 6V) EA $119.65 US 132-8 Digi XA-M14-CS3P- DigiMesh 2.4 International A Adapters XBee-PRO DigiMesh 2.4, 485 adapter, external RPSMA Antenna (Included) (3 - 6V) EA $119.58 US 132-8 Digi XA-M14-CS3P- Adapters International W XBee-PRO DigiMesh 2.4, 485 adapter, external RPSMA Antenna (Included) (3 - 6V) EA $119.65 US 132-8 Digi XA-M14-CS4P- Adapters International A XBee-PRO DigiMesh 2.4, DIO adapter, external RPSMA Antenna (Included) (3 - 6V) EA $119.65 US 132-8 Digi XA-M14-CS4P- Adapters International W XBee-PRO DigiMesh 2.4, DIO adapter, external RPSMA Antenna (Included) (3 - 6V) EA $119.65 US 132-8 Digi XA-M14-CS5P- Adapters International A XBee-PRO DigiMesh 2.4, AIO adapter, external RPSMA Antenna (Included) (3 - 6V) EA $119.65 US 132-8 Digi XA-M14-CS5P- Adapters International W XBee-PRO DigiMesh 2.4, AIO adapter, external RPSMA Antenna (Included) (3 - 6V) EA $119.65 US 132-8 Digi International Digi International XBee-PRO DigiMesh 900, USB adapter EA $91.57 US XBee-PRO DigiMesh 900, 232 adapter, external RPSMA Antenna (Included) (3 - 6V) EA $119.65 US 132-8 XA-M94-CE1P- DigiMesh 900 A Adapters XA-M94-CS2P- Adapters A 132-8 Digi XA-M94-CS3P- DigiMesh 900 International A Adapters XBee-PRO DigiMesh 900, 485 adapter, external RPSMA Antenna (Included) (3 - 6V) EA $119.58 US 132-8 Digi XA-M94-CS4P- Adapters International A XBee-PRO DigiMesh 900, DIO adapter, external RPSMA Antenna (Included) (3 - 6V) EA $119.65 US 132-8 Digi XA-M94-CS5P- DigiMesh 900 International A Adapters XBee-PRO DigiMesh 900, AIO adapter, external RPSMA Antenna (Included) (3 - 6V) EA $119.58 US 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Radio Mods XBee-PRO 868 Adapter - USB EA $113.20 US Radio Mods XBee-PRO 868 Adapter - RS237 EA $113.20 US Radio Mods XBee-PRO 868 Adapter - RS485 EA $113.20 US Radio Mods XBee-PRO 868 Adapter - DIO EA $113.20 US Radio Mods XBee-PRO 868 Adapter - AIO EA $113.20 US ZB Extended-Range XBee-PRO Adapters Adapters XBee USB adapter, internal wire antenna EA $69.25 US XBee USB adapter, internal wire antenna EA $69.32 US Adapters XBee RS-232 adapter, external RPSMA Antenna (Included) (9 - 30V) XBee RS-232 adapter, external RPSMA Antenna (Included) (9 - 30V) XBee RS-485 adapter, external RPSMA Antenna (Included) (9 - 30V) XBee RS-485 adapter, external RPSMA Antenna (Included) (9 - 30V) EA $103.13 US EA $103.13 US EA $96.76 US EA $103.13 US 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 GS-35F-0351J XA-P81-CE1PW XA-P81-CS2PW XA-P81-CS3PW XA-P81-CS4PW XA-P81-CS5PW XA-Z14-CE1P-A XA-Z14-CE1PW XA-Z14-CS2PHA XA-Z14-CS2PHW XA-Z14-CS3PHA XA-Z14-CS3PHW Adapters ZB Extended-Range XBee-PRO Adapters Adapters through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 96 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 MFR Part Number XA-Z14-CS4PHA XA-Z14-CS4PHW XA-Z14-CS5PHA XA-Z14-CS5PHW XA-Z16-CS1R Product Name Adapters EA $103.13 US EA $103.13 US EA $106.53 US EA $41.74 US EA $41.74 US XBee-PRO 868, 868 MHz, 1 mW to 315 mW, Wire Whip, 24000 bps; Approved for use in Europe Digi XEB09-CIPA Digi XPress Ethernet 900Mhz, 125 mW Ethernet Bridge w/ International Bridge Accessories - IndustrialKit comes in a pair Digi XEB09-CIPAF Digi 900 Mhz Bridge 900hz Bridge Kit - comes in a pair International Kit Digi XEB09-CIPA-W EthernetBridge 900Mhz, 125 mW Ethernet Bridge w/ International Accessories - Industrial;Kit comes in a pair Digi XEB09-CISA Digi XPress Ethernet 900Mhz, 125 mW Ethernet Bridge w/ International Bridge Accessories - IndustrialSingle 900 MHz Bridge EA $41.74 US EA $874.82 US EA $1,576.08 US EA $875.75 US EA $437.41 US Digi XEB09-CISAF International Digi XEB09-CISAFB International Digi XEB09-CISA-W International Digi 900 Mhz Bridge Single 900 MHz Bridge EA $788.04 US Digi 900 Mhz Bridge - Single PC Board for 900 Mhz Bridge PC Board EthernetBridge 900Mhz, 125 mW Ethernet Bridge w/ Accessories - Industrial;Single 900 MHz Bridge EA $612.73 US EA $437.87 US Adapters Adapters ZB Low Power XBee Adapters Radio Mods 132-8 Digi XBP08-DPWIT- Radio Mods International 024 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 EA US Digi XBP08-DPUITInternational 024 132-8 XBee Digital I/O adapter, external RPSMA Antenna (Included) (9 - 30V) XBee Digital I/O adapter, external RPSMA Antenna (Included) (9 - 30V) XBee Analog I/O adapter, external RPSMA Antenna (Included) (9 - 30V) XBee Analog I/O adapter, external RPSMA Antenna (Included) (9 - 30V) XBee Sensor Adapter, internal wire antenna (930V) XBee-PRO 868, 868 MHz, 1 mW to 315 mW, RPSMA, 24000 bps; Approved for use in Europe XBee-PRO 868, 868 MHz, 1 mW to 315 mW, U.FL, 24000 bps; Approved for use in Europe $103.13 132-8 132-8 UOI EA XBP08-DPSIT024 Adapters Product Description GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $103.13 US Radio Mods 132-8 Digi XEB-AW140 International Digi XPress High XPress FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module Security Cryptographic Module EA $264.18 US 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International XIB-E Interface Boards Ethernet interface board (9XStream, 24XStream) Interface Boards RS-232/485 interface board (9XStream, 24XStream, 9XCite) Interface Boards USB interface board (9XStream, 24XStream, 9XCite) ZB Development Kits ZigBee RF Module Dev Kit - 'M = USA and Canada; -WA = Australia; - W = Rest of World EA $131.49 US EA $43.83 US EA $43.83 US EA $283.15 US Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International XK-Z11-M-W DevKits EA $283.27 US XK-Z11-M-WA DevKits EA $283.27 US XK-Z11-S ZB Development Kits ZigBee SMT RF Module Dev Kit EA $283.15 US XK-Z11-S-W DevKits ZigBee SMT RF Module Dev Kit Rest of World EA $283.27 US XK-Z11-S-WA DevKits ZigBee SMT RF Module Dev Kit Australia EA $283.27 US XK-Z11-T-W DevKits Digi Tank Solutions Kit Rest of World EA $378.62 US XK-Z11-T DevKits Digi Tank Solutions Kit Americas EA $378.62 US XL9-U MS-Box EA $ 1,085.37 US XL9-UA MS-Box Digi XLR PRO Long-Range 900MHz Modem, No Accessories ? North America Digi XLR PRO Long-Range 900MHz Modem, Includes Accessories ? North America EA $ 1,162.95 US XBee-PRO XSC RF Modem, 9.6K, RS232 w/Accessories (Australia) XBee-PRO XSC RF Modem, 9.6K, RS232, No Accessories EA $141.74 US EA $122.19 US 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 XIB-R XIB-U XK-Z11-M Digi XM-C91-2P-AA Routers International Digi XM-C91-2P-U Routers International GS-35F-0351J ZigBee RF Module Dev Kit, Through-Hole, International Variant ZigBee RF Module Dev Kit Australia through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 97 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 MFR Part Number Product Name Product Description UOI XBee-PRO XSC RF Modem, 9.6K, RS485 w/Accessories (Australia) XBee-PRO XSC RF Modem, 9.6K, RS485, No Accessories XBee-PRO XSC RF Modem, 9.6K, RS485 w/Accessories XBee-PRO XSC RF Modem, 9.6K, USB w/Accessories (Australia) XBee-PRO XSC RF Modem, 9.6K, USB, No Accessories XBee-PRO XSC RF Modem, 9.6K, USB w/Accessories XBee-PRO XSC RF Modem, 19.2K, RS232 w/ Accessories? XBee-PRO XSC RF Modem, 19.2K, RS485 w/ Accessories? XBee-PRO DigiMesh 2.4 Range Extender, US Plug XBee-PRO DigiMesh 2.4 Range Extender, EU Plug XBee-PRO DigiMesh 2.4 Range Extender, UK Plug XBee-PRO DigiMesh 2.4 Range Extender, AU Plug XBee-PRO DigiMesh 2.4 Range Extender, JP Plug XBee ZB Range Extender, US Plug - ZB EA XR-Z14-CW1P2 Routers XM-C91-4P-AA Routers XM-C91-4P-U Routers EA $122.19 US EA $141.74 US EA $141.74 US EA $122.19 US EA $141.74 US EA $141.74 US EA $141.74 US EA $64.00 TW EA $64.00 TW EA $64.00 TW EA $64.00 TW EA $64.00 TW EA $60.55 TW XBee ZB Range Extender, EU Plug - ZB EA $60.55 TW XR-Z14-CW1P3 Routers XBee ZB Range Extender, UK Plug - ZB EA $60.55 TW XR-Z14-CW1P4 Routers XBee ZB Range Extender, AU Plug - ZB EA $60.55 TW XR-Z14-CW1P5 Routers XBee ZB Range Extender, JP Plug - ZB EA $60.55 TW XR-Z14-CW2P6 ZB Range Extender XBee ZB Smart Plug, US - ZB EA $78.17 US XR-Z14-CW2P7 Sensors XBee ZB Smart Plug (Canada 3-prong) EA $78.21 US XS-Z16-CB1R ZB XBee Sensors EA $86.78 US XS-Z16-CB2R ZB XBee Sensors XBee Sensor - ZB - Battery-powered temperature and light XBee Sensor - ZB - Battery-powered temperature, humidity, and light 9XTend, 1W, NEMA 4 external ant connector w/o accessories EA $95.55 US EA $444.01 US 9XTend, 1W, NEMA 4 external ant connector w/ accessories EA $462.55 US 9XTend, 1W, NEMA 4 external ant connector w/ accessories - "-NA" does not have AES encryption 9XTend, 1W, NEMA 4 external ant connector w/o accessories "-NA" does not have AES encryption 9XTend, 1W, NEMA 4 internal ant connector w/o accessories EA $462.55 US EA $444.01 US EA $444.01 US 9XTend, 1W, NEMA 4 internal ant connector w/ accessories EA $462.55 US XTend Dev Kit, 900MHz, 1W, 115Kbps, (1) MMCX & (1) RPSMA XTend Dev Kit, 900MHz, 1W, 115Kbps, (2) MMCX & (2) RPSMA, with Mesh 9XTend, 1W transceiver, w/RPSMA or MMCX connector, 115000 bps 9XTend, 1W, USB w/o accessories EA $387.13 US EA $697.46 US EA $200.74 US EA $249.29 US 9XTend, 1W, USB w/ accessories EA $268.12 US XM-C91-4P-UA Routers XM-C91-UP-AA Routers XM-C91-UP-U Routers XM-C91-UP-UA Routers XM-C92-2P-UA Routers XM-C92-4P-UA Routers XR-M14CW1P1 XR-M14CW1P2 XR-M14CW1P3 XR-M14CW1P4 XR-M14CW1P5 XR-Z14-CW1P1 XT09-4EI-R Routers Routers Routers Routers Routers Routers XTend Modems/PKGs w/ NEMA Enclosures Digi XT09-4EI-RA XTend International Modems/PKGs w/ NEMA Enclosures Digi XT09-4EI-RA- XTend International NA Modems/PKGs w/ NEMA Enclosures Digi XT09-4EI-R-NA XTend International Modems/PKGs w/ NEMA Enclosures Digi XT09-4II-R XTend International Modems/PKGs w/ NEMA Enclosures Digi XT09-4II-RA XTend International Modems/PKGs w/ NEMA Enclosures Digi XT09-DK XTend Development International Kits Digi XT09-DK-MESH XTend Development International Kits Digi XT09-MT XTend Modules International Digi XT09-PKC-U XTend International Modems/PKGs Digi XT09-PKC-UA XTend International Modems/PKGs GS-35F-0351J GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $141.74 US through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 98 Digi International, Inc. Authorized GSA FAS Schedule Pricelist SIN MFR Name MFR Part Number Product Name 132-8 Digi XT09-PKC-UA- XTend International NA Modems/PKGs 132-8 Digi XT09-PKC-UInternational NA XTend Modems/PKGs 132-8 Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International XTend Modems/PKGs XTend Modems/PKGs XTend Modems/PKGs XTend Modems/PKGs XTend Modems/PKGs 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 132-8 XT09-PKD-RD XT09-PKI-EA XT09-PKI-R XT09-PKI-RA XT09-PKI-RANA Product Description UOI 9XTend, 1W, USB w/ accessories - "-NA" does not have AES encryption; "-128" has 128-bit AES encryption & uses 915 MHz 9XTend, 1W, USB w/o accessories - "-NA" does not have AES encryption; "-128" has 128bit AES encryption & uses 915 MHz 9XTend, 1W, RS 232/485 w/ accessories, C1D2 approved 9XTend, 1W, Ethernet w/ accessories EA GSA OFFER Country PRICE (inclusive of Origin of the .75% IFF) $268.12 US EA $249.29 US EA $357.79 US EA $357.79 US 9XTend, 1W, RS 232/485 w/o accessories EA $249.29 US 9XTend, 1W, RS 232/485 w/ accessories EA $268.12 US 9XTend, 1W, RS 232/485 w/ accessories - "NA" does not have AES encryption; "-128" has 128-bit AES encryption & uses 915 MHz EA $268.12 US Digi XT09-PKI-RDA International Digi XT09-PKI-R-NA International XTend Modems/PKGs XTend Modems/PKGs 9XTend, 1W, RS 232/485 w/ accessories EA $357.79 US 9XTend, 1W, RS 232/485 w/ accessories - "NA" does not have AES encryption; "-128" has 128-bit AES encryption & uses 915 MHz EA $249.29 US Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International XT09-PKT-R $294.13 US EA $312.96 US EA $200.74 US XTH9-DK-128 DevKits EA $387.97 US XTH9-PKC-U128 XTH9-PKC-UA128 XTH9-PKI-R128 XTH9-PKI-RA128 XTH9-SI-128 PKG EA $249.51 US EA $268.35 US EA $249.51 US EA $268.35 US EA $157.07 US Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International Digi International XTIB-E Interface Boards 9XTend, 1W, RS 232/485 w/o accessories, temperature tested 9XTend, 1W, RS 232/485 w/ accessories, temperature tested 9XTend, 1W transceiver, w/RPSMA or MMCX connector, 115000 bps XTend Dev Kit, 900MHz, 1W, 115Kbps, (1) MMCX & (1) RPSMA 9XTend, 1W, USB w/o accessories, 128-bit AES encryption & uses 915 MHz 9XTend, 1W, USB w/ accessories, 128-bit AES encryption & uses 915 MHz 9XTend, 1W, RS 232/485 w/o accessories, 128-bit AES encryption & uses 915 MHz 9XTend, 1W, RS 232/485 w/ accessories, 128bit AES encryption & uses 915 MHz 9XTend, 1W transceiver, w/RPSMA connector, 115000 bps, 128-bit AES encryption & uses 915 MHz 1W Ethernet interface board (9XTend) EA XT09-ST XTend Modems/PKGs XTend Modems/PKGs XTend Modules EA $131.49 US XTIB-R Interface Boards 1W RS-232/485 interface board (9XTend) EA $70.13 US XTIB-U Interface Boards 1W USB interface board (9XTend) EA $70.13 US XU-A11 802.15.4 Low Power XBee Adapters ZB Low Power XBee Adapters PKG XStick 802.15.4 USB Adapter EA $41.20 US XStick USB Adapter EA $42.95 US Xstick USB Adapter (Japan) EA $43.00 US GS-35F-0351J XT09-PKT-RA XU-Z11 XU-Z11J PKG PKG PKG Radio Mods through PS-0154, effective 08/31/2015 Page 99