– ER3 –
Cautions for Safety
(Common precautions for Fixed Resistors)
• When using our products, no matter what sort of equipment they might be used for, be sure to make a written
agreement on the specifi cations with us in advance. The design and specifi cations in this catalog are subject
to chang e without prior notice.
• Do not use the products beyond the specifi cations described in this catalog.
• This catalog explains the quality and performance of the products as individual components. Be fore use, check
and evaluate their operations when installed in your products.
• Install the following systems for a failsafe design to ensure safety if these products are to be used in equip ment
where a defect in these products may cause the loss of human life or other signifi cant damage, such as damage to
vehicles (au to mo bile, train, vessel), traffi c lights, medical equipment, aerospace equipment, elec tric heating
ap pli anc es, co m bus tion/gas equipme nt, rotating equipme nt, and disa ster/crime prevention equip ment.
✽ Systems equipped with a protection circuit and a protection device
✽ Systems equipped with a redundant circuit or other system to prevent an unsafe status in the event of a single fault
(1) Precautions for use
• These products are designed and manufactured for general purpose and stan dard use in general elec tron ic
equipment (e.g. AV equipment, home electric ap pli anc es, offi ce equipment, information and com mu ni ca tion
• These products are not intended for use in the following special conditions. Be fore using the products, care ful ly
check the ef fects on their quality and performance, and determine whether or n ot they can be used.
1. In liquid, such as water, oil, chemicals, or o rganic solvent
2. In direct sunlight, outdoors, or in dust
3. In salty air or air with a high concentration of co rrosive gas, such as Cl2, H2S, NH3, SO2, or NO2
4. In an environment where strong static electricity or electromagnetic wave s exist
5. In an environment where these products cause dew condensation
6. Sealing or coating of these products or a printed circuit board on which these products are mounted, with resin
or other m aterials
• These products generate Joule heat when energized. Carefully position these products so that their heat will not
affect th e other components.
• Carefully position these products so that their temperatures will not exceed the category temperature range due
to the effects of neighboring heat-generating com po nents. Do not mount or place heat-generating com po nents or
infl ammables, such as vinyl-coated wires, near these products .
• Note that non-cleaning solder, halogen-based highly active fl ux, or water-soluble fl ux may deteriorate the perfor
mance or reliability of t h e prod u cts .
• Carefully select a fl ux cleaning agent for use after soldering. An unsuitable agent may deteriorate the
performance or reliability. In particular, when using water or a water- soluble cleaning agent, be careful not to leave
water res i dues. O therw ise, the insulation performance may be deteriorated.
(2) Precautions for storag e
The performance of these products, including the solderability, is guaranteed for a year from the date of arrival at your
company, provided that they remain packed as they were when delivered and stored at a temperature of 5 °C to 35 °
C and a relative hu midity of 45 % to 85 %.
Even within the above guarantee periods, do not store these products in the fol low ing conditions. Otherwise, their
elec tri cal performance and/or solderability may be deteriorated, and the packaging materials (e.g. tap ing ma te ri als)
may be de formed or d ete riorated, resulting in mo unting failures.
1. In salty air or in air with a high concentration of corrosive gas, such as Cl2, H2S, NH3, SO2, o r NO2
2. In direct sunlight
This is all for the precautions common to Fixed Resistors. Also refer to the "CAUTION AND WARNIN G" section located
on the back of the fro nt cover of this catalog and precautions for individual products shown in the sub se quent pages.
<Package markings>
Package markings include the product number, quantit y, and co untry of o rigin.
In principle, the country of o rigin should be indicated in English.