Open Coils (with Screw Terminals)
Cased Coils (Plug-in Terminals)
Models Conforming to Auxiliary Power Relay Specifications
The MM4P-JD and MM4XP-JD satisfy the ratings of auxiliary relays provided in JEC-2500 (1987) standards for power protective relays specified
by the Japan Electromechanical Commission. Furthermore, the MM4P-JD and MM4XP-JD satisfy the ratings of multi-contact relays provided in
JEC-174D (1979) standards for power auxiliary relays.
These models work at operation level B specified by JEC-174D (1979) standards and the hot start of the relays is possible after the coils radiate
In accordance with JEC-2500 (1987) standards, the coil of each model withstands a 130% DC load or 115% AC load.
Type Contact form Relay model Available rated voltage
Standard DP MM2B 6, 12, 24, 50, 100/(110), 200/(220) VAC
12, 24, 48, 100/110, 125, 200/220 VDC
3P MM3B 6, 100/(110), 200/(220) VAC
12, 24, 100/110 VDC
4P MM4B 6, 100/(110), 200/(220) VAC
12, 24, 48, 100/110 VDC
DC-switching DP MM2XB 24, 100/(110), 200/(220) VAC
12, 24, 48, 100/110, 125, 200/220 VDC
3P MM3XB 100/(110), 200/(220) VAC
12, 24, 48, 100/110, 125, 200/220 VDC
4P MM4XB 12, 24, 100/(110), 200/(220) VAC
6, 12, 24, 48, 100/110, 200/220 VDC
Type Contact form Relay model Available rated voltage
Standard DP MM2P 6, 12, 24, 50, 100/(110), 200/(220) VAC
6, 12, 24, 48, 100/110, 125, 200/220 VDC
3P MM3P 6, 24, 100/(110), 200/(220) VAC
6, 12, 24, 48, 100/110, 125, 200/220 VDC
4P MM4P 6, 24, 50, 100/(110), 200/(220) VAC
12, 24, 48, 100/110, 125, 200/220 VDC
DC-switching DP MM2XP 6, 24, 100/(110), 125, 200/(220) VAC
6, 12, 24, 48, 100/110, 125, 200/220 VDC
3P MM3XP 24, 50, 100/(110), 200/(220) VAC
12, 24, 48, 100/110, 125, 200/220 VDC
4P MM4XP 12, 24, 50, 100/(110), 200/(220) VAC
6, 12, 24, 48, 100/110, 125, 200/220 VDC
With built-in diode DP MM2P-D
12, 24, 48, 100/110, 200/220 VDC
12, 24, 48, 100/110, 125, 200/220 VDC
DC-switching with built-in diode DP MM2XP-D
12, 24, 48, 100/110, 125, 200/220 VDC
12, 24, 48, 100/110, 125, 200/220 VDC
With operation indicator DP MM2PN 6, 24, 100/(110), 200/(220) VAC
6, 12, 24, 48, 100/110, 125, 200/220 VDC
3P MM3PN 100/(110), 200/(220) VAC
6, 12, 24, 48, 100/110, 200/220 VDC
4P MM4PN 24, 100/(110), 200/(220) VAC
24, 48, 100/110, 125, 200/220 VDC
DC-switching with operation indicator DP MM2XPN 100/(110), 200/(220) VAC
12, 24, 48, 100/110, 125, 200/220 VDC
3P MM3XPN 100/(110), 200/(220) VAC
24, 48, 100/110, 200/220 VDC
4P MM4XPN 100/(110), 200/(220) VAC
12, 24, 48, 100/110, 125, 200/220 VDC
Conforming to auxiliary power relay
4P MM4P-JD 100/(110), 110, 115, 200/(220), 220 VAC
24, 100/110, 125, 200/220 VDC
Conforming to auxiliary power relay
specifications for DC-switching
4P MM4XP-JD 100/(110), 110, 115, 200/(220) VAC
24, 48, 100/110, 125, 200/220 VDC
Rated coil voltage
Note: 1. When ordering, add the rated coil voltage to the model number. Rated coil voltages are given in the coil ratings table.
Example: MM2, 6 VAC
2. Latching Relays based on the MM Series are also available. Refer to the MMK.
3. Models with built-in varistors (AC operation) are also available in addition to those with built-in diodes. Ask your OMRON repre-
sentative for details.