Three-Phase MOSFET Driver
with Integrated Regulator
Allegro MicroSystems, LLC
955 Perimeter Road
Manchester, NH 03103-3353 U.S.A.
VREG Undervoltage. The charge pump generates VREG to
provide low-side gate driver and bootstrap charge current. It
is necessary to ensure that this voltage is high enough prior to
enabling any of the gate drive outputs. If the voltage at the VREG
pin drops below the VREG Undervoltage Lockout Threshold
(falling), VREGOFF , the A4919 enters the VREG undervoltage
fault state, FAULT is set high, and all gate drive outputs (GHx
and GLx) are disabled. The VREG undervoltage fault state is
cleared and FAULT goes low when VREG rises above the VREG
Undervoltage Lockout Threshold (rising), VREGON .
During power-up, the VREG undervoltage monitor circuit is
active and the A4919 remains in the VREG undervoltage fault
state until VREG is greater than the rising VREG Undervoltage
Lockout Threshold (VREGON, rising).
VDDM / V3 / V5 Undervoltage. The voltage on the VDDM / V3
/ V5 pin is monitored on all part variants. If it drops below the
VDDM / V3 / V5 undervoltage threshold, VDDUV
, the A4919
enters the VDDM/V3/V5 undervoltage state and FAULT is set
high. On part variants with LDO regulator functionality, all
gate drive outputs (GHx, GLx) are disabled. On the part variant
without LDO functionality, all gate drive outputs remain active
unless the applied voltage also drops below the gate drive disable
threshold, VGDD. The VDDM/V3/V5 undervoltage fault state is
cleared and FAULT goes low when the voltage on VDDM / V3 /
V5 pin rises above VDDUV+VDDUVhys.
During power-up, the VDDM/V3/V5 undervoltage monitor cir-
cuit is active and all variants of the A4919 remain in the VDDM/
V3/V5 undervoltage fault state until the voltage on the VDDM/
V3/V5 pin is greater than the VDDM/V3/V5 undervoltage thresh-
old plus hysteresis, VDDUV+VDDUVhys.
VDS Overvoltage. When a gate drive output is commanded to
turn on (GHx or GLx high), the drain-source voltage of the cor-
responding external MOSFET is monitored between VBRG and
Sx, or between Sx and LSS, as appropriate. If the measured volt-
age exceeds the threshold value programmed on the VDSTH pin,
the FAULT output is set high but none of the gate drive outputs is
Propagation of any fault states to the FAULT output is disabled
for the VDS Fault Blank Time (tBL) commencing at every exter-
nal MOSFET turn-on event to avoid reporting spurious faults
in response to switching transients. If a fault is reported on the
FAULT pin it will be cleared as soon as the measured drain-
source voltage drops below the programmed VDSTH level.
Bootstrap Capacitor Undervoltage. Each bootstrap capacitor
is monitored to ensure sufficient high-side gate drive voltage is
available to initiate and maintain external MOSFET turn-on.
High-side gate drive outputs turn on only if the relevant bootstrap
capacitor voltage is higher than the bootstrap turn-on voltage
threshold, VBOOTUV + VBOOTHys . If the bootstrap voltage is
below this threshold when turn-on is commanded (on the xHI
pin), the corresponding gate drive, GHx, is not switched on and
FAULT is set high. The output remains off and FAULT remains
high until either the affected gate drive is commanded to turn
off, or the FAULT pin is pulled low by external means (see the
FAULT Disable description, below).
After a high-side gate drive has been successfully turned on, the
appropriate bootstrap capacitor voltage must remain above the
Bootstrap Undervoltage Threshold, VBOOTUV
. If the bootstrap
capacitor voltage drops below VBOOTUV
, the high-side driver in
question is switched off and FAULT goes high. The driver will
remain off and FAULT will remain high until either the affected
high-side gate drive turn-on command is removed from xHI or
the FAULT pin is pulled low by external means (see the FAULT
Disable description below).
If a bootstrap capacitor fault condition is detected, only the driver
in question is disabled. All other gate drives continue to respond
to control inputs on xHI and xLO.
FAULT Disable. If the FAULT pin is held low (below the Fault
Disable Voltage, VFLTD ) by external means, the bootstrap under-
voltage monitor feature is disabled. In this condition, if the boot-
strap capacitor voltage fails to reach VBOOTUV + VBOOTHys for
turn-on, or if it drops below VBOOTUV after turn-on, the driver in
question is not forced into the off state. A fault state is not flagged
because the FAULT pin is held low.
While the FAULT pin is held low (to disable the bootstrap under-
voltage monitor), any other fault conditions that might arise are
undetectable outside the A4919. However, internal fault actions
are unaffected and gate drive outputs are still disabled in response
to other faults in accordance with Table 2.
Low Dropout (LDO) Regulator
The A4919x-3 and A4919x-5 variants have a linear regulator that
provides a low-voltage DC supply to power external circuitry.
It is derived from VBB and incorporates a number of protection