Approval Sheet
Page 4 of 10 ASC_WFxxR_Q_V03 SEP - 2017
3-digits marking for 0603 size
WFxxR has same marking rule as WRxx ±1%.
The 1st two digit codes are referring to the CODE on the table, the 3rd code is the index of resistance
value :
EX : 17.8Ω=25X,178Ω=25A,1K78 =25B
17K8=25C, 178K=25D, 1M78=25E
There is no marking for the items are not under E-24 and E-96 series
4-digits marking for 2512, 2010, 1210, 1206, 0805 size
For E24+E96, each resistor is marked with a four digits code on the protective coating to designate the
nominal resistance value. For values below 976 the R is used as a digit. For values of 100 or greater, the
first 3 digits are significant, the fourth digit indicates the number of multiple to follow.
No marking code for 0402 and 0201 size
Product characterization
Standard values of nominal resistance are taken from the E192 & E24 series for resistors with a tolerance of
1.0%, 0.5%, 0.25%, 0.1%, 0.05%. The values of the E24/E192 series are in accordance with “IEC
publication 60063”.