Get Better Code Density than 8/16 bit MCU's NXP LPC1100 Cortex M0 Oct 2009 Outline Introduction ARM Cortex-M0 processor Why processor bit width doesn't matter - Code size - Performance - Cost Conclusions 2 ARM Cortex-M Processors Cortex-M family optimised for deeply embedded - Microcontroller and low-power applications ARM Cortex-A Series: Applications processors for feature-rich OS and user applications ARM Cortex-R Series: Embedded processors for real-time signal processing and control applications ARM Cortex-M Series: Deeply embedded processors optimized for microcontroller and low-power applications 3 ARM Cortex-M0 Processor 32-bit ARM RISC processor - Thumb 16-bit instruction set Very power and area optimized - Designed for low cost, low power Automatic state saving on interrupts and exceptions - Low software overhead on exception entry and exit Deterministic instruction execution timing - Instructions always takes the same time to execute* *Assumes deterministic memory system 4 Thumb instruction set 32-bit operations, 16-bit instructions - Introduced in ARM7TDMI (`T' stands for Thumb) - Supported in every ARM processor developed since - Smaller code footprint Thumb-2 - All processor operations can all be handled in `Thumb' state - Enables a performance optimised blend of 16/32-bit instructions - Supported in all Cortex processors Thumb(R) ARM7 Thumb instruction set upwards compatibility ARM9 Cortex-M0 Cortex-M3 Cortex-R4 Cortex-A9 5 Instruction set architecture Based on 16-bit Thumb ISA from ARM7TDMI - Just 56 instructions, all with guaranteed execution time - 8, 16 or 32-bit data transfers possible in one instruction Thumb Thumb-2 User assembly code, compiler generated System, OS ADC ADD BIC ADR BL AND ASR B NOP BX CMN CMP SEV WFE WFI YIELD EOR LDM LDR LDRB LDRH LDRSB LDRSH LSL LSR MOV MUL MVN DMB ORR POP PUSH ROR RSB SBC DSB STM STR STRB STRH SUB SVC ISB TST BKPT BLX CPS REV REV16 MRS REVSH SXTB SXTH UXTB UXTH MSR 6 Program registers All registers are 32-bit wide - Instructions exist to support 8/16/32-bit data 13 general purpose registers - Registers r0 - r7 (Low registers) - Registers r8 - r12 (High registers) 3 registers with special meaning/usage - Stack Pointer (SP) - r13 - Link Register (LR) - r14 - Program Counter (PC) - r15 Special-purpose registers - xPSR r0 r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 r9 r10 r11 r12 r13 (SP) r14 (LR) r15 (PC) xPSR 7 Instruction behaviour Most instructions occupy 2 bytes of memory a = a * b; C code MUL r0, r1; Assembler 15 MUL 0 When executed, complete in a fixed time - Data processing (e.g. add, shift, logical OR) take 1 cycle - Data transfers (e.g. load, store) take 2 cycles - Branches, when taken, take 3 cycles The instructions operate on 32-bit data values - Processor registers and ALU are 32-bit wide! 8 Thumb instructions Cortex M0 requires instruction fetches to be half word aligned Thumb instructions are aligned on a two-byte boundaries 32 bit instructions are organized as 2 half words 9 Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller NVIC enables efficient exception handling - Integrated within the processor - closely coupled with the core - Handles system exceptions & interrupts The NVIC includes support for - Prioritization of exceptions - Tail-chaining & Late arriving interrupts Fully deterministic exception handling timing behavior - Always takes the same number of cycles to handle an exception - Fixed at 16 clocks for no jitter - Register to trade off latency versus jitter Everything can be written in C 10 Interrupt behaviour r0 r1 r2 r3 r12 r13 (SP) Push Stack r14 (LR) r15 (PC) xPSR Growth Memory On interrupt, hardware automatically stacks corruptible state Interrupt handlers can be written fully in C - Stack content supports C/C++ ARM Architecture Procedure Calling Standard Processor fetches initial stack pointer from 0x0 on reset 11 Writing interrupt handlers Traditional approach ARM Cortex-M family Exception table NVIC automatically handles - Fetch instruction to branch - Saving corruptible registers - Exception prioritization - Exception nesting Top-level handler - Routine handles re-entrancy IRQVECTOR LDR PC, IRQHandler . IRQHandler PROC STMFD sp!,{r0-r4,r12,lr} MOV r4,#0x80000000 LDR r0,[r4,#0] SUB sp,sp,#4 CMP r0,#1 BLEQ C_int_handler MOV r0,#0 STR r0,[r4,#4] ADD sp,sp,#4 LDMFD sp!,{r0-r4,r12,lr} SUBS pc,lr,#4 ENDP ISR can be written directly in C . - Pointer to C routine at vector - ISR is a C function Faster interrupt response - With less software effort WFI, sleep on exit 12 Software support for sleep modes ARM Cortex-M family has architected support for sleep states - Enables ultra low-power standby operation - Critical for extended life battery based applications - Includes very low gate count Wake-Up Interrupt Controller (WIC) Power Management Unit Sleep - CPU can be clock gated - NVIC remains sensitive to interrupts Cortex-M0 Wake-up Deep - WIC remains sensitive to selected interrupts - Cortex-M0 can be put into state retention Sleep NVIC Deep sleep WIC WIC signals wake-up to PMU Wake-up - Core can be woken almost instantaneously - React to critical external events sensitive Interrupts External interrupts 13 Instruction set comparison 14 Code Size 15 Code size of 32 bits versus 16/8bit MCU's The instruction size of 8 bit MCU's is not 8 bits - 8051 is 8 to 24 bits - PIC18 is 18 bits - PIC16 is 16 bits The instruction size of 16 bit MCU's is not 16 bits - MSP430 can be up to 32bits and the extended version can be up to 64 bits - PIC24 is 24 bits The instruction size for M0 is mostly 16 bits 16 Code size of 32 bits versus 16/8bit MCU's 17 16-bit multiply example Consider an device with a 10-bit ADC - Basic filtering of data requires a 16-bit multiply operation - 16-bit multiply operation is compared below 8-bit example MOV MOV MUL MOV MOV MOV MOV MUL ADD MOV MOV ADDC MOV MOV MOV A, XL ; 2 bytes B, YL ; 3 bytes AB; 1 byte R0, A; 1 byte R1, B; 3 bytes A, XL ; 2 bytes B, YH ; 3 bytes AB; 1 byte A, R1; 1 byte R1, A; 1 byte A, B ; 2 bytes A, #0 ; 2 bytes R2, A; 1 byte A, XH ; 2 bytes B, YL ; 3 bytes MUL AB; 1 byte ADD A, R1; 1 byte MOV R1, A; 1 byte MOV A, B ; 2 bytes ADDC A, R2 ; 1 bytes MOV R2, A; 1 byte MOV A, XH ; 2 bytes MOV B, YH ; 3 bytes MUL AB; 1 byte ADD A, R2; 1 byte MOV R2, A; 1 byte MOV A, B ; 2 bytes ADDC A, #0 ; 2 bytes MOV R3, A; 1 byte Time: 48 clock cycles* Code size: 48 bytes 16-bit example ARM Cortex-M0 MOV MOV MOV MOV MULS r0,r1,r0 R1,&MulOp1 R2,&MulOp2 SumLo,R3 SumHi,R4 Time: 8 clock cycles Code size: 8 bytes Time: 1 clock cycle Code size: 2 bytes * 8051 need at least one cycle per instruction byte fetch as they only have an 8-bit interface 18 What about Data ? 8 bit microcontrollers do not just process 8 bit data - - - - - Integers are 16 bits 8 bit microcontroller needs multiple instructions integers C libraries are inefficient Stack size increases Interrupt latency is affected Pointers take multiple Bytes. M0 can handle Integers in one instruction M0 can efficiently process 8 and 16 bit data - Supports byte lanes - Instructions support half words and bytes. LDR, LDRH, LDRB M0 has efficient Library support - Optimized for M0 19 What about Data ? For 16 bit processors have issues with - Long integers - Floating point types - Data transfers between processor registers and memory 16 bit processors have 16 bit registers - Two registers required for 32 bit transfers - Increased stack requirements M0 has 32 bit registers and 32 bit memories - Less cycles for long integers - Good floating point performance - Less cycles for data transfers 20 What addressing modes? 16/8 bit processors are limited to 64K of space - Data memory limited and segmented - Requires banking or extensions to instruction set - Memory pointers are extended Require multiple instructions and registers All cause increased code space M0 has a linear 1G address space - - - - - 32-bit pointers unsigned or signed 32-bit integers unsigned 16-bit or 8-bit integers signed 16-bit or 8-bit integers unsigned or signed 64-bit integers held in two registers. 21 Code size increase due to paging 22 Code size increase for large memory model (Extended program counter and Registers) 23 Code Size Performance 2.50 2.00 1.50 HC08 M0 using microlib 1.00 rspeed pntrch iirflt canrdr bitmnp aiifft aifirf a2time 0.00 puwmod 0.50 24 Code Size Performance M0 code size is on average 10% smaller than best MSP430 average Code size for basic functions 350 MSP430 MSP430F5438 300 MSP430F5438 Large model Cortex M0 Code Size (Bytes) 250 200 150 100 50 0 Switch16bit Switch8bit Matrixmult Matrix2dim16 Matrix2dim8bit Math32bit Math16bit Math8bit 25 Code Size Performance M0 code size is 42% and 36% smaller than best MSP430 generic Floating Point and Fir Filter Code Size 1200 1000 800 MathFloat Firfilter 600 400 200 Cortex-M0 MSP430F5438 large data model MSP430F5438 0 Generic MSP430 Code Size(bytes) 1400 26 Code Size Performance M0 code size is 30% smaller than MSP430F5438 Whet 7000 Code Size (Bytes) 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Cortex-M0 MSP430F5438 large data model MSP430F5438 Generic MSP430 27 What is CoreMark? Simple, yet sophisticated - Easily ported in hours, if not minutes - Comprehensive documentation and run rules Free, but not cheap - Open C code source download from EEMBC website - Robust CPU core functionality coverage Dhrystone terminator - The benefits of Dhrystone without all the shortcomings * Free, small, easily portable * CoreMark does real work 28 CoreMark Workload Features Matrix manipulation allows the use of MAC and common math ops Linked list manipulation exercises the common use of pointers State machine operation represents data dependent branches Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is very common embedded function Testing for: - - - - A processor's basic pipeline structure Basic read/write operations Integer operations Control operations 29 Code Size Performance (CoreMark) M0 code size is 16% smaller than generic MSP430 CoreMark Code size 18000 Code Size (Bytes) 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Generic MSP430 M0 30 Code Size Performance (CoreMark) M0 code size is 53% smaller than PIC24 CoreMark Code size 18000 Code Size (Bytes) 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 PIC24 M0 31 Code Size Performance (CoreMark) M0 code size is 51% smaller than PIC18 CoreMark Code size 18000 Code Size (Bytes) 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 PIC18 M0 32 Code Size Performance (CoreMark) M0 code size is 49% smaller than Atmel AVR8 CoreMark Code size 18000 Code Size (Bytes) 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Atmel AVR8 Mega644 M0 33 Code Size Performance (CoreMark) M0 code size is 44% smaller than Renesas H8 CoreMark Code size 18000 Code Size (Bytes) 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Renesas(H8) M0 34 Peripheral code Part AVR8 ATmega644 MSP430 M0 LPC11xx Init Code (Bytes) Data rx 28 50 68 code (Bytes) 32 28 30 35 Speed Optimization effects 12000 2.00 10000 1.50 8000 6000 1.00 4000 0.50 CoreMark Score Code Size 2000 0 0.00 t0 t1 t2 t3 36 Size Optimization effects 1.30 12000 1.25 10000 1.20 8000 1.15 6000 1.10 4000 1.05 2000 1.00 0 s0 s1 s2 CoreMark Score Code Size s3 37 Size Optimization effects 1.30 12000 1.25 10000 1.20 8000 1.15 6000 1.10 4000 1.05 2000 1.00 0 s0 s1 s2 CoreMark Score Code Size s3 38 What About Libraries 33% reduction using optimized Libs NXP M0 Auto BM a2time aifftr aifirf aiifft basefp bitmnp canrdr idctrn iirflt matrix pntrch puwmod rspeed tblook ttsprk average (8) MicroLib Compile Lib 4032 4552 4636 6712 3300 4500 4348 6636 3348 4668 4776 4412 3272 4412 4564 6884 4552 4540 6632 4872 3204 4512 3436 4500 2728 4540 3612 4864 5060 4540 3663 4496 Total 8584 11348 7800 10984 8016 9188 7684 11448 9092 11504 7716 7936 7268 8476 9600 8159 Standard Lib Compile Lib Total 4084 9364 13448 4708 12668 17376 3356 8388 11744 4402 12284 16686 3404 10460 13864 4828 8328 13156 3328 8328 11656 4616 13012 17628 4608 8388 12996 6684 10716 17400 3260 8412 11672 3492 8388 11880 2780 8328 11108 3668 10728 14396 5116 8388 13504 3717 8491 12208 39 Performance 40 Computation Performance 41 uSec Computation Performance 16 bit FIIR filter performance at 1MHz 42 Computation Performance CoreMark Score Coremark (Mark/sec) 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 PIC18 Renesas (8 bit) AVR8 ATMega644 MSP430 M0 43 Cost 44 Does the core size matter? The M0 core is the smallest cortex core About 1/3 of the M3 for similar configuration Similar size to 8 bit cores 45 Core Size Matters Normalized Cost As a Function of Flash Memory Size Normalized Cost 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 32 64 128 256 512 Memory Size 46 Tools 47 MCU Tool Solutions NXP's Low cost Development Tool Chain Rapid Prototyping Online Tool Traditional Feature Rich Tools (third party) 48 NXP's FIRST Low Cost Toolchain Eclipse-based IDE Evaluation LPCXpresso Starter Board Product Development 49 LPCXpresso LPCXpresso will provide end-to-end solution from evaluation all the way to product development Attractive upgrade options to full blown suites and development boards LPCXpresso will change the perception about NXP's solution for tools Key competition: - Microchip MPLAB - Atmel AVR Studio "LPCXpresso will change the Tool Landscape for NXP" 50 LPCXpresso Components NXP has created the first single perspective Eclipse IDE This offers the power and flexibility of Eclipse in combination with a simple and easy to learn user interface Supports all NXP products (currently up to 128k) LPC3154 HS USB download and debug engine LPC134x Target board LPC3154 51 Evaluation LPC3154 The target board is very simple with one LED and a layout option for USB Traces between the two boards can be cut, to allow SWD connection to any customer target. (Eval target can be reconnected by jumpers) 52 Exploration LPC3154 LPC13xx Base board Customers can upgrade to full version of Red Suite (Discount coupon) Customers can buy an add-on EA base board that connects a wide range of resources to the I/O and peripherals of the LPC13xx. Customers can also upgrade to other EA boards (Discount coupon) 53 Development LPC3154 Customer's own board which will use JTAG Traces can be cut and the LPC13xx target board will out of the picture Customers can then use the JTAG connection to download code into their own application board using the same existing IDE and JTAG connector Note: Customers can directly jump to this stage and use LPCXpresso for their complete application development without ever having to upgrade 54 mbed LPC1768 Value Proposition New users start creating applications in 60 seconds Rapid Prototyping with LPC1700 series MCUs - Immediate connectivity to peripherals and modules for prototyping LPC1700-based system designs - Providing developers with the freedom to be more innovative & productive mbed C/C++ Libraries provide API-driven approach to coding - High-level interfaces to peripherals enables rock-solid, compact code - Built on Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) Download compiled binary by saving to the mbed hardware - Just like saving to a USB Flash Drive Tools are online - there is nothing to configure, install or update, and everything works on Windows, Mac or Linux Hardware in a 40-pin 0.1" pitch DIP form-factor - Ideal for solderless breadboard, stripboard and through-hole PCBs 55 First Experience - Hassle-Free Evaluation Remove board from the box Plug it in... Up pops a USB Disk linking to website No Installation! Save to the board and you're up and running "Hello World!" in 60 seconds Compile a program online 56 mbed Technology USB Drag `n' Drop Programming Interface Nothing to Install: Program by saving binaries Works on Windows, Linux, Mac, without drivers Links through to website Online Compiler #include "mbed.h" Nothing to Install: Browser-based IDE Best in class RealView Compiler in the back end No code size or production limitations High-level Peripheral Abstraction Libraries Serial terminal(9,10); AnalogIn temp(19); Instantly understandable APIs Object-oriented hardware/software abstraction Enables experimentation without knowing MCU details int main() { if(temp > 0.8) terminal.printf("Hot!"); } 57 Example Beta Projects - Videos Rocket Launch - Billy Bass - Voltmeter - Knight Rider - Bluetooth Big Trak - Scratch Pong - 58 More information Available from NXP Distributors and eTools Boards cost $99 Learn More: Featured Articles: - Circuit Cellar - Elektor 59 Rapid Prototyping for Microcontrollers 60 What's happening in Microcontrollers? Microcontrollers are getting cheap - 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 Microcontrollers @ $1 Microcontrollers are getting powerful - Lots of processing, memory, I/O in one package Microcontrollers are getting interactive - Internet connectivity, new sensors and actuators Creates new opportunities for microcontrollers 61 Rapid Prototyping Rapid Prototyping helps industries create new products - Control, communication and interaction increasingly define products - Development cycles for microelectronics have not kept pace 3D Moulding 3D Printing 2D/3D Design Web Frameworks 62 mbed Getting Started and Rapid Prototyping with ARM MCUs - Complete Targeted Hardware, Software and Web 2.0 Platform Dedicated Developer Web Platform Lightweight Online Compiler Rapid Prototyping for Microcontrollers High-level Peripheral APIs LPC Cortex-M MCU in a Prototyping Form-Factor 63 mbed Audience mbed's focus on Rapid Prototyping has a broad appeal Designers new to embedded applications - Enables new designs where electronics is not the focus Experienced embedded engineers - Enables fast proof-of-concepts to reduce risk and push boundaries Marketing, distributors and application engineers - A consistent platform enables effective and efficient demonstration, support and evaluation of MCUs 64 Conclusion LPC1100 Family Based on the Cortex-M0 core - There are many users of 8 and 16 bit microcontrollers that are reluctant to use 32 bit architectures citing either overkill or complexity. - The M0 is an architecture that makes this argument irrelevant. - The LPC ARM Cortex-M0 family provides a microcontroller that is very low power, has better real-time performance than microcontrollers of lower bit width and provides a bridge to the full spectrum of the LPC families. 65 66