Mounting Supports
BCD.20007 Rev AA, 5-Oct-09 Page 7 of 11 www.power-one.com
Mounting Instructions for Basic Kit
Single output units IML10, IMS7, and IMX7:
– Solder the wire jumpers into positions as below:
1. D1 (10.16 mm)
2. B1 (5.08 mm), inhibit.
Note: This jumper should be fitted, if the inhibit is not actively
used. An open inhibit disables the converter.
3. L2-A and L2-B, L6-A and L6-B (6.8 mm)
4. L4-A and L4-B (6.8 mm), only necessary, if the
R-input is used.
– Solder terminal blocks
5. X1: Position Vi+/ Vi–, 2-pole terminal block
6. X1: Position i/n.c., 2-pole terminal block
(only necessary in the case of remote inhibit)
7. X3: Position Vo+/ Vo–, 2-pole terminal block
8. X2: Position n.c., R, Vo–, 3-pole terminal block only
necessary in the case of Vo adjustment by e.g. an
external voltage source)
– Solder the selected DC-DC converter
– Mount PCB onto rails by using the 4 screws and nuts or
snap PCB onto the DIN mounting support.
– Perform function test
Double output units IML10, IMS7, and IMX7:
– Solder the wire jumpers into positions as below:
1. D1 (10.16 mm)
2. B1 (5.08 mm), inhibit
Note: This jumper should be fitted, if the inhibit is not actively
used. An open inhibit disables the converter.
3. L2-A and L2-B, L6-A and L6-B, L4-A and L4-B (all 6.8
– For applications with both outputs in parallel:
4. Place/solder jumpers B4 and B5, (5.08 mm)
– Solder terminal blocks
5. X1: Position Vi+/ Vi–, 2-pole terminal block
6. X1: Position i/R (Trim), 2-pole terminal block
(only necessary in the case of remote inhibit or
output voltage trimming by an external voltage
7. X3: Position Vo1+/ Vo1–, 2-pole terminal block
8. X2: Position n.c/Vo2+/Vo2–, 3-pole terminal block
– Solder the selected DC-DC converter
– Mount PCB onto rails by using the 4 screws and nuts or
snap PCB onto the DIN mounting support.
– Perform function test
Application-Specific Circuitry
The assembly C/DMB IMX/S7 offers a variety of additional
external circuitries which may be implemented onto the PCB
ZGN09601 A. See circuit diagram YSK 25300 S3 01. Please
also consult the IMS/X7 data sheet.
Depending upon the application the following pheripheral
additions can be made:
– Reverse polarity protection by a series diode D1.
– Improved input transient protection according to IEC/EN
61000-4-5, level 2, by chokes L1 or L2-A, L2-B (EMC
version) and capacitor C1.
– Remote inhibit.
Note: If the inhibit is not actively used the inhibit has to be
connected to Vi– by jumper B1.
– External output voltage trimming/adjustment
Single output units:
a)Vo – adjustment in the range of 70/75 – 100% of Vo nom by
resistors RX3 or RX4 or combinations of RX3/RX4.
b)Vo – adjustment in the range of 100 – 105% of Vo nom by
resistors RX1 or RX2 or combinations of RX1/RX2.
Double output units:
a)Vo – trimming by resistor R2 in the range of 100 - 105%
of Vo nom
b)Vo – trimming in the range of 70/75 - 100% of Vo nom by a
current diode together with a Zener diode D2 applicable
for 24/48 IMS 7 and 20/40 IMX 7 types.
– Reduced output ripple (by approx. factor 5) by using
chokes L3 / L5 together with electrolytic capacitors C8/C9.
– Improved electromagnetic emission EN 55022, class B,
lead length to load 1 m (class A for 110IMX7 types).
This requires all capacitors and output chokes as per circuit
diagram YSK 25300 S3 /01 whereby the coupling
capacitor C10 connected to Vi– via jumper B2 is foreseen
for 24/48IMS/L types and 20/40/70IMX7 types.
For 110IMX7 types the coupling capacitor C11 or C12
should be used connected to Vo+ via jumper B3.
– For single-output models or double-output models with both
outputs in parallel, one filter set (L5 or L6-A/L6-B) together with
C7 and C9 is sufficient.
– Wire jumpers B2 and B3 should not be mounted together onto
the PCB as this would cause a short circuit.
– The coupling capacitors C10 or C11/12 should be Y2 ceramic
types to maintain the outputs SELV.
– Application specific assemblies are available on request.