MAX15058 Evaluation Kit
Evaluates: MAX15058
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Quick Start
Recommended Equipment
• MAX15058 EV kit
• 5V, 2A DC power supply
• Load capable of 3A
• Digital voltmeter
The EV kit is fully assembled and tested. Follow
the steps below to verify the board operation.
Caution: Do not turn on power supply until all
connections are completed.
1) Connect the positive terminal of the 5V supply to the
IN pad and the negative terminal to the nearest PGND
2) Connect the positive terminal of the 3A load to the
OUT pad and the negative terminal to the nearest
PGND pad.
3) Connect the digital voltmeter across the OUT pad
and the nearest PGND pad.
4) Verify that a shunt is installed on pins 1-2 of jumper
5) Verify that a shunt is installed on pins 2-3 of jumper
6) Turn on the DC power supply.
7) Enable the load.
8) Verify that the voltmeter displays 1.8V.
Detailed Description of Hardware
The MAX15058 EV kit provides a proven design to
evaluate the MAX15058 high-efficiency, 3A, step-down
regulator with integrated switches. The applications
include distributed power systems, portable devices,
and preregulators. The EV kit is preset for 1.8V out-
put at load currents up to 3A from a 2.8V to 5.5V
input supply. The IC features a 1MHz fixed switching
frequency, which allows the EV kit to achieve an all-
ceramic capacitor design and fast transient responses.
Reference Input and Soft-Start (SS/REFIN)
The device utilizes an adjustable soft-start function to
limit inrush current during startup. The soft-start time is
adjusted by the value of C4, the external capacitor from
SS/REFIN to GND. By default, C4 is currently 22000pF,
which gives a soft-start time of approximately 1.3ms. To
adjust the soft-start time, determine C4 using the follow-
ing formula:
C4 = (10FA x tSS)/0.6V
where tSS is the required soft-start time in seconds and
C4 is in farads. C4 should be a minimum 1nF capacitor
between SS/REFIN and GND.
When no external reference is applied at SS/REFIN,
the device uses the internal 0.6V reference.
Setting the Output Voltage
The EV kit can be adjusted from 0.6V up to 0.94 x VIN
by changing the values of resistors R1 and R2. To
determine the value of the resistor-divider, first select R1
between 2kI and 10kI and then use the following equa-
tion to calculate R2:
R2 = (VFB x R1)/(VOUT - VFB)
where VFB is equal to the reference voltage at
SS/REFIN and VOUT is the output. If no external refer-
ence is applied at SS/REFIN, the internal reference is
automatically selected and VFB becomes 0.6V. In the
case of VOUT = 0.6V, set R2 to 0I.
When R2 is changed, compensation components C5,
C6, and R3 must be recalculated to ensure loop stability
(refer to the Compensation Design Guidelines section in
the MAX15058 IC data sheet).
Regulator Enable (EN)
The IC features an enable input. For normal operation, a
shunt should be installed on pins 1-2 of jumper JU1. To
disable the output, install a shunt on pins 2-3 of JU1. See
Table 1 for JU1 shunt positions.
Note: Indicate that you are using the MAX15058 when contacting these component suppliers.
Component Suppliers
Murata Electronics North America, Inc. 770-436-1300 www.murata-northamerica.com
TDK Corp. 847-803-6100 www.component.tdk.com
Vishay 402-563-6866 www.vishay.com