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Intel(R) Compute Module MFS5520VIR Compare Specifications Specifications Essentials 0 Related Products Inlet* Compute Modules Essentials Memory Specifications Status End of Lile Launch Date 02'09 ExPe.c:t.e.d ..()is.co.n.t.i.n.u.a.n.c.e. 01'13 EOL Annou nee Sunday, March 31, 2013 Last Order Friday, November 01, 2013 Last Receipt Attributes Sunday, March 30, 2014 Graphics Specifications 1/0 Specifications Package Specifications Advanced Technologies Inlet* Data Protection Technology + Inlet* Compute Module MFS5000VI Family Products formerly Victor Island Quick Links Export Full Specifications > Additional Information > Compatible Products Limited 3-year Warranty Pro du ct Images Extended Warranty Available for Purchase (Select Countries) Ordering/ sSpecs / Steppings # of OPI Links 2 Compatible Product Series 39565, 4 7915 Board Form Factor 1U Search Distributors > Software Downloads > Su pp on Overview > Search all of int el.com > PCN/MDDS Information Chassis Form Factor Rack or Pedestal Socket LGA1366 1.n.t .e.g.rat.e.d ..B.fv1 C..V'.it.h...1. Pt:'.11. IPMI 2.0 TOP 95W Included Items (1) Intel Compute Module based on the Intel* 5520 Chipset 1/0 Hub (IOH) and the Inlet* 82801 JR ICH10 RAID (Note: Requires installation in a system chassis at UFU V10.3 or V6.6 or higher to operate correctly) Recommended Customer Price N/A Datasheet Link Board Chipset Inlet* 5520 Chipset (Inlet* 5520 1/0 Hub) Description Intel Compute Module based on the Inlet* 5520 Chipset 1/0 Hub (IOH) and the Inlet* 82801 JR ICH10 RAID (Note: Requires installation in a system chassis at UFU V10.3 orV6.6 or higherto operate correctly) Target Market Small and Medium Business Additional Information URL Link 0 Memory Specif1cat1ons t:'lax fv1e111ory Size (dependent on 111e111ory type) 192 GB fv1.e.111.o.r y .'fyp es. DDR3 ECC UDIMM, RDIMM fv1.a.x.11 ..o.1 ..t:'1.e.111.o.ry.Ch.a.n.n.e.1.s. 3 .t:'1.ax..fv1.e.111.o.ry ..B.a.n.d.v1.i.dt.h. 1066 GB/s Max# of DI MMs 12 .EC C..t:'.1.e.111.o.ry.Su.ppo.rt.e.d. 0 901369: PCN I MODS 901699: PCN I MODS 905716: PCN I MODS 905717: PCN I MODS * Graphics Specif1cat1ons * .1..nt.egr.a.1.e.d...G.r.a.Ph.i.c.s .. Front Panel 15-Pin .G.r.a.Ph.i.c.s ..()u.tput. 0 1/0 Specifications USB Revision USB 2.0 #of USB Pons 4 R.l>1.().Co.n.11gur.a.1.i.o.n. 0,1, 1 E, 5, 6, 10, 50, 60 #of LAN Pons 2 1.n.tegrat.e.d..L:A.N. Intel* 82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller 0 Package Specif1cat1ons Max CPU Configuration 2 Low Halogen Options Available See MODS 0 Advanced Technologies lntel~\firlualization (VT-d) 0 * 'fechnology for ()irec:ted 1/() Intel* Data Protection Technology AES New Instructions All information provided is subject 10 change at any time. '''ithout notice. Intel may make change; to manufacturing lifecycle.specifiations.and product de:;criptions at anytime. '''ithout notice. The information herein is provided ""as-is'" and Intel doe; not make any repre;entations or \Yarrantie; '''hat:soever regardingaccuraq of the information. nor on the product features.availability, functionality. or compatibility of the product:s listed. Ple.Meconta.ctsY$tem vendor for more information on specific product:s or&Y$tems. ""Intel classifiations'' consist of Export Control Classifiation Numbera IECCN) and Harmoniz.ed Tariff Schedule IHTS) numbera.Any use made of Intel classifiations are\\1ithout recouraeto Intel and shall not be construed as a representation or \Yarranty regarding the proper ECCN or HTS. Your company may be the exporter of record.and as such. your company is responsible for determining the correct classifiation of any item at the time of export. Re.fer to Data.sheet for formal definitions of product properties and features. ".Announced" SKUs are not yet available.Plea.sere.fer to the Launch Date for market availability. Some products an support AES Nm'' Instructions '''ith a Processor Configuration update. in particular. i7-2630Qt*1/i7-263SQt*1. i7-2670Qt*1/i7-267SQt*1. iS-2430t*1/iS-243St*1. iS-2410t*1/iS-241 St*i. Please cont.a.a OEt*i for the BIOS that includes the latest Processor configuration update. ~This feature may not be available on all computingsystems. Pleasecheck\\1ith the system vendor to determine if your system delil!era this feature.or re.ferencethesystem specifiations I motherboard. processor. chiPGet. po\\>er supply, HOO.graphics controller. memory, BIOS. dril!era. virtual machine monitor-Vt 1t.1. platform sofh.Yare.andfor operatingsystem) for featurecompatibility. Functionality, performance.and other benefits of this feature may vary depending on system configuration. 0 The Recommended Customer Price l"RCP'1 is pricingguidancefor Intel products. Prices are for direct Intel customera and are subject to change\\1ithout notice. Taxes and shipping, etc. not included. Prices may vary for other pac~ types and shipment quantities.and spec~J promotional arrangements may apply. Listing of these RCPdoes not constitute a formal pricing offer from Intel. Please\\'Ork '''ith your approprQte Intel representatilleto obtain a formal pricequotation. System and t*iaximum TOP is based on \\'OIOta.sescenarios.Actual TOP may be IO\\>er if not all I/Os forchiPGets are used. LO\\' Halogen:Applies only to brominated and chlorinated flame retardants IBFR.6/CFR.6) and PVC in the final product. Intel components as \\>ell as purchased components on the finished assembly meet JS-709 requirements.and the PCB/ sub6trate meet I EC 61249-2-21 requirements. The replacement of halogenated flame retardants and for PVC may not be better for the environment. 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