TEF6862 Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 Product data sheet 1. General description The TEF6862 is a single-chip car radio tuner for AM, FM and weather band reception providing AM double conversion for LW, MW and full range SW (11 m to 120 m bands) with IF1 = 10.7 MHz and IF2 = 450 kHz. FM double conversion to IF1 = 10.7 MHz and IF2 = 450 kHz with integrated image rejection for both IF1 and IF2; integrated IF filter with variable bandwidth and automatic bandwidth control algorithm with flexibility via the I2C-bus; capable of US FM, Europe FM, Japan FM, East Europe FM and weather band reception; all FM bands can be selected using high injection LO or low injection LO in the FM mixer 1. Tuning system including crystal oscillator, VCO, PLL synthesizer and state machine for timing uncritical control of search, preset change and AF check via microcontroller. 2. Features n High dynamic range FM front-end mixer for conversion of FM RF (65 MHz to 108 MHz and USA weather band) to an IF frequency of 10.7 MHz; mixer provides inherent image rejection which can be switched from low injection LO to high injection LO via the I2C-bus n FM front-end AGC PIN diode drive circuit; AGC detection at the FM font-end mixer input and the IF filter input; AGC threshold for detection at the mixer input is programmable and keyed AGC function can be selected via the I2C-bus; the AGC PIN diode drive can be activated by the I2C-bus for a search tuning in local mode; in AM mode the AGC PIN diode drive can be activated by the I2C-bus if required; information on amount of PIN diode AGC is available via the I2C-bus n FM front-end mixer includes +6 dB gain setting via the I2C-bus n FM second mixer for conversion of IF1 10.7 MHz to IF2 450 kHz including inherent image rejection; the gain can be controlled via the I2C-bus n Integrated FM channel selection filter with continuous variable bandwidth providing simultaneous low distortion and high selectivity with only one external ceramic filter; improved sensitivity with dynamic threshold extension can be enabled via the I2C-bus n Fully integrated FM demodulator with very low distortion n Digital bandwidth control algorithm with detection on adjacent channel information, deviation, detuning and level with customer flexibility via the I2C-bus n Digital alignment circuit for bus controlled adjustment of oscillator tuning voltage to two FM antenna tank circuit tuning voltages; AM and FM level start and slope alignment; IF filter and demodulator center frequency alignment n AM and FM level detection (signal strength indication) n Separate RF input to FM front-end mixer for weather band n Flag or voltage output indicators for actual IF bandwidth information TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) n n n n n n n n n n n n n n AM front-end mixer for conversion of AM RF to an IF frequency of 10.7 MHz AM RF AGC circuit for external cascode AGC and PIN diode AGC AM noise blanker with detection at IF1 and blanking at IF2 AM second mixer for conversion of IF1 10.7 MHz to IF2 450 kHz; IF2 AGC amplifier and AM demodulator with low distortion For AM stereo applications the gain controlled AM IF2 output voltage can be switched to MPXAM output pin via the I2C-bus Crystal oscillator providing frequency for second conversion, references for synthesizer PLL and analog signal processor and timing for tuning action LC tuning oscillator with low phase noise and oscillator dividers with selectable divider ratios for worldwide tuner reception without band switching in application Fast synthesizer PLL tuning system with dynamically adapting loop parameters combining fast PLL frequency jumps for inaudible RDS updating with low spurious responses for large signal-to-noise ratios Sequential state machine for preset change, search and inaudible AFU allowing a timing uncritical microcontroller operation; the state machine generates timing signals for the internal inaudible tuning mute and analog or digital signal processor An alternative frequency check can be initiated by the signal processor for audio correlation algorithms directly without involvement of the microcontroller Audio soft slope tuning mute circuit allowing inaudible AFU Two hardware programmable I2C-bus addresses Two software controlled flag outputs Several test modes for fast IC and system tests 3. Quick reference data Table 1. Quick reference data VCCA = 8.5 V; Tamb = 25 C; see Figure 25 and Figure 26; all AC values are given in RMS; unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit on pins VCC, VCCPLL, VCCVCO, VCCRF, AMMIX2OUT1, AMMIX2OUT2, MIX1OUT1 and MIX1OUT2 8 8.5 9 V - 101.9 - mA - 84.4 - mA Europe FM and US FM band; fref = 100 kHz; fRF = 87.5 MHz to 108 MHz - 0.75 1 ms AM MW band; fref = 20 kHz; fRF = 0.53 MHz to 1.7 MHz - - 10 ms cycle time for inaudible AF update including 1 ms mute start and 1 ms mute release time - 6 6.5 ms Supply voltage VCCA analog supply voltage Current in FM mode ICC(tot) total supply current Current in AM mode ICC(tot) total supply current Tuning system; see Table 37, Table 38 and Table 39 Timings ttune tupd(AF) tuning time AF update time TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 2 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 1. Quick reference data ...continued VCCA = 8.5 V; Tamb = 25 C; see Figure 25 and Figure 26; all AC values are given in RMS; unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter AM overall system fi(RF) RF input frequency Vsens sensitivity voltage (S+N)/N signal plus noise-to-noise ratio THD total harmonic distortion IP3 third-order intercept point FM overall system Conditions Min Typ Max Unit LW 144 - 288 kHz parameters[1] MW 522 - 1710 kHz SW 2.3 - 26.1 MHz (S+N)/N = 26 dB - 45 - V 54 58 - dB - 0.5 1 % - 130 - dBV 65 - 108 MHz IF bandwidth wide - 2 - V IF bandwidth dynamic; threshold extension off - 1.8 - V IF bandwidth dynamic; threshold extension on - 1.6 - V - 63 - dB - 0.2 0.7 % - 123 - dBV 200 V < Vi(RF) < 1 V; m = 0.8 parameters[2] fi(RF) RF input frequency Vsens sensitivity voltage (S+N)/N = 26 dB (S+N)/N signal plus noise-to-noise ratio Vi = 3 mV; IF bandwidth wide THD total harmonic distortion IP3 third-order intercept point f = 75 kHz Weatherband overall system parameters[2]; see Figure 27 fi(RF) RF input frequency 162.4 - 162.55 MHz (S+N)/N signal plus noise-to-noise ratio f = 1.5 kHz; Vi(RF) = 10 mV; de-emphasis = 120 s - 45 - dB THD total harmonic distortion - 0.7 - % f = 5 kHz [1] Based on 15 pF/60 pF dummy aerial, voltages at dummy aerial input, fmod = 400 Hz, 2.15 kHz audio bandwidth, fi(RF) = 990 kHz, m = 0.3, unless otherwise specified. [2] Based on 75 dummy aerial, voltages at dummy aerial input, fmod = 1 kHz, de-emphasis = 50 s, B = 300 Hz to 22 kHz, f = 22.5 kHz, unless otherwise specified. 4. Ordering information Table 2. Ordering information Type number TEF6862HL Package Name Description Version LQFP64 plastic low profile quad flat package; 64 leads; body 10 x 10 x 1.4 mm SOT314-2 TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 3 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) 5. Block diagram AM RF input 450 kHz AMMIX1IN i.c. VCCRF MIX1OUT1 MIX1OUT2 TESTIFOUT i.c. IF1DEC IF1IN IF1GND AMMIX2OUT2 AMMIX2OUT1 TAMIFAGC AMIF2DEC AMIF2IN LNA AMMIX1DEC AGC 10.7 MHz 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 64 XTAL1 i.c. 17 x AM MIXER 1 x AM MIXER 2 AM NOISE BLANKER CRYSTAL OSC IF AGC 62 i.c. VAMCAS 18 61 ADDR VAMCASFB 19 VDCPIN 20 IAMAGC 21 63 XTAL2 60 SCL AM AGC /2//4//5 //8//10 AM DET IMAGE REJECT I2C-BUS MUX 59 SDA TAMAGC 22 TEF6862HL /2 90 RFGND 23 58 DGND 57 SWPORT2 FM RF input FMMIX1IN1 24 AGC FMMIX1IN2 25 x FM MIXER 1 x FM MIXER 2 /1//2//3 90 IF COUNT AM/FM LEVEL LEVEL DAA 56 LEVEL WXMIX1IN 26 WX WXMIX1DEC 27 IF AGC BANDWIDTH CONTROL BANDWIDTH TUNING MUTE 55 MUTMPXAM DAAOUT1 28 54 MUTIN DAAOUT2 29 ANT DAA 2 ANT DAA 1 IMAGE REJECT IF FILTER 450 kHz FM DEMOD 53 MPXAM MUX 52 AFHOLD 51 AFSAMPLE 50 IFFLAG TFMAGC 30 KAGC 31 FM AGC TUNING SYSTEM POWER SUPPLY VCO CENTER FREQ STATE MACHINE 49 SWPORT1 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 DAAIN VTUNE CPOUT VCOGND OSCFDB OSCTNK VCCVCO VCCPLL VCC V60 IF2GND VTCENTRE VTCM VREF FREF 33 PLLGND IFMAGC 32 001aae376 LOOP FILTER Fig 1. Block diagram of TEF6862HL TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 4 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) 6. Pinning information 49 SWPORT1 50 IFFLAG 51 AFSAMPLE 52 AFHOLD 53 MPXAM 54 MUTIN 55 MUTMPXAM 56 LEVEL 57 SWPORT2 58 DGND 59 SDA 60 SCL 61 ADDR 62 i.c. 63 XTAL2 64 XTAL1 6.1 Pinning AMIF2IN 1 48 VREF AMIF2DEC 2 47 VTCM TAMIFAGC 3 46 VTCENTRE AMMIX2OUT1 4 45 IF2GND AMMIX2OUT2 5 44 V60 IF1GND 6 43 VCC IF1IN 7 42 VCCPLL IF1DEC 8 i.c. 9 41 FREF TEF6862HL 40 VCCVCO TESTIFOUT 10 39 OSCTNK MIX1OUT2 11 38 OSCFDB MIX1OUT1 12 37 VCOGND VCCRF 13 36 CPOUT i.c. 14 35 VTUNE AMMIX1IN 15 34 DAAIN AMMIX1DEC 16 IFMAGC 32 KAGC 31 TFMAGC 30 DAAOUT2 29 DAAOUT1 28 WXMIX1DEC 27 WXMIX1IN 26 FMMIX1IN2 25 FMMIX1IN1 24 RFGND 23 TAMAGC 22 IAMAGC 21 VDCPIN 20 VAMCASFB 19 i.c. 17 VAMCAS 18 33 PLLGND 001aae377 Fig 2. Pin configuration for LQFP64 6.2 Pin description Table 3. Pin description Symbol Pin Description AMIF2IN 1 AM IF2 input AMIF2DEC 2 decoupling for AM IF2 input TAMIFAGC 3 time constant of AM IF AGC AMMIX2OUT1 4 AM mixer 2 output 1 AMMIX2OUT2 5 AM mixer 2 output 2 IF1GND 6 IF1 ground IF1IN 7 AM and FM mixer 2 input IF1DEC 8 AM and FM mixer 2 decoupling i.c. 9 internally connected; leave open TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 5 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 3. Pin description ...continued Symbol Pin Description TESTIFOUT 10 test pin IF filter output MIX1OUT2 11 AM and FM mixer 1 output 2 at IF1 MIX1OUT1 12 AM and FM mixer 1 output 1 at IF1 VCCRF 13 supply voltage for AM and FM RF i.c. 14 internally connected; leave open AMMIX1IN 15 AM mixer 1 input AMMIX1DEC 16 AM mixer 1 decoupling i.c. 17 internally connected; leave open VAMCAS 18 cascode AM AGC VAMCASFB 19 feedback for cascode AM AGC VDCPIN 20 5 V bias voltage for AM PIN diode IAMAGC 21 AGC current for AM PIN diode TAMAGC 22 time constant of AM RF AGC RFGND 23 RF ground FMMIX1IN1 24 FM mixer 1 input 1 FMMIX1IN2 25 FM mixer 1 input 2 WXMIX1IN 26 weather band mixer input WXMIX1DEC 27 weather band mixer decoupling DAAOUT1 28 antenna DAA output 1 DAAOUT2 29 antenna DAA output 2 TFMAGC 30 time constant of FM RF AGC KAGC 31 time constant of keyed FM front-end AGC IFMAGC 32 PIN diode drive current output of FM front-end AGC PLLGND 33 ground for tuning PLL DAAIN 34 input of DAA circuit for antenna tank circuit VTUNE 35 tuning voltage; 3 mA charge pump output CPOUT 36 charge pump output VCOGND 37 VCO ground OSCFDB 38 VCO feedback OSCTNK 39 VCO tank circuit VCCVCO 40 VCO supply voltage FREF 41 reference frequency output VCCPLL 42 supply voltage for tuning PLL VCC 43 supply voltage (8.5 V) V60 44 input for FM filter and demodulator supply current IF2GND 45 FM IF2 ground VTCENTRE 46 filtering of tuning voltage of center frequency VTCM 47 reference for filtering of tuning voltage of center frequency VREF 48 reference voltage for noise decoupling SWPORT1 49 software port output 1 IFFLAG 50 FM IF2 bandwidth voltage flag TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 6 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 3. Pin description ...continued Symbol Pin Description AFSAMPLE 51 AF sample flag output AFHOLD 52 AF hold flag output and input MPXAM 53 not muted FM or AM demodulator output and IF output for AM stereo MUTIN 54 input of tuning mute circuit MUTMPXAM 55 FM MPX output or AM output from tuning mute LEVEL 56 level voltage output for AM and FM SWPORT2 57 software port output 2 DGND 58 digital ground SDA 59 I2C-bus data line input and output SCL 60 I2C-bus clock line input ADDR 61 address select i.c. 62 internally connected XTAL2 63 crystal oscillator 2 XTAL1 64 crystal oscillator 1 7. Functional description 7.1 FM mixer 1 The FM quadrature mixer converts FM RF (65 MHz to 108 MHz and 162.4 MHz to 162.55 MHz) to an IF of 10.7 MHz. The FM mixer provides inherent image rejection and a large dynamic range. The image rejection can be switched from low injection LO to high injection LO via the I2C-bus independently of the band selection. The gain can be increased by 6 dB via the I2C-bus. 7.2 FM RF AGC AGC detection at the FM front-end mixer input with programmable threshold. When the threshold is exceeded, the PIN diode drive circuit sources a current to an external PIN diode circuit, keeping the mixer input signal level constant. Keyed AGC function is selectable via the I2C-bus and uses the in-band level information derived from the limiter level detector. The AGC PIN diode drive circuit can be forced via the I2C-bus to deliver a fixed current as a local function for search tuning. In AM mode, the AGC PIN diode drive circuit can also be forced via the I2C-bus to deliver the maximum source current into the external FM PIN diode circuitry. AGC information is available via the I2C-bus. 7.3 FM mixer 2 The FM quadrature mixer converts 10.7 MHz FM IF1 to 450 kHz FM IF2 and includes inherent image rejection. The gain can be selected via I2C-bus to compensate for different ceramic filter insertion loss. TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 7 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) 7.4 FM IF2 channel filter The order and dynamic range of the filter is designed for operation with only one external ceramic filter in the application. The filter characteristic is optimized to combine high selectivity with low distortion from maximum to minimum IF bandwidth settings. The bandwidth of the filter can be selected directly with 5 bits via the I2C-bus or automatically via the bandwidth control algorithm. When the automatic mode is selected the bandwidth depends on the signal conditions: the amount of adjacent channel, the deviation of the desired signal, detuning and signal strength. The filter center frequency is I2C-bus aligned with 6 bits. 7.5 FM limiter and level detection The limiter amplifies the IF filter output signal, removes AM modulations from the IF signal and supplies a well defined signal for the FM demodulator. From the limiter also the RSSI is derived which is converted to a suitable level voltage with minimum temperature drift. 7.6 FM demodulator The fully integrated FM demodulator converts the IF signal from the limiter to the FM MPX output signal with very low distortion. The center frequency of the filter in the demodulator is aligned together with the IF2 filter center frequency. 7.7 Audio output buffer The output buffer for AM and FM amplifies the demodulated signal and includes low-pass filtering to attenuate any IF residual signals. The gain is increased in weather band reception to compensate for the low frequency deviation. 7.8 Tuning mute The audio soft slope tuning mute circuit is controlled by the sequential machine for different tuning actions to eliminate audible effects. Control signals are generated to control the muting and the weak signal processing in the signal processor. 7.9 Weather band input A separate RF input to the FM front-end mixer for weather band makes the weather band application easier. 7.10 IF filter and demodulator tuning The center frequency as well as the bandwidth of both the IF filter and demodulator are coupled to the stable crystal reference frequency. Fine adjustment is achieved with a 6-bit DAA. 7.11 VCO and dividers The varactor tuned LC oscillator together with the dividers provides the local oscillator signal for both AM and FM front-end mixers. The VCO has an operating frequency of approximately 160 MHz to 256 MHz. In FM mode the LO frequency is divided by 1, 2 or 3. TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 8 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) These dividers generate in-phase and quadrature-phase output signals used in the FM front-end mixer for image rejection. In AM mode the LO frequency is divided by 6, 8, 10, 16 or 20 depending on the selected AM band. 7.12 Crystal oscillator The linear crystal oscillator provides a 20.5 MHz signal. A divider-by-two generates in-phase and quadrature-phase mixer frequencies for the conversion from IF1 to IF2 including image rejection. The reference divider generates from the crystal frequency various reference frequencies for the tuning PLL. Also the different timing signals for the sequential machine as well as the analog signal processor reference frequency are derived from the crystal reference. 7.13 Tuning PLL The tuning PLL locks the VCO frequency divided by the programmable divider ratio to the reference frequency. Due to the combination of different charge pump signals in the PLL loop filter, the loop parameters are adapted dynamically. Tuning to different radio frequencies is done by changing the programmable divider ratio. The tuning step size is selected with the reference frequency divider setting. 7.14 Antenna DAA The antenna DAA measures the VCO tuning voltage and multiplies it with a factor defined by the 7-bit DAA1 setting to generate a tuning voltage for the FM antenna tank circuit. A second tuning voltage (DAA output 2) for an optional second FM tank circuit is derived from the first tuning voltage with 4 bits. 7.15 AM RF AGC The AM front-end is designed for the application of an external JFET low noise amplifier with cascode AGC and PIN diode AGC both controlled by an integrated AGC circuit. Four AGC thresholds of the detector at the first mixer input are selectable via I2C-bus. A further detector at the IF AGC input prevents undesired overload (see Figure 21). AGC information can be read out via I2C-bus. The PIN diode current drive circuit includes a pull-up current source for reverse biasing of the PIN diode, when the AGC is not active to achieve a low parasitic capacitance. 7.16 AM mixer The large dynamic range AM mixer converts AM RF (144 kHz to 26.1 MHz) to an IF of 10.7 MHz. 7.17 AM IF noise blanker The spike detection for the AM noise blanker is at the output of the AM front-end mixer. Blanking is realized at the output of the second AM mixer. The sensitivity of the noise blanker can be set in three settings and switched off via I2C-bus. TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 9 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) 7.18 AM IF AGC amplifier and demodulator The 450 kHz IF2 signal after the ceramic channel selection filter is amplified by the IF AGC amplifier and demodulated. Instead of the demodulated AM audio signal, also the IF2 signal can be selected on the MPXAM output pin. This IF2 signal can be used for an external AM stereo decoder. To avoid overdrive of the input stage a detector at the input drives the RF AGC. 7.19 AM level detection The IF2 signal used for AM IF AGC and demodulation is also used in the limiter circuit for in-band level detection to generate a level voltage. 7.20 AM and FM level DAA The start and slope of the level detector output are programmable with 5 bits and 3 bits respectively to achieve level information independent on gain variations in the signal channel. 7.21 AM and FM IF counter The output signal from the limiters is used for IF counting in both AM and FM. The IF count time is automatically controlled to achieve the optimum counting accuracy. The minimum count time is 2 ms. 8. I2C-bus protocol S SLAVE ADDRESS W ACK-s MSA ACK-s DATA ACK-s P data transferred (n bytes + acknowledge) 001aad051 Fig 3. Write mode S SLAVE ADDRESS R DATA ACK-s ACK-m data transferred (n - 1 bytes + acknowledge) DATA NA P 001aad049 Fig 4. Read mode Table 4. Description of I2C-bus format Code Description S START condition Slave address W 1100 0000b for pin ADDR grounded 1100 0010b for pin ADDR floating Slave address R 1100 0001b for pin ADDR grounded 1100 0011b for pin ADDR floating TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 10 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 4. Description of I2C-bus format ...continued Code Description ACK-s acknowledge generated by the slave ACK-m acknowledge generated by the master NA not acknowledge MSA mode and subaddress byte Data data byte P STOP condition 8.1 Read mode Read data is loaded into the output register at the preceding acknowledge clock pulse. Table 5. Read register overview Data byte Name Reference 0h IFCOUNTER Section 8.1.1 1h TUNER Section 8.1.2 2h ACDREAD Section 8.1.3 3h LEVEL Section 8.1.4 4h ID Section 8.1.5 5h TEMP Section 8.1.6 8.1.1 Read mode: data byte IFCOUNTER Table 6. IFCOUNTER - data byte 0h bit allocation 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 IFCM1 IFCM0 IFCS IFCA IFC3 IFC2 IFC1 IFC0 Table 7. IFCOUNTER - data byte 0h bit description Bit Symbol Description 7 and 6 IFCM[1:0] IF counter mode 00 = no new counter result available (IF counter value is last result or reset state) 01 = new counter result available (IF counter value is new result) 10 = counter result from AFU (IF counter value is AF result) 11 = POR is detected, the I2C-bus data is reset to POR state 5 IFCS IF counter sign 0 = the IF counter result indicates a positive RF frequency 1 = the IF counter result indicates a negative RF frequency 4 IFCA IF counter accuracy 0 = IF counter result with 1 kHz resolution in FM mode and 0.5 kHz resolution in AM mode 1 = IF counter result with 8 kHz resolution in FM mode and 4 kHz resolution in AM mode 3 to 0 IFC[3:0] IF counter result; see Table 8 TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 11 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 8. IF counter result IFC3 IFC2 IFC1 IFC0 FM deviation from nominal value IFCA = 0 IFCA = 1 AM deviation from nominal value IFCA = 0 IFCA = 1 0 0 0 0 0 kHz to 1 kHz reset state 0 kHz to 0.5 kHz reset state 0 0 0 1 1 kHz to 2 kHz - 0.5 kHz to 1 kHz - 0 0 1 0 2 kHz to 3 kHz 16 kHz to 24 kHz 1 kHz to 1.5 kHz 8 kHz to 12 kHz 0 0 1 1 3 kHz to 4 kHz 24 kHz to 32 kHz 1.5 kHz to 2 kHz 12 kHz to 16 kHz 0 1 0 0 4 kHz to 5 kHz 32 kHz to 40 kHz 2 kHz to 2.5 kHz 16 kHz to 20 kHz 0 1 0 1 5 kHz to 6 kHz 40 kHz to 48 kHz 2.5 kHz to 3 kHz 20 kHz to 24 kHz 0 1 1 0 6 kHz to 7 kHz 48 kHz to 56 kHz 3 kHz to 3.5 kHz 24 kHz to 28 kHz 0 1 1 1 7 kHz to 8 kHz 56 kHz to 64 kHz 3.5 kHz to 4 kHz 28 kHz to 32 kHz 1 0 0 0 8 kHz to 9 kHz 64 kHz to 72 kHz 4 kHz to 4.5 kHz 32 kHz to 36 kHz 1 0 0 1 9 kHz to 10 kHz 72 kHz to 80 kHz 4.5 kHz to 5 kHz 36 kHz to 40 kHz 1 0 1 0 10 kHz to 11 kHz 80 kHz to 88 kHz 5 kHz to 5.5 kHz 40 kHz to 44 kHz 1 0 1 1 11 kHz to 12 kHz 88 kHz to 96 kHz 5.5 kHz to 6 kHz 44 kHz to 48 kHz 1 1 0 0 12 kHz to 13 kHz 96 kHz to 104 kHz 6 kHz to 6.5 kHz 48 kHz to 52 kHz 1 1 0 1 13 kHz to 14 kHz 104 kHz to 112 kHz 6.5 kHz to 7 kHz 52 kHz to 56 kHz 1 1 1 0 14 kHz to 15 kHz 112 kHz to 120 kHz 7 kHz to 7.5 kHz 56 kHz to 60 kHz 1 1 1 1 15 kHz to 16 kHz 120 kHz 7.5 kHz to 8 kHz 60 kHz After a tuning action, which is activated by the state machine, the IF counter is reset at that moment when tuning is established (PLL in-lock). Reset is also possible via bit IFCR. The first counter result is available from 2 ms after reset. For FM further results can be obtained from 4 ms, 8 ms, 16 ms and 32 ms after reset, the increasing count time attenuates influence of FM modulation on the counter result. After this, the counter continues at the maximum count time of 32 ms (see Figure 5). After AFU sampling the IF counter read value is held (IFCM = 10); see Figure 6, Figure 14 and Figure 15. The counter itself remains active in the background in raw mode (2 ms count time). The IF counter hold is disabled after I2C-bus read. For AM mode the count time is fixed to 2 ms and results are available every 2 ms. TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 12 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) tuning f1 f2 2 ms 2 ms time 4 ms 8 ms 16 ms 32 ms 32 ms 32 ms 32 ms 32 ms 16 ms counter time 8 ms 4 ms 2 ms I2C-bus register reset f2 001aab785 Fig 5. IF counter in FM mode after tuning tuning for AF update f1 f2 time f2 2 ms f1 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms 4 ms 8 ms 16 ms 32 ms 16 ms 8 ms counter time 4 ms 2 ms 2 ms reset I2C-bus register reset f1 hold of counter result of f2 until read-out 001aab786 read-out of counter result f2 Fig 6. IF counter in FM mode during and after AF update 8.1.2 Read mode: data byte TUNER Table 9. TUNER - data byte 1h bit allocation 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RAGC1 RAGC0 - IFBW4 IFBW3 IFBW2 IFBW1 IFBW0 TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 13 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 10. TUNER - data byte 1h bit description Bit Symbol Description 7 and 6 RAGC[1:0] RF AGC attenuation indicator, PIN diode current on pins IAMAGC or IFMAGC 00 = < 0.1 mA 01 = 0.1 mA to 0.5 mA 10 = 0.5 mA to 2.5 mA 11 = > 2.5 mA 5 - not used 4 to 0 IFBW[4:0] FM IF filter bandwidth control 45 kHz to 130 kHz 8.1.3 Read mode: data byte ACDREAD Table 11. ACDREAD - data byte 2h bit allocation 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ACD2 ACD1 ACD0 MOD2 MOD1 MOD0 OFFS WAM Table 12. ACDREAD - data byte 2h bit description Bit Symbol Description 7 to 5 ACD[2:0] adjacent channel detector value 4 to 2 MOD[2:0] modulation detector value 1 OFFS offset detector result 0 = no offset detected 1 = offset detected (adjacent channel breakthrough) 0 WAM wideband AM detector result 0 = no WAM detected 1 = WAM detected (multipath or co-channel) After AFU sampling the content of the byte ACDREAD is held until the next I2C-bus read. The values ACD and MOD and the WAM bit can be used as quality indicators of the alternate frequency. The OFFS bit cannot be used because of too slow attack time. See Figure 14 and Figure 15. 8.1.4 Read mode: data byte LEVEL Table 13. LEVEL - data byte 3h bit allocation 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LEV7 LEV6 LEV5 LEV4 LEV3 LEV2 LEV1 LEV0 Table 14. LEVEL - data byte 3h bit description Bit Symbol Description 7 to 0 LEV[7:0] level detector output value Vlevel [V] = 164LEV[7:0] + 0.25 TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 14 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) 8.1.5 Read mode: data byte ID Table 15. ID - data byte 4h bit allocation 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 IFCAPG - - - - ID2 ID1 ID0 Table 16. ID - data byte 4h bit description Bit Symbol Description 7 IFCAPG IF filter gear; value is used for IFCAP adjustment (byte IFCAP); see Table 47 and Table 48 6 to 3 - not used 2 to 0 ID[2:0] device type identification 010 = TEF6862 8.1.6 Read mode: data byte TEMP Table 17. TEMP - data byte 5h bit allocation 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TEMP7 TEMP6 TEMP5 TEMP4 TEMP3 TEMP2 TEMP1 TEMP0 Table 18. TEMP - data byte 5h bit description Bit Symbol Description 7 to 0 TEMP[7:0] chip temperature; 1 step 1 K; relative indication 8.2 Write mode The tuner is controlled by the I2C-bus. After the IC address the MSA byte contains the control of the tuning action via the bits MODE[2:0] and REGC and subaddressing via bits SA[3:0] (see Figure 7). The tuner circuit is controlled by the CONTROL register. Any data change in the CONTROL register has immediate effect and will change the operation of the tuner circuit accordingly. The subaddress range 00h to 05h includes data that may lead to audible disturbance when changed. Therefore the subaddress range 00h to 05h is not loaded in the CONTROL register directly but loaded in a BUFFER register instead. This allows the IC to take care of tuning actions and mute control, freeing the microcontroller from cumbersome controls and timings. The subaddress range of 06h to 0Fh does not contain such critical data. I2C-bus information in the range 06h to 0Fh will be loaded in the CONTROL register directly (at acknowledge of each byte). Controlled by a state machine the BUFFER data will be loaded in the CONTROL register for new settings. However at the same time the CONTROL data is loaded in the BUFFER register. This register swap action allows a fast return to the previous setting because the previous data remains available in the BUFFER register (see Figure 8 and Figure 9). Via MODE several operational modes can be selected for the state machine. MODE offers all standard tuning actions as well as generic control for flexibility. The state machine controls the tuner by controlling I2C-bus data and internal circuits like the IF counter and mute. Action progress is monitored by the accompanying signal processor via the AFSAMPLE and AFHOLD lines, this way functions like weak signal processing can be controlled complementary to the tuner action. TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 15 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) The state machine operation starts at the end of transmission (P = STOP). In case a previous action is still active this is ignored and the new action defined by MODE is started immediately. When only the address byte is transmitted no action is started however (device presence test). To minimize the I2C-bus transmission time only bytes that include data changes need to be written. Following the MSA byte the transmission can start at any given data byte defined by the subaddress (SA) bits. Furthermore when writing the buffered range either the current BUFFER data or the current CONTROL data can be used as default, controlled by the REGC bit: with REGC = 0 any BUFFER data that is not newly written via I2C-bus remains unchanged. In general the BUFFER register will contain the previous tuner setting so this becomes default for the new setting. When only the MSA byte is transmitted defining a tuning MODE with REGC = 0 the tuner will return to its previous settings (see Figure 8). Instead with REGC = 1 the BUFFER register is loaded with data from the CONTROL register first, this way not written BUFFER data equals the CONTROL data. Since the CONTROL register contains the current tuner setting with REGC = 1 the current tuner setting is default for the new setting. When a tuning MODE action is defined with REGC = 1 the tuner will keep its current settings (CONTROL = current) for all data that is not newly written during the transmission (see Figure 9). After power-on reset, all registers are in their default settings. The tuning mute circuit is muted. The control signals for the signal processors are set to AFSAMPLE = HIGH and AFHOLD = HIGH. An action of the state machine de-mutes the circuit. Table 19. Write mode subaddress overview Subaddress Name Default Reference 0h BANDWIDTH 1111 1110b Section 8.2.2 1h PLLM 0000 1000b Section 8.2.3 2h PLLL 0111 1110b Section 8.2.4 3h DAA 0100 0000b Section 8.2.5 4h AGC 1000 0000b Section 8.2.6 5h BAND 0010 0000b Section 8.2.7 6h CONTROL 1001 1000b Section 8.2.8 7h LEVEL 1000 0100b Section 8.2.9 8h IFCF 0010 0000b Section 8.2.10 9h IFCAP 0000 1000b Section 8.2.11 Ah ACD 0100 1010b Section 8.2.12 Fh TEST 0000 0000b Section 8.2.13 TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 16 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) I2C-BUS MODE SA = 00h to 05h SA = 06h to 09h BUFFER REGISTER SA = 00h to 05h MODE DECODER AFSAMPLE STATE MACHINE load REGC = 1 AFHOLD swap IF COUNTER TUNING MUTE CONTROL REGISTER SA = 00h to 05h SA = 06h to 09h TUNER CIRCUIT 001aab787 Fig 7. I2C-bus control TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 17 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) MODE = load REGC = 0 SA = 2 address BUFFER MSA byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 P byte 0 previous current byte 1 previous current byte 2 previous byte 3 previous byte 4 previous byte 5 previous current new current new current new current new swap CONTROL byte 0 current previous byte 1 current previous byte 2 current new byte 3 current new byte 4 current new byte 5 current new 001aab788 Fig 8. Write to CONTROL register with swap, REGC = 0 TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 18 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) MODE = load REGC = 1 SA = 3 address BUFFER byte 3 MSA byte 4 byte 5 byte 0 previous current current byte 1 previous current current byte 2 previous current current byte 3 previous current byte 4 previous current byte 5 previous current new current new current new load CONTROL P current swap byte 0 current current byte 1 current current byte 2 current current byte 3 current new byte 4 current new byte 5 current new 001aab789 Fig 9. Write to CONTROL register with swap, REGC = 1 8.2.1 Mode and subaddress byte for write Table 20. MSA - mode and subaddress byte bit allocation 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MODE2 MODE1 MODE0 REGC SA3 SA2 SA1 SA0 Table 21. MSA - mode and subaddress byte bit description Bit Symbol Description 7 to 5 MODE[2:0] mode; see Table 22 4 REGC register mode 0 = buffer mode or back mode: previous tuning data is default for new I2C-bus write (data of the BUFFER register is not changed before I2C-bus write); see Figure 8 1 = control mode or current mode: current tuning data is default for new I2C-bus write (the BUFFER register is loaded with CONTROL register data before I2C-bus write); see Figure 9 3 to 0 SA[3:0] subaddress; write data byte subaddress 0 to 15. The subaddress value is auto-incremented and will revert from SA = 15 to SA = 0. The auto-increment function cannot be switched off. TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 19 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Tuning action modes[1] Table 22. MODE2 MODE1 MODE0 Symbol Description 0 0 0 buffer write BUFFER register, no state machine action, no swap 0 0 1 preset tune to new program with 60 ms mute control; swap[2] ; see Figure 10 and Figure 11 0 1 0 search tune to new program and stay muted (for release use end mode); swap[2] ; see Figure 12 and Figure 13 0 1 1 AF update tune to AF program; check AF quality and tune back to main program; two swap operations[3]; see Figure 14 and Figure 15 1 0 0 jump tune to AF program in minimum time; swap; see Figure 16 and Figure 17 1 0 1 check tune to AF program and stay muted (for release use end mode); swap; see Figure 18 and Figure 19 1 1 0 load write CONTROL register via BUFFER; no state machine action; immediate swap; see Figure 8 and Figure 9 1 1 1 end end action; release mute; no swap; see Figure 20 [1] When the write transmission of a state machine command starts during a mute state of the state machine, the sequences of the state machine start immediately with the actions which follow the mute period in the standard sequence (see Figure 11, Figure 13, Figure 15, Figure 17 and Figure 19). [2] In the modes preset and search the AM AGC time constant is set to fast during the period of complete mute. [3] The AF update sequence can also be started by pulling the AFHOLD pin LOW. In this case the AF information should be loaded into the BUFFER before. LOW period for a correct AF update timing: tLOW > 20 s. Between the end of the I2C-bus transmission and the falling edge of the AFHOLD pulse a delay of 20 s is necessary. I2C-bus P 1 ms time PLL f1 tuning 60 ms f2 swap IF counter reset tuning mute 50 s AFHOLD AFSAMPLE 001aab790 Fig 10. Preset mode TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 20 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) I2C-bus P PLL time tuning f1 60 ms f2 swap IF counter reset tuning mute 50 s AFHOLD AFSAMPLE 001aab791 Fig 11. Preset mode, started during mute I2C-bus time P 1 ms PLL f1 tuning f2 swap IF counter reset tuning mute AFHOLD AFSAMPLE 001aab792 Fig 12. Search mode TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 21 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) I2C-bus P PLL time tuning f1 f2 swap IF counter reset tuning mute AFHOLD AFSAMPLE 001aab793 Fig 13. Search mode, started during mute I2C-bus P 0.5 ms time 1 ms PLL f1 tuning 2 ms f2 PLL f2 f1 swap ACDREAD hold hold of ACDREAD result until read-out IF counter reset IF counter hold hold of counter result of f2 until read-out tuning mute AFHOLD AFSAMPLE 001aab794 Fig 14. AF update mode TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 22 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) I2C-bus P 0.5 ms PLL time tuning f2 f1 swap ACDREAD hold hold of ACDREAD result until read-out IF counter reset IF counter hold hold of counter result of f2 until read-out tuning mute AFHOLD AFSAMPLE 001aab795 Fig 15. AF update mode, started during mute I2C-bus P 0.5 ms time tuning 1 ms PLL f1 f2 swap IF counter reset tuning mute AFHOLD AFSAMPLE 001aab796 Fig 16. Jump mode TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 23 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) I2C-bus P 0.5 ms PLL time tuning f1 f2 swap IF counter reset tuning mute AFHOLD AFSAMPLE 001aab797 Fig 17. Jump mode, started during mute I2C-bus P time tuning 1 ms PLL f1 f2 swap IF counter reset tuning mute AFHOLD AFSAMPLE 001aab798 Fig 18. Check mode TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 24 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) I2C-bus P PLL time f1 tuning f2 swap IF counter reset tuning mute AFHOLD AFSAMPLE 001aab799 Fig 19. Check mode, started during mute I2C-bus P time tuning tuning mute AFHOLD AFSAMPLE 001aab800 Fig 20. End mode 8.2.2 Write mode: data byte BANDWIDTH Table 23. BANDWIDTH - data byte 0h bit allocation with default setting (buffered) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DYN BW4 BW3 BW2 BW1 BW0 TE1 FLAG 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 25 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 24. BANDWIDTH - data byte 0h bit description Bit Symbol Description 7 DYN dynamic bandwidth 0 = FM IF bandwidth set by BW[4:0] 1 = FM IF bandwidth dynamically controlled 6 to 2 BW[4:0] FM IF bandwidth: if DYN = 0: 0 to 31: FM fixed IF bandwidth 45 kHz to 130 kHz; if DYN = 1: 0 to 15: upper limit of dynamic range is 130 kHz and lower limit is 45 kHz to 86 kHz; 16 to 31: upper limit of dynamic range is 89 kHz to 130 kHz and lower limit is 45 kHz 1 TE1 threshold extension; the control is combined with bit TE0 of data byte ACD; see Table 49 0 FLAG software programmable flag 0 = SWPORT1 pin inactive (high-impedance) 1 = SWPORT1 pin active (pull-down to ground) 8.2.3 Write mode: data byte PLLM Table 25. PLLM - data byte 1h bit allocation with default setting (buffered) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RFGAIN PLL14 PLL13 PLL12 PLL11 PLL10 PLL9 PLL8 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Table 26. PLLM - data byte 1h bit description Bit Symbol Description 7 RFGAIN RF gain setting in FM mode 0 = FM standard RF gain 1 = +6 dB additional RF gain at FM mixer 1 6 to 0 PLL[14:8] upper byte of PLL divider word 8.2.4 Write mode: data byte PLLL Table 27. PLLL - data byte 2h bit allocation with default setting (buffered) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PLL7 PLL6 PLL5 PLL4 PLL3 PLL2 PLL1 PLL0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Table 28. PLLL - data byte 2h bit description Bit Symbol Description 7 to 0 PLL[7:0] lower byte of PLL divider word; PLL[14:0] is the divider ratio N of the VCO programmable divider; N = 1024 to 32767 8.2.5 Write mode: data byte DAA Table 29. DAA - data byte 3h bit allocation with default setting (buffered) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 AGCSW DAA6 DAA5 DAA4 DAA3 DAA2 DAA1 DAA0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 26 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 30. DAA - data byte 3h bit description Bit Symbol Description 7 AGCSW RF AGC switch 0 = no control of unused RF AGC 1 = unused PIN diode supplied with constant current 6 to 0 alignment of antenna circuit tuning voltage (0.1VDAAIN to 2.0VDAAIN) DAA[6:0] 8.2.6 Write mode: data byte AGC Table 31. AGC - data byte 4h bit allocation with default setting (buffered) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SDAA3 SDAA2 SDAA1 SDAA0 AGC1 AGC0 KAGC LODX 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 32. AGC - data byte 4h bit description Bit Symbol Description 7 to 4 SDAA[3:0] alignment of second antenna circuit tuning voltage (0.7VDAAOUT1 to 1.35VDAAOUT1) 3 and 2 AGC[1:0] setting of RF AGC threshold voltage; for AM, see Table 33 and for FM, see Table 34 1 KAGC keyed AGC FM mode 0 = keyed AGC off 1 = keyed AGC on; the AGC start level is shifted to a value 10 dB above the standard AGC start level, when the level voltage of the wanted RF signal is below the threshold level voltage for narrow-band AGC AM mode 0 = cascode RF AGC active, PIN diode AGC active 1 = cascode RF AGC disabled, PIN diode AGC active 0 LODX local switch 0 = standard operation (DX) 1 = forced FM RF AGC attenuation (LOCAL) Table 33. Setting of RF AGC threshold voltage for AM AGC1 AGC0 AM mixer 1 input voltage (peak-to-peak value) 0 0 1000 mV 0 1 700 mV 1 0 500 mV 1 1 350 mV Table 34. Setting of RF AGC threshold voltage for FM AGC1 AGC0 FM mixer 1 input voltage (RMS value) 0 0 24 mV TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 27 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 34. Setting of RF AGC threshold voltage for FM ...continued AGC1 AGC0 FM mixer 1 input voltage (RMS value) 0 1 17 mV 1 0 12 mV 1 1 9 mV 8.2.7 Write mode: data byte BAND Table 35. BAND - data byte 5h bit allocation with default setting (buffered) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 BAND2 BAND1 BAND0 FREF2 FREF1 FREF0 LOINJ AMST 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Table 36. BAND - data byte 5h bit description Bit Symbol Description 7 to 5 BAND[2:0] divider ratio M; see Table 37 for BAND[2:0] = 000 the IF bandwidth is set to 20 kHz and the weather band input is active 4 to 2 FREF[2:0] PLL reference frequency; see Table 38 1 LOINJ 0 = high injection image suppression 1 = low injection image suppression 0 AMST AM stereo 0 = standard operation 1 = the AM IF signal is available at pin MPXAM Table 37. Decoding of BAND bits BAND2 BAND1 BAND0 Divider ratio M Receiver band 0 0 0 1 WB 0 0 1 2 FM 0 1 0 3 FM 0 1 1 6 AM 1 0 0 8 AM 1 0 1 10 AM 1 1 0 16 AM 1 1 1 20 AM Table 38. Reference frequencies FREF2 FREF1 FREF0 fref 0 0 0 100 kHz 0 0 1 50 kHz 0 1 0 25 kHz 0 1 1 20 kHz 1 0 0 10 kHz 1 0 1 reserved 1 1 0 reserved 1 1 1 reserved TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 28 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) The correct charge pump current for each reference frequency is selected automatically, see Table 39. Table 39. Charge pump source[1] FREF2 FREF1 FREF0 LOINJ Charge pump current fref 0 0 0 X CP1 100 kHz 0 0 1 X CP2 50 kHz 0 1 0 X CP3 25 kHz 0 1 1 1 CP3 20 kHz 0 1 1 0 CP4 20 kHz 1 0 0 X CP5 10 kHz [1] X = don't care. Tuning overview High injection LO (Europe FM, US FM and AM): ( f RF + 10.7 MHz ) x M N = ---------------------------------------------------- with LOINJ = 0 to achieve full image suppression in FM. f ref Low injection LO (Japan FM and OIRT): ( f RF - 10.7 MHz ) x M N = ---------------------------------------------------- with LOINJ = 1 to achieve full image suppression in FM. f ref f ref tuning step = -----M where: M is the divider ratio of the VCO frequency for AM mixer 1 and FM mixer 1 f VCO M = --------------. f mixer 1 ( f RF - 10.7 MHz ) x M When in AM mode the tuner settings N = ---------------------------------------------------- or f ref ( 10.7 MHz - f RF ) x M N = ---------------------------------------------------- are selected, the correct IF counter sign is achieved with f ref LOINJ = 1. Table 40. Standard tuner settings Broadcast band BAND2 BAND1 BAND0 M FREF2 FREF1 FREF0 fref Europe FM and US FM 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 100 kHz 0 Japan FM 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 100 kHz 1 33.3 kHz East Europe FM (OIRT FM) 0 1 0 3 0 1 1 20 kHz 1 6.67 kHz WB FM 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 25 kHz 0 25 kHz AM MW and LW 1 1 1 20 0 1 1 20 kHz 0 1 kHz AM SW 120 m to 60 m 1 1 0 16 1 0 0 10 kHz 0 0.625 kHz TEF6862_1 Product data sheet LOINJ Tuning step 50 kHz (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 29 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 40. Standard tuner settings ...continued Broadcast band BAND2 BAND1 BAND0 M AM SW 49 m to 22 m 1 0 1 10 1 FREF2 FREF1 FREF0 fref 0 0 10 kHz LOINJ Tuning step 0 1 kHz AM SW 25 m to 15 m 1 0 0 8 1 0 0 10 kHz 0 1.25 kHz AM SW 16 m to 11 m 0 1 1 6 1 0 0 10 kHz 0 1.67 kHz 8.2.8 Write mode: data byte CONTROL Table 41. CONTROL - data byte 6h bit allocation with default setting (buffered) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 IFGAIN INS1 INS0 0 STBY IFCR SFLAG 0 0 1 0 0 0 Table 42. CONTROL - data byte 0h bit description Bit Symbol Description 7 - not used, must be set to logic 1 6 IFGAIN IF gain 0 = IF gain for low loss 10.7 MHz filter 1 = increased IF gain (6 dB) for high loss 10.7 MHz filter 5 and 4 INS[1:0] IF noise blanker sensitivity (threshold)[1] 00 = noise blanker off 01 = noise blanker sensitivity low 10 = noise blanker sensitivity medium 11 = noise blanker sensitivity high 3 - not used, must be set to logic 0 2 STBY 0 = operation 1 IFCR IF counter reset 1 = standby mode 0 = standard operation (reset at tuning) 1 = forced reset of IF counter (IFCR returns to logic 0) 0 SFLAG second flag output 0 = SWPORT2 pin inactive (high-impedance) 1 = SWPORT2 pin active (pull-down to ground) [1] Noise blanker test condition: pulse repetition rate = 100 Hz; pulse duration = 5 ns; rise and fall time < 1 ns; measured at dummy aerial input (15 pF/60 pF). 8.2.9 Write mode: data byte LEVEL Table 43. LEVEL - data byte 7h bit allocation with default setting 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LST4 LST3 LST2 LST1 LST0 LSL2 LSL1 LSL0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 30 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 44. LEVEL - data byte 7h bit description Bit Symbol Description 7 to 3 LST[4:0] level start voltage alignment 2 to 0 LSL[2:0] level slope alignment 8.2.10 Write mode: data byte IFCF Table 45. IFCF - data byte 8h bit allocation with default setting 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 IFCFA IFWB IFCF5 IFCF4 IFCF3 IFCF2 IFCF1 IFCF0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Table 46. IFCF - data byte 8h bit description Bit Symbol Description 7 IFCFA FM IF filter alignment 0 = standard operation 1 = alignment mode: fast settling of IF filter (decoupling of the time constant capacitor at VTCENTRE), IFCAP auto-correction disabled and reset 6 IFWB FM IF filter narrow 0 = standard operation 1 = alignment mode: FM IF filter at 20 kHz bandwidth 5 to 0 IFCF[5:0] FM IF filter center frequency alignment 8.2.11 Write mode: data byte IFCAP Table 47. IFCAP - data byte 9h bit allocation with default setting 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 IFCAPA 0 0 0 IFCAP3 IFCAP2 IFCAP1 IFCAP0 1 0 0 0 0 Table 48. IFCAP - data byte 9h bit description Bit Symbol Description 7 IFCAPA FM IF filter capacitor alignment enable 0 = standard operation 1 = alignment and initialization mode: IFCAP auto-correction disabled and reset 6 to 4 - not used, must be set to logic 0 3 to 0 IFCAP[3:0] alignment of FM IF filter capacitor value (use read bit IFCAPG) The fully integrated IF2 filter of the TEF6862 has to be aligned in order to achieve the optimum performance at all ambient conditions. The following procedure is used for a correct factory alignment. TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 31 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Factory alignment of IFCAP FM IF filter operation point alignment (data byte IFCAP): a single alignment of the FM IF filter operation range secures an accurate and continuous frequency setting over the full temperature range and all FM bands. 1. Set bit IFCAPA = 1 to disable internal IFCAP control 2. Increase bit IFCAP from 0 upwards until I2C-bus read bit IFCAPG (read data byte 4, ID) changes from logic 0 to logic 1 3. Save this IFCAP setting as alignment value 4. Set bit IFCAPA = 0 to return to normal operation Initialization of the radio During radio initialization bit IFCAPA = 1 is used for writing the stored IFCAP alignment value. Afterwards bit IFCAPA = 0. After the initialization repeated writing of the IFCAP byte with the identical IFCAP alignment value is only allowed with bit IFCAPA = 0. Factory alignment of IFCF FM IF filter center frequency alignment (data byte IFCF): to correct IF frequency errors caused by an error in the crystal frequency the alignment is preferably performed for every FM band in use. A test frequency in the center of the band is preferred. An accurate alignment result is realized by testing for symmetrical filter attenuation. 1. Set RF generator level VRF = 200 V 2. Set bit IFWB = 1 for better accuracy (20 kHz bandwidth) 3. Set bit IFCFA = 1 to enable fast settling of the filter frequency 4. Test high side of filter curve: tune to fRF - 50 kHz (Europe/USA) or fRF + 33.3 kHz (Japan/OIRT) 5. Change IFCF[5:0] from 0 to 63 and note the read result LEV[7:0] (level voltages) 6. Test low side of filter curve: tune to fRF + 50 kHz (Europe/USA) or fRF - 33.3 kHz (Japan/OIRT) 7. Change IFCF[5:0] from 0 to 63 and note the level voltages 8. Find the IFCF[5:0] value where both level curves cross (lowest difference) and save this IFCF[5:0] value 9. Set bit IFWB = 0 to return to normal operation 10. Set bit IFCFA = 0 to return to normal operation 8.2.12 Write mode: data byte ACD Table 49. ACD - data byte Ah bit allocation with default setting 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TE0 LAP1 LAP0 BAL1 BAL0 WAM1 WAM0 BWFLAG 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 32 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 50. IFCF - data byte Ah bit description Bit Symbol Description 7 TE0 threshold extension; additional control towards narrow bandwidth at low RF levels; control is combined with bit TE1 of data byte BANDWIDTH TE[1:0] = 00 = threshold extension control is off TE[1:0] = 01 = threshold extension control is low TE[1:0] = 10 = threshold extension control is standard TE[1:0] = 11 = threshold extension control is high 6 and 5 LAP[1:0] latch protection; additional wide bandwidth control at low RF and high modulation to avoid distortion 00 = latch protection control is off 01 = latch protection control is low 10 = latch protection control is standard 11 = latch protection control is high 4 and 3 BAL[1:0] control balance of adjacent channel detector and modulation detector; focus of bandwidth control between adjacent channel suppression (avoid breakthrough) and modulation handling (avoid overmodulation distortion) 00 = control is biased towards adjacent channel breakthrough protection 01 = standard control 10 = control is biased towards modulation handling 11 = control is biased further towards modulation handling 2 and 1 WAM[1:0] wideband AM threshold; control towards narrow bandwidth is reduced when multipath is detected 00 = off 01 = low sensitivity; high threshold 10 = medium sensitivity; medium threshold 11 = high sensitivity; low threshold 0 BWFLAG bandwidth flag output pin 0 = analog control voltage at IFFLAG pin 1 = control flag at IFFLAG pin (IFFLAG = HIGH for bandwidth > 56 kHz) 8.2.13 Write mode: data byte TEST Table 51. [1] TEST - data byte Fh bit allocation with default setting[1] 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 TEST4 TEST3 TEST2 TEST1 TEST0 0 0 0 0 0 The test control byte is for internal use only. TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 33 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) 9. Limiting values Table 52. Limiting values In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134). Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit VCCA analog supply voltage on pins VCC, VCCPLL, VCCVCO, VCCRF, AMMIX2OUT1, AMMIX2OUT2, MIX1OUT1 and MIX1OUT2 -0.3 +10 V VV60 voltage on pin V60 -0.3 VCCA + 0.3 V VCCAn voltage difference between any analog supply pins -0.3 +0.3 V VSCL voltage on pin SCL -0.3 +5.5 V VSDA voltage on pin SDA -0.3 +5.5 V Vi input voltage on pin ADDR -0.3 +5.5 V Vo output voltage on pins AFHOLD and AFSAMPLE V [1] on pins SWPORT1 and SWPORT2 Vn voltage on any other pin Tstg storage temperature Tamb ambient temperature subjective functionality -0.3 +5.5 [1] -0.3 VCCA + 0.3 V [1] -0.3 VCCA + 0.3 V -40 +150 [2] full functionality Vesd electrostatic discharge voltage C -40 +105 C -40 +85 C human body model [3][4] -2000 +2000 V machine model [4][5] -200 +200 V [1] The maximum voltage must be less than 10 V. [2] The IC is functional; parameter values are not guaranteed. Operation at maximum temperature will affect lifetime performance. [3] Class 2 according to JESD22-A114C.01. [4] All VCC pins and all GND pins connected to tester ground; all other pins tested versus tester ground. [5] Class B according to EIA/JESD22-A115-A. 10. Thermal characteristics Table 53. Thermal characteristics Symbol Parameter Conditions Rth(j-a) thermal resistance from junction to ambient in free air 60 K/W Rth(j-c) thermal resistance from junction to case 10 K/W TEF6862_1 Product data sheet Typ Unit (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 34 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) 11. Static characteristics Table 54. Static characteristics VCCA = 8.5 V; Tamb = 25 C; unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Supply voltage VCCA analog supply voltage on pins VCC, VCCPLL, VCCVCO, VCCRF, AMMIX2OUT1, AMMIX2OUT2, MIX1OUT1 and MIX1OUT2 8 8.5 9 V VV60 voltage on pin V60 5.5 6.5 - V Tamb = -40 C 22 27.6 - mA Tamb = 25 C 21.5 26 31.2 mA Tamb = 85 C - 25 30 mA Tamb = -40 C - 5.9 - mA Tamb = 25 C 4.1 5.5 7.1 mA Current in FM mode ICC ICC(PLL) ICC(VCO) ICC(RF) supply current PLL supply current VCO supply current RF supply current Tamb = 85 C - 5.1 6.6 mA Tamb = -40 C - 1.8 - mA Tamb = 25 C 0.9 1.7 2.5 mA Tamb = 85 C - 1.6 2.35 mA Tamb = -40 C - 13.9 18.2 mA Tamb = 25 C 11.8 15.3 20 mA Tamb = 85 C - 16 20.8 mA - 1 - mA Tamb = -40 C - 44.5 53.4 mA Tamb = 25 C 35 42 50 mA Tamb = 85 C - 39 47 mA IPIN(AM) AM PIN diode current data byte DAA bit AGCSW = 1 II(V60) input current on pin V60 IMIX1OUT1 IMIX1OUT2 ICC(tot) current on pin MIX1OUT1 current on pin MIX1OUT2 Tamb = -40 C - 5.3 - mA Tamb = 25 C 4.3 5.7 7.5 mA Tamb = 85 C - 6.0 8.0 mA Tamb = -40 C - 5.3 - mA Tamb = 25 C 4.3 5.7 7.5 mA Tamb = 85 C - 6.0 8.0 mA - 101.9 - mA total supply current Current in AM mode ICC ICC(PLL) supply current PLL supply current Tamb = -40 C - 37.5 - mA Tamb = 25 C 30 36 43 mA Tamb = 85 C - 34 40 mA Tamb = -40 C - 5.9 - mA Tamb = 25 C 4.1 5.5 7.1 mA Tamb = 85 C - 5.1 6.6 mA TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 35 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 54. Static characteristics ...continued VCCA = 8.5 V; Tamb = 25 C; unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit ICC(VCO) VCO supply current Tamb = -40 C - 1.8 - mA Tamb = 25 C 0.9 1.7 2.5 mA ICC(RF) RF supply current Tamb = 85 C - 1.6 2.35 mA Tamb = -40 C - 7.56 - mA Tamb = 25 C 5.25 7.5 11.25 mA Tamb = 85 C - 7.43 11.2 mA IPIN(FM) FM PIN diode current data byte DAA bit AGCSW = 1 -15 -10 -7 mA II(V60) input current on pin V60 Tamb = -40 C - 13 16.6 mA Tamb = 25 C 9.5 13 16.6 mA IMIX1OUT1 IMIX1OUT2 IAMMIX2OUT1 IAMMIX2OUT2 current on pin MIX1OUT1 current on pin MIX1OUT2 current on pin AMMIX2OUT1 current on pin AMMIX2OUT2 Tamb = 85 C - 13 16.6 mA Tamb = -40 C - 6 - mA Tamb = 25 C 4.5 5.75 7 mA Tamb = 85 C - 5.4 6.5 mA Tamb = -40 C - 6 - mA Tamb = 25 C 4.5 5.75 7 mA Tamb = 85 C - 5.4 6.5 mA Tamb = -40 C - 5.5 - mA Tamb = 25 C 3.7 4.6 5.5 mA Tamb = 85 C - 3.7 4.5 mA Tamb = -40 C - 5.5 - mA Tamb = 25 C 3.7 4.6 5.5 mA Tamb = 85 C ICC(tot) total supply current - 3.7 4.5 mA - 84.4 - mA 12. Dynamic characteristics Table 55. Dynamic characteristics VCCA = 8.5 V; Tamb = 25 C; see Figure 25 and Figure 26; all AC values are given in RMS; unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit - 20.5 - MHz 112 - - dBc/Hz 80 100 160 mV - -500 -250 6 8 11 pF Crystal oscillator fxtal crystal frequency C/N carrier-to-noise ratio fxtal = 20.5 MHz; f = 10 kHz Circuit inputs: pins XTAL1 and XTAL2[1] Vo(xtal) crystal output voltage Ri input resistance Ci input capacitance VXTAL1-XTAL2 = 1 mV TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 36 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 55. Dynamic characteristics ...continued VCCA = 8.5 V; Tamb = 25 C; see Figure 25 and Figure 26; all AC values are given in RMS; unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Tuning system; see Table 37, Table 38 and Table 39 Voltage controlled oscillator fVCO(min) minimum VCO frequency - - 153.6 MHz fVCO(max) maximum VCO frequency 256 - - MHz C/N carrier-to-noise ratio fVCO = 200 MHz; f = 10 kHz; Q 30 - 98 - dBc/Hz ripple ripple rejection VCC(ripple)/Vo(MPXAM); fripple = 100 Hz; VCC(ripple) = 50 mV; fVCO = 200 MHz; FM mode 44 50 - dB Charge pump: pin CPOUT; see Table 39 Vtune(min) minimum tuning voltage charge pump CP1 Tamb = 25 C - - 0.5 V Tamb = -40 C - - 0.5 V Tamb = 25 C - - 0.7 V Tamb = -40 C - - 0.7 V charge pump CP4 Vtune(max) maximum tuning voltage charge pump CP1 Tamb = 25 C VCC(PLL) - 1.3 - - V Tamb = -40 C VCC(PLL) - 1.3 - - V Tamb = 25 C VCC(PLL) - 0.7 - - V Tamb = -40 C VCC(PLL) - 0.7 - - V charge pump CP4 Isink(CP1) CP1 sink current fref = 100 kHz; VCPOUT = 0.5 V to VCC(PLL) - 1.3 V; fVCO > fref x divider ratio - 180 - A Isource(CP1) CP1 source current fref = 100 kHz; VCPOUT = 0.5 V to VCC(PLL) - 1.3 V; fVCO < fref x divider ratio - -180 - A Isink(CP2) CP2 sink current fref = 50 kHz; VCPOUT = 0.7 V to VCC(PLL) - 1.5 V; fVCO > fref x divider ratio - 360 - A Isource(CP2) CP2 source current fref = 50 kHz; VCPOUT = 0.7 V to VCC(PLL) - 1.5 V; fVCO < fref x divider ratio - -360 - A Isink(CP3) CP3 sink current - 780 - A fref = 20 kHz or 25 kHz; VCPOUT = 0.7 V to VCC(PLL) - 0.7 V; fVCO > fref x divider ratio TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 37 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 55. Dynamic characteristics ...continued VCCA = 8.5 V; Tamb = 25 C; see Figure 25 and Figure 26; all AC values are given in RMS; unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Isource(CP3) Conditions Min Typ Max Unit CP3 source current fref = 20 kHz or 25 kHz; VCPOUT = 0.7 V to VCC(PLL) - 0.7 V; fVCO < fref x divider ratio - -780 - A Isink(CP4) CP4 sink current fref = 20 kHz; VCPOUT = 0.7 V to VCC(PLL) - 0.7 V; fVCO > fref x divider ratio - 1400 - A Isource(CP4) CP4 source current fref = 20 kHz; VCPOUT = 0.7 V to VCC(PLL) - 0.7 V; fVCO < fref x divider ratio - -1400 - A Isink(CP5) CP5 sink current fref = 10 kHz; VCPOUT = 0.7 V to VCC(PLL) - 0.7 V; fVCO > fref x divider ratio - 2 200 - A Isource(CP5) CP5 source current fref = 10 kHz; VCPOUT = 0.7 V to VCC(PLL) - 0.7 V; fVCO < fref x divider ratio - -2200 - A - - 0.8 V - Charge pump: pin VTUNE Vtune(min) minimum tuning voltage Tamb = 25 C Tamb = -40 C - 0.8 V Vtune(max) maximum tuning voltage Tamb = 25 C VCC(PLL) - 0.7 - - V Tamb = -40 C VCC(PLL) - 0.7 - - V Io(sink) output sink current Vtune = 0.8 V to VCC(PLL) - 0.7 V; fVCO > fref x divider ratio - 2800 - A Io(source) output source current Vtune = 0.8 V to VCC(PLL) - 0.7 V; fVCO < fref x divider ratio - -2800 - A tuning time Europe FM and US FM band; fref = 100 kHz; fRF = 87.5 MHz to 108 MHz - 0.75 1 ms AM MW band; fref = 20 kHz; fRF = 0.53 MHz to 1.7 MHz - - 10 ms cycle time for inaudible AF update including 1 ms mute start and 1 ms mute release time - 6 6.5 ms Timings ttune tupd(AF) AF update time Reference frequency for car signal processor IC; output: pin FREF fref reference frequency fref = fxtal/272; fxtal = 20.5 MHz - 75.368 - kHz Vo(p-p) peak-to-peak output voltage RL unloaded 70 140 - mV VO output voltage 3.2 3.5 3.8 V Ro output resistance - - 50 k TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 38 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 55. Dynamic characteristics ...continued VCCA = 8.5 V; Tamb = 25 C; see Figure 25 and Figure 26; all AC values are given in RMS; unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit -10 - +10 nA 0 - 8.5 V minimum value; data byte DAA bits DAA[6:0] = 000 0000; Vtune = 0.5 V - - 0.5 V maximum value; data byte DAA bits DAA[6:0] = 111 1111; Vtune = 4.25 V VCC(PLL) - 0.5 - - V data byte DAA bits DAA[6:0] = 000 0000 - - 0.5 V data byte DAA bits DAA[6:0] = 100 0000 4.1 4.23 4.4 V data byte DAA bits DAA[6:0] = 101 0101 2.6 2.74 2.9 V data byte DAA bits DAA[6:0] = 010 1010 1.3 1.46 1.5 V minimum value; data byte DAA bits DAA[6:0] = 000 0000 - - 0.6 V maximum value; data byte DAA bits DAA[6:0] = 111 1111 VCC(PLL) - 0.5 - - V Antenna Digital Auto Alignment (DAA) DAA input: pin DAAIN ILI input leakage current Vi input voltage DAA output 1: pin Vo VDAAIN = 0.4 V to 8 V DAAOUT1[2] output voltage FM mode Vtune = 4 V Vtune = 2 V AM mode; independent of tuning voltage Vn(o) output noise voltage data byte DAA bits DAA[6:0] = 100 0000; FM mode; Vtune = 4 V with frequency range from 300 Hz to 22 kHz - 30 100 V Vo(T) output voltage deviation over temperature Tamb = -40 C to +85 C; data byte DAA bits DAA[6:0] = 100 0000 -30 - +30 mV Vo(step) step output voltage n = 0 to 127; FM mode; tolerance Vtune = 4 V -0.5VLSB 0 +0.5VLSB Vo output voltage deviation Vtune = 4 V; Iload = 50 A -VLSB - +VLSB Vtune = 4 V; Iload = -50 A -VLSB - +VLSB TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 39 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 55. Dynamic characteristics ...continued VCCA = 8.5 V; Tamb = 25 C; see Figure 25 and Figure 26; all AC values are given in RMS; unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter ts(o) Min Typ Max Unit output settling time VDAAOUT1 = 0.2 V to 8.25 V; CL = 270 pF - 30 60 s ripple ripple rejection - 40 - dB CL load capacitance - - 270 pF minimum value; data byte AGC bits SDAA[3:0] = 0000; VDAAOUT1 = 0.5 V - - 0.5 V maximum value; data byte AGC bits SDAA[3:0] = 1111; VDAAOUT1 = 6.3 V VCC(PLL) - 0.5 - - V data byte AGC bits SDAA[3:0] = 0000 2.6 2.8 3.0 V data byte AGC bits SDAA[3:0] = 1000 3.99 4.19 4.39 V data byte AGC bits SDAA[3:0] = 1010 2.07 2.27 2.47 V data byte AGC bits SDAA[3:0] = 0101 1.63 1.83 2.03 V DAA2: pin Conditions VCC(ripple)/Vo; data byte DAA bits DAA[6:0] = 101 0101; FM mode; Vtune = 4 V; fripple = 100 Hz; VCC(ripple) = 100 mV DAAOUT2[3] Vo output voltage AM mode and FM mode VDAAOUT1 = 4 V VDAAOUT1 = 2 V Vn(o) output noise voltage data byte AGC bits SDAA[3:0] = 1000; FM mode; VDAAOUT1 = 4 V with frequency range from 300 Hz to 22 kHz - 30 100 V Vo(T) output voltage deviation over temperature Tamb = -40 C to +85 C; data byte AGC bits SDAA[3:0] = 1000 -30 - +30 mV Vo(step) step output voltage n = 0 to 15; FM mode; tolerance VDAAOUT1 = 4 V -0.5VLSB 0 +0.5VLSB Vo output voltage deviation VDAAOUT1 = 4 V; Iload = 50 A -VLSB - +VLSB VDAAOUT1 = 4 V; Iload = -50 A -VLSB - +VLSB - 20 30 ts(o) output settling time VDAAOUT2 = 0.2 V to 8.25 V; CL = 270 pF TEF6862_1 Product data sheet s (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 40 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 55. Dynamic characteristics ...continued VCCA = 8.5 V; Tamb = 25 C; see Figure 25 and Figure 26; all AC values are given in RMS; unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit ripple ripple rejection VCC(ripple)/VDAAOUT2; data byte AGC bits SDAA[3:0] = 1010; FM mode; VDAAOUT1 = 4 V; fripple = 100 Hz; VCC(ripple) = 100 mV - 50 - dB CL load capacitance - - 270 pF 700 1000 1400 mV start level of AGC; peak-to-peak value of modulated signal; m = 1 175 250 350 mV AM channel AM RF AGC detector A (peak detector): pin AMMIX1IN; see Figure 21 Vi(RF)(p-p) peak-to-peak RF input voltage start level of wideband AGC; m = 1; data byte AGC bits AGC[1:0] = 00 (standard setting); see Table 33 AM RF AGC detector B: pin AMIF2IN; see Figure 21 Vi(IF)(p-p) peak-to-peak IF input voltage RF cascode AGC cr(AGC) AGC control range - 10 - dB VVAMCAS voltage on pin VAMCAS cascode base DC voltage at maximum gain at cascode AGC - 5 - V RVAMCAS resistance on pin VAMCAS cascode base source resistance - 1 - k IsourceVAMCASmax maximum source current on pin VAMCAS cascode base source current drive capability 100 - - A Isink(VAMCAS) sink current on pin VAMCAS cascode base sink current drive capability - 0 - A VVAMCASFB voltage on pin VAMCASFB cascode emitter DC voltage at minimum gain at cascode AGC - 260 - mV cascode AGC disabled; data byte AGC bit KAGC = 1 - 800 - mV cascode feedback current - - 1 A IVAMCASFB current on pin VAMCASFB AM RF PIN diode AGC current generator output Pin IAMAGC cr(AGC) AGC control range fRF = 999 kHz; dummy aerial 15 pF/60 pF - 50 - dB VIAMAGC voltage on pin IAMAGC PIN diode drive DC voltage 1 - - V Isink(max) maximum sink current VIAMAGC = 1 V 10 - - mA Isource source current AGC not active - -2.5 - A TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 41 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 55. Dynamic characteristics ...continued VCCA = 8.5 V; Tamb = 25 C; see Figure 25 and Figure 26; all AC values are given in RMS; unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Isink sink current FM mode; data byte DAA bit AGCSW = 1 0.5 1 - mA FM mode; data byte DAA bit AGCSW = 0 - - 100 nA - 3 - pF 4.5 5 5.5 V Co(IAMAGC) output capacitance on pin IAMAGC Pin VDCPIN [4] Vo(VDCPIN) output voltage on pin VDCPIN bias voltage for AM PIN diode Rsource(VDCPIN) source resistance on pin VDCPIN bias source resistance - 150 - Isource(max) maximum source current maximum bias source current - - -20 mA Isink(max) maximum sink current maximum bias sink current capability 30 - - A 40 - - k AM mixer 1 (IF1 = 10.7 MHz) Mixer input: pins AMMIX1IN and AMMIX1DEC input resistance [5] Ci input capacitance [5] Vi(max) maximum input voltage Ri on pin AMMIX1IN; 1 dB compression point of VMIX1OUT; m = 0 1.5 3 4.5 pF 500 - - mV Mixer output: pins MIX1OUT1 and MIX1OUT2 output resistance [6] 100 - - k Co output capacitance [6] - 4 7 pF Vo(p-p)(max) maximum peak-to-peak output voltage 12 15 - V Gm(conv) conversion transconductance gain Io/Vi 1.79 2.44 3.2 mA/V Gm(conv)(T) conversion transconductance gain deviation over temperature Gm(conv)/(Gm(conv) x T) - -0.75 x 10-3 - K-1 IP3 third-order intercept point RL = 2.6 k (AC load between output pins); f = 300 kHz 135 138 - dBV IP2 second-order intercept point RL = 2.6 k (AC load between output pins) - 170 - dBV Vn(i)(eq) equivalent input noise voltage band limited noise; Rsource = 330 ; noise of Rsource included; RL = 2.6 k (AC load between output pins) - 5.8 8 nV/Hz NF noise figure - 4.5 7.1 dB Ro TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 42 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 55. Dynamic characteristics ...continued VCCA = 8.5 V; Tamb = 25 C; see Figure 25 and Figure 26; all AC values are given in RMS; unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit AM mixer 2 (IF2 = 450 kHz) Mixer input: pins IF1IN and IF1DEC Ri input resistance [5] - 330 - Ci input capacitance [5] 1.5 3 4.5 pF Vi(max)(M) peak maximum input voltage 1.1 1.4 - V on pin IF1IN; 1 dB compression point of VAMMIX2OUT Mixer output: pins AMMIX2OUT1 and AMMIX2OUT2 output resistance [8] 50 - - k Co output capacitance [8] 1.5 3 4.5 pF Vo(p-p)(max) maximum peak-to-peak output voltage VAMMIX2OUT1 = 8.5 V; VAMMIX2OUT2 = 8.5 V 12 15 - V ILO output leakage current FM mode; Tamb = -40 C to +85 C - - 10 A Gm(conv) conversion transconductance gain Io/Vi 1.79 2.44 3.2 mA/V Gm(conv)(T) conversion transconductance gain deviation over temperature Gm(conv)/(Gm(conv) x T) - -0.8 x 10-3 - K-1 IP3 third-order intercept point RL = 1.5 k (AC load between output pins); f = 300 kHz 134 137 - dBV IP2 second-order intercept point RL = 1.5 k (AC load between output pins) - 170 - dBV Vn(i)(eq) equivalent input noise voltage Rsource = 330 ; noise of Rsource included; RL = 1.5 k (AC load between output pins) - 15 22 nV/Hz NF noise figure - 16 19.5 dB k Ro AM IF2 AGC stage: pins AMIF2IN and AMIF2DEC Ri input resistance [9] 1.6 2 2.4 [9] - 5 - pF [9] - 10 20 V 100 - - mV Ci input capacitance Vi input voltage for = -10 dB audio attenuation Vstop(AGC) AGC stop voltage input carrier voltage AM demodulator output: pin MPXAM; input pins AMIF2IN and AMIF2DEC Vsens sensitivity voltage m = 0.3; fmod = 400 Hz; BAF = 2.15 kHz; Rsource = 2 k (S+N)/N = 26 dB - 60 90 V (S+N)/N = 46 dB - 600 900 V TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 43 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 55. Dynamic characteristics ...continued VCCA = 8.5 V; Tamb = 25 C; see Figure 25 and Figure 26; all AC values are given in RMS; unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter (S+N)/N Conditions Min Typ Max Unit signal plus m = 0.3; fmod = 400 Hz; noise-to-noise ratio BAF = 2.15 kHz; Rsource = 2 k 54 60 - dB Vo output voltage AM mono; m = 0.3; data byte BAND bit AMST = 0; fmod = 400 Hz; Vi = 100 V to 100 mV 230 290 350 mV THD total harmonic distortion m = 0.8; fmod = 400 Hz; BAF = 2.15 kHz; Vi = 100 V to 100 mV - 0.5 1 % tsw(FM-AM) FM to AM switching Vi = 100 V time - 1000 1500 ms ts settling time - 400 600 ms AM AGC Vi = 100 V to 100 mV Vi = 100 mV to 100 V - 600 900 ms 130 180 230 mV output resistance - - 500 output capacitance - 3 - pF ZL load impedance 10 - - k ripple ripple rejection 20 26 - dB Vo output voltage Ro Co IF2 output voltage at AM stereo; m = 0; data byte BAND bit AMST = 1 VCC(ripple)/Vo(MPXAM); fripple = 100 Hz; VCC(ripple) = 50 mV; Vi = 10 mV AM level detector output: pin LEVEL; see Figure 22; input pins AMIF2IN and AMIF2DEC LSL level slope alignment position level slope measured from Vi = 0.5 mV to 5 mV; level slope aligned to (800 50) mV/20 dB 0 - 7 Vslope step size for adjustment of level slope Vi = 1.4 mV 40 60 80 LST level start alignment position Vi = 1.4 mV; level slope aligned to (800 50) mV/20 dB; level start aligned to VO(levdet) = 2.1 V 0.05 V 4 - 27 Vstart step size for adjustment of level starting point LSL aligned to 800 mV/20 dB - 40 72 mV Vstart(levdet) level detection start corner of level curve; voltage LSL[2:0] = 100; LST[4:0] = 1 0000 - 25 42 V VLEVEL(T) voltage variation over temperature on pin LEVEL - 0.07 - dB/K Tamb = -40 C to +85 C TEF6862_1 Product data sheet mV/20 dB (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 44 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 55. Dynamic characteristics ...continued VCCA = 8.5 V; Tamb = 25 C; see Figure 25 and Figure 26; all AC values are given in RMS; unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Blevdet level detector bandwidth Vi = 15 mV; default setting of level DAA; Tamb = -40 C to +85 C 60 90 - kHz Ro output resistance - - 500 RL load resistance 25 - - k CL(max) maximum load capacitance 25 - - pF ripple ripple rejection - 24 - dB 4 7 11 s VCC(ripple)/Vo(levdet)(AC); fripple = 100 Hz; VCC(ripple) = 50 mV; Vi = 10 mV AM noise blanker tsup suppression time Vth threshold voltage detection threshold of noise pulses at RF input ("CISPR 16-1"); repetition rate = 100 Hz; pulse duration = 5 ns; rise and fall time < 1 ns; noise pulse combined with an unmodulated RF input signal of Vi(RF) = 1 mV; pulse and RF input signal measured at dummy aerial input (15 pF/60 pF); data byte CONTROL bits INS[1:0] = 11 - 1000 - mV Vth threshold voltage difference reference: INS = 11; data byte CONTROL bits INS[1:0] = 10 - 3 - dB reference: INS = 11; data byte CONTROL bits INS[1:0] = 01 - 6 - dB start AGC RF input data byte AGC voltage bits AGC[1:0] = 11 - 9 - mV data byte AGC bits AGC[1:0] = 10 - 12 - mV data byte AGC bits AGC[1:0] = 01 - 17 - mV data byte AGC bits AGC[1:0] = 00 - 24 - mV FM channel FM RF AGC (FM distance mode; data byte AGC bit LODX = 0) Input: pins FMMIXIN1 and FMMIXIN2[10] Vi(RF)AGC(start) TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 45 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 55. Dynamic characteristics ...continued VCCA = 8.5 V; Tamb = 25 C; see Figure 25 and Figure 26; all AC values are given in RMS; unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit PIN diode drive output: pin IFMAGC Isource(max) maximum source current VTFMAGC = VO(ref) + 0.5 V; data byte AGC bit KAGC = 0; Vi > Vi(RF)AGC(start) -15 -10 -7 mA Isink(max) maximum sink current at AGC decay; VTFMAGC = VO(ref) - 0.5 V; data byte AGC bit KAGC = 0 7 10 15 mA Isource source current AM mode; data byte DAA bit AGCSW = 1 -15 -10 -7 mA AM mode; data byte DAA bit AGCSW = 0 - 0 - mA data byte AGC bit LODX = 1 (FM local) -0.75 -0.5 -0.35 mA 500 950 1400 mV 75 100 - mV Threshold voltage for narrow-band AGC: pin LEVEL Vth threshold voltage data byte AGC bit KAGC = 1; see Table 32 FM mixer 1 (IF1 = 10.7 MHz) Mixer input: pins FMMIXIN1 and FMMIXIN2[10] Vi(RF)(max) maximum RF input 1 dB compression point of voltage FM mixer output voltage Vn(i)(eq) equivalent input noise voltage Rsource = 200 ; noise of Rsource included; RL = 2.6 k - 2.7 3.2 nV/Hz Ri input resistance RFGAIN = 0 3 3.8 4.7 k RFGAIN = 1 1.6 2.0 2.5 k - 2 4 pF Ci input capacitance Gm(conv) conversion transconductance gain Io/Vi; data byte PLLM bit RFGAIN = 0 12 18 25 mA/V Io/Vi; data byte PLLM bit RFGAIN = 1 24 36 50 mA/V Gm(conv)(T) conversion transconductance gain deviation over temperature Gm(conv)/(Gm(conv) x T) - -0.2 x 10-3 - K-1 NF noise figure Rsource = 300 Tamb = -40 C - 2.8 4.2 dB Tamb = 25 C - 3.1 4.6 dB Tamb = 85 C - 3.5 5.2 dB - 200 - Rgen(recom) recommended generator resistance IP3 third-order intercept point fRF = 800 kHz 117 123 - dBV IRR image rejection ratio Vo(wanted)/Vo(image); fRF(wanted) = 87.5 MHz; fRF(image) = 108.9 MHz 25 35 - dB TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 46 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 55. Dynamic characteristics ...continued VCCA = 8.5 V; Tamb = 25 C; see Figure 25 and Figure 26; all AC values are given in RMS; unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Mixer output: pins MIX1OUT1 and Conditions Min Typ Max Unit 100 - - k MIX1OUT2[6] Ro output resistance Co output capacitance - 4 6 pF Vo(p-p)(max) maximum peak-to-peak output voltage 4.5 5.6 - V FM weather band mixer input: pins WXMIXIN and WXMIXDEC[11] Ri input resistance - 5.1 - k Ci input capacitance - 2 4 pF Gm(conv) conversion transconductance gain Io/Vi; data byte PLLM bit RFGAIN = 0 10 15 21 mA/V Gm(conv)(T) conversion transconductance gain deviation over temperature Gm(conv)/(Gm(conv) x T) - -1 x 10-3 - K-1 NF noise figure Rsource = 300 - 3.5 5 dB Rgen(recom) recommended generator resistance - 200 - IP3 third-order intercept point - 116 - dBV IRR image rejection ratio Vo(wanted)/Vo(image); fRF(wanted) = 162.475 MHz; fRF(image) = 183.875 MHz 20 27 - dB data byte BANDWIDTH bit DYN = 1; dynamic mode - 130 - kHz data byte BANDWIDTH bits BW[4:0] = 1 1111; fixed mode - 130 - kHz data byte BANDWIDTH bit DYN = 1; dynamic mode - 45 - kHz data byte BANDWIDTH bits BW[4:0] = 0 0000; fixed mode - 45 - kHz FM filter and demodulator Tunable filter Bmax Bmin maximum bandwidth minimum bandwidth BIF(WX) IF bandwidth (weather band mode) - 20 - kHz fc(IF2) IF2 center frequency step size - 2 - kHz fc(IF2)(T) IF2 center frequency over temperature -40 - +40 Hz/K TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 47 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 55. Dynamic characteristics ...continued VCCA = 8.5 V; Tamb = 25 C; see Figure 25 and Figure 26; all AC values are given in RMS; unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit data byte BANDWIDTH bits BW[4:0] = 0 0000 - 2 - V data byte BANDWIDTH bits BW[4:0] = 1 0000 - 1.25 - V data byte BANDWIDTH bits BW[4:0] = 1 1111 - 0.525 - V Bandwidth indicator: pin IFFLAG Vo output voltage Ro output resistance Bth threshold bandwidth monitor output voltage for IF2 bandwidth; data byte ACD bit BWFLAG = 0 - 5 - k - 56 - kHz 200 280 - mV - 4 - V (S+N)/N = 26 dB - 10 - V (S+N)/N = 46 dB - 72 - V data byte ACD bit BWFLAG = 1 FM demodulator FM mixer 2 input: pins IF1IN and IF1DEC[7] Vi(max) maximum input voltage Vi(start)(lim) limiter start input voltage = -3 dB at MPX voltage Vi(sens) input sensitivity voltage f = 22.5 kHz; fmod = 1 kHz; de-emphasis = 50 s; Rsource = 330 Ri input resistance 275 330 400 Ci input capacitance 1.5 3 4.5 pF 70 73 - dB - 45 - dB f = 75 kHz - 0.2 0.7 % f = 150 kHz - 1.5 5.0 % - 0.7 - % FM demodulator output: pin MPXAM (S+N)/N signal plus FM mode; f = 22.5 kHz; noise-to-noise ratio fmod = 1 kHz; de-emphasis = 50 s; Vi = 3 mV; B = 300 Hz to 22 kHz weather band mode; f = 1.5 kHz; fmod = 1 kHz; de-emphasis = 120 s; Vi = 10 mV THD total harmonic distortion FM mode; fmod = 1 kHz; Vi = 10 mV weather band mode; fmod = 1 kHz; Vi = 10 mV; f = 5 kHz TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 48 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 55. Dynamic characteristics ...continued VCCA = 8.5 V; Tamb = 25 C; see Figure 25 and Figure 26; all AC values are given in RMS; unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit AM AM suppression Vo(FM)/Vo(AM); FM mode: f = 22.5 kHz; fmod = 1 kHz; AM mode: m = 0.3; fmod = 1 kHz; de-emphasis = 50 s; Vi = 3 mV 40 60 - dB ripple ripple rejection VCC(ripple)/Vo(MPXAM); fripple = 100 Hz to 20 kHz; VCC(ripple) = 50 mV - 50 - dB Vo output voltage Vi = 20 V to 1 V f = 1.2 kHz; fmod = 57 kHz - 7 - mV f = 22.5 kHz; fmod = 1 kHz 190 225 265 mV [7] Ro output resistance - - 500 RL load resistance 20 - - k CL load capacitance 20 - - pF f-3dB cut-off frequency - 280 - kHz 60 75 - dB CL = 0 pF; RL > 20 k Tuning mute and MPX; input pin: MUTIN and output pin: MUTMPXAM mute mute attenuation tatt attack time soft mute - 1 - ms tdecay decay time soft mute - 1 - ms G gain AM mode and FM mode -1 0 +1 dB weather band mode 22.5 23.5 24.5 dB Ro output resistance - - 100 RL load resistance 5 - - k CL load capacitance ripple ripple rejection VCC(ripple)/Vo(MUTMPXAM); fripple = 100 Hz to 20 kHz; VCC(ripple) = 50 mV 20 - - pF - 50 - dB FM level detector output: pin LEVEL[7]; input: pin IF1IN LSL level slope alignment position level slope measured from Vi = 0.5 mV to 5 mV; level slope aligned to (800 50) mV/20 dB 0 - 7 Vslope step size for adjustment of level slope Vi = 1 mV 40 60 80 LST level start alignment position Vi = 1 mV; level slope aligned to (800 50) mV/20 dB; level start aligned to VO(levdet) = 2.1 V 0.05 V 4 - 27 Vstart step size for adjustment of level starting point data byte LEVEL bits LSL[2:0] = 100 - 40 72 TEF6862_1 Product data sheet mV/20 dB mV (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 49 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 55. Dynamic characteristics ...continued VCCA = 8.5 V; Tamb = 25 C; see Figure 25 and Figure 26; all AC values are given in RMS; unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Vstart(levdet) level detection start corner of level curve; voltage LSL[2:0] = 100; LST[4:0] = 1 0000 - 8 20 V VLEVEL(T) voltage variation over temperature on pin LEVEL Tamb = -40 C to +85 C; Vi = 1 mV - 0.06 - dB/K f-3dB cut-off frequency Vi = 10 mV; default setting of level DAA 100 150 - kHz Ro output resistance - - 500 RL load resistance 25 - - k CL load capacitance ripple ripple rejection 25 - - pF - 26 - dB FM mode - 30 100 V input sensitivity voltage AM mode; m = 0 - 150 300 V maximum sink current AFHOLD = LOW; Vo = 0.4 V 1.0 - - mA maximum sink current AFSAMPLE = LOW; Vo = 0.4 V 1.0 - - mA maximum sink current SWPORT1 = LOW; data byte BANDWIDTH bit FLAG = 1; Vo = 0.4 V 1.0 - - mA maximum sink current SWPORT2 = LOW; data byte CONTROL bit SFLAG = 1; Vo = 0.4 V 1.0 - - mA VCC(ripple)/Vo(levdet)(AC); fripple = 100 Hz; VCC(ripple) = 50 mV IF counter (FM IF2 or AM IF2 counter); see Table 8 Pins IF1IN and IF1DEC[7] Vi(sens) input sensitivity voltage Pins AMIF2IN and AMIF2DEC[9] Vi(sens) Digital outputs Pin AFHOLD Isink(max) Pin AFSAMPLE Isink(max) Pin SWPORT1 Isink(max) Pin SWPORT2 Isink(max) [1] Measured between pins XTAL1 and XTAL2. [2] Conversion gain formula of DAA output 1: V DAAOUT 1 = 1.915 x --------- + 0.1 x V tune where n = 0 to 127. 128 [3] Conversion gain formula of DAA output 2: V DAAOUT 2 = 0.693 x ------ + 0.7 x V DAAOUT 1 where n = 0 to 15. 16 [4] The PIN diode BAP70AM should not be supplied by the internal source at pin VDCPIN, but by an external source. [5] Input parameters of AM mixer 1 measured between pins AMMIX1IN and AMMIX1DEC. [6] Output parameters of AM and FM mixer 1 measured between pins MIX1OUT1 and MIX1OUT2. n n TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 50 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) [7] Input parameters of FM mixer 2 measured between pins IF1IN and IF1DEC. [8] Output parameters of AM mixer 2 measured between pins AMMIX2OUT1 and AMMIX2OUT2. [9] Input parameters of AM mixer 2 measured between pins AMIF2IN and AMIF2DEC. [10] Input parameters of FM mixer 1 measured between pins FMIFAGCIN2 and IFAGCDEC. [11] Input parameters of FM mixer 1 measured between pins WXMIX1IN and WXMIX1DEC. JFET LNA RFIN CASCODE RF FILTER pin diode VAMCASFB TAMAGC IAMAGC 22 19 21 VAMCAS AMMIX1IN MIX1OUT2, MIX1OUT1 IF1IN AMMIX2OUT1, AMMIX2OUT2 AMIF2IN 18 15 11, 12 7 4, 5 1 detector A X AM MIXER1 X AM MIXER2 AGC THRESHOLD TEF6862HL AGC threshold AGC[1:0] AGC detector B 008aaa019 disable cascode AGC control KAGC enable 1 mA pin diode current (FM mode) AGCSW Fig 21. AM AGC circuit 001aae380 4 VO(levdet) (V) VO(levdet) (V) 3 3 2 001aae381 4 2 LST alignment 1 LST alignment 1 Vstart(levdet) Vstart(levdet) 0 10-6 10-4 a. AM level curve. 10-2 1 VAMIF2IN (V) 0 10-6 10-4 10-2 1 VIF1IN (V) b. FM level curve. Fig 22. Level detector function TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 51 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) 13. I2C-bus characteristics The maximum I2C-bus communication speed is 400 kbit/s. The TEF6862HL is compatible with the autogate function of the TEF689xH. SDA and SCL HIGH and LOW internal thresholds are specified according to an I2C-bus voltage range from 2.5 V to 3.3 V including I2C-bus voltage tolerances of 10 %. The I2C-bus interface tolerates also SDA and SCL signals from a 5 V bus. Restrictions for VIL in a 5 V application can be derived from Table 56. Table 56. I2C-bus parameters Symbol Parameter VIL Min Typ Max Unit LOW-level input voltage - - 1.09 V VIH HIGH-level input voltage 1.56 - - V Ci capacitance for each I/O pin pin SDA - 4 6 pF pin SCL - 3 5 pF HIGH-to-LOW data output response time acknowledge and read data; see Figure 23 VDD = 5 V; I = 3 mA; Cb = 400 pF - 700 863 ns VDD = 3.3 V; Rp = 1.8 k; Cb = 400 pF - 570 668 ns VDD = 2.5 V; Rp = 35 k; Cb = 10 pF - 520 593 ns - 450 488 ns 20 + 0.1Cb 10 x VDD - ns 20 + 0.1Cb - 250 ns tresp(Q)HL Conditions tresp(Q)LH LOW-to-HIGH data output response time read data; see Figure 23 tof output fall time from VIHmin to VILmax Cb = 10 pF to 120 pF; see Figure 24 Cb 120 pF; see Figure 24 [1] [1][2] [1] Minimum value of tof; Cb = total capacitance of one I2C-bus line [pF]. [2] Typical value of tof; the output fall time tof [ns] depends on the total load capacitance Cb [pF] and the I2C-bus voltage VDD [V]: tof = 112 x VDD x Cb. 0.7VDD SDA SCL VIL(max) VIL(max) tresp(Q)LH tresp(Q)HL 001aaf002 a. Data change from LOW to HIGH 001aaf001 b. Data change from HIGH to LOW Fig 23. Data output response time of the IC TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 52 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) VDD 0.7VDD 0.3VDD tof 001aab803 Fig 24. Definition of the fall time of the output signal 14. Overall system parameters Table 57. Overall system parameters VCCA = 8.5 V; Tamb = 25 C; see Figure 25 and Figure 26; all AC values are given in RMS; unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter AM overall system fi(RF) RF input frequency Vsens sensitivity voltage (S+N)/N signal plus noise-to-noise ratio THD total harmonic distortion IP3 third-order intercept point FM overall system Min Typ Max Unit LW 144 - 288 kHz MW 522 - 1710 kHz SW 2.3 - 26.1 MHz (S+N)/N = 26 dB - 45 - V 54 58 - dB 200 V < Vi(RF) < 1 V; m = 0.8 - 0.5 1 % - 130 - dBV 65 - 108 MHz IF bandwidth wide - 2 - V IF bandwidth dynamic; threshold extension off - 1.8 - V IF bandwidth dynamic; threshold extension on - 1.6 - V - 63 - dB parameters[2] fi(RF) RF input frequency Vsens sensitivity voltage (S+N)/N Conditions parameters[1] (S+N)/N = 26 dB signal plus noise-to-noise ratio Vi = 3 mV; IF bandwidth wide THD total harmonic distortion IP3 third-order intercept point f = 75 kHz - 0.2 0.7 % - 123 - dBV Weatherband overall system parameters[2]; see Figure 27 fi(RF) RF input frequency 162.4 - 162.55 MHz (S+N)/N signal plus noise-to-noise ratio f = 1.5 kHz; Vi(RF) = 10 mV; de-emphasis = 120 s - 45 - dB THD total harmonic distortion - 0.7 - % f = 5 kHz [1] Based on 15 pF/60 pF dummy aerial, voltages at dummy aerial input, fmod = 400 Hz, 2.15 kHz audio bandwidth, fi(RF) = 990 kHz, m = 0.3, unless otherwise specified. [2] Based on 75 dummy aerial, voltages at dummy aerial input, fmod = 1 kHz, de-emphasis = 50 s, B = 300 Hz to 22 kHz, f = 22.5 kHz, unless otherwise specified. TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 53 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) 15. Application information VCC VCC 68 H 1.8 nF VCC L1 120 pF 1 mH 560 220 pF 10 560 H 10.7 MHz 47 3.3 2.2 H M 82 3.3 pF 22 nF 560 270 nH 100 nF 16 T2 BC847C 100 nF 560 6.8 H 17 T1 BF862 10 nF 10 nF 15 14 13 12 11 10 x AM MIXER 1 9 8 7 6 AM NOISE BLANKER A B 18 C 19 220 pF 2.2 M D6 BAV99 L9 F1 D5 BAP70AM 10 nF 15 pF 22 nF 100 nF 100 nF 220 nF D 220 nF 95 nH TEF6862HL 20 21 1 F AM AGC /2//4//5 //8//10 IMAGE REJECT 22 E 23 F 215 nH L7 10 k 145 nH L6 L5 24 5.6 pF 5.6 pF 25 6.8 nH L8 D3 D4 BAP70 -02 BAP70 -02 x FM MIXER 1 x FM MIXER 2 /1//2//3 90 G 26 IF AGC 27 22 k L4 DAA 1 28 H BB207 DAA 2 29 1 nF 330 2.2 k ANT DAA 2 ANT DAA 1 IMAGE REJECT 1 nF IF FILTER 450 kHz I J K L 100 nF 30 FM AGC 31 1 F 32 TUNING SYSTEM 33 34 VCO 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2.2 k 001aae378 FREF C1 270 pF 1.2 k 3.9 nF 22 nF L3 10 k VCC D1 4.7 k 100 nF VCC 3.3 nF 100 nF 1 nF BB208 For list of components see Table 58. Fig 25. Application diagram of TEF6862HL (continued in Figure 26) TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 54 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) VCC L2 22 nF 450 kHz F2 10 F 5 4 22 nF 3 2 1 64 x AM MIXER 2 A B CRYSTAL OSC IF AGC X1 C2 63 VDDBUS C VP2 61 ADDR D 60 SCL AM DET I2C-BUS MUX /2 90 E 59 SDA 58 DGND 57 SWPORT2 F IF COUNT AM/FM LEVEL LEVEL DAA 56 LEVEL G BANDWIDTH CONTROL BANDWIDTH TUNING MUTE 55 MUTMPXAM VP1 H 54 MUTIN I FM DEMOD J 100 nF 53 MPXAM MUX 52 AFHOLD K 51 AFSAMPLE L 50 IFFLAG TEF6862HL POWER SUPPLY CENTER FREQ 43 44 45 46 VCC R1 47 F 100 nF 220 nF 47 STATE MACHINE 49 SWPORT1 48 001aae379 220 nF 47 100 nF Fig 26. Application diagram of TEF6862HL (continued from Figure 25) TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 55 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) 10 pF RF input 26 L10 47 nH TEF6862HL 12 pF 27 10 pF 001aaf005 Fig 27. Weather band application Table 58. List of components of Figure 25, Figure 26 and Figure 27 Symbol Component Type C1 270 pF; type NP0 capacitor for VCO tuning NP0[1] - C2 capacitor for frequency pulling 1.8 pF; type R1 resistor for supply VV60 47 ; 0.2 W - L1 10.7 MHz IF coil PF670CCS-A065DX TOKO L2 450 kHz IF coil P7PSGAE-A021YBY=S TOKO L3 oscillator coil E543SNAS-02010 TOKO L4 FM image rejection 611SNS-1066Y TOKO L5 FM input transformer 369INS-3076X TOKO L6 FM antenna coil LQN1HR; 145 nH MURATA L7 PIN diode bias LQN1HR; 215 nH MURATA L8 connection image reject 6.8 nH - L9 AM input 388BN-1211Z TOKO L10 weather band input coil 47 nH; LQW31H MURATA X1 crystal 20.5 MHz LN-G102-587 NDK D1 diode BB208 Philips D2 diode BB207 Philips D3 diode BAP70-02 Philips D4 diode BAP70-02 Philips D5 diode BAP70AM Philips D6 diode BAV99 Philips T1 transistor BF862 Philips T2 transistor BC847C Philips F1 ceramic filter 10.7 MHz; SFELA10M7HAA0-B0 MURATA F2 ceramic filter 450 kHz; CFWLA450KGFA-B0 MURATA [1] The capacitor is used to achieve a crystal frequency of 20.5 MHz together with the crystal type LN-G102-587. TEF6862_1 Product data sheet Manufacturer (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 56 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 59. DC operating points Symbol Pin Unloaded DC voltage (V) AM mode FM mode Min Typ Max Min AMIF2IN 1 - 2.8 - floating AMIF2DEC 2 - 2.8 - floating TAMIFAGC 3 - 4 - floating Typ Max AMMIX2OUT1 4 external 8.5 external 8.5 AMMIX2OUT2 5 external 8.5 external 8.5 IF1GND 6 external GND IF1IN 7 - 3.1 - - 2.5 - IF1DEC 8 - 3.1 - - 2.5 - i.c. 9 - - - - - - TESTIFOUT 10 - 8.35 - - test pin active: 7.6; test pin not active: 8.3 MIX1OUT2 11 external 8.5 external 8.5 MIX1OUT1 12 external 8.5 external 8.5 VCCRF 13 external 8.5 external 8.5 i.c. 14 - - - - AMMIX1IN 15 - 4.4 - floating external GND - - AMMIX1DEC 16 - 4.4 - floating i.c. 17 - - - - - - VAMCAS 18 - 5 - - 0 - VAMCASFB 19 - 4.3 - - 0 - VDCPIN 20 - 5 - - 5 - IAMAGC 21 external biasing TAMAGC 22 - RFGND 23 external GND FMMIX1IN1 24 - 0 - FM: 2.0; WB: 0 FM: 2.8; WB: 0 FM: 3.0; WB: 0.5 FMMIX1IN2 25 - 0 - FM: 2.0; WB: 0 FM: 2.8; WB: 0 FM: 3.0; WB: 0.5 WXMIX1IN 26 - 0 - WB: 2.0; FM: 0 WB: 2.8; FM: 0 WB: 3.0; FM: 0.5 WXMIX1DEC 27 - 0 - WB: 2.0; FM: 0 WB: 2.8; FM: 0 WB: 3.0; FM: 0.5 DAAOUT1 28 0 - 8.5 0 - 8.5 DAAOUT2 29 0 - 8.5 0 - 8.5 TFMAGC 30 - 0.8 - - 0.8 - KAGC 31 - 4.7 - - 2.5 - IFMAGC 32 - 0 - external biasing PLLGND 33 external GND DAAIN 34 0 - 8.5 external biasing 1.4 - floating external GND external GND - 8.5 0 TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 57 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) Table 59. DC operating points ...continued Symbol Pin Unloaded DC voltage (V) AM mode FM mode Min Typ Max Min Typ Max VTUNE 35 0 - 8.5 0 - 8.5 CPOUT 36 0 - 8.5 0 - 8.5 VCOGND 37 external GND OSCFDB 38 - 7.4 - - 7.4 - OSCTNK 39 - 7.4 - - 7.4 - 3.5 3.8 3.2 3.5 3.8 external GND VCCVCO 40 external 8.5 FREF 41 3.2 VCCPLL 42 external 8.5 external 8.5 VCC 43 external 8.5 external 8.5 V60 44 external > 5.5 external > 5.5 IF2GND 45 external GND external GND VTCENTRE 46 - 0 - - 1.3 - VTCM 47 - 0 - - 4.2 - VREF 48 4.1 4.3 4.5 4.1 4.3 4.5 SWPORT1 49 open-collector IFFLAG 50 - 2 - IFFLAG = 1: open-collector; IFFLAG = 0: 0.5 to 2 AFSAMPLE 51 - 0 - - 0 - AFHOLD 52 - 5 - - 5 - MPXAM 53 4.2 - 5 - 4.3 - MUTIN 54 - 4.3 - - 4.3 - MUTMPXAM 55 - 4.3 - - 4.3 - LEVEL 56 0 - 7 0 - 7 SWPORT2 57 open-collector open-collector DGND 58 external GND external GND I2C-bus external 8.5 open-collector SDA 59 external voltage external I2C-bus voltage SCL 60 external I2C-bus voltage external I2C-bus voltage ADDR 61 external external i.c. 62 - - - - - - XTAL2 63 - 6 - - 6 - XTAL1 64 - 6 - - 6 - TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 58 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) 16. Package outline LQFP64: plastic low profile quad flat package; 64 leads; body 10 x 10 x 1.4 mm SOT314-2 c y X A 48 33 49 32 ZE e E HE A A2 (A 3) A1 wM bp pin 1 index 64 Lp L 17 detail X 16 1 ZD e v M A wM bp D B HD v M B 0 2.5 5 mm scale DIMENSIONS (mm are the original dimensions) UNIT A max. A1 A2 A3 bp c D (1) E (1) e mm 1.6 0.20 0.05 1.45 1.35 0.25 0.27 0.17 0.18 0.12 10.1 9.9 10.1 9.9 0.5 HD HE 12.15 12.15 11.85 11.85 L Lp v w y 1 0.75 0.45 0.2 0.12 0.1 Z D (1) Z E (1) 1.45 1.05 1.45 1.05 7o o 0 Note 1. Plastic or metal protrusions of 0.25 mm maximum per side are not included. REFERENCES OUTLINE VERSION IEC JEDEC SOT314-2 136E10 MS-026 JEITA EUROPEAN PROJECTION ISSUE DATE 00-01-19 03-02-25 Fig 28. Package outline SOT314-2 (LQFP64) TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 59 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) 17. Soldering 17.1 Introduction to soldering surface mount packages There is no soldering method that is ideal for all surface mount IC packages. Wave soldering can still be used for certain surface mount ICs, but it is not suitable for fine pitch SMDs. In these situations reflow soldering is recommended. 17.2 Reflow soldering Reflow soldering requires solder paste (a suspension of fine solder particles, flux and binding agent) to be applied to the printed-circuit board by screen printing, stencilling or pressure-syringe dispensing before package placement. Driven by legislation and environmental forces the worldwide use of lead-free solder pastes is increasing. Several methods exist for reflowing; for example, convection or convection/infrared heating in a conveyor type oven. Throughput times (preheating, soldering and cooling) vary between 100 seconds and 200 seconds depending on heating method. Typical reflow temperatures range from 215 C to 260 C depending on solder paste material. The peak top-surface temperature of the packages should be kept below: Table 60. SnPb eutectic process - package peak reflow temperatures (from J-STD-020C July 2004) Package thickness Volume mm3 < 350 Volume mm3 350 < 2.5 mm 240 C + 0/-5 C 225 C + 0/-5 C 2.5 mm 225 C + 0/-5 C 225 C + 0/-5 C Table 61. Pb-free process - package peak reflow temperatures (from J-STD-020C July 2004) Package thickness Volume mm3 < 350 Volume mm3 350 to 2000 Volume mm3 > 2000 < 1.6 mm 260 C + 0 C 260 C + 0 C 260 C + 0 C 1.6 mm to 2.5 mm 260 C + 0 C 250 C + 0 C 245 C + 0 C 2.5 mm 250 C + 0 C 245 C + 0 C 245 C + 0 C Moisture sensitivity precautions, as indicated on packing, must be respected at all times. 17.3 Wave soldering Conventional single wave soldering is not recommended for surface mount devices (SMDs) or printed-circuit boards with a high component density, as solder bridging and non-wetting can present major problems. To overcome these problems the double-wave soldering method was specifically developed. If wave soldering is used the following conditions must be observed for optimal results: * Use a double-wave soldering method comprising a turbulent wave with high upward pressure followed by a smooth laminar wave. * For packages with leads on two sides and a pitch (e): TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 60 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) - larger than or equal to 1.27 mm, the footprint longitudinal axis is preferred to be parallel to the transport direction of the printed-circuit board; - smaller than 1.27 mm, the footprint longitudinal axis must be parallel to the transport direction of the printed-circuit board. The footprint must incorporate solder thieves at the downstream end. * For packages with leads on four sides, the footprint must be placed at a 45 angle to the transport direction of the printed-circuit board. The footprint must incorporate solder thieves downstream and at the side corners. During placement and before soldering, the package must be fixed with a droplet of adhesive. The adhesive can be applied by screen printing, pin transfer or syringe dispensing. The package can be soldered after the adhesive is cured. Typical dwell time of the leads in the wave ranges from 3 seconds to 4 seconds at 250 C or 265 C, depending on solder material applied, SnPb or Pb-free respectively. A mildly-activated flux will eliminate the need for removal of corrosive residues in most applications. 17.4 Manual soldering Fix the component by first soldering two diagonally-opposite end leads. Use a low voltage (24 V or less) soldering iron applied to the flat part of the lead. Contact time must be limited to 10 seconds at up to 300 C. When using a dedicated tool, all other leads can be soldered in one operation within 2 seconds to 5 seconds between 270 C and 320 C. 17.5 Package related soldering information Table 62. Suitability of surface mount IC packages for wave and reflow soldering methods Package[1] Soldering method Wave Reflow[2] BGA, HTSSON..T[3], LBGA, LFBGA, SQFP, SSOP..T[3], TFBGA, VFBGA, XSON not suitable suitable DHVQFN, HBCC, HBGA, HLQFP, HSO, HSOP, HSQFP, HSSON, HTQFP, HTSSOP, HVQFN, HVSON, SMS not suitable[4] suitable PLCC[5], SO, SOJ suitable suitable not recommended[5][6] suitable SSOP, TSSOP, VSO, VSSOP not recommended[7] suitable CWQCCN..L[8], not suitable LQFP, QFP, TQFP PMFP[9], WQCCN..L[8] [1] For more detailed information on the BGA packages refer to the (LF)BGA Application Note (AN01026); order a copy from your Philips Semiconductors sales office. [2] All surface mount (SMD) packages are moisture sensitive. Depending upon the moisture content, the maximum temperature (with respect to time) and body size of the package, there is a risk that internal or external package cracks may occur due to vaporization of the moisture in them (the so called popcorn effect). For details, refer to the Drypack information in the Data Handbook IC26; Integrated Circuit Packages; Section: Packing Methods. TEF6862_1 Product data sheet not suitable (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 61 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) [3] These transparent plastic packages are extremely sensitive to reflow soldering conditions and must on no account be processed through more than one soldering cycle or subjected to infrared reflow soldering with peak temperature exceeding 217 C 10 C measured in the atmosphere of the reflow oven. The package body peak temperature must be kept as low as possible. [4] These packages are not suitable for wave soldering. On versions with the heatsink on the bottom side, the solder cannot penetrate between the printed-circuit board and the heatsink. On versions with the heatsink on the top side, the solder might be deposited on the heatsink surface. [5] If wave soldering is considered, then the package must be placed at a 45 angle to the solder wave direction. The package footprint must incorporate solder thieves downstream and at the side corners. [6] Wave soldering is suitable for LQFP, QFP and TQFP packages with a pitch (e) larger than 0.8 mm; it is definitely not suitable for packages with a pitch (e) equal to or smaller than 0.65 mm. [7] Wave soldering is suitable for SSOP, TSSOP, VSO and VSSOP packages with a pitch (e) equal to or larger than 0.65 mm; it is definitely not suitable for packages with a pitch (e) equal to or smaller than 0.5 mm. [8] Image sensor packages in principle should not be soldered. They are mounted in sockets or delivered pre-mounted on flex foil. However, the image sensor package can be mounted by the client on a flex foil by using a hot bar soldering process. The appropriate soldering profile can be provided on request. [9] Hot bar soldering or manual soldering is suitable for PMFP packages. 18. Abbreviations Table 63. Abbreviations Acronym Description AF Alternative Frequency AFU Alternative Frequency Updating AGC Automatic Gain Control DAA Digital Auto Alignment DX Distance IC Integrated Circuit IF Intermediate Frequency JFET Junction Field Effect Transistor LO Local Oscillator MPX Multiplex LW Long Wave MW Medium Wave PLL Phase-Locked Loop POR Power-On Reset RDS Radio Data System RF Radio Frequency RSSI Radio Signal Strength Information SW Short Wave VCO Voltage-Controlled Oscillator WB Weather Band TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 62 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) 19. Revision history Table 64. Revision history Document ID Release date Data sheet status Change notice Supersedes TEF6862_1 20060914 Product data sheet - - TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 63 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) 20. Legal information 20.1 Data sheet status Document status[1][2] Product status[3] Definition Objective [short] data sheet Development This document contains data from the objective specification for product development. Preliminary [short] data sheet Qualification This document contains data from the preliminary specification. Product [short] data sheet Production This document contains the product specification. [1] Please consult the most recently issued document before initiating or completing a design. [2] The term `short data sheet' is explained in section "Definitions". [3] The product status of device(s) described in this document may have changed since this document was published and may differ in case of multiple devices. The latest product status information is available on the Internet at URL http://www.semiconductors.philips.com. 20.2 Definitions Draft -- The document is a draft version only. The content is still under internal review and subject to formal approval, which may result in modifications or additions. Philips Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information included herein and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. Short data sheet -- A short data sheet is an extract from a full data sheet with the same product type number(s) and title. A short data sheet is intended for quick reference only and should not be relied upon to contain detailed and full information. For detailed and full information see the relevant full data sheet, which is available on request via the local Philips Semiconductors sales office. In case of any inconsistency or conflict with the short data sheet, the full data sheet shall prevail. 20.3 Disclaimers General -- Information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Philips Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. Right to make changes -- Philips Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document, including without limitation specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without notice. This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to the publication hereof. Suitability for use -- Philips Semiconductors products are not designed, authorized or warranted to be suitable for use in medical, military, aircraft, space or life support equipment, nor in applications where failure or malfunction of a Philips Semiconductors product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death or severe property or environmental damage. Philips Semiconductors accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of Philips Semiconductors products in such equipment or applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is at the customer's own risk. Applications -- Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. Philips Semiconductors makes no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification. Limiting values -- Stress above one or more limiting values (as defined in the Absolute Maximum Ratings System of IEC 60134) may cause permanent damage to the device. Limiting values are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those given in the Characteristics sections of this document is not implied. Exposure to limiting values for extended periods may affect device reliability. Terms and conditions of sale -- Philips Semiconductors products are sold subject to the general terms and conditions of commercial sale, as published at http://www.semiconductors.philips.com/profile/terms, including those pertaining to warranty, intellectual property rights infringement and limitation of liability, unless explicitly otherwise agreed to in writing by Philips Semiconductors. In case of any inconsistency or conflict between information in this document and such terms and conditions, the latter will prevail. No offer to sell or license -- Nothing in this document may be interpreted or construed as an offer to sell products that is open for acceptance or the grant, conveyance or implication of any license under any copyrights, patents or other industrial or intellectual property rights. 20.4 Trademarks Notice: All referenced brands, product names, service names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. I2C-bus -- logo is a trademark of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 21. Contact information For additional information, please visit: http://www.semiconductors.philips.com For sales office addresses, send an email to: sales.addresses@www.semiconductors.philips.com TEF6862_1 Product data sheet (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 -- 14 September 2006 64 of 65 TEF6862 Philips Semiconductors Car Radio Enhanced Selectivity Tuner (CREST) 22. Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.1 6.2 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 7.21 8 8.1 8.1.1 8.1.2 8.1.3 8.1.4 8.1.5 8.1.6 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 8.2.5 8.2.6 8.2.7 General description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Quick reference data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Ordering information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Block diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Pinning information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Pinning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Pin description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Functional description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 FM mixer 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 FM RF AGC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 FM mixer 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 FM IF2 channel filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 FM limiter and level detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 FM demodulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Audio output buffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Tuning mute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Weather band input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 IF filter and demodulator tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 VCO and dividers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Crystal oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Tuning PLL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Antenna DAA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 AM RF AGC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 AM mixer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 AM IF noise blanker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 AM IF AGC amplifier and demodulator . . . . . . 10 AM level detection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 AM and FM level DAA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 AM and FM IF counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2 I C-bus protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Read mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Read mode: data byte IFCOUNTER . . . . . . . 11 Read mode: data byte TUNER . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Read mode: data byte ACDREAD . . . . . . . . . 14 Read mode: data byte LEVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Read mode: data byte ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Read mode: data byte TEMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Write mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Mode and subaddress byte for write. . . . . . . . 19 Write mode: data byte BANDWIDTH . . . . . . . 25 Write mode: data byte PLLM . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Write mode: data byte PLLL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Write mode: data byte DAA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Write mode: data byte AGC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Write mode: data byte BAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Tuning overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.8 Write mode: data byte CONTROL . . . . . . . . . 8.2.9 Write mode: data byte LEVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.10 Write mode: data byte IFCF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.11 Write mode: data byte IFCAP . . . . . . . . . . . . Factory alignment of IFCAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Initialization of the radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Factory alignment of IFCF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.12 Write mode: data byte ACD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.13 Write mode: data byte TEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Limiting values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Thermal characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Static characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Dynamic characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 I2C-bus characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Overall system parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Application information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Package outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Soldering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.1 Introduction to soldering surface mount packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.2 Reflow soldering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.3 Wave soldering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.4 Manual soldering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.5 Package related soldering information . . . . . . 18 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Legal information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.1 Data sheet status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.2 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.3 Disclaimers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.4 Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Contact information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 34 34 35 36 52 53 54 59 60 60 60 60 61 61 62 63 64 64 64 64 64 64 65 Please be aware that important notices concerning this document and the product(s) described herein, have been included in section `Legal information'. (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. For more information, please visit: http://www.semiconductors.philips.com. For sales office addresses, email to: sales.addresses@www.semiconductors.philips.com. Date of release: 14 September 2006 Document identifier: TEF6862_1