A message is the b asi c uni t on whi ch mo st of t he
VoiceDSP commands operate. A VoiceDSP pro-
cessor message, stored on a flash memory de-
vice, c an be reg arded as a c omputer file stor ed
on a flash mass-storage device.
The ISD-T360SB manages messages for a wide
range of app lica tion s, which requ ire di ffe ren t lev -
els of DTAD functionality. The Voic eDSP processor
features advanced memory-organization fea-
tures such as multiple OutGoing Messages
(OGMs), mailboxes, and the ability to distinguish
between InComing Messages (ICMs) and OGMs.
A message is created with either the R (Record) or
the CMSG (Create Message) command. Once
created, the message is assigned a time-and-
day stamp a nd a message tag which is rea d by
the micr ocontrol ler. Th e R comm and takes vo ice
samples from the codec, compresses them, and
stores them in the message memory.
When a message is created with the CMSG com-
mand the data to be recorded is provided by the
microcontroller, via the WMSG (Write Message)
command and not throug h the c ode c. Here , the
data is transf erred di rectly to th e message mem-
ory, and not compressed by the ISD-T360SB voice
compression algorithm.
WMSG, RMSG (Read Message) and SMSG (Set
Message Pointer) are message-data access
commands used to store and read data to or
from any location in the message memory (see
ERENCE TABLE” on page 2-22 for more details). Us-
ing these commands, the microcontroller can
utiliz e message s f or feature s s u ch as a Te le phone
Directory and Caller Numbers List (Caller IDs of
those who called but did not leave a message.)
A message can be played back (P command)
and deleted (DM command). Redundant data
(e.g. trailing tones or silence) can be removed
from the message tail with the CMT (Cut Message
Tail) command.
The PA (Pause) and RES (Resume ) c ommand s, re-
spectively, suspend the P (Playback) and R
(Record) commands, and resume them from the
point at which they were suspended.
The GTM (Get Tagged Message) command se-
lects the current message. Most message han-
dling commands (P, DM, RMSG) operate on the
current message.
Deleting the current message does not cause a
different message to become current; the current
message is undefi ned. If you issue the GTM com-
mand to skip to the next message, the first mes-
sage, newer than the just deleted message,
becomes the current message.
Each mes sage ha s a 2-byte message t ag which
is used to categorize messages, and implement
feature s such as OutGoing Messages, mail boxes
and different handling of old and new messages.
The tag is created during the R (Record) com-
mand. Use the GMT (Get Message Tag) and SMT
(Set Message Tag) commands to handle mes-
sage tags.
NOTE Message tag bits can only be cleared and
are set only when a message is first cre-
ated. This limitation, inherent in Flash
memories, allows bits to be changed only
from 1 to 0 (changing bits from 0 to 1
requires a special erasure procedure).
However, the usual reason for updating an
existing tag is to mark a message as old.
This can be done when a message is first
created by using one of the bits as a new/
old indicator, setting the bit to 1 and later
clearing it when necessary.