MOTOROLA SC {XSTRS/R FF Fb DE Peabrasy o0404a71 0 i ee ene en eT ne a mn mre ee ee ere cerns oe - as - ee 6367254 MOTOROLA SC (XSTRS/R F) gep 80871. Dt; 7-33 -/3 = 229124 nouctoR ee TECHNICAL DATA BUX42 SWITCHMODE SERIES 12 AMPERES NPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTOR NPN SILICON POWER METAL TRANSISTOR 250 VOLTS 120 WATTS .. . designed for high speed, high voltage, high power applications. @ Low VcE (sat). VCE(sat) Max. = 1.2 V at le = 4A @ Very fast switching times: Tr max. = 0.4 ys atic =6A MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Vatue Unit Collector-Emitter Voltage VeEO(sus) 250 Vde Coltector-Base Voltage Vcgzo0 300 Vde Emitter-Base Valtage VEBO 7 Vde Collector-Emitter Voltage (Vge = 2.5 V) VCEX 300 Vde ae) Collectar-Emitter Voltage (Rage = 100 $2) VCER 290 Vde ' Collector-Current continuous Ic 12 Adc 7 -} peak (pw <10 ms) tom 15 Apk o kK - staninG Yl Base-Current continuous Ig 2.4 Adc PLANE Total Power Dissipation @ Tc = 25C Pp 120 Watts 4 Operating and Storage Junction Ty. Tstg c wo jet Temperature Range 65 to 200 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS ' Characteristic Symbol Max, Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case 8c 1.46 oM STYLE 1 PIN'1 BASE jt CASE COLLECTOR FIGURE 1 ~ POWER DERATING ~t-7- La gana F309 win l DERATING FACTOR Abe JE DE U ot aucune eet ar ts aptly Tec, TEMPERATURE (C) ease Y 3-605 |e ere nent MOTOROLA SC {XSTRS/R FY 6367254 MOTOROLA SC (XST BUX42 V, VOLTAGE (VE tc, COLLECTOR CURRENT (A) V, VOLTAGE {v) FIGURE 2- ACTIVE REGION SAFE OPERATING AREA 100 Vee. COLLECTOR EMITTER VOLTAGE (Vv) FIGURE 3 ON VOLTAGES icvig = 8 t 10 ig. COLLECTOR CURRENT {A} FIGURE 4 DC CURRENT GAIN fc, COLLECTOR CURRENT (A} RS/R F) 3-607 ~g6p 80873 ~OD T-33- There are two limitations on the power handing ability of a transistor average junction temperature and second break- down Safe operating area curves indicate Ic VCE limits of the transistor that must be observed for reliable operation ue, the transistor must not be subjected to greater dissipa ton than the curves indicate The data of figure 2 is based on Te - 25 C, TJipk) 1s variable depending on power level Second hreakdown limitations do not derate the same as thermal limitations, At high case temperatures, thermal firntatrons wilt reduce the Power that can handled to values less than the limitations imposed by second breakdown (See AN415A) FIGURE & RESISTIVE SWITCHING PERFORMANCE Yoo = =8 Jat = 2, TIME [ust 4 8 12 16 a + Ug, COLLEETOA CURRENT (Al FIGURE 6 SWITCHING TIMES TEST CIRCUIT 500.F Vee 180 Ro 258 Ag 8282 Aig Rg Non inductive resistances JZ | |