Atmel Studio 6.1 [RELEASE NOTES]
2. FAQ
1. What is the Atmel USB Driver ?
The Atmel USB Driver is a cumulative installer that bundles the Jungo USB driver for the AVR tools and the
Segger USB Driver for SAM tools.
2. Will Atmel Studio 6.1 work in parallel with Atmel Studio 6.0, AVR Studio 5.0, 5.1, AVR Studio 4.0 and
AVR32 Studio?
Yes, it will work. Note: When you are uninstalling AVR Studio 4.0 or AVR32 Studio please be careful when
you manually delete folders or registry entries after uninstall, as there might be other keys and folders
deployed by Atmel Studio inside Atmel folder and registry paths.
3. I have AVR Studio 4 in my PC. When installing Atmel Studio it updated the Jungo USB driver. Will
AVR Studio 4 still work?
Yes, it will work. If Jungo driver is already present and its version is anything less than the new one, then
the installer will update the Jungo driver you already have. The updated Jungo driver is fully compatible
with its previous versions. So AVR Studio 4 and Studio 32 should continue to work with the updated driver
without any issues.
4. During installation the installer hangs more than 20 minutes while displaying: “Atmel Studio
requires the following items to be installed on your computer." A progress bar is running but there
is no indication about real progress
If you have network connectivity that is limited (no internet connectivity), please disconnect the network
or disable all the active network adapters and start installation of Atmel Studio. This happens only on
Windows XP and Windows 2003 based machines.
5. The Atmel Studio installer crashes when installing using the "run as" option in Windows XP (any
architecture) with "Protect my computer ..." option enabled.
Don't use the "run as" option with the "Protect my computer ..." option enabled. The installer will have only
read-only access to some of the registry hives and system folders, causing it to malfunction. This is due
to the DEP option enabled by windows in this mode. Refer to http://blogs.msdn.com/b/aaron_margosis/
archive/2004/09/10/227727.aspx for more information.
6. Atmel Studio and Visual Studio 2010 SP1 conflicts
If Atmel Studio is installed on a machine with Visual Studio 2010 SP1, the following message might be
displayed when starting up Atmel Studio or Visual Studio: "Only some of the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
products on this computer have been upgraded to Service Pack 1. None will work correctly until all have
been upgraded".
Follow the instructions in the error message dialog to resolve the problem.
7. Atmel Studio cannot find any debuggers or programmers after uninstalling AVR Studio 4.
The AVR Studio 4 installer uninstalls the Jungo USB Driver which is shared by Atmel Studio. Repairing the
Atmel Studio installation might not reinstall Jungo USB Driver. So Download the Atmel USB Driver installer
from the Atmel web and install it.
8. Atmel Studio cannot find any debuggers or programmers when Norton AntiVirus is running
Atmel Studio might not show any connected tools if Norton AntiVirus is running. To make it work make sure
Norton AntiVirus allows avrdbg.exe to communicate with the Atmel Studio front-end by adding avrdbg.exe
as an exception in the Norton AntiVirus allowed programs. This is the same with any anti-virus program
that by default blocks ports.
9. Windows shows a message box with the following message when attempting to run Atmel Studio
installer: " Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the
appropriate permissions to access the item. "
This might be caused by an anti-virus program blocking the installation of the Atmel Studio. We have seen
this with the Sophos antivirus package. Temporarily disable the Sophos service running on the machine (or
any corresponding anti-virus service), and attempt installation.
10. After installing and starting Atmel Studio in Windows XP, the following error is displayed. "This
application has failed to start because MSVCR100.dll was not found. Re-installing the application
may fix this problem."