PNP GENERAL PURPOSE TABLE2 PNP SILICON PLANAR GENERAL PURPOSE TRANSISTORS The devices shown in this table are general purpose transistors designed for smalland medium signal, low and medium power amplification from D.C. to radio frequencies in Commercial, Industrial and Military equipments. These transistors are particularly suitable for use as Audio Frequency Amplifiers, Driver and Output Stages, Oscillators and General Purpose Switches. The devices are listed in order of decreasing Breakdown Voltages (Veg and Vceo), decreasing Collector Currents (lc), Power Dissipation (Prot), etc. Max VCE(sat) hee Min tT Max at at at Prot Type |VcB|Vceo| Ic at Tamb| Package | Comple- le Ip | Min|Max| Ie lo |=25C ment Vv Vv mA Vv mA | mA mA |MHzj mA | mW 27211 90 | 65 |1000/0-65} 150] 15] 40/120/150] 60] 50 | 1000 TO-39 | ZT90/95 2N4036 | 90] 65 |1000/0-65/ 150} 15] 40/140} 150; - ; j; 1000 TO-39 | 2N2102 27189 70 | 70 500/ 0-2 50 5 | 75|250} 101150] 10 300 TO-18 | ZT89 BC161 60 | 60 {1000]1-0 | 1000] 100 | 40] 250}100; 50; 50 | 3700f| TO-39 | BC141 BCY77 60 | 60 100] 0-25 10] 0-25] 120] 460 2/180*| 10 | 1000T] TO-18 | BCY65E 10}0-5 |}150} |}0-5] 30/0-5) 400 TO-46 _ 0 2N2605 | 60 | 45 30/0- 0 10/0-5 60| |0-5| 30/0-5; 400 TO-46 _ 5 2N2604 | 60 | 45 30 5 27210 60 | 40 | 1000/1 -4 150| 15 20} 100/150) 60] 50 | 1000 TO-39 ZT94 4 2 2N4037 | 60 | 40 | 1000/1 - 150) 15 50] 250| 150] | ~~ | 1000 TO-39 | 2N3053 BC177 50 | 45 200)0.- 10 |}0-5 | 120] 460 2|130| 10 300 TO-18 | BC107 BCY70 50 | 40 200|0-25| 10 1 |100} 10/250] 10 350 TO-18 _ 2N113% 50 | 35 600/1-5 150} 15 |] 20) 45/150) | 600 TO-39 | 2N696 2N1132 | 50 | 35 600/15 150} 15 | 30) 90/150) | 600 TO-39 | 2N697 27183 45 | 45 500)0-4 50 5} 38) 85) 10}150; 10 300 | TO-18 | ZT83 27184 45 | 45 500/0-4 50 5 | 751170} 10; 150] 10 300 TO-18 | 2T84 BCcY79 45 | 45 200 | 0-25 10| 0-25] 120} 460 2|180*] 10 | 10007) TO-18 | BCY59 BCy71 45 | 45 200 | 0-25 10 1 [100] 400} 10] 250} 10 350 TO-18 _ 27181 45 | 35 500/0-2 10 1 38/162) 10/150] 10 300 TO-18 {| 2781 21182 45 | 36 500] 0-2 10 1 | 75{ 260} 10) 150] 10 300 TO-18 | ZT82 BC160 40 | 40 |1000]1-0 | 1000; 100 40| 250/100] 50] 50 | 3700T} TO-39 | BC140 BCY78 32 | 32 200 | 0-25 10] 0-25] 120] 630 21180*) 10 | 1000+; TO-18 | BCY58 BCY72 30 | 25 200} 0-25 10 4 )100) } 10) 250) 10 350 TO-18 _ BC178 30 | 25 200; 0-2 10/0-5 | 120] 800 2/130] 10 300 TO-18 | BC108 27180 25 | 25 500| 0-2 10 1 38]162] 10}/150) 10 300 TO-18 | ZT80 27187 25 | 25 500] 0-2 10 1 75/250; 10/150) 10 300 TO-18 | ZT87 ZT152 20 | 20 500; 0-2 10 1 50|200| 10] | 300 TO-18 TAtT case= 45C * Typical 10PNP GENERAL PURPOSE TABLE 2 PNP SILICON PLANAR GENERAL PURPOSE TRANSISTORS The devices shown in this table are general purpose transistors designed for small and medium signal, low and medium power amplification from D.C. to radio frequencies in Commercial, Industrial and Military equipments. These transistors are particularly suitable for use as Audio Frequency Amplifiers, Driver and Output Stages, Oscillators and General Purpose Switches. The devices are listed in order of decreasing Breakdown Voltages (Vcg and Vceo), decreasing Collector Currents (Ic), Power Dissipation (Prot), etc. Max VCE(sat) HEE Min Max at at at Prot Type |VcBIVcEo| Ic at Tamb| Package | Comple- le Ip |Min|Max] tc le |=25C ment Vv Vv mA Vv mA | mA mA |MHz] mA {| mW 27211 90 | 65 /1000/0-65] 150) 15} 40/120)150) 60} 50 | 1000 | TO39 2790/95 2N4036 | 90] 65 |1000/0-65| 150] 15] 40;140/150) |} | 1000; TO39 2N2102 27189 70 | 70 500|0-2 50 5 ) 75}250) 10) 150) 10 300 ; TO18 ZT89 BC161 60 | 60 [| 1000|1-0 [1000| 100 | 40] 250/100] 50] 50 | 3700t| TO39 BC141 BCY77 60 ; 60 100| 0-25 10/0 -25| 120} 460 2/180*| 10 | 1000t/ TO18 BCY65E 10;0-5 ;150| |0-5| 30/0-5; 400 TO46 _ 0 2N2605 | 60 | 45 30; 0- 0 10/0-5 60] /0-5) 30)0-5] 400 TO46 _ 5 2N2604 | 60 | 45 30 5 ZT210 60 | 40 | 1000) 71-4 150) 15 20|100}150; 60) 50 | 1000) TO39 ZT94 2N4037 | 60 | 40 [1000/1 -4 150| 15 50 {| 2501150; ; | 1000 TO39 2N3053 2 BC177 50 | 45 200; 0- 10 |0-5 |120] 460 2/130] 10 300 TO18 BC107 0 BCY70 50 | 40 200|0-25) 10 1 |100} 10/250] 10 350 TOW _ 2N1131 50 | 35 600] 1-5 150] 15; 20) 45/150; | 600 ; TO39 2N696 2N1132 {| 50 | 35 600) 1-5 150; 15 | 30) 90/150; | 600 | TO39 2N697 ZT183 45 | 45 500;0-4 50 5 | 38) 85) 10) 150; 10 300 | TO18 Z783 ZT184 45 | 45 500/0-4 50 5 | 75/170| 10/150] 10 300 T018 ZT84 -25 10| 0-25] 120] 460 2|180*); 10 | 1000+) TO18 BCY59 25 10 1 | 100} 400; 10] 250] 10 350 TO18 - BCY79 45 | 45 200 BCyY71 45 | 45 200 27181 45 | 35 500] 0.2 10 1 | 38]/162/ 10] 150; 10 300 TO18 2781 oocUCcUUdUmUCOUWUUCUCUCOUCUCUCO 27182 45 | 35 500) 0:2 10 1) 75; 260) 10}150| 10 300 TO18 2782 BC160 40 | 40 | 1000|1-0 | 1000] 100 40; 250/100; 50/ 50 | 3700T| TO39 BC140 BCY78 32 | 32 200 | 0-25 10| 0-25] 120/ 630 2;180* 10 | 10001; TO18 BCY58 BCY72 30 | 25 200] 0-25 10 1 |100] | 10] 250; 10 350 TO18 _ BC178 30 | 25 200] 0-2 10]0-5 | 120] 800 2| 130] 10 300 TO018 BC108 27180 25 | 25 500) 0-2 10 1} 38/162) 10)150) 10 300) TO18 ZT380 27187 25 | 25 500/0-2 10 1 | 75|250|} 10/150] 10 300 TO18 2787 27162 20 | 20 500; 0-2 10 1 50/200] 10| | 300 TO18 _ tAtTcase=45C * Typical 10TABLE6 PNP LOW NOISE PNP SILICON PLANAR LOW NOISE TRANSISTORS The transistors shown in this table are characterised for low noise, low level amplification and are particularly suitable for audio pre-amplifiers as well as universal applications. The devices are listed in order of decreasing Breakdown Voltage (Vceo), decreasing Collector Current (Ic), Power Dissipation (Prot), etc. Max VcE(sat) hee fy Min Noise Figure Max at at at at Type {VcEo! Ic Package|Comple- le Ig | Min | Max | - Ie le N | le f ment Vv mA Vv mA | mA mA | MHz| mA | dB | pA Hz 27189 70 | 500 | 0-2 50 5 75 | 250 10 | 150) 10 6 | 100 1K TO-18 | ZT89 BCY77 60 | 100 |0-25] 10 |0-25] 120 | 460 2 180*| 10 | <6 | 200 1K TO-18 | BCY65E 27183 45 | 500 | 0-4 50 5 38 85 10 | 150 | 10 6 | 100 1K TO-18 | ZT83 27184 45 | 600 |0-4 50 5 76 | 170 10 | 150 | 10 6 | 100 1K TO-18 | ZT84 BCY79 45 | 200 |0-25| 10 |0-25) 120 | 460 2 | 180*| 10 |<6 | 200 1K TO-18 | BCY59 Bcy71 45 | 200 |}0-25] 10 1 | 100 | 400 10 | 250 | 10 |<6 |100| 10-10K | TO-18 _ BCY70 40 | 200 |0-25/ 10 1] 100) 10 | 150 } 10 |<6 |100/ 10-10K | TO-18 - 2N2605 45 30 |0-5 10 | 0-5) 150}; | 0-5 30 | 0-5 |<3 | 10}10-15-7K| TO-46 _ 2N2604 45 30 |0-5 10 | 0-5 60 | | 0:5 30 | 0-5 |<4 | 10/10-15-7K} TO-46 - 27181 35 | 500 | 0-2 10 1 38 | 162 10 | 150 | 10 6 | 100 1K TO-18 | ZT81 27182 35 | 500 |/0-2 10 1 75 | 260 101150 | 10 6 | 100 1K TO-18 | ZT82 BCY78 32 | 200 10-25} 10 |0-25| 120 | 630 2 | 180*| 10 | <6 | 200 1K TO-18 | BCY58 BCY72 25 | 200 |0-25] 10 1] 100; 10 | 250 | 10 |<2 |100| 10-10K | TO-18 _ 27180 25 | 500 } 0-2 10 1 38 |) 162 10 | 150 | 10 6 | 7100 1k TO-18 | ZT80 27187 25 | 500 0-2 10 1 75 | 250 10 | 150 | 10 6 | 100 1K TO-18 | ZT87 BC179 20 50 |0-2 10 | 0-5 | 180 | 800 2 | 130*) 10 )<4 | 200| 30-15K | TO-18)BC109 * Typical TO18 TO-39 TO-46 TO-72 15PNP LOW NOISE TABLE6 PNP SILICON PLANAR LOW NOISE TRANSISTORS The transistors shown in this table are characterised for low noise, low level amplification and are particularly suitable for audio pre-amplifiers as well as universal applications. The devices are listed in order of decreasing Breakdown Voltage (Vceo), decreasing Collector Current (Ic), Power Dissipation (Pro), etc. Max VcE(sat) hre ft Min Noise Figure Max at at at at Type |VcEo! Ic Package|Comple- le Ig | Min | Max | le le N | le f ment Vv mA Vv mA {| mA mA | MHz| mA | dB j pA Hz ZT189 70 | 500 | 0-2 50 5 75 | 250 10 | 150} 10 6 | 100 1K TO18 |ZT89 BCY77 60 | 100 |0-25| 10 |0-25{ 120 | 460 2 180*| 10 |<6 | 200 1K TO18 | BCY65E ZT183 45 | 500 |0-4 50 5 38 85 10 | 150 | 10 6 | 100 1K TO18 |2ZT83 27184 45 ; 500 | 0-4 50 5 75 | 170 10 | 150 | 10 6 | 100 1K TO18 |ZT84 BCY79 45 | 200 0-25) 10 |0-25) 120 | 460 2) 180*) 10 |<6 | 200 1K TO18 |.BCY59 BCY71 45 | 200 |0-25) 10 1 | 100 | 400 10 | 250 | 10 |<6 1100] 10-10K | TO18 _ BCY70 40 | 200 [0-251 10 11100 | 10 | 150 | 10 |<6 |100| 10-10K | TO18 _ 2N2605 45 30 |0-5 10|0-5|]150| | 0-5 30 | 0:5 |}<3 | 10/10-15-7K} TO46 _ 2N2604 45 30 | 0-5 10 | 0-5 60; | 0-5 30 | 0-5 |<4 | 10}10-15-7K| TO46 _ 27181 35 | 500 |0-2 10 1 38 | 162 10 | 150 | 10 6 1100 1K TO18 |2T81 27182 35 | 500 10-2 10 1 75 | 260 10 | 150} 10 6 | 100 1K T018 | ZT82 BCY78 32 | 200 0-25) 10 |0-25| 120 | 630 21 180*| 10 |<6 | 200 1K TO18 | BCY53 BCY72 25 | 200 10-25] 10 1] 100 | 10 | 250 | 10 ;<2 1/100] 10-10K | TO18 _ 27180 25 | 500 |0-2 10 1 38 | 162 10 | 150 | 10 6 | 100 1K TO18 |ZT80 27187 25 | 500 10.2 10 1 75 | 250 10 | 150 | 10 6 | 100 1K TO18 | ZT87 BC179 20 50 }0-2 | 10] 0-5 | 180 | 800 2] 130%, 10 |<4 | 200! 30-15K | TO18 | BC109 * Typical TO-18 TO-39 TO-46 TO-72 15