Electrical Characteristics: (TC = +25C unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
OFF Characteristics (Note 2)
Collector−Emitter Sustaining Voltage VCEO(sus) IC = 250mA, IB = 0, Vclamp = 400V 400 − − V
VCEX(sus) IC = 1A, Vclamp = 450V, TC = +100C 450 − − V
IC = 5A, Vclamp = 450V, TC = +100C 325 − − V
Collector Cutoff Current ICEV VCEV = 500V, VBE(off) = 1.5V − − 0.25 mA
VCEV = 500V, VBE(off) = 1.5V, TC = +100C− − 5.0 mA
ICER VCEV= 500V, RBE= 50, TC = +100C− − 5.0 mA
Emitter Cutoff Current IEBO VEB = 8V, IC = 0 − − 175 mA
ON Characteristics (Note 3)
DC Current Gain hFE VCE = 5V, IC = 2.5A 40 −500
VCE = 5V, IC = 5A 30 −300
Collector−Emitter Saturation Voltage VCE(sat) IC = 5A, IB = 250mA − − 1.9 V
IC = 5A, IB = 250mA, TC = +100C− − 2.0 V
IC = 10A, IB = 1A − − 2.9 V
Base−Emitter Saturation Voltage VBE(sat) IC = 5.2A, IB = 250mA − − 2.5 V
IC = 5A, IB = 250mA, TC = +100C− − 2.5 V
Diode Forward Voltage VFIF = 5A, Note 3 −3 5 V
Dynamic Characteristics
Small−Signal Current Gain hfe VCE = 10V, IC = 1A, ftest = 1MHz 10 − −
Output Capacitance Cob VCB = 50V, IE = 0, ftest = 100kHz 60 −275 pF
Switching Characteristics (Resistive Load)
Delay Time tdVCC = 250V, IC = 5A, IB1 = 250mA,
VBE(off) = 5V, tp = 50s, Duty Cycle 2%
−0.05 0.2 s
Rise Time tr−0.25 0.6 s
Storage Time ts−1.2 3.0 s
Fall Time tf−0.6 1.5 s
Switching Characteristics (Inductive Load, Clamped)
Storage Time tsv IC = 5A Peak, Vclamp = 450V, IB1 = 250mA,
VBE(off) = 5V, TC = +100C
−2.1 5.0 s
Crossover Time tc−1.3 3.3 s
Storage Time tsv IC = 5A Peak, Vclamp = 450V, IB1 = 250mA,
VBE(off) = 5V, TC = +25C
−0.92 −s
Crossover Time tc−0.5 −s
Note 2. Pulse test: Pulse Width = 300s, Duty Cycle 2%.
Note 3. The internal Collector−Emitter diode can eliminate the need for an external diode to clamp
inductive loads. Tests have shown that the Forward Recovery Voltage (VF) of this diode is
comparable to that of typical fast recovery rectifiers.