MIL SPECS I NOTICE i (OF VALIDATION } TCffoooo12s Oooaase oO & 1__INCH-POUND ! MIL-S~19500/ 198A (NAVY) NOTICE 1 24 August 1988 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES, THYRISTORS TYPES 2N1870A, 2N1871A, 2N1872A, AND 2N1874A MIL-S-19500/198A (NAVY) and amendment 1, dated 16 May 1969, have been reviewed and determined to be valid for use in acquisition. Custodian: Navy - EC Review activities: Army - MI Air Force - 19 DLA ~- ES User activities: Navy ~ AS, CG, MC AMSC N/A DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A unlimited. Preparing activity: Navy - EC Agent: DLA - ES FSC 5961 : Approved for public release; distribution isMIL SPECS Ifo0o012s ooozasq a MIL-S-19500/198A (NAVY ) AMENDMENT 16 May 1969 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES, THYRISTORS TYPES 2N1870A, 2N1871A, 2N1872A AND 2N1874A This amendment forms a part of Military Specification MIL-S-19590/19SA(NAVY) dated 17 January 1969. Page | Paragraph 1.3: In the VGT column, delete "Re = 100 ohms" and substitute "Re = 1,990 ohms", and in the Igy column, delete "Ro > 10K" and substitute "Re > TK" . Page 2 Add paragraph 3.5.1 as follows: "3.5.1 Polarity. The polarity shall be indicated as shown on figure 4." Page 3 Table I, Group A inspection, Subgroup 2, Forward on voltage, Details column: Delete "ifm = 4a(pk) pulse" and substitute "ipy = 2a(pk) pulse. Table I, Group A insvection, Subgroup 2, Exponential rate of voltage rise: Delete and substitute: Exponential rate of 423] Bias Cond. B; repetition VEBX -r- cre ore voltage rise rate=60pps; 502< Ri < 4002; C=.001 ufd min; test duration=15 sec; R3=1,000 ohms 2N1870A dv/dt=100V/usec;Vaa=30Vdc 25 2N1871A dv/dt=60V/usec;Vaa=60Vdc 55 2N1872A dv/dt=40V/usec;Van=100Vdc 95 2N1874A dv/dt=30V/usec;VAA=200Vdc 190 PSC 5961MIL SPECS 1c coog1es doozeb0 4 & MIL-S-19509/ 193A (NAVY ) AMENDMENT 1 Page 5 Table II, Group B inspection, Subgroup 2, Gate trigger current, Details column: Delete "Rj > 10,000 ohms" and substitute "R, = 100 ohms", User activities: Preparing activity: Navy - SH, AS, OS, MC, CG Navy - EC (Project 5961-N250) Page ? of ? pagesMIL-S-19500/198A(NAVY) 17 January 1969 ~ SUPERSEDING MIL-S-19500/198(NAV ) 13 June 1961 MIL SPECS Ic ooo012s gooz@e1 o f MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES, THYRISTORS TYPES 2N1870A, 2N1871A, 2N1872A AND 2N1874A 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification covers the detail requirements for silicon thyristors and is in ac- cordance with MIL-S-19500, except as otherwise specified herein. The units have the following character- istics. 1.2 Maximum ratings! . Operating and Operating . Vv Tas 0 ae C ig (surge) yo Ig G storage altitude A= CG tempersture maAdc a Vde mAdc ma C mm Hg 22 145 5 25 250 -65 to +150 15 1/ oe ; For additional information on ratings see figures 1 and 2. vruL! VrBxmi! Type v(pk) v(pk) 2N1870A 30 30 2N1871A 60 60 2N1872A 100 100 2N1874A 200 200 1/ , ; ~ Blocking voltage ratings ap- ply with gate connected through a resistor, R2 = 1k ohm or less, to cathode as shown on fig- ure 3. 1,3 Primary electrical characteristics. ve 1g VGT ; Ig'r ; Limits ig = 2A VAC = 5V Vac = 5\ Re = 100 ohms Re > 10K WV mAdc Vde HAdc Min ~- 0.3 0.4 --- : Max =. 2.5 5.0 0.8 200 ,MIL-S-19506/198A(NAVY) MIL SPECS TC@ 0000125 Ooozene 2 I 2. APPIICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for propusal form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. STANDARD AITLITARY NMIL-STD-750 - Test Methods for Semiconductor Devices. SPECIFICATION MILITARY MIL-S-19500 - Semiconductor Devices, General Specification for. (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications required by suppliers in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contract- ing officer.) 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 General. Requirements shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500 and as specified herein. 3.2 Abbreviations, symbols, and definitions. The abbreviations, symbols, and definitions used herein are defined in MIL-S-19400 and as follows: IFBX DC forward blocking current with resistor Rp between gate and cathode IRBX DC reverse blocking current with resistor Rz between gate and cathode iG Peak gate current VAA Anode supply voltage VFBX Forward anode voltage VCG Reverse gate voltage VG Rated reverse gate voltage 3.3 Design, construction, and physical dimensions. Thyristors shall be of the design, construction, and phy sical dimensions shown on figure 4. 3.4 Performance characteristics. The performance characteristics of the thyristors shall be as specified in tables I and II. 3.5 Marking. Thyristors shall be marked in accordance with MIL-S-19500, except that the following may be omitted at the option of the manufacturer: (a) Country of origin (b) Manufacturer's identification 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Sampling and inspection. Sampling and inspection shall be in accordance with MiIL-S-19500, and as specified herein. 4.2 Qualification inspection. Qualification inspection shall consist of the examinations and tests speci- fied in tables ] and Il. 4.3 Quality conformance inspection. Quality conformance inspection shall consist of groups A and B 1n- spections. 4.3.1 Group A inspection. Group A inspection shall consist of the examinations and tests Specified in table I. 4.3.2 Group B inspection. Group B inspection shall consist of the examinations and tests Specified in table II, 2MIL.-S-19500/198A(NAVY) MIL SPECS Ici o0001e5 O00eeb4s 4 i - 4.3.3 Quality conformance inspection information. Upon request, one copy of the quality conformance inspection data pertinent to the inspection lot shall accompany the shipments. TABLE J]. Group A inspection MIL-STD-750 Limits Examination or test LTPD Symbol Vii Method Details Min Max Subgroup 1 5 Visua! and mechanical 2071 __. __. _ __. examination Subgroud 2 5 Forward blocking current 4206 DC method, bias cond. B; lors --- 10 pA Rz = 1,000 ohms, ; watt 2N1871A VFRx = 60 iReverse blocking current 421] DC method, bias cond. B; IRBx --- 10 ped | Rz = 1,000 ohms, } watt 2N1]1870A Vp = 30 2N1871A VR = 60 2N1872A VR = 100 2N1874A VR = 200 Gate trigger voltage 422] Vo = VeRx = 5V Vot 0.4 0.8 Vv Re = 1,000 ohms Ry, = 100 ohms Gate trigger current 4221 Vo = VERBx = OV lor 7TF 200 HA Ry = 1,000 ohms Ry, = 100 ohms Forward on-voltage 4226 iFM = 4 a(pk) pulse; Ve --- 2.5 V pulse width = 8,5 msec max; duty cycle = 2% max Exponential rate of voltage 4231 Bias cond. B; repetition VEBX --- --- moe rise rate = 60 pps; 502< RL, < 4002; C = .001 pfd min; test duration = 15 sec; dv/dt = 100 V/yusec; R3 = 1,000 ohms Reverse gate current 4219 Vag = 5V, anode open kG --- 10 mSMIL-S-19500/198A(NAVY) MIL SPECS tC ooo012s oooeeey & T TABLE I. Group A inspection (contd) MIL-STD-750 Limits Examination or test LTPD ; Symbol Unit Method Details Min Max Holding current 4201 Ig = -150 pA Iq 0.3 5 maA Vaa = 5V Subgroup 3 5 Hign temperature operation Ta = 125C . ! ! Forward blocking current 4206 Rz = 1,000 ohms Ir RBx --- 100 eA ! 2N1870A VEFBXN = 30 | I 2N1871A VeRBx = 60 | 2N1872A Vppx = 100 ! | f 2N1874A Veppx = 200 " Reverse blocking current 4211 Rz = 1,000 ohms IRRBX --- 100 i wA 2N1870A VR = 30 ! | 2NI871A VR = 60 ; 2NI872A ; VR = 100 | ! 2NIST4A | Vp = 200 ; ' I 1 t f i Gate trigger voltage 1 4221 | Vo =Veppy =5V Vor 0.2 ~- Vv i i : * Re = 1,000 ohms : r ~ i \ ' Ry. = 100 ohms i i : | _Helding current 4201 Ig = -150 pA Tey 0.2 --- mA : Vaa = 5V ' i i Subgroup 4 5 i . }Low temperature operation Ta = -65 C i , ' Gate trigger voltage 4221 V2 = Vepyx =5V VGT ae lu \ Re = 1,000 ohms R,. = 100 ohms - Gate trigger current 422] Vo = Vppx = 5V Ict --- 500 aA : Re = 1,000 ohms Ry, = 100 ohms Holding current 4201 | Ig =-1504A lg eee Rom ! Vaa =5V |MIL SPECS Tc oo00125 oooz25 a { TABLE Ili. Group B inspection MIL-S-19500/198A(NAVY) ' MIL-STD-750 Limits ; Examination or test LTPD Symbol Unit : Method Details Min Max subgroup 1 10 Physical dimensions 2066 --- co- cco --- --- Subgroup 2 10 Soiderability 2026 --- --- --- --- aor Therma! shock (tempera - 1051 Test cond. F ture cycling) Moisture resistince 1021 --- oc --- aor --- End points: Forward blocking current} 4206 DC method, bias cond. B; IFBx nee 10 pel Rz = 1,000 ohms, + watt 2N1870A VERBX = 30 2N1871A VEBSX = 60 2N1872A Vepx = 100 2N1874A Vepx = 200 ; Reverse blocking current 4211 DC method, bias cond. 3; IRBN ~-- 10 pA Rz = 1,000 ohms, + watt ; 2N1870.4 VR = 30 2N1871A VR = 60 2N1672A VR = 100 2N1874A VR = 200 Gaie trigger current 422] VR =5V IGt oc 200 pA | Re = 1,000 ohms Ry> 10,000 ohms Gaie trigger voltage 4221 Vo = VEFpBx =5V VGT 0.4 0.8 Vv Re, = 1,000 ohms Ry, = 100 ohms Subgroup 3 10 Shock 2016 Nonoperating; 1,000 G; 1.0 msec; 5 blows in orientation: Y), Y2, and Z). Vibration fatigue 2046 --- 0 --- woe --- Constant acceleration 2006 25,000 G --- --- --- --- :Vibration, variable fre- 2056 ooo =-- --- --- --- | quency ,Mii.-~-1 FS00/198A(NAVY) MIL SPECS TABLE ll. Group B inspection (cont'd ) TCH o000125 oooaen, 1 a MIL-STD-750 Limits Examination or test LTPD Symbol Unit Method Details Min Max End points: (Same as for subgroup 2) Subgroup 4 20 Lead fatigue 2036 7+ a+ oo --- vo: Subgroup 5 10 Barometric pressure re- 1001 15 mm Hg duced, 2N1 8744 only VFRBX = -200 Vde 60 seconds Subgroup 6 20 salt atmosphere 1041 o> mo ~T- 7o- ind points: (Same as for subgroup 2) Subgroup 7 10 i >urge current 4066 i(surge) = 15a peak --- --- ao --- : Io = 250 mA Lend points: ; Forward blocking current} 4206 Rz = 1,000 ohms lrBy c+ 10 HA 2N1870A VFBX = 30 2N1871A VEBx = 60 2N1872A VEeBx = 100 2N1874A Vpn = 200 Reverse blocking current} 421] Rz = 1,000 ohms IRBx --- 10 KA 2N1870A Vr = 30 2N1871A Vr = 60 2N1872A Vr = 100 2N1874A Vr = 200 Gate trigger current 422} Vo= Verx = 5V IGT --- 200 pA Re = 1,000 ohms Rr, > 100 ohms ! : "Gate trigger voltage 4221 | V2 = Vepx = 5V Vor 0.35] 085 | y ! Rg = 1,000 ohms Ry, = 100 ohms iMIL -S-19500/198A(NAVY) MIL SPECS Tc oooo12s ooo#an7 1 g TABLE Il. Group B inspection (cont'd) MIL-STD-750 Limits Examination or test LTPD Symbol Unit | Method Details Min Max {| Subgroup 8 X10 High temperature life (non- 103] Ta = 150C --- --- --- --- operating) End points: (Same as for subgroup 7) Subgroup 9 x10 Operational lite (see 4.5) | Test circuit figure 6 --- --- --- --- Ta = 100C End points: (Same as for subgroup 7) 4.4 Holding current. The holding current is measured by decreasing the anode current to the point where the device under test switches from the on-state to the off-state. The gate current shall be -150 pA and the anode supply voltage shall be 5 volts. The test circuit shown on figure 5, or its equivalent, may be used. Re- sistor Rq is increased, thereby decreasing device anode current, until the device switches to the off-state. The current measured by M) immediately prior to Switching is the holding current. Switch 5) is used to trig- ger the device to the on-state prior to making a holding current measurement. 4.5 Operational life test. The operational life test shall be performed in the test circuit shown on figure 6, or its equivalent. Transformer T, is adjusted such that the peak value of secondary voltage from T3 equals the rated forward blocking voltage of the device under test. Transformer Tz is adjusted such that meter M> reads 220 mA average rectified current. Transformer Ts is selected to provide a maximum secondary peak voltage of 5 volts as read on meter M3. The device under test shall be in an oven at an ambient temperature of 100 +5 c, 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Preparation for delivery shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500,MUL-<-13500 198A(NAVY MTL SpEcg TC 0000125 OOoeeba 3 | The ROX Pa POWER DISSIPATION (WATTS) .O 1.5 1.0 Q.S 0 eS > 6o XA & 0.8 S i XY 100 10 120 130 140 180 SHS6IF Mou EC \60 Teo CASE TEMPERATURE (C) NOTE; 1. Ratings apply for 50 to 400 Hz frequency. Figure 1. Anode current rating as a function of Operating case temperatureMAXIMUM DC ANODE CURRENT (mA) ~ MIL-S-19500, IYBA(NAVY, MIL SPECS 1c 0000125 O002e49 5 i 500 400 be I ( 30 oS 300 To AOA UN 6a 200 NN 100 NSSx o | 20 40 60 80 100 {20 40 SHS6TH pour EC NT T, AMBENT TEMPERATURE Figure 2. Anode current rating as a function of Operating ambient temperature. aoe Current rating as - ANODE GATE Re SHS CFS pro Ec = Figure 3, CATHODE Condition for blocking voltage ratings.WET S-19500/198A(NAV Y) | MIL SPECS icf poggLeS OO9ee270 hl i Y -100 MIN(NOTE 1) | BASE SEAT DETAILS OF OUTLINE IN THIS I ZONE OPTIONAL | MIN. 3 LEADS O19 0l6 DIA. (NOTE 2) SHSE%E rou BOTT DIMENSIONS IN INCHES TERMINAL IDENT! FICATION. NOTE 3) l. CATHODE 2. GATE 3. ANODE NOTES: 1. This zone 1s controlled for automatic handling. The variation in actual diameter within this zone shall not exceed 0.010. 2. The specified lead diameter applies in the zone between 0.050 and 0,250 from the base seat. 0.250 and 1.54 maximum of 0.021 diameter is held. Outside of these zones the lead diameter is not Between controlled. 3. Al terminals are electrically insulated from the case, 4. Leads may be soldered to within 1/16 inch of base. Heat sinking not required if temperature-time ex- posure is less than 230 C for 10 seconds. This device is for socketed single-sided circuit-board, Wire-in, and similar applications, Where usec - double-sided or eveletted circuit-board or Similar applications where solder bridging may occur, 2 dielectric washer or other standoff device may be necessary. n Figure 4. Jimensions of semiconductor thyristors, types 2N1870A, 2N1871A, 2N1872A and 2N1T874A. 10MIL SPECS icf g0001e5 o00ee71 3 i MIL-S-19500/198A(NAVY) Ro . eA d vy 8| i , Ry DEVICE S~ UNDER TEST Vaa- + 6 VDC Dy R bh ed L = 6 V DC ; SETA ne rEC SS Mi DC MILLIAMMETER Ll Ri ~ 40 KoHMS, 4 wart $, TRIGGER ON swiTcH, L MOMENTARY TYPE, Re -4700 ows, 4 wart NORMALLY OPEN Rs - 27 OHMS, LwatT D, IN487 DIODE ' Ra ~ 25,000 OHM, POTENTIOMETER Figure 5. Test circuit for holding current. llMIL.-S-19300/198A(NAVY) o125 Odo2e7e S Bf MIL SPECS rc fj o00 Ty R, D, Ts WY bf} 'e %= R D o_, _ IS VOLT AC 4 2 60 CPS 7 REGUL ATED o]_ DEVICE UNDER &= Rs TEST \ f SHEED Moun SO 1} , aL T, 11S VAC adyuSsTaBLE TRANSFORMER Ry = 20,000 onM, + watt Ta ~ 115 VAC ADJUSTABLE TRANS FORMER Re - 20 OHM, 20 waTT Tz ~ STEP UP TRANFORMER li8V TO 140 vac Ry ~ 1000 OMM, | WATT Tg STEP DOWN TRANSFORMER 115 TO 12 vac M, ~ PEAK READING VOLTMETER (OR RMS EQUIVALENT) Ts - 8TEP DOWN TRANSFORMER 115y TO 3%O Vac 0-260 VOLTS D, = INS40 Mo ~ DC MILLIAMMETER O-300 mA M3 - PEAK READING VOLTMETER (OR RMS EQUIVAL ENT) O-0 VOLTS De - IN540 Figure 6. Circuit for Operational life test.MIL SPECS Icy Oo00es O00ee73 7 i MIL-S-19500/198A(NAVY) NOTES 6.1 Notes. The notes specified in MIL-S-19500 are applicable to this Specification. Review activity: Preparing activity: Navy - SH Navy - EC User activities: (Project 596] -N219) Navy - AS, OS, MC, CG