1Amphenol Socap ex Promenade de l’Arve – BP 29 – 74311 THYEZ - F
Tel. : + 33 (0) 4 50 89 28 00 - Fax : + 3 3 (0) 4 50 96 29 75
http://www.rjfield.com Amphenol ®
Ethernet Connection System for Harsh
Environment – Industrial Ethernet
Transform your RJ45
cordset into a Harsh
Environment Connector !
RJField allows you to use an Ethernet Class D / Cat. 5e
connection for 10 BaseT,100 BaseTX or 1000 BaseT
networks in harsh environments:
Sealed against fluids and dusts (IP67)
Shock, Vibration and Traction resistant
No ca bling operation in field and no tools required
Mec hanical Coding / Polarization (4 positions)
With the patented RJStop®system you can use a standard
RJ45 cordset in a metallic plug which will protect it from
shocks, dust and fluids.
No hazardous in-field cabling and grounding !
This metallic plug is connected into a receptacle, using a fast
¼ tur n bayonet coupling mechanism (MIL-C-26482 type)
providing both “audible and visual” coupling.
On the receptacle, one female RJ45 is soldered onto a PCB
allowing for the following back terminations :
another female RJ45
a RJ45 cordset
Solder termination
The RJ45 cordset shielding is transmitted to the RJ45
receptacle through lateral grounding fingers.
For an outstanding EMI protection, the conductive plating
versions (Ni, Cd) with metallized receptacle inserts, transmit
the shielding to the connector shells and finally to the panel.
Industrial Process Control
CNC Machines
Special Machines
Motion Control
Data Acquisition and
Transmission in Harsh
RJ Field
RJ Field
        
Amphenol ®
DOC-000041-ANG-J Sept 2006
Electronica 2004 :
RJField aw ar ded « Component
Product of the Year »
ROHS compliant :
« N » : Nickel plating
« B » : Black coating
2Amphenol Socap ex Promenade de l’Arve – BP 29 – 74311 THYEZ - F
Tel. : + 33 (0) 4 50 89 28 00 - Fax : + 3 3 (0) 4 50 96 29 75
http://www.rjfield.com Amphenol ®
Main Characteristics
Main Characteristics Environmental Protection
Sealing : IP67
Salt Spray : 48 h with Nickel plating
> 96 h with black coating
> 500 h with Oliv Drab Cadmium
Fire Retardant / Low Smoke : UL94 V0 and NF F 16 101 & 16 102
Vibrations : 10 – 500 Hz, 10 g, 3 axes : no discontinuity > 10 nano s.
Shocks : IK06 : weight of 250 g drop from 40 cm [15.75 in] onto
connectors (mated pair)
Humidity : 21 days, 43°C, 98% humidity
Thermal Shock : 5 cycles at - 40°C / +100°C
Temperature Range : - 40°C / +85°C
Data Transmission
10 BaseT, 100 BaseTX and 1000 BaseT networks
Cat 5e per TIA/EIA 568B and ClassD per ISO/IEC 11801
Bayonet coupling ( “Audible & Visual” coupling signal )
4 mechanical Coding / Polarization possibilities by the
user (insert rotation)
RJ45 cordset retention in the plug : 100 N in the axis
Mating cycles : 500 min
Universal : Can be used with all standard * RJ45 Cat.5e cordset brands
Assembly instructions
1. Push down the RJ45 cordset latch, and fix it inside
the insert
2. Press in and click the other part of the insert
3. Insert in the metallic housing
Easy and Safe : No field cabling to ols required
* The RJStop®system allows the use of standard RJ45 cordsets regardless their Brand. However, Amphenol Socapex can
provide Cat5-5e cordset with reinforced jacket to be used in harsh environments (shocks, oils, fuel,…). Please consult factory.
3Amphenol Socap ex Promenade de l’Arve – BP 29 – 74311 THYEZ - F
Tel. : + 33 (0) 4 50 89 28 00 - Fax : + 3 3 (0) 4 50 96 29 75
http://www.rjfield.com Amphenol ®
Plug :
Shell type 6
With Plastic or Metal Gla nd
Receptacles :
Type 1 : Female RJ45 Type 2 : RJ45 Cordset
Back Terminations :
Type 2 - 00 : Solder – 8 tined holes
Square flange receptacle
4 mounting holes : Shell type 2
Panel Drilling
Jam nut receptacle
Hexagonal Nut mounting :
Shell type 7
Panel Drilling
IP67 In line receptacles :
Shell type 2PE and 7PE with
Plastic or Metal Gland
Notes : - Type 2 without RJ45 plug at the end of the cable are also available : consult factory
- Type 1 also available with 90° female RJ45
4Amphenol Socap ex Promenade de l’Arve – BP 29 – 74311 THYEZ - F
Tel. : + 33 (0) 4 50 89 28 00 - Fax : + 3 3 (0) 4 50 96 29 75
http://www.rjfield.com Amphenol ®
Part Number Code
Part Number Code
2 2 B 03 100 BTX
Shell Type
6 : P l ug, Pl ast i c G l and
6M : Pl ug, Metal G l and
2 : S quare Fl ange Receptacle
2P E : IP67 In li ne square flange Receptacle
2P EM : IP67 In li ne square flange Receptac l e, M etal G land
7 : Jam N ut Receptacle
7P E : IP67 In li ne Jam Nut Receptac l e
7P EM : IP67 In li ne Jam Nut Receptac l e, M et al Gl and
Back Terminations (For Recepta cles only)
1 : Female RJ45
2 : RJ45 Cords et
Shell Finishes
B : B l ack Coat i ng
N : Nick el (Note : with this version, t he insert s are metallized)
G : Oli ve Drab Cadm i um (Not e : wi t h this versi on, t he insert s are m etall i zed)
Cordset Le ng th (For Re ce pta cl e s with "2" Ba ck Te rm i nation on l y)
03 : 0. 3 m eters [ 11. 81 i nches ]
05 : 0. 5 m eters [ 19. 68 i nches ]
10 : 1 meter [39.37 inches ]
15 : 1. 5 m eters [ 59. 05 i nches ]
00 : 8 t i ned hol es at the rear of t he P CB to s ol der t he cable
Cabl i ng Configu ra tion (For "2" Re ce pta cl es onl y)
100BTX : 10/100 Base TX
Series RJF
Examples : - Nickel Plug: RJF 6 N
- Black square flange receptacle, Female RJ45 Back termination: RJF 2 1 B
- Oliv Drab cadmium jam nut receptacle, 1.5m [59.05”] 100 BTX cordset termination: RJF 7 2 G 15 100BTX
- Black in line square flange receptacle, 30cm [11.81”] 100BTX cordset termination: RJF 2PE 2 B 03 100BTX
- Nickel Jam Nut Receptacle, solder termination : RJF 72 N 00
Accessories :
Metallic cap
Connector Type
6 : Plug
2 : S quare Flange Receptacle
7 : Jam Nut Receptacle
B : Black Coating
N : Ni ckel
G : Oli ve Drab Cadmi um
Plug Cap end
Type « 6 »
Square Flange
type « 2 » Jam nut receptacle
type « 7 »
Receptacle capPlug cap
Panel gasket for squar e flange « 2 »
thickness : 0,6 mm – P/N : JE 18
Insert removal tool for receptacle
and plug – P/N = RJF ODE
Compatible with all receptacle type « 2 »
(Square flange recept). P/N : RJF SCC (*)
(*)RJF Receptacle have to be ordered separatly.
Remark : you can connect on our receptacle a standard
RJ45 cordset or a cordset equiped with our RJF 6xx plug
- Self clos ing cap (cap with a spring inside) :