TS4264G 5V/150mA Fixed-Voltage Ultra Low LDO SOT-223 Pin Definition: 1. Input 2. Ground (tab) 3. Output General Description The TS4264GCW50 is a monolithic integrated low-drop fixed voltage regulator which can supply loads up to 150mA. It is functional compatible to the TS4264GCW50 but has a reduced quiescent current of typ. 40A. The TS4264GCW50 is especially designed for all applications which are require very low quiescent currents. This ULDO is designed to supply microprocessor systems under the severe condition of automotive applications and is therefore equipped with additional protection against overload, short-circuit and over temperature. Of course the TS4264GCW50 can be used in all other applications, wherever a stabilized voltage is required. An input voltage in the range of 5.5V ~ 45V is regulated to VOUT= 5V with an accuracy of 3%. An accuracy of 2% is kept for a load current range up to 50mA. The device operates in the temperature range of T J = -40 ~150C. Features Fixed Output Voltage 5V Output Voltage Tolerance 3% 150mA Current Capability Ultra Low Quiescent Current 40uA (Typ.) Over Temperature Protection Short-Circuit Proof Reverse Polarity Proof Ordering Information Part No. Package Packing TS4264GCW50 RP SOT-223 2.5Kpcs / 13" Reel Pin Definition and Function Pin Symbol Wide Temperature Polarity Range 1 Input Suitable for use in Automotive Electronics 2 Ground 3 Output Function Block to ground directly on IC with ceramic capacitor Ground Block to ground with 10uF capacitor, ESR < 4 Block Diagram 1/5 Version: A08 TS4264G 5V/150mA Fixed-Voltage Ultra Low LDO Absolute Maximum Rating Parameter Limit Values Min. Max. Symbol Input Voltage Unit VIN -42 45 V VIN (OPR) 5.5 45 V IIN -- -- -- Output Voltage VOUT -0.3 32 V Output Current IOUT -- -- -- Ground Current IGND 50 -- mA TJ -- 150 C TJ (OPR) -40 150 C TSTG -50 150 C Input Voltage (Operating Range) Input Current Junction Temperature Junction Temperature (Operating Range) Storage Temperature Notes Internally Limited Internally Limited Thermal Performance Parameter Limit Values Min. Max. Symbol Thermal Resistance Junction-Ambient RJA Thermal Resistance Junction-Pin Note: Measured to pin 2 (tab) -- RJP -- Unit 80 o C/W 17 o C/W Notes Electrical Characteristics VIN=13.5V, -40 TJ +150, unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Limit Values Min. Typ. Max. Unit Notes Output Voltage VOUT 4.85 5.0 5.15 V 6V VIN 21V, 5mA Io 100mA Output Voltage VOUT 4.90 5.0 5.10 V 6V VIN 16V, 5mA Io 50mA Output Current Limit IOUT 150 200 500 mA -- 40 60 -- 40 70 -- 1.7 4 mA Io= 50mA VDROP -- 0.22 0.5 V Io= 100mA Load Regulation REGLOAD -- 50 90 mV 5mA Io 100mA, VIN = 13.5V Line Regulation REGLINE -- 5 30 mV 6V VIN 28V, Io=1mA Ripple Rejection PSRR -- 68 -- dB f = 100Hz, VR= 0.5VPP Output Capacitor COUT 10 -- -- uF ESR 4 @ 10kHz Current Consumption Dropout Voltage (Note) IQ uA Io= 100uA, TJ 85C Io= 100uA Note: Dropout voltage = VIN - VOUT (Measured where VOUT has dropped 100mV from the nominal value obtained at VIN = 13.5V) 2/5 Version: A08 TS4264G 5V/150mA Fixed-Voltage Ultra Low LDO Application Information In the TS4264GCW50 the output voltage is divided and compared to an internal reference of 2.5V typical. The regulation loop controls the output to achieve an output voltage of 5V with an accuracy of 3% at an input voltage range of 5.5V~45V. Circuit Description The control amplifier compares a reference voltage, which is kept highly precise by resistance adjustment, to a voltage that is proportional to the output voltage and drives the base of the series transistor via a buffer. Saturation control, working as a function of load current, prevents any over-saturation of the power element. The IC is additionally protected against overload, over temperature and reverse polarity Typical Application Circuit Dimensioning Information on External Components The input capacitor CIN is necessary for compensating line influences. Using a resistor of approx. 1 in series with CIN, the oscillating of input inductivity and input capacitance can be clamped. The output capacitor COUT is necessary for the stability of the regulating circuit. Stability is guaranteed at values COUT 10uF and an ESR 4 within the operating temperature range. The application circuit shows additional electrolytic input capacitor of 470uF is added in order to buffer supply line influences. This capacitor is recommended, if the device is sourced via long supply lines of several meters. The TS4264GCW50 can supply up to 150mA. However for protection for high input voltage above 25V, the output current is reduced (SOA protection). 3/5 Version: A08 TS4264G 5V/150mA Fixed-Voltage Ultra Low LDO SOT-223 Mechanical Drawing DIM A B C D E F G H I J K SOT-223 DIMENSION MILLIMETERS INCHES MIN MAX MIN MAX 6.350 6.850 0.250 0.270 2.900 3.100 0.114 0.122 3.450 3.750 0.136 0.148 0.595 0.635 0.023 0.025 4.550 4.650 0.179 0.183 2.250 2.350 0.088 0.093 0.835 1.035 0.032 0.041 6.700 7.300 0.263 0.287 0.250 0.355 0.010 0.014 10 16 10 16 1.550 1.800 0.061 0.071 Marking Diagram Y M L 50 = Year Code = Month Code (A=Jan, B=Feb, C=Mar, D=Apl, E=May, F=Jun, G=Jul, H=Aug, I=Sep, J=Oct, K=Nov, L=Dec) = Lot Code = 5V Fixed Output Voltage 4/5 Version: A08 TS4264G 5V/150mA Fixed-Voltage Ultra Low LDO Notice Specifications of the products displayed herein are subject to change without notice. TSC or anyone on its behalf, assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies. Information contained herein is intended to provide a product description only. No license, express or implied, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in TSC's terms and conditions of sale for such products, TSC assumes no liability whatsoever, and disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of TSC products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright, or other intellectual property right. The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications. Customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify TSC for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale. 5/5 Version: A08