(Absolute Maximum Ratings)
(Note 1)
Supply Voltage +20V
Power Dissipation
(Note 2) 750mWMetal Can Pkg 1000mWJ-8 Pkg 1250mWJ-14 Pkg 600mWCERAMIC SOIC
Differential Input Current
(Note 3) +10mA
Input Voltage
(Note 4) +15V
Output Short-Circuit Duration Continuous
Operating Temperature Range -55 C to +125 C
Thermal Resistance
ThetaJA 160 C/W Metal Can Pkg (Still Air @ 0.5W) 86 C/W (500LF/Min Air flow @ 0.5W) 120 C/W J-8 Pkg (Still Air @ 0.5W) 66 C/W (500LF/Min Air flow @ 0.5W) 87 C/w J-14 Pkg (Still Air @ 0.5W) 51 C/W (500LF/Min Air flow @ 0.5W) 198 C/W CERAMIC SOIC (Still Air @ 0.5W) 124 C/W (500LF/Min Air flow @ 0.5W)
ThetaJC 48 C/W Metal Can Pkg 17 C/W J-8 Pkg 17 C/W J-14 Pkg 22 C/WCERAMIC SOIC
Storage Temperature Range -65 C to +150 C
Lead Temperature 300 C(Soldering, 10 seconds)
ESD Tolerance
(Note 5) 2000V
Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur.
Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is functional, but do not
guaranteed specific performance limits. For guaranteed specifications and test
conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics. The guaranteed specifications apply
only for the test conditions listed. Some performance characteristics may degrade
when the device is not operated under the listed test conditions.
Note 2: The maximum power dissipation must be derated at elevated temperatures and is
dictated by Tjmax (maximum junction temperature), ThetaJA (package junction to
ambient thermal resistance), and TA (ambient temperature). The maximum allowable
power dissipation at any temperature is Pdmax = (Tjmax - TA)/ThetaJA or the number
given in the Absolute Maximum Ratings, whichever is lower.
Note 3: The inputs are shunted with back-to-back diodes for overvoltage protection.
Therefore, excessive current will flow if a differential input voltage in excess of
1V is applied between the inputs unless some limiting resistance is used.
Note 4: For supply voltages less than +15V, the absolute maximum input voltage is equal to
the supply voltage.
Note 5: Human body model, 1.5K Ohms in series with 100pF.