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IR2125(S) & (PbF)
Symbol Definition Figure Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
VIH Logic “1” Input Voltage 14 2.2 — —
VIL Logic “0” Input Voltage 15 — — 0.8
VCSTH+ CS Input Positive Going Threshold 16 150 230 320
VCSTH- CS Input Negative Going Threshold 17 130 210 300
VOH High Level Output Voltage, VBIAS - VO18 — — 100 IO = 0A
VOL Low Level Output Voltage, VO19 — — 100 IO = 0A
ILK Offset Supply Leakage Current 20 — — 50 VB = VS = 500V
IQBS Quiescent VBS Supply Current 21 — 400 1000 VIN = VCS = 0V or 5V
IQCC Quiescent VCC Supply Current 22 — 700 1200 VIN = VCS = 0V or 5V
IIN+ Logic “1” Input Bias Current 23 — 4.5 10 µAV
IN = 5V
IIN- Logic “0” Input Bias Current 24 — — 1.0 VIN = 0V
ICS+ “High” CS Bias Current 25 — 4.5 10 VCS = 3V
ICS- “Low” CS Bias Current 26 — — 1.0 VCS = 0V
VBSUV+ VBS Supply Undervoltage Positive Going 27 8.5 9.2 10.0
VBSUV- VBS Supply Undervoltage Negative Going 28 7.7 8.3 9.0
VCCUV+ VCC Supply Undervoltage Positive Going 29 8.3 8.9 9.6
VCCUV- VCC Supply Undervoltage Negative Going 30 7.3 8.0 8.7
IERR ERR Timing Charge Current 31 65 100 130 VIN = 5V, VCS = 3V
IERR+ ERR Pull-Up Current 32 8.0 15 — VIN = 5V, VCS = 3V
IERR- ERR Pull-Down Current 33 16 30 — VIN = 0V
IO+ Output High Short Circuit Pulsed Current 34 1.0 1.6 — VO = 0V, VIN = 5V
PW ≤ 10 µs
IO- Output Low Short Circuit Pulsed Current 35 2.0 3.3 — VO = 15V, VIN = 0V
PW ≤ 10 µs
Static Electrical Characteristics
VBIAS (VCC, VBS) = 15V and TA = 25°C unless otherwise specified. The VIN, VTH and IIN parameters are referenced to
COM. The VO and IO parameters are referenced to VS.
Dynamic Electrical Characteristics
VBIAS (VCC, VBS) = 15V, CL = 3300 pF and TA = 25°C unless otherwise specified. The dynamic electrical characteristics
are measured using the test circuit shown in Figures 3 through 6.
Symbol Definition Figure Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
ton Turn-On Propagation Delay 7 — 170 240 VIN = 0 & 5V
VS = 0 to 600V
toff Turn-Off Propagation Delay 8 — 200 270
tsd ERR Shutdown Propagation Delay 9 — 1.7 2.2 µs
trTurn-On Rise Time 10 — 43 60
tfTurn-Off Fall Time 11 — 26 35
tcs CS Shutdown Propagation Delay 12 — 0.7 1.2
terr CS to ERR Pull-Up Propagation Delay 13 — 9.0 12 CERR = 270 pF