Specifi cations are subject to change without notice.
The device characteristics and parameters in this data sheet can and do vary in different applications and actual device performance may vary over time.
Users should verify actual device performance in their specifi c applications.
SMCJ Transient Voltage Suppressor Diode Series
Electrical Characteristics (@ TA = 25 °C Unless Otherwise Noted)
1. Suffi x ‘A’ denotes a 5 % tolerance unidirectional device. 3. For bidirectional devices with a VR of 10 volts or less, the IR limit is double.
2. Suffi x ‘CA’ denotes a 5 % tolerance bidirectional device.
Unidirectional Device Bidirectional Device Breakdown Voltage
VBR (Volts)
Working Peak
Part No. Marking Part No. Marking Min. Max. @ IT (mA) VRWM (V) IR (μA) VRSM (V) IRSM (A)
SMCJ5.0A GDE SMCJ5.0CA BDE 6.40 7.00 10 5 800 9.2 163
SMCJ6.0A GDG SMCJ6.0CA BDG 6.67 7.37 10 6 800 10.3 145.7
SMCJ6.5A GDK SMCJ6.5CA BDK 7.22 7.98 10 6.5 500 11.2 134
SMCJ7.0A GDM SMCJ7.0CA BDM 7.78 8.60 10 7 200 12 125
SMCJ7.5A GDP SMCJ7.5CA BDP 8.33 9.21 1 7.5 100 12.9 116.3
SMCJ8.0A GDR SMCJ8.0CA BDR 8.89 9.83 1 8 50 13.6 110.3
SMCJ8.5A GDT SMCJ8.5CA BDT 9.44 10.4 1 8.5 20 14.4 104.2
SMCJ9.0A GDV SMCJ9.0CA BDV 10.0 11.1 1 9 10 15.4 97.4
SMCJ10A GDX SMCJ10CA BDX 11.1 12.3 1 10 5 17 88.3
SMCJ11A GDZ SMCJ11CA BDZ 12.2 13.5 1 11 1 18.2 82.5
SMCJ12A GEE SMCJ12CA BEE 13.3 14.7 1 12 1 19.9 75.4
SMCJ13A GEG SMCJ13CA BEG 14.4 15.9 1 13 1 21.5 69.8
SMCJ14A GEK SMCJ14CA BEK 15.6 17.2 1 14 1 23.2 64.7
SMCJ15A GEM SMCJ15CA BEM 16.7 18.5 1 15 1 24.4 61.5
SMCJ16A GEP SMCJ16CA BEP 17.8 19.7 1 16 1 26 57.7
SMCJ17A GER SMCJ17CA BER 18.9 20.9 1 17 1 27.6 54.4
SMCJ18A GET SMCJ18CA BET 20.0 22.1 1 18 1 29.2 51.4
SMCJ20A GEV SMCJ20CA BEV 22.2 24.5 1 20 1 32.4 46.3
SMCJ22A GEX SMCJ22CA BEX 24.4 26.9 1 22 1 35.5 42.3
SMCJ24A GEZ SMCJ24CA BEZ 26.7 29.5 1 24 1 38.9 38.6
SMCJ26A GFE SMCJ26CA BFE 28.9 31.9 1 26 1 42.1 35.7
SMCJ28A GFG SMCJ28CA BFG 31.1 34.4 1 28 1 45.4 33.1
SMCJ30A GFK SMCJ30CA BFK 33.3 36.8 1 30 1 48.4 31
SMCJ33A GFM SMCJ33CA BFM 36.7 40.6 1 33 1 53.3 28.1
SMCJ36A GFP SMCJ36CA BFP 40 44.2 1 36 1 58.1 25.9
SMCJ40A GFR SMCJ40CA BFR 44.4 49.1 1 40 1 64.5 23.3
SMCJ43A GFT SMCJ43CA BFT 47.8 52.8 1 43 1 69.4 21.7
SMCJ45A GFV SMCJ45CA BFV 50 55.3 1 45 1 72.7 20.6
SMCJ48A GFX SMCJ48CA BFX 53.3 58.9 1 48 1 77.4 19.4
SMCJ51A GFZ SMCJ51CA BFZ 56.7 62.7 1 51 1 82.4 18.2
SMCJ54A GGE SMCJ54CA BGE 60 66.3 1 54 1 87.1 17.3
SMCJ58A GGG SMCJ58CA BGG 64.4 71.2 1 58 1 93.6 16.1
SMCJ60A GGK SMCJ60CA BGK 66.7 73.7 1 60 1 96.8 15.5
SMCJ64A GGM SMCJ64CA BGM 71.1 78.6 1 64 1 103 14.6
SMCJ70A GGP SMCJ70CA BGP 77.8 86.0 1 70 1 113 13.3
SMCJ75A GGR SMCJ75CA BGR 83.3 92.1 1 75 1 121 12.4
SMCJ78A GGT SMCJ78CA BGT 86.7 95.8 1 78 1 126 11.9
SMCJ85A GGV SMCJ85CA BGV 94.4 104 1 85 1 137 11
SMCJ90A GGX SMCJ90CA BGX 100 111 1 90 1 146 10.3
SMCJ100A GGZ SMCJ100CA BGZ 111 123 1 100 1 162 9.3
SMCJ110A GHE SMCJ110CA BHE 122 135 1 110 1 177 8.4
SMCJ120A GHG SMCJ120CA BHG 133 147 1 120 1 193 7.9
SMCJ130A GHK SMCJ130CA BHK 144 159 1 130 1 209 7.2
SMCJ150A GHM SMCJ150CA BHM 167 185 1 150 1 243 6.2
SMCJ160A GHP SMCJ160CA BHP 178 197 1 160 1 259 5.8
SMCJ170A GHR SMCJ170CA BHR 189 209 1 170 1 275 5.5
SMCJ180A GHT SMCJ180CA BHT 201 222 1 180 1 292 5.1
SMCJ200A GHV SMCJ200CA BHV 224 247 1 200 1 324 4.6
SMCJ220A GHX SMCJ220CA BHX 246 272 1 220 1 356 4.2
SMCJ250A GHZ SMCJ250CA BHZ 279 309 1 250 1 405 3.7
SMCJ300A GJE SMCJ300CA BJE 335 371 1 300 1 486 3.1
SMCJ350A GJG SMCJ350CA BJG 391 432 1 350 1 567 2.6
SMCJ400A GJK SMCJ400CA BJK 447 494 1 400 1 648 2.3
SMCJ408A 408A SMCJ408CA 408CA 456 504 1 408 1 658 2.3
SMCJ440A GJM SMCJ440CA BJM 492 543 1 440 1 713 2.1
SMCJ495A 495A SMCJ495CA 495CA 522.5 577.5 1 495 1 760 2.0