Revision: 4 2008/01/30
Micro Commercial Components
2 of 3
Type Zener Voltage Range Dynamic Resistance Temperature
of Zener Voltage
Reverse Leakage
IZT for V
ZT rzjT r
zjK at I
mA V ȍȍmA 10-4/ćµA V
2V4 W1 5 2.2~2.6 <100 275 1 -9~-4 50 1
2V7 W2 5 2.5~2.9 <100 600 1 -9~-4 20 1
3V0 W3 5 2.8~3.2 <95 600 1-9~-3 10 1
3V3 W4 5 3.1~3.5 <95 600 1-8~-3 5 1
3V6 W5 5 3.4~3.8 <90 600 1-8~-3 5 1
3V9 W6 5 3.7~4.1 <90 600 1-7~-3 3 1
4V3 W7 5 4.0~4.6 <90 600 1-6~-1 3 1
4V7 W8 5 4.4~5.0 <80 500 1-5~2 3 2
5V1 W9 5 4.8~5.4 <60 480 1-3~4 2 2
5V6 WA 5 5.2~6.0 <40 400 1-2~6 1 2
6V2 WB 5 5.8~6.6 <10 150 1-1~7 3 4
6V8 WC 5 6.4~7.2 <15 80 12~7 2 4
7V5 WD 5 7.0~7.9 <15 80 13~7 1 5
8V2 WE 5 7.7~8.7 <15 80 14~7 0.7 5
9V1 WF 5 8.5~9.6 <15 100 15~8 0.5 6
10 WG 5 9.4~10.6 <20 150 15~8 0.2 7
11 WH 5 10.4~11.6 <20 150 1 5~9 0.1 8
12 WI 5 11.4~12.7 <25 150 1 6~9 0.1 8
13 WK 5 12.4~14.1 <30 170 1 7~9 0.1 8
15 WL 5 13.8~15.6 <30 200 1 7~9 0.05 0.7VZnom
16 WM 5 15.3~17.1 <40 200 1 8~9.5 0.05 0.7VZnom
18 WN 5 16.8~19.1 <45 225 1 8~9.5 0.05 0.7VZnom
20 WO 5 18.8~21.2 <55 225 1 8~10 0.05 0.7VZnom
22 WP 5 20.8~23.3 <55 250 1 8~10 0.05 0.7VZnom
24 WR 5 22.8~25.6 <70 250 1 8~10 0.05 0.7VZnom
27 WS 2 25.1~28.9 <80 300 0.5 8~10 0.05 0.7VZnom
30 WT 2 28~32 <80 300 0.5 8~10 0.05 0.7VZnom
33 WU 2 31~35 <80 325 0.5 8~10 0.05 0.7VZnom
36 WW 2 34~38 <90 350 0.5 8~10 0.05 0.7VZnom
39 WX 2 37~41 <130 350 0.5 10~12 0.05 0.7VZnom
1) Measured with pulses TP=20mS
2) Tighter tolerance(+/-2%) available request: BZX384B2V4 ~ BZX384B39
3) Valid provided that electrodes are kept at ambient temperature, T=25ć.