2SB1189 / 2SB1238 / 2SB899F Transistors 2SD1767 / 2601859 / 2SD1200F Medium Power Transistor (80V, 0.7A) 23B1189 / 2SB1238 / 2SB889F @Features @Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25C) 1) High breakdown voltage and high current. (80V, 0.7A) 2} Complements the 29D1767/28D1859/28D1 200F. Ss 70.7 05 Vv @Packaging specifications and hre Collector A 2881189 w eT * 2 c==25C) Collector power dissipation 258880F 2 1 5 Junction 50 1 Ts *t On ceramic board. * 2 Printed circuit board 1.71mm thick, collector plating tem? or larger. +* Denotes hee @ Electrical characteristics (Ta=25T) Parameter Symboi Min. | Typ. | Max. | Unit Canditions Collector-base breakdown voltage BVoso =80 _ | v_[lte=50KA Cotlactor-emitter breakdown voltage; BVcec 30 7 = v [c= 2mA Emitter-base breakdown voltage BVeso s _ = v le -~50 A Collector cutoff current tcro _ _ 0.5 #A_ | Vee=B5OV Emitter cutoff current lesa = = ~0.5 BA | Vee=4V Coliector-emitier saturation voltage Veceiaat _ 0.2 | 0.4 Vv lcfla= ~~ SQOmA/SOmA 2581189,2581186A 82 _ 390 ~ Pe corrent BSBSaOE hre GB a Te Venlo 3WI-0.18 Transition trequency fr _ 100 _ MHz | Vces=-10V , le==S0mA , f= 100MHz Output capacitance Cob 14 20 pF | Ves==-10V, le=0A, f=1MHz (96-618-B13) i T i V Medium Power Transistor (80V, 0.7A) @Features @ Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25T) 1) High breakdown voltage and high current. (BOV, 0.7A) Parameter Symbol Lins Unit 2) Complements the 2SB1189/2SB1238/2SB889F. Collector-base voltage Voeo 80 Vv Cotiector-emitter voltage Vero 80 v Emitter-base voltage Vewo 5 v Collector current te 97 A(0C) rea 1 A(Pulsa)_*4 if hi . @Packaging specifications and hre 2sp1767 0.5 2 Collector power Pe 2 w dissipation 2501859 4 *3 MPT3 : 28D1200F 5 W(Te=25'C) bre POR DC# Junction temperature Ti 150 c Code T100 Storage temperature Tstg 55-~150 c #1 Pwr10ms, duty=1/2 = Denotes he *2 On 40:X40%0.7mm ceramic board. es re *3 Printed circuit board 1.7mm thick, collector plating tm? or larger. @lectrical characteristics (Ta=25} Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Conditions Collector-base breakdown voltage BV cao 80 = v fc=50 wA _. Collector-emitter voltage BYceo 80 = TT Vv tc=2mA Emitter-base breakdown voltage BVEeo 5 = = Vv le=50 nA Collector cutoff current Iceo = _ 0.5 BA} Voa50V Emitter cutoff current lego _ 0.5 BA. | Ves=4V Cotlector-emitter saturation voltage Vce{aat) 0.2 0.4 v te/ls= 500mA/SOmA DC current | 28D 1767 hre 82 = _ | 390 +} Ves/ie=3V/0.1A transfer ratio 2801859,25D1200F 120 _ 390 _ Transition frequericy fr = 120 = MHz | Voe=10V, le=~-50mA , f=100MHz Output capacitance Cob 10 pF Vee=10V , le=0A , f= MHz {96-750-D13} 264 REHM