Trigger Output...
Source Level Debugging...
Internal Clock...
The Trigger Output line on RICE65 generates a positive pulse whenever an
instruction is qualified for trigger output. The trigger output can be used to trigger an oscilloscope, other
logic or instruments precisely when the processor executes an instruction at a particular address. When
connecting to the External Break Input of another RICE65 unit, it provides cross triggering on multiple
Source level debugging is available on 2500AD Compiler/Assembler,
WDC/Zardoz Assembler. When debugging in C, open the ASM window to display the corresponding
disassembled codes. Stepping can be specified in C or assembly line. The RICE65 debugging environment
can be customized and saved to disk as a setup or INI file. This enables you to quickly resume the
debugging session exactly the way you left it. The setup file saves information on the interface, device
configuration, object file, window layout, set breakpoints, trigger points and watch variables.
This allows you to effectively study the results of interested registers which can be set at
byte, word, or double word. Watch variables can also be edited directly within the window for program
RICE65 provides different internal oscillator frequencies for emulation, thus allowing
debugging without the presence of the target hardware. RICE65 also supports an external crystal in the
target circuit.
Product Warranty
Cycle Counter... Expandable to 64-bit, this is a 32-bit timer counter that clocks the number of cycles
the processor executes since the last reset. The counter allows users to easily start, stop and zero the
counter to his application.
1 year limited hardware warranty including parts and labor
30-day money back guarantee
Free software updates via Internet and BBS
Made in the USA
RICE65 Feature Summary
Hosted by PC-386/486/Pentium or
Parallel port interface
Supports 65C02 in real time emulation
Windows 95/8\98/NT debugger with
built-in editor
DOS debugger available on web site
64K emulation memory
8K deep, 24-bit wide real-time trace
memory to capture program flow, data
bus contents or data on external probes
Access external memory
32-bit cycle counter
Assembly and C source level support
Direct assembly reference to C source
Unlimited software breakpoints set
directly inside Source or Disassembled
Trigger output on any address range
External probes for break input, break
output, trigger output and 8 logic trace
inputs which record the logic states of
the target
Cross triggering on multiple RICE65
Run, Run from Reset, From new PC,
From/To Cursor, Single Step, Step over
Call, Return to Caller and Animate
Internal/External clock capability
Context menu (Windows 95's Debugger)
- direct access to functions available to
active window; customize font and color
On-line context sensitive help menus
Complete system including emulator,
DOS and Windows 95 debugger,
external probe cable, power adapter,
interface cable and complete
Source Window
Watch Window
Multiple windows with editing
Syntax sensitive display
Automatically opens source
files during stepping
Custom font and color
Bookmarks, tab set and
search functions
Cursor (yellow arrow)
highlights the current
program counter
Breakpoint/trigger point
Updated registers are
highlighted for easy
Register editing
Register displayed in hex,
decimal or binary
User defined font and color
Cycle counter with zero,
start, stop functions
Enter specific data for watch
in byte, word or Dword levels
Register Window
Cycle Counter Window
14330 Midway Road . Suite 128 . Dallas . Texas . 75244 Tel 972.980.2960 Fax 972.980.2937 Email: atc1@ix.netcom.com Web Site: http://www.adv-transdata.com
Advanced T
Copyright 1998 Advanced Transdata Corporation . Printed in USA . October 1998
RICE65 In-Circuit Emulator
Tool Bar
Disassembled Window
!Tool button with tool tips for
common functions like file
operations, bookmarks and
emulation controls
Splitter window shows both
disassembled and
corresponding source codes
Functions for redirecting
program counter
Current program counter
cursor (arrow) and line
cursor (reversed bar)
Breakpoint (B) and trigger
points (T) indicators
Editable data displayed in
hex, decimal or binary and
User defined font and color
Updated registers highlighted
for easy reference
Program Memory Window
Trace Buffer Window
Displays real-time executed
instructions and data bus
(shown) or logic states of
eight the trace inputs