Rev Date: 01/04/2013 1 www.seielect.com
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General Purpose Metal Oxide Resistor
Stackpole Electronics, I nc.
Resistive Product Solutions
Maximum Maximum Resistance
Type / Code Working Overload Temperature
Voltage (1) Voltage Coefficient
RSF12 0.5W 250V 400V 600V ±200 ppm/ºC 0.1 -150K 0.1 -75K 0.1 -1M
RSF1 1W 350V 600V 600V ±200 ppm/ºC 0.1 -100K 0.1 -100K 0.1 -1M
RSF2 2W 350V 600V 600V ±200 ppm/ºC 0.1 -120K 0.1 -120K 0.1 -1M
RSF3 3W 400V 700V 600V ±200 ppm/ºC 0.1 -470K 0.1 -560K 0.1 -1M
RSF5 5W 750V 1,000V 1,000V ±200 ppm/ºC 0.1 -470K 0.1 -560K 0.1 -1M
RSMF12 0.5W 250V 400V 350V ±200 ppm/ºC 0.1 -46.4K 0.1 -47K 0.1 -470K
RSMF1 1W 350V 600V 500V ±200 ppm/ºC 0.1 -75K 0.1 -75K 0.1 -470K
RSMF2 2W 350V 600V 500V ±200 ppm/ºC 0.1 -100K 0.1 -100K 0.1 -470K
RSMF3 3W 500V 800V 500V ±200 ppm/ºC 0.1 -118K 0.1 -120K 0.1 -470K
RSMF5 5W 750V 1,000V 750V ±200 ppm/ºC 0.1 -470K 0.1 -560K 0.1 -1M
(1) Lesser of √PR or maximum working voltage
Power Rating
@ 70ºC
Ohmic Range (Ω) and Tolerance
Short Time Over Load JISC 5202 5.5 ±2% ±1%
Humidity MIL-STD 202, Method 103
Dielectric Withstanding Voltage MIL-STD 202, Method 301
Load Life MIL-STD 202, Method 108
Load Life in Humidity JISC 5202 7.9
Temperature Cycling JESD22 Method JA-104
Moisture Resistance MIL-STD 202, Method 106
Resistance to Solder Heat MIL-STD 202, Method 210F
Terminal Strength MIL-STD 202, Method 211
Vibration MIL-STD 202, Method 201
Operating Temperature Range: -55ºC to +200ºC (RSF12, RSMF12, RSMF1)
-55ºC to +235ºC (All others)
• Lower-cost alternative to carbon comps and wirewounds
• Coating meets UL 94V-0
• Meets solvent test of Mil Standard 202, Method 215
• Cut and formed product is available on select sizes;
contact factory for details
• Higher or lower resistance values may be possible;
contact factory
• Flameproof
• RoHS compliant / lead-free
Electrical Specifica tions
Performance Characteristics