fiAMOSPEC NPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS ...designed for the output stage of 25W to 35VW AF power amplifier FEATURES: * Low Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage Voe;saty= 2-0V(Max) @1,=4.0A,1,=0.4A * DC Current Gain hFE= 40-320@I,= 1.0A * Complementary to NPN 2SB633 MAXIMUM RATINGS NPN 2SD613 6 AMPERE POWER TRANASISTORS 85 VOLTS 40 WATTS Characteristic Symbol 28D613 Unit Collector-Emitter Voltage Veco 85 Vv Collector-Base Voltage Veso 100 Vv Emitter-Base Voltage V 6.0 Vv s EBO TO-220 Collector Current - Continuous le 6.0 A - Peak lom 10 B a 4 rt Base current lp 3.0 A wl r 6 { [es A He Total Power Dissipation @T, = 25C Py 40 Ww Derate above 25C 0.32 wrc $e ! Operating and Storage Junction Ty .Tst C "| D Temperature Range -55 to +150 ae vl mn THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS r Characteristic Symbol Max Unit PN 2 COLLECTOR 3.EMITTER Thermal Resistance Junction to Case R6 jc 3.125 C 4.COLLECTOR(CASE) DIM MILLIMETERS FIGURE -1 POWER DERATING MIN | MAX _ 40 A | 1468 | 1531 Ec 35 B 9.78 | 10.42 < Cc 5.01 6.52 = 30 D 13.06 | 14.62 5 25 E 357 | 407 E F 242 | 3.66 = 20 G 112 | 1.36 2 H 0.72 | 096 a 15 l 4.22 498 = 10 J 114 | 1.38 5 K 2.20 | 297 _ 5 L | o33 | 0% * 0 M 248 | 298 oO 25 50 75 100 125 150 oO 3.70 3.90 To, TEMPERATURE(? C)2SD613 NPN a ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ( T, = 25C unless otherwise noted ) Characteristic Symbol Min Max Unit OFF CHARACTERISTICS Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage ViBR)cEO Vv (l_= 50 mA, I,p= 0 ) 85 Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage VierycBo Vv (l_= 5.0 mA, I_=0 ) 100 Emitter-Base Breakdown Voltage Vier)eBo Vv (l,= 5.0 mA, I,=0 ) 6.0 Collector Cutoff Current lepo uA ( Vop= 40 V, I= 0) 100 Emitter Cutoff Current lego uA ( Veg 4.0 V, I= 0) 100 ON CHARACTERISTICS (1) DC Current Gain (Ig= 1.0 A, Vog= 5.0 V ) * hFE(2) 40 320 (Ig= 3.0 A, Vog= 5.0 V ) hFE 20 Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage Voce (sat) V | (Ig= 4.0 A, I,= 400 mA ) 2.0 |Base-Emitter On Voltage V, Vv BE(on) | (Ig= 1.04, Vog=5.0 V) 15 DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Current-Gain-Bandwidth Product fr; MHz (Ig = 1.0 A, Veg = 5.0 V, f = 1.0 MHz) 5.0 (1) Pulse Test: Pulse Width =300 us,Duty Cycle = 2.0% * hFE(2) Classification : { 40 c 80 | 60 D 120] 100 E 200/160 F 320 ACTIVE-REGION SAFE OPERATING AREA (SOA) Bondng Wire Linit Second Breakdown Limit --Thermally Limited at T,=25C (Singe Puse) le , COLLECTOR CURRENT (Amp) 01 4.0 20 30 50 7.0 10 20 30 50 70 100 200 Vee , COLLECTOR EMITTER VOLTAGE (VOLTS) There are two limitation on the power handling ability of a transistor:average junction temperature and second breakdown safe operating area curves indicate limits of the transistor that must be observed for reliable operation i.e., the transistor must not be subjected to greater dissipation than curves indicate. The data of SOA is base on Typq=150 C:T is variable depending on conditions.second breakdown pulse limits are valid for duty cycles to 10% provided Typigs150C, At high case temperatures, thermal limita tion will reduce the power that can be handled to value less than the /imi-tations imposed by second breakdown. le-Vee2SD613 NPN Oe Ic - Vee DC CURRENT GAIN 5.0 40 3.0 2.0 bre , OC CURRENT GAIN le , COLLECTOR CURRENT (A) Ip=0 10 20 30 40 50 Vee , COLLECTOR-EMITTER VOLTAGE (V) 0.1 0.2 0.6 1.0 . 10 le , COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMP) Ic - Vbe fr - lc ~ o COMMON EMITTER = S 50 To#28C S 2 Voe"8V 5 > if 2 a wi x 2 3 % 20 5 e z 4 a a E 10 2 7.0 = 50 3.0 04 06 06 1.0 1.2 14 0.1 02 05 4.0 2.0 .0 10 Vee , BASE - EMITTER VOLTAGE (V) le, COLLECTOR CURRENT (A) "ON" VOLTAGES CAPACITANCES 300 2 & 2 3 g 7 a 2 wi z 5 3 3 > 3 > o Vee(saty @ le/lg=10 20 40 20 5.0 10 20 50 100 IC , COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMP) Ve,REVERSE VOLTAGE(VOLTS)