Only One Name Means ProTek’Tion™
ProTek Devices, based in Tempe, Arizona USA, is a manufacturer of Transient Voltage Suppression (TVS) products designed specically for
the protecon of electronic systems from the eects of lightning, Electrostac Discharge (ESD), Nuclear Electromagnec Pulse (NEMP), in-
ducve switching and EMI/RFI. With over 25 years of engineering and manufacturing experience, ProTek designs TVS devices that provide
applicaon specic protecon soluons for all electronic equipment/systems.
ProTek Devices Analog Products Division, also manufactures analog interface, control, RF and power management products.
COPYRIGHT © ProTek Devices 2005 - This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner.
SPECIFICATIONS: ProTek reserves the right to change the electrical and or mechanical characteriscs described herein without noce.
DESIGN CHANGES: ProTek reserves the right to disconnue product lines without noce and that the nal judgement concerning selecon and specicaons is the buyer’s and that in furnishing engineering
and technical assistance. ProTek assumes no responsibility with respect to the selecon or specicaons of such products. ProTek makes no warranty, representaon or guarantee regarding the suitability of
its products for any parcular purpose, nor does ProTek assume any liability arising out of the applicaon or use of any product or circuit and specically disclaims any and all liability without limitaon special,
consequenal or incidental damages.
LIFE SUPPORT POLICY: ProTek Devices products are not authorized for use in life support systems without wrien consent from the factory.
2929 South Fair Lane
Tempe, Arizona 85282
General: 602-431-8101
Sales: 602-414-5109
Customer Service: 602-414-5114
General: 602-431-2288
Sales: sales@protekdevices.com
Customer Service: service@protekdevices.com
Technical Support: support@protekdevices.com