4/27/2015 HFW1230K06M Military/Aerospace High Performance Relays - TE
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HFW1230K06M (M39016/6-105M)
Military/Aerospace High Performance
HFW1230K06M = M39016/6-105M
TE Internal Number: 3-1617033-0
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H FW H alf- S ize R ela y S erie s
I nput V oltage = 2 6 .5 V D C
C ontac t - A rrangement = 2 Form C , DP D T , 2 C /O
C ontac t - Rated C urre nt = 2 A
N on P ola rize d, M onos table C oil - M agnetic Sy s tem
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Product Type Features
MOSFET Driver Without
Mechanical Attachment
Mounting Opt ions C has s is M ount
Electrical Characteristics
Input Voltage (VDC) 2 6 .5
Contact - Rated Current (A ) 2
Coil Suppression Diode Without
Coil Polarity Protection Diode Without
Coil - Resistance () 700
Coil Power Measurement M illiwatts
Coil - Rat ed Power, DC (mW) 1003
A ctuating System D C
Shock 1 0 0 G 's , 6 ms
Vibration 3 0 G 's , 1 0 to 3 0 0 0 H z
Termination Features
Body Features
Enclosure Type H erme tic ally S ea led
Configuration Features
Contact - Arrangement 2 Form C , DP D T , 2 C /O
Coil - Magnet ic System N on P ola rize d, M onos table
Transistor Driver Without
Industry Standards
Qualif ication Y es
Government/Industry Part
Number M39016/6-105M
RoHS/ELV Compliance N ot E L V /R oH S c ompliant
Lead Free Solder Processes N ot s uitable for lead fre e
proc e s s ing
A pproved Standards M 3 9 0 1 6 Q ualified, M L ev el
Conditions for Usage
Document s Feat ures Compliance
4/27/2015 HFW1230K06M Military/Aerospace High Performance Relays - TE
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Termination Type P C P ins
Temperat ure Range (°C) - 6 5 +1 2 5
Series H F W H alf-Size Re lay
Brand C I I
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