MBR16xx, MBRF16xx & MBRB16xx Series
Vishay Semiconductors
for merly General Semiconductor
www.vishay.com Document Number 88671
Maximum Ratings (TC= 25°C unless otherwise noted)
Parameter Symbol
MBR1635 MBR1645 MBR1650 MBR1660
Maximum repetitive peak reverse voltage VRRM 35 45 50 60 V
Wor king peak reverse voltage VRWM 35 45 50 60 V
Maximum DC blocking voltage VDC 35 45 50 60 V
Maximum average forward rectified current at TC= 125 °C IF(AV) 16 A
Peak repetitive forward current at TC= 125°C
(rated VR, sq. wave, 20 KHz) IFRM 32 A
Peak forward surge current
8.3ms single half sine-wave superimposed IFSM 150 A
on rated load (JEDEC Method)
Peak repetitive reverse current
at tp= 2.0µs, 1KHZIRRM 1.0 0.5 A
Voltage rate of change (rated VR) dv/dt 10,000 1,000 V/µs
Operating junction temperature range TJ–65 to +150 °C
Storage temperature range TSTG –65 to +175 °C
RMS Isolation voltage (MBRF type only) from terminals to 4500 (NOTE 1)
heatsink with t = 1.0 second, RH ≤30% VISOL 3500 (NOTE 2) V
1500 (NOTE 3)
Electrical Characteristics(TC= 25°C unless otherwise noted)
Parameter Symbol
MBR1635 MBR1645 MBR1650 MBR1660
Maximum instantaneous forward voltage (Note 4)
at IF = 16A, TC = 25°C VF0.63 0.75 V
at IF = 16A, TC = 125°C 0.57 0.65
Maximum instantaneous reverse current TC = 25°C 0.2 1.0
at rated DC blocking voltage (Note 4) TC = 125°C IR40 50 mA
Thermal Characteristics(TC= 25°C unless otherwise noted)
Parameter Symbol MBR MBRF MBRB Unit
Typical thermal resistance from junction to case RΘJC 1.5 3.0 1.5 °C/W
(1) Clip mounting (on case), where lead does not overlap heatsink with 0.110” offset
(2) Clip mounting (on case), where leads do overlap heatsink
(3) Screw mounting with 4-40 screw, where washer diameter is ≤ 4.9 mm (0.19”)
(4) Pulse test: 300µs pulse width, 1% duty cycle
Ordering Information
Product Case Package Code Package Option
MBR1635 - MBR1660 TO-220AC 45 Anti-Static tube, 50/tube, 2K/carton
MBRF1635 - MBRF1660 ITO-220AC 45 Anti-Static tube, 50/tube, 2K/carton
31 13” reel, 800/reel, 4.8K/car ton
MBRB1635 - MBRB1660 TO-263AB 45 Anti-Static tube, 50/tube, 2K/car ton
81 Anti-Static 13” reel, 800/reel, 4.8K/car ton