XS1-L8A-128-QF124 Datasheet 3
·Channels and channel ends
Tasks running on logical cores communicate using
channels formed between two channel ends. Data can be passed synchronously
or asynchronously between the channel ends assigned to the communicating
tasks. Section 5.5
·xCONNECT Switch and Links
Between tiles, channel communications are im-
plemented over a high performance network of xCONNECT Links and routed
through a hardware xCONNECT Switch. Section 5.6
The I/O pins are connected to the processing cores by Hardware Response
ports. The port logic can drive its pins high and low, or it can sample the value
on its pins optionally waiting for a particular condition. Section 5.3
·Clock blocks
xCORE devices include a set of programmable clock blocks that
can be used to govern the rate at which ports execute. Section 5.4
Each xCORE Tile integrates a bank of SRAM for instructions and data,
and a block of one-time programmable (OTP) memory that can be configured for
system wide security features. Section 8
The PLL is used to create a high-speed processor clock given a low speed
external oscillator. Section 6
The JTAG module can be used for loading programs, boundary scan testing,
in-circuit source-level debugging and programming the OTP memory. Section 9
1.1 Software
Devices are programmed using C, C++ or xC (C with multicore extensions). XMOS
provides tested and proven software libraries, which allow you to quickly add
interface and processor functionality such as USB, Ethernet, PWM, graphics driver,
and audio EQ to your applications.
1.2 xTIMEcomposer Studio
The xTIMEcomposer Studio development environment provides all the tools you
need to write and debug your programs, profile your application, and write images
into flash memory or OTP memory on the device. Because xCORE devices oper-
ate deterministically, they can be simulated like hardware within xTIMEcomposer:
uniquely in the embedded world, xTIMEcomposer Studio therefore includes a static
timing analyzer, cycle-accurate simulator, and high-speed in-circuit instrumenta-
xTIMEcomposer can be driven from either a graphical development environment,
or the command line. The tools are supported on Windows, Linux and MacOS X
and available at no cost from xmos.com/downloads. Information on using the
tools is provided in the xTIMEcomposer User Guide, X3766.
X5358, XS1-L8A-128-QF124