nt } \D, LTZIO00/LTZIOOOA TECHNOLOGY Ultra Precision Reference FEATURES DESCRIPTION The LTZ1000 and LTZ1000A are ultra stable temperature controllable references. They are designed to provide 7V outputs with temperature drifts of 0.05ppm/C, about 1.2uVp-p of noise and long term stabilities of 2nV per month. @ 1.2.Vp-p Noise 2uV Long Term Stability = Very Low Hysteresis 0.05ppm/C Drift = Temperature Stabilized Included on the chip is a subsurface zener reference, heater resistor for temperature stabilization, and a tem- APPLICATIONS perature sensing transistor External circuitry is used to set operating currents and to temperature stabilize the reference. This allows maximum flexibility and best long term stability and noise. = Voltmeters = Calibrators m Standard Cells m Scales The LTZ1000 and LTZ1000A references can provide supe- = Low Noise RF Oscillators rior performance to older references such as the LM199 at the expense of increased circuit complexity and thermal layout considerations. The LTZ1000 is packaged in a standard TO-99 package while the LTZ1000A utilizes a proprietary high thermal resistance die attach which eases thermally insulating the reference. TYPICAL APPLICATION Low Noise Reference Long Term Stability LTZ1000 Vin2 10V 1-2. @ OUTPUT 1N4148 WY 0 10 20 30 DAYS LONG TERM STABILITY OF A TYPICAL DEVICE FROM TIME =0 WITH NO PRECONDITIONING OR AGING wee 3.9LTZ1000/LTZIOOOA ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PACKAGE/ORDER INFORMATION a ae Heater to Substrate .............cccee cece eee ea eee ees 35V Collector Emitter Breakdown Q1.........sssssseeeees 15V - BOTTOM VIEW ORDER Collector Emitter Breakdown Q2..............200008: 35V PART NUMBER Emitter Base Reverse Bias......... eee eens nena eens 2v Operating Temperature Range ....... - 55C 70k AAA $5 $A > > > 1k > 120 1N4148 ZENER FORCE PROVIDE TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION, DELETE FOR LTZ1000A. APPROXIMATE CHANGE IN REFERENCE VOLTAGE FOR A 100ppm CHANGE IN RESISTOR VALUES: 100ppm = AR(Q) AVz Ri 0.0120 Ippm R2 7a 0.3ppm R3 7a 0.2ppm R4/R5 RATIO AR=0.01% 1ppm BOTH A1 AND A2 CONTRIBUTE LESS THAN 2yV OF OUTPUT ORIFT OVER A 50C RANGE. Averaging Reference Voltages for Lower Noise and Better Stability Vin 18V 0.01% { s$ < 1.6k > 1.6k > S$ $ 300 2300" > > A+ aly. mA OUTPUT 150 2150 = RAT int wee Vin 15V V-210V ZENER SENSE Improving Supply Rejection 1.5k > 150 AAA cote. SUPPLY REJECTION AT Vouts =20mv/V < Voura SUPPLY REJECTION AT Vout2=3mv/VLTZIO00/LTZIOOOA TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Adjusting Temperature Coefficient in Unstabilized Applications 15V 1MIN Vour+ * x | 2002 1N4148 1 MIN HEATER 1N4148 *PULSE HEATER ON AND OFF TO HEAT AND COOL THE REFERENCE. ADJUST R1 FOR MINIMUM VOLTAGE CHANGE THROUGH A TEMPERATURE CYCLE. 7V Positive Reference Circuit ZENER + SENSE yr a 15V Mg $R3 3 $2 13k $70k > 70k - 5 4 aI 8 1N4148 tk 7 Al 8 AQ 1 2N3904 5 LT1013 10k LT1013 -o wrt , 4. Ot * 1M 4 ~ 0.1nF . ZENER ~ TL AMA SENSE O.tyF = 3 RIS == 0.022uF , ] Fik = 1209 GROUND + ZENER - FORCE 9 1N4148 aaah P+ (TIED TO GROUND) *PROVIDES TC COMPENSATION, DELETE FOR LTZ1000A. APPROXIMATE CHANGE IN REFERENCE VOLTAGE FOR A 100ppm (0.01%) CHANGE IN RESISTOR VALUES: AR(Q) AVz Rt 0.0122 1ppm R2 7a 0.3ppm R3 72 0.2ppm R4/R5 RATIO AR=0.01% 1ppm BOTH A1 AND A2 CONTRIBUTE LESS THAN 2uV OF OUTPUT DRIFT OVER A 50C RANGE. 3-14 LIT WeLTZ1000/LTZIO00A BLOCK DIAGRAM SUBSTRATE DIODES-DO NOT FORWARD BIAS PACKAGE DESCRIPTION Dimensions in inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted. H8 Package Metal Can 0.335 0.370 (8.509 9.398) DIA 0.305 ~ 0.335 (7.747 8.509) 0.040 (1.016) 0050 I MAX (1270) 0.165 -0.185 MAX (4.191 4.699) Y Y REFERENCE SEATING bo i Tr }| GAUGE PLANE PLANE A t == | i PLANE 0.500-0.750 0.010 0.045 itl | ll (12:70, 19.06) (0.254 1.143) D01e-00M (0.406 0.533) / TYP 0.027 0.045 45 TY Wa ann bor -0.038 AN (0.686 1.143) | (0.686 0.864) 0.110 0.160 (2.794 4.064) INSULATING STANDOFF 0.200 0.230 (5.080 5.842) BSC Y NOTE: LEAD DIAMETER 1S UNCONTROLLED BETWEEN THE REFERENCE PLANE AND SEATING PLANE. 8188 Baa LTZ1000 80C LTZ1000A 400CW wee 3-15