4) Configure the MAX3674 with the obtained settings:
P = 1b (/ 4 divider, see Table 4)
M[9:0] = 0111110100b (binary number for M = 500)
NA[2:0] = 100b (/ 4 divider, see Table 6)
NB = 0b (/ 1 divider, fQA = fQB)
5) Apply the settings with the parallel or serial inter-
face. The I2C configuration bytes for this example
are PLL_L = 11110100b and PLL_H = 01100010b.
See Tables 1 and 2 for the registers maps.
Programming Through Parallel Interface
The parallel interface comprises 15 pins (P, M[9:0],
NA[2:0], and NB) for configuring the PLL frequency set-
ting. The parallel interface is enabled with the PLOAD
input set to logic-low. While PLOAD remains low, any
logical state change on the 15 parallel pins immediately
affects the internal divider settings, resulting in a
change of the internal VCO frequency and the output
Upon startup, when the device master reset signal is
released (rising edge of the MR signal), the device
reads its startup configuration through the parallel inter-
face and is independent of the PLOAD state. For start-
up, it is recommended to provide a valid PLL
configuration (satisfying the VCO frequency range con-
straint). If all the parallel interface pins are left open, a
default PLL configuration is loaded (Table 9).
While in parallel mode operation (PLOAD = 0), the I2C
write access is disabled. Therefore, all data written into
the MAX3674 registers through I2C is ignored. Howev-
er, the MAX3674 is still present on the I2C interface and
is read accessible, allowing the host controller to read
the internal registers through the I2C interface for moni-
toring purpose.
In parallel mode (PLOAD = 0), I2C register access is
limited to read only, implying that CMD register access
is invalid. The MAX3674 allows read access to registers
PLL_L, PLL_H, and ID through I2C and can verify the
divider setting since the current PLL configuration in
parallel mode is always stored in PLL_L and PLL_H.
After the low-to-high transition of PLOAD, the configura-
tion pins have no more effect, and the programming inter-
face is now accessible through the serial I2C interface.
Programming Through Serial I
C Interface
While PLOAD = 1 the MAX3674 internal registers are
read and write accessible through the 2-wire I2C inter-
face using the SDA (configuration data) and SCL (con-
figuration clock) signals. The MAX3674 acts as a slave
device on the I2C bus, supporting fast-mode data
transfer rates up to 400kbps.
The internal registers include two configuration regis-
ters (PLL_L and PLL_H), a command register (CMD),
and an ID register (ID). See Tables 1 and 2 for the reg-
ister maps. Registers PLL_L and PLL_H store a PLL
configuration and provide full read/write access
through the serial I2C interface. Register CMD is write
only and accepts commands (LOAD, GET, INC, DEC)
to update registers and for direct PLL frequency
The CMD register provides a fast way to increase or
decrease the synthesizer frequency and to update the
PLL_L and PLL_H registers. LOAD and GET are inverse
commands to each other. LOAD copies the data stored
in the configuration registers into the PLL divider latch-
es. GET copies the PLL dividers settings into the con-
figuration registers (PLL_L, PLL_H). INC (DEC) directly
increments (decrements) the PLL feedback divider M
(M := M + 1, M := M - 1) and immediately changes the
PLL frequency by the granularity step G (see Table 8
for available G) in a single I2C transfer without using the
LOAD command. The INC and DEC commands are
useful for frequency margining applications that require
multiple and rapid PLL frequency changes. Note that
the INC and DEC commands do not update the PLL_L
and PLL_H registers. It is, therefore, recommended to
use LOAD to set a valid PLL divider setting before
using INC or DEC. In addition, the synthesizer does not
check the validity of divider settings for proper opera-
tion bounded by the VCO range. So, applying the DEC
and INC commands can result in invalid VCO frequen-
cies and lead to loss of lock.
Programming the synthesizer output frequency through
the serial I2C interface requires two steps: writing a valid
PLL configuration to the configuration registers and
loading the register data into the PLL divider latches
with an I2C command. The PLL frequency is affected as
a result of the second step. The two-step operations can
be performed by a single I2C transaction or by multiple