25 PCM3500
Software Modem AFE Application Circuit
Figure 25 shows an applications circuit which utilizes the
PCM3500 and the DAA2000 from Infineon Technologies
(Siemens) to implement a complete modem AFE. The
DAA2000 provides modem-side (DM207) and line-side
(DL207) interfaces, with optical isolation separating the
functions. The PCM3500 is connected to the modem-side of
the DAA2000. The PCM3500’s serial interface and hard-
ware mode controls are connected to the host CPU.
The PCM3500 A/D converter consists of two reference
circuits, a mono single-to-differential converter, a fully dif-
ferential 5th-order delta-sigma modulator, a decimation fil-
ter (including digital high pass), and a serial interface circuit.
The block diagram on the front page of this data sheet
illustrates the architecture of the ADC section, Figure 21
shows the single-to-differential converter, and Figure 26
illustrates the architecture of the 5th-order delta-sigma modu-
lator and transfer functions.
An internal reference circuit with three external capacitors
provides all reference voltages which are required by the
ADC, which defines the full-scale range for the converter.
The internal single-to-differential voltage converter saves
the design, space and extra parts needed for external cir-
cuitry required by many delta-sigma converters. The internal
full-differential signal processing architecture provides a
wide dynamic range and excellent power supply rejection
performance. The input signal is sampled at a 64x
oversampling rate, eliminating the need for a sample-and-
hold circuit, and simplifying anti-alias filtering require-
ments. The 5th-order delta-sigma noise shaper consists of
five integrators which use a switched-capacitor topology, a
comparator, and a feedback loop consisting of a one-bit
DAC. The delta-sigma modulator shapes the quantization
noise, shifting it out of the audio band in the frequency
domain. The high order of the modulator enables it to
randomize the modulator outputs, reducing idle tone levels.
The 64fS one-bit data stream from the modulator is con-
verted to 1fS, 16-bit data words by the decimation filter,
which also acts as a low-pass filter to remove the shaped
quantization noise. The DC components can be removed by
a high-pass filter function contained within the decimation
The delta-sigma DAC section of PCM3500 is based on a 5-
level amplitude quantizer and a 3rd-order noise shaper. This
section converts the oversampled input data to 5-level delta-
sigma format. A block diagram of the 5-level delta-sigma
modulator is shown in Figure 27. This 5-level delta-sigma
modulator has the advantage of stability and clock jitter
sensitivity over the typical one-bit (2 level) delta-sigma
modulator. The combined oversampling rate of the delta-
sigma modulator and the internal 8x interpolation filter is
64fS for a 512fS system clock. The theoretical quantization
noise performance of the 5-level delta-sigma modulator is
shown in Figure 28.
5th SW-CAP
4th SW-CAP
3rd SW-CAP
2nd SW-CAP
1st SW-CAP
Analog In
Digital Out
Y(z) = STF(z) • X(z) + NTF(z) • Qn(z)
Signal Transfer Function
Noise Transfer Function STF(z) = H(z)/[1 + H(z)]
NTF(z) = 1/[1 + H(z)]
FIGURE 26. Simplified 5th-Order Delta-Sigma Modulator.