INA326, INA327
10 SBOS222D
Following this design procedure for R1 produces the maximum
possible input stage gain for best accuracy and lowest noise.
Circuit layout and supply bypassing can affect performance.
Minimize the stray capacitance on pins 1 and 8. Use recom-
mended supply bypassing, including a capacitor directly from
pin 7 to pin 4 (V+ to V–), even with dual (split) power supplies
(see Figure 1).
As with other multi-stage instrumentation amplifiers, input-
referred offset voltage depends on gain and circuit values. The
specified offset and drift performance is rated at R1 = 2kΩ,
R2 = 100kΩ, and VS = ±2.5V. Offset voltage and drift for other
circuit values can be estimated from the following equations:
VOS = 10µV + (50nA)(R2)/G (3)
dVOS/dT = 0.12µV/°C + (0.16nA/°C)(R2)/G (4)
These equations might imply that offset and drift can be
minimized by making the value of R
much lower than the
values indicated in Figure 1. These values, however, have
been chosen to assure that the output current into R
is kept
less than or equal to ±25µA, while maintaining R
’s value
greater than or equal to 2kΩ. Some applications with limited
output voltage swing or low power-supply voltage may allow
lower values for R
, thus providing lower input-referred offset
voltage and offset voltage drift.
Conversely, single-supply operation with R2 grounded re-
quires that R2 values be made larger to assure that current
remains under 25µA. This will increase the input-referred
offset voltage and offset voltage drift.
Circuit conditions that cause more than 25µA to flow in R2 will
not cause damage, but may produce more nonlinearity.
The INA327 adds an enable/shutdown function to the INA326.
Its pinout differs from the INA326—see the Pin Configuration
for detail.
The INA327 can be enabled by applying a logic HIGH
voltage level to the Enable pin. Conversely, a logic LOW
voltage level will disable the amplifier, reducing its supply
current from 2.4mA to typically 2µA. For battery-operated
applications, this feature may be used to greatly reduce the
average current and extend battery life. This pin should be
connected to a valid high or low voltage or driven, not left
open circuit. The Enable pin can be modeled as a CMOS
input gate as in Figure 2.
The enable time following shutdown is 75µs plus the settling
time due to filters (see Typical Characteristics, “Input Offset
Voltage vs Warm-up Time”). Disable time is 100µs. This
allows the INA327 to be operated as a “gated” amplifier, or
to have its output multiplexed onto a common output bus.
When disabled, the output assumes a high-impedance state.
INA327 PIN 5
Pin 5 of the INA327 should be connected to V+ to ensure
proper operation.
The typical characteristic “Gain vs Frequency” shows that the
INA326 has nearly constant bandwidth regardless of gain.
This results from the bandwidth limiting from the recom-
mended filters.
Internal auto-correction circuitry eliminates virtually all 1/f
noise (noise that increases at low frequency) in gains of 100
or greater. Noise performance is affected by gain-setting
resistor values. Follow recommendations in the “Setting
Gain” section for best performance.
Total noise is a combination of input stage noise and output
stage noise. When referred to the input, the total mid-band
noise is:
VnVHznV Hz
N=+33 800
The output noise has some 1/f components that affect
performance in gains less than 10. See typical characteristic
“Input-Referred Voltage Noise vs Frequency.”
High-frequency noise is created by internal auto-correction
circuitry and is highly dependent on the filter characteristics
chosen. This may be the dominant source of noise visible
when viewing the output on an oscilloscope. Low cutoff
frequency filters will provide lowest noise. Figure 3 shows the
typical noise performance as a function of cutoff frequency.
FIGURE 2. Enable Pin Model.
Enable 6
FIGURE 3. Total Output Noise vs Required Filter Cutoff
100110 1k10k
Required Filter Cutoff Frequency (Hz)
Total Output Noise (µVRMS)
G = 10
G = 1
G = 100
G = 1000