P ART #K796395
U.S. GAUGE • PMT PRODUCTS 820 Pennsylvania Blvd., Feasterville, Pa 19053 U.S.A. •Tel: (215) 355-6900 •FAX: (215) 355-2937 •www.ametekusg.com
Model 831 Low Power Fixed Range Pressure Transmitter
The AMETEK Model 831 low power
pressure transmitter represents a natu-
ral extension of the Model 831 fixed
range transmitter. An all stainless steel
transmitter, it is designed for years of
stable per-formance in even the tough-
est environmental and media condi-
tions. This Model 831 has been de-
signed to meet FM explosion-proof
ratings and also meets NACE standards
for offshore applications. A one year
warranty is standard with every unit.
The small size and light weight of
the Model 831 transmitter eliminates
the need for complicated mounting
hardware and mechanical supports,
thereby reducing installation time sub-
stantially. The in-line connection per-
mits simple field wiring without the
need for additional hardware, adding to
the speed and ease of installation.
It provides a three wire 1-5 or
0.8-3.2 voltage output and requires
less than 30 milliwatts of total power to
operate. The combination of low power
requirement, small size, excellent per-
formance and low price make the Model
831 low power transmitter ideal for
critical outdoor, solar/battery powered
applications. The Model 831 low power
transmitter requires 6 or 8-14VDC exci-
tation and is available in pressure
ranges from 15 to 5000 PSI.
PMT Quality Commitment
AMETEK’s commitment to quality in
Pressure Measurement Technology is
unequalled in the industry. Behind ev-
ery Model 831 low power transmitter is
over 15 years of piezoresistive sensor
chip and stainless steel diaphragm/oil
isolation technology. Over these years,
AMETEK has developed and perfected
test methods and quality checks to
ensure that every transmitter will oper-
ate within specification in tough envi-
ronments for years of service. The most
advanced Automated Test Systems in
the industry are used to characterize
and final test every transmitter.
In addition, every transmitter goes
through numerous quality checks
which verify secure assembly methods
all the way through the production pro-
cess. Nothing less than a 100% quality
level is accepted. With this PMT quality
commitment and our zero-defect phi-
losophy, the AMETEK warranty is
backed with confidence.
A miniature, low-priced fixed
range transmitter, just 0.83
lbs. (374 grams)
All welded 316 stainless steel
construction and wetted
parts (no aluminum)
Ranges from 0-15 to 0-5000
PSIG (0-1 to 0-345 bar)
+0.30% accuracy
Designed to meet FM Explo-
sion-proof approvals (Con-
sult factory for approvals)
8 VDC power operation, 1 to
5 VDC output
6 VDC power operation, 0.8
to 3.2 VDC output
3/4" NPT Female conduit
connection cable
1/2" NPT Female pressure
port connection
Straight in-line construction
for a slim profile
24 inch cable standard