DC Electrical Characteristics
Over recommended operating supply voltage and temperature ranges unless otherwise specified (1)(2)
Symbol Parameter Conditions Pin Unit
Min Typ Max s
VOD Output Differential Voltage RL= 27Ω,Figure 3 DO+/RI+, 240 300 460 mV
ΔVOD VOD Magnitude Change 27 mV
VOS Offset Voltage 1.1 1.3 1.5 V
ΔVOS Offset Magnitude Change 5 10 mV
VOH Driver Output High Voltage(3) RL= 27Ω1.4 1.65 V
VOL Driver Output Low Voltage(3) RL= 27Ω0.95 1.1 V
IOSD Output Short Circuit Current (4) VOD = 0V, DE = VCC, Driver outputs |36| |65| mA
shorted together
VOH Voltage Output High (5) VID = +300 mV IOH =−400 µA ROUT VCC−0.2 V
Inputs Open VCC−0.2 V
Inputs Terminated, VCC−0.2 V
RL= 27Ω
VOL Voltage Output Low IOL = 2.0 mA, VID =−300 mV 0.05 0.075 V
IOD Receiver Output Dynamic VID = 300mV, VOUT = VCC−1.0V −110 |75| mA
Current (4) VID =−300mV, VOUT = 1.0V |75| 110 mA
VTH Input Threshold High DE = 0V, VCM = 1.5V DO+/RI+, +100 mV
VTL Input Threshold Low −100 mV
VCMR Receiver Common Mode Range |VID|/2 2.4 −V
IIN Input Current DE = 0V, RE = 2.4V, −20 ±1 +20 µA
VIN = +2.4V or 0V
VCC = 0V, VIN = +2.4V or 0V −20 ±1 +20 µA
VIH Minimum Input High Voltage DIN, DE, RE 2.0 VCC V
VIL Maximum Input Low Voltage GND 0.8 V
IIH Input High Current VIN = VCC or 2.4V −20 ±10 +20 µA
IIL Input Low Current VIN = GND or 0.4V −20 ±10 +20 µA
VCL Input Diode Clamp Voltage ICLAMP =−18 mA −1.5 −0.8 V
ICCD Power Supply Current Drivers No Load, DE = RE = VCC, VCC 55 80 mA
Enabled, Receivers Disabled DIN = VCC or GND
ICCR Power Supply Current Drivers DE = RE = 0V, VID = ±300mV 73 80 mA
Disabled, Receivers Enabled
ICCZ Power Supply Current, Drivers DE = 0V; RE = VCC,35 80 mA
and Receivers TRI-STATE DIN = VCC or GND
ICC Power Supply Current, Drivers DE = VCC; RE = 0V,
and Receivers Enabled DIN = VCC or GND, 170 210 mA
RL= 27Ω
IOFF Power Off Leakage Current VCC = 0V or OPEN, DO+/RI+,
DIN, DE, RE = 0V or OPEN, DO−/RI− −20 +20 µA
VAPPLIED = 3.6V (Port Pins)
COUTPUT Capacitance @ Bus Pins DO+/RI+, 5 pF
cOUTPUT Capacitance @ ROUT ROUT 7 pF
(1) All currents into device pins are positive; all currents out of device pins are negative. All voltages are referenced to ground unless
otherwise specified except VOD,ΔVOD and VID.
(2) All typicals are given for VCC = +3.3V and TA= +25°C, unless otherwise stated.
(3) The DS92LV090A functions within datasheet specification when a resistive load is applied to the driver outputs.
(4) Only one output at a time should be shorted, do not exceed maximum package power dissipation capacity.
(5) VOH failsafe terminated test performed with 27Ωconnected between RI+ and RI−inputs. No external voltage is applied.
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