nate ie i ASQ. MELF 9433 13 | JANTX1N5622U | Santa Ana 427 1 30 0.5 | 2000 - JANTXV1N4249 | SantaAna A STD | 286 | 10478 1 1000 | 25 1.3 1 5000 JANTXV1N5622 ,SantaAna (A STD | 427 | 10903 4. | 1000 | 30 1.3 05 2000 JANTXVIN5S622 |SantaAna |ASQ.MELF | SM | 427 | 10904 4 4000 | 30 13 05 2000 RL107 | Chatsworth | A-405 STD 14231 | 1 1000 | 30 11 5 2000 SiM Chatsworth | DO-214AA SM 18182 4 1000 30 11 5 2000 UT347 Watertown A STD 17214 1 1000 . 20 2 UT363 Watertown A STD 17217 1 1000 | 20 2 UT364 Watertown A STD 172181 400025 2 USSS Watertown DH STD 17178 | 14 | 5000-25 5 _UT249 Watertown | A STD 17195 | 1.25 | 100 20 2 _UT242 Watertown A STD 17191 | 1.25 200 20 2 -UT244 _Watertown =A STD 17192 1.25 . 400 20 2 _UT245 Watertown A STD 17193 | 1.25 | 500 20 2 UT247 ' Watertown A STO | 17194 1.25 | 600 20 2 1N5391 Chatsworth | DO-15 STD | 3613 | 145 50 50 i 5 2000 -1N5391GP Chatsworth 00-15 STD 17957 15 50 50 1 5 2000 _1N5392 Chatsworth | DO-15 STD 3614.15 400 50 1 5 2000 _4N5392GP Chatsworth , DO-15 STD 17958 145 100 50 1 5 2000 _UT254 Watertown A | STD 17196 14.5 100 25 2 1N5393 Chatsworth DO-15 _STD 3615 1.5 200 50 1 5 2000 1N5393GP Chatsworth DO-15 STD 17959 145 200 50 1 5 2000 | UT252 Watertown A STD 17197 | 145 200 25 2 1N5394 Chatsworth | DO-15 STD 3616 1.5 300 50 1 5 2600 . 1N5394GP : Chatsworth | 00-15 STO | 17966. 15 300 50 1 2000 : 1N5395 Chatsworth | DO-15 STD! 3617 1.5 400 50 1 2000 1N5395GP Chatsworth | DO-15 . STD 17961 4.5 400 50 1 5 2000 UT254 Watertown =A , STD 47198 1.5 400 25 2 1N5396GP Chatsworth | DO-15 STD 17962 1.6 500 50 1 5 2006 UT255 Watertown | A STD 17199 45 500 25 2 _4N5397 Chatsworth | 00-15 STD 3618 | 1.5 600 50 1 5 2006 .1N5397GP Chatsworth DO-15 STD 17963 1.5 600 50 1 2000 "UT257 Watertown: A STD 17200 | 1,5 600 25 2 _4N5398 Chatsworth | DO-15 STD 3619 | 15 | 800 50 1 5. 2000 ANS398GP Chatsworth | DO-15 STO | 17964 15 . 800 50 1 5 : 2000 UT258 Watertown A STD. 17201, 15 800 25 2 1N5399 Chatsworth | DO-15 STD 3620. 1.5 | 1000 | 50 1 5 2000 1N5399GP "Chatsworth | DO-15 STD 17965 15 | 1000 | 50 1 5. 2000 -RL201 Chatsworth _DO-15 STD 14232 2 50 70 1 5 2000 RL201GP Chatsworth | DO-15 STD 18169 2 50 70 1 5 2000 -S2A Chatsworth DO-214AA SM | 18183 | 2 50 50 14 5 2000 UR205 Watertown A STD 17916 | 2 50 25 1 3 - UT2005 "Watertown _B STD 47180 2 50 60 5 RL202 Chatsworth , DO-15 STD 14233 2 400 70 1 5 2000 RL202GP Chatsworth DO-15 STD | is170 | 2 100 70 1 2000 Section Organization: Standard Recovery Rectifier Parametric Section is organizad by ascending 10 {amps}, followed by ascending VR (valts}, and then by Part Nurnber General Notes: ian on i Divisi canbe don the back cover of this catalog z Forward Voltage wae whan Specified is at the rated IO. For VF @IF refer to the product datasheets. 3. For detailed VF data reter ta the product datasheets by using the fax on demand system or contacting the Microsemi manufacturing division. 4, Datasheets car be obtained fram Microsemis Website or Fax on Demand System by specifying the Data Sheet ID Fax On Demand (800) 713-4113 REC-6