Current Transducer LA 25-NP/SP14
For the electronic measurement of currents : DC, AC, pulsed,
mixed, with a galvanic isolation between the primary circuit
(high power) and the secondary circuit (electronic circuit).
Electrical data
IPN Primary nominal r.m.s. current 0.25 A
IPPrimary current, measuring range 0 .. ± 0.36 A
R M Measuring resistance RM min RM max
with ± 15 V @ ± 0.25 A max 100 320 Ω
@ ± 0.36 A max 100 190 Ω
ISN Secondary nominal r.m.s. current 25 mA
K N Conversion ratio 100 : 1000
VCSupply voltage (± 5 %) ± 15 V
ICCurrent consumption 10 + ISmA
VdR.m.s. voltage for AC isolation test, 50 Hz, 1 mn 2.5 kV
VbR.m.s. rated voltage 1),safe separation 600 V
basic isolation 1700 V
Accuracy - Dynamic performance data
XTypical accuracy @ IPN , TA = 25°C ± 0.5 %
εLLinearity < 0.2 %
Typ Max
IOOffset current 2) @ IP = 0, TA = 25°C ± 0.05 ± 0.15 mA
IOM Residual current 3) @ IP = 0, after an overload of 3 x IPN ± 0.05 ± 0.15 mA
IOT Thermal drift of IO- 10°C .. + 70°C ± 0.10 ± 0.35 mA
trResponse time 4) @ 90 % of IP max < 1 µs
fFrequency bandwidth (- 1 dB) DC .. 150 kHz
General data
TAAmbient operating temperature - 10 .. + 70 °C
TSAmbient storage temperature - 25 .. + 85 °C
R P Primary coil resistance @ TA = 25°C < 745 mΩ
R S Secondary coil resistance @ TA = 70°C 110 Ω
L P Primary insertion inductance 496 µH
R IS Isolation resistance @ 500 V, TA = 25°C > 1500 MΩ
mMass 22 g
Standards 5) EN 50178
Notes : 1) Pollution class 2
2) Measurement carried out after 15 mn functionning
3) The result of the coercive field of the magnetic circuit
4) With a di/dt of 100 A/µs
5) A list of corresponding tests is available
• Closed loop (compensated) multi-
turns current transducer using the
Hall effect
• Insulated plastic case recognized
according to UL 94-V0.
Special features
• IPN =0.25 A
• IP=0 .. ± 0.36 A
• K N =100 : 1000
• TA=- 10°C .. + 70°C.
• Excellent accuracy
• Very good linearity
• Low temperature drift
• Optimized response time
• Wide frequency bandwidth
• No insertion losses
• High immunity to external
• Current overload capability.
• AC variable speed drives and servo
motor drives
• Static converters for DC motor drives
• Battery supplied applications
• Uninterruptible Power Supplies
• Switched Mode Power Supplies
• Power supplies for welding
IPN =0.25 A
LEM Components www.lem.com