©2003 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FGH20N6S2D / FGP20N6S2D / FGB20N6S2D Rev. A2
FGH20N6S2 / FGP20N6S2 / FGB20N6S2
Handling Precautions for IGBTs
Insulate d G at e Bi polar Transi s to rs are su sceptible to
gate-ins ul at ion damag e by the electrostat ic
discharge of energy through the devices. When
handling these devices, care should be exer cised to
assure that t he st at i c ch arge built in the handler’s
body capacitance is not discharge d th ro ugh the
device. With proper handling an d applicatio n
procedu res, however, IGBTs are currently be in g
extensively used in prod uct ion by numerous
equipment manufacturers in military, industrial and
consumer appli cations, with virtually no da m age
problems due to el ectrost atic di scharge. IGBTs can
be handle d safely if the followin g ba si c pr ecautions
are taken:
1. Prior to assembly into a circuit, all leads should be
kept shorted together either by the use of metal
shorting springs or by the insertion into conduc-
tive material such as “ECCOSORBD™ LD26” or
2. When de v ices are re mo v ed b y ha nd fr om th eir
carriers, the hand being used should be
grounded by any suitable me ans - for example,
with a metallic wristband.
3. Tips of soldering irons should be grounded.
4. Devices should ne ver be inserted into or removed
from circu its w it h power on.
5. Gate Voltage Rating - Never exceed the gate-
voltage rating of VGEM. Exceeding the rated V GE
can result in permanent damage to the oxide
la yer in the gate region.
6. Gate Termination - The gates of these devices
are essentially c apa cit ors . Circuits th at leave the
gate open-circuited or floating should be avoided.
These conditions can result in turn-on of the
device due to voltage buildup on the i nput
capacitor due to le akage cur re nt s or pickup.
7. Gate Pr otecti on - These devices do not have an
inter nal monolithic Zener di ode from ga te to
emitter. If gate protection is req ui re d an external
Zener is re co mmended.
Operating Frequency Information
Operating fr equ ency information for a typical device
(Figure 3) is presented as a guide for estimating
device performanc e for a specifi c ap pl i cati on. Othe r
typica l fre quency vs colle ct or current (ICE) plots are
possible usin g the i nformation show n for a typical
unit in Figur es 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 1 1. The operating
frequency plot (Figure 3) of a typical device shows
fMAX1 or fMAX2; whichever is smaller at each point.
The informat i on i s ba sed on mea surement s of a
typical device and is bounded by the maximum rated
junction temperature.
fMAX1 is defined by fMAX1 = 0.05/(t d(OFF)I+ td(ON)I).
Deadtime (the denominator) has been arbitrarily held
to 10 % of the o n-state ti me for a 50% d u ty factor.
Other definitions are possible. td(OFF)I and td(ON)I are
defined in Figure 21. Device turn- of f de lay can
establish an ad ditional freq uency limi ting condition
f or an appli catio n oth er than TJM. td(OFF)I is impo rtant
when con t ro lling output r i pple und er a ligh tly loaded
fMAX2 is defi ned by f MAX2 = (PD - PC)/(EOFF + EON2).
The allo wab le di ssipation (PD) is d efin e d b y
C)/RθJC. The sum of device switching
and conduction losses must not exceed PD. A 5 0%
duty factor was used (Figure 3) and the conduction
losses (PC) are approxi mated by PC=(V
EON2 and EOFF are defined in the switchin g
waveforms shown in Figure 21. EON2 is the integral
of the instantaneo us power loss (ICE x VCE) during
turn-on and EOFF is the integral of the instantaneous
power loss (ICE xV
CE) during turn-off. All tail losses
are includ ed in the calcul ation for EOFF; i.e., th e
collecto r c urrent equa ls zero (ICE = 0)
ECCOSORBD is a Trademark of Emerson and Cumming, Inc.