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GLENAIR, INC. 1211 AIR WAY GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 818-247-6000 FAX 818-500-9912
© 2013 Glenair, Inc. U.S. CAGE Code 06324 Printed in U.S.A.
Dimensions in inches (millimeters) and are subject to change without notice.
AS85049/41 and MS3057A
Straight Non-Self-Locking Strain Relief
for Use with MS “V” Thread General Duty “A” End Bell
A Thread
TABLE I: Shell Size, Cable Entry and Backshell Dimensions
No. Conn. Shell
Ref.(s) A Thread
Class 2B Cable Entry
Max D
Ref. Ø E F G
±.031 (0.8) ±.031 (0.8) ±.031 (0.8)
3A 8S, 10S 1/2 - 28 UNEF .250 (6.4) .406 (10.3) .688 (17.5) .812 (20.6) .812 (20.6)
4A 10SL, 12S, 12 5/8 - 24 UNEF .312 (7.9) .406 (10.3) .812 (20.6) .875 (22.2) .812 (20.6)
6A 14S, 14 3/4 - 20 UNEF .438 (11.1) .406 (10.3) .969 (24.6) 1.062 (27.0) .875 (22.2)
8A 16S, 16 7/8 - 20 UNEF .562 (14.3) .406 (10.3) 1.094 (27.8) 1.156 (29.4) .938 (23.8)
10A 18 1 - 20 UNEF .625 (15.9) .406 (10.3) 1.188 (30.2) 1.250 (31.8) .938 (23.8)
12A 20, 22 1 3/16 - 18 UNEF .750 (19.1) .406 (10.3) 1.375 (34.9) 1.469 (37.3) .938 (23.8)
16A 24, 28 1 7/16 - 18 UNEF .938 (23.8) .406 (10.3) 1.656 (42.1) 1.688 (42.9) 1.031 (26.2)
20A 32 1 3/4 - 18 UNS 1.250 (31.8) .469 (11.9) 2.031 (51.6) 2.031 (51.6) 1.094 (27.8)
24A 36 2 - 18 UNS 1.375 (34.9) .531 (13.5) 2.219 (56.4) 2.281 (57.9) 1.156 (29.4)
28A 40 2 1/4 - 16 UN 1.625 (41.3) .531 (13.5) 2.500 (63.5) 2.688 (68.3) 1.688 (42.9)
32A 44 2 1/2 - 16 UN 1.875 (47.6) .594 (15.1) 2.781 (70.6) 2.938 (74.6) 1.750 (44.5)
40A 48 3 - 16 UN 2.375 (60.3) .656 (16.7) 3.281 (83.3) 3.500 (88.9) 1.750 (44.5)
Part Number
Part No. Dash
Part Number
M85049/41 -3A
Dash No.
1. Finish on M85049/41 is Cadmium Olive Drab over Electroless Nickel, 1,000 hour salt spray.
2. Assembly to be identied with manufacturer’s name and part number, space permitting.
3. Cable Entry is dened as the accommodation entry for the wire bundle or cable.
Dimensions are not intended for inspection criteria.
4. For complete dimensions, see the applicable Military Specication.
5. Metric dimensions (mm) are in parentheses.
Mouser Electronics
Authorized Distributor
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M83723/15N20R M83723/15N22R M85049/41-20A MS3057-3A MS3057-4A M83723/15S10R M85049/41-10A
M85049/41-16A M85049/41-28A M85049/41-4A M85049/41-6A M85049/41-8A MS27506A10-2 MS27506A12-2
MS27506A16-2 MS27506A18-2 MS27506A24-2 MS27506B10-2 MS27506B12-2 MS27506B14-2 MS27506B16-2
MS27506B18-2 MS27506B20-2 MS27506B24-2 MS27506B8-2 MS27506C10-2 MS27506C16-2 MS27506F10-2
MS27506F12-2 MS27506F14-2 MS27506F18-2 MS27506F24-2 MS27506F8-2 MS3057-10A MS3057-16A
MS3057-24A MS3057-8A MS3057-6A MS27506B22-2 MS3057-12A M85049/41-12A MS27506A142 M85049/41-
24A M85049/41-3A M85049/41-40A M85049/41-32A MS3057-28A MS3057-20A MS3057-32A MS3057-40A
M83723/27M13(M M83723/70G22 M83723/15S14R M83723/27M32(M M83723/27M10(M M83723/27M22(M
M83723/15S8R M83723/27M12(M M83723/27M28(M M83723/27M08(M M83723/27M20(M M83723/15S22R
M83723/70W20 M83723/70G20 M83723/16M10(M M83723/27M11(M M83723/27M14(M M83723/15S16R
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