Getting Started - Introduction 1
Step 1: Defining your PROFInet
components 2
Step 2: Creating PROFInet
Components with STEP 7 3
Step 3 to 7: Configuring a plant
with SIMATIC iMap 4
Step 8: Generating and
downloading 5
Step 9: Diagnostics 6
Step 10: Visualizing Process
If you want to learn more...
Component based Automation
Getting Started
with SIMATIC iMap
Getting Started
Edition 12/2002
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Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
A5E00122600-03 iii
Getting Started - Introduction..................................................................................................1-1
Step 1: Defining your PROFInet components........................................................................2-1
2.1 Breaking do wn the plant into m odules..............................................................2-1
2.2 Defining Devices and Technological Functions................................................2-4
Step 2: Creating PROFInet Components with STEP 7..........................................................3-1
3.1 Basic procedure ................................................................................................3-1
3.2 Creating the Coordinator Component from WinLC PN.....................................3-3
3.2.1 Creating an S7 Project and Configuring the Hardware.....................................3-3
3.2.2 Blocks in the S7 Program..................................................................................3-5
3.2.3 Creating PROF In et Com pone nts......................................................................3-7
3.3 Creating the Conveyor component from ET 200X..........................................3-12
3.3.1 Creating an S7 Project and Configuring the Hardware...................................3-12
3.3.2 Blocks in the S7 Program................................................................................3-14
3.3.3 Creating PROF In et Com pone nts....................................................................3-18
3.4 Creating the ProcessStation component from ET 200S.................................3-19
3.4.1 Creating an S7 Project and Configuring the Hardware...................................3-19
3.4.2 Blocks in the S7 Program................................................................................3-22
3.4.3 Creating PROF In et Com pone nts....................................................................3-26
Step 3 to 7: Configuring a plant with SIMATIC iMap.............................................................4-1
4.1 Step 3: Creating a SIMATIC iMap library..........................................................4-1
4.2 Step 4: Importing PROFInet Components into a Library..................................4-4
4.3 Step 5: Inserting PROFInet components into the project .................................4-7
4.4 Step 6: Assigning addresses...........................................................................4-10
4.5 Step 7: Interconnecting technological functions..............................................4-14
Step 8: Generating and downloading...................................................................................5-17
5.1 Saving and Generating a Project....................................................................5-17
5.2 IM 151/CPU: Download PROFIBUS address to the device for the first time..5-19
5.3 Check ing your Settings ...................................................................................5-23
5.4 Downloading Programs and Interconnections................................................5-27
Step 9: Diagnostics...................................................................................................................6-1
6.1 Monitoring the plant online................................................................................6-1
Step 10: Visualizing process data...........................................................................................7-1
7.1 Analyzing with OPC ..........................................................................................7-1
If you want to learn more .........................................................................................................8-1
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
A5E00122600-03 1-1
Getting Started - Introduction 1
The aim of these instructions is to teach you how to work with SIMATIC iMap with
reference to a specific automation task.
Aims and Target Groups
These instructions can be subdivided into two groups of tasks:
Target group Task
Plant and machine constructors Creating PROFInet components with SIMATIC iMap
STEP 7 AddOn
Plant planners and operators Planning and commission ing a plant with
Visualizing and analyzing process data
Basic Knowledge Required
The basic knowledge you will need depends on your aims.
It is assumed that plant and machine constructors who are creating PROFInet
component will know the following:
How to use stored program controllers,
Knowledge of the SIMATIC modules used (e.g. ET 200S, ET 200X) and
Windows Logic Controller (WinLC PN)
How to work with STEP 7 (e.g. programming and planning)
Planners and plant operators who use the off-the-shelf PROFInet components, and
therefore only work with SIMATIC iMap, also require:
Knowledge of the technical processes used within the plant,
Knowledge of Windows applications,
Knowledge of the PROFInet components used.
Getting Started - Introduction
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
1-2 A5E00122600-03
Description of the Automation Task
In the machining station of a machine, workpieces are fed in (1), machined (2) and
then removed (3). A higher-level controller (4) coordinated the individual partial
functions, and makes the necessary data available via integral operator monitoring
and control functions (5). The machined workpieces are then moved on to a
second machine (6). The number of transported workpieces should also be
recorded on the analysis PC (5).
Figure 1-1 Automation Task
This automation task differs from the viewpoints of the two target groups:
Plant and machine constructors have to create reusable PROFInet components
from the parts of the plant. SIMATIC iMap STEP 7 AddOn helps them to create
PROFInet components from SIMATIC automation and field devices.
Plant planners and operators have to plan the plant with reference to off-the-
shelf PROFInet components. SIMATIC iMap helps them to plan and
commission the plant and to visualize the process data.
Getting Started - Introduction
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
A5E00122600-03 1-3
Steps of the Solution
The automation task can be broken down into individual steps of the solution, from
analysis of the plant through to analysis of the process data. These tasks are
generally carried out by different users, each using the necessary software.
You can also select and edit individual steps for this sample project, where such
steps are of relevance for your specific tasks.
Table 1-1 Steps of the solution for the automation task
Steps Tasks Users Software
Step 1 Defining PROFInet
components C ompon ent crea tor -
Step 2 Creating PROFInet
Components PLC programmers,
STEP 7 users, STEP 7
Step 3 Creating the SIMATIC
iMap library Planners, co mmi ss ion ing
engineers and plant operators SIMATIC iMap
Step 4 Importing PROFInet
Components into a Library Planners, co mmission ing
engineers and plant operators SIMATIC iMap
Step 5 Inserting PROFInet
Components into the
Planners, co mmi ss ion ing
engineers and plant operators SIMATIC iMap
Step 6 Assigning addresses Planners, commissioning
engineers and plant operators SIMATIC iMap
Step 7 Interconnecting
technological functions Planners, co mmi ss ioning
engineers and plant operators SIMATIC iMap
Step 8 Generating and
downloading Planners, co mmi ss ion ing
engineers and plant operators SIMATIC iMap
Step 9 Diagnostics Planners, commissioning
engineers and plant operators SIMATIC iMap
Step 10 Visualizing and analyzing
process data Plant operators, analysis level
(instrume ntat ion and con trol) SIMATIC iMap,
OPC Server,
MS Office,
MS Visual Basic,
C++, etc.
Next Steps
You can Get Started with SIMATIC iMap in the following ways:
If you want to learn about... Read ...
How to create PROFInet components Steps 1 and 2
How to plan a plant with SIMATIC iMap Steps 3 to 9
How to visualize and analyse process data Step 10
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
A5E00122600-03 2-1
Step 1: Defining your PROFInet
components 2
2.1 Breaking down the plant into modules
Breaking Down the Plant into Technological Modules
Before you can create PROFInet components using STEP 7 and then interconnect
the associated technological functions in SIMATIC iMap, you must first break down
the plant into reusable modules. These technological modules should form a single
unit consisting of electrical, mechanical and control functions. The plant described
in the automation task section can be broken down as follows:
Figure 2-1 Breaking Down the Plant into Technological Modules
Step 1: Defining your PROFInet components
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
2-2 A5E00122600-03
Machine 1
Table 2-1 Technological module, machine 1
Modules Designation Stations
Coordination station Coordinator PROFIBUS master: WinLC PN
Transport module Conveyor PROFIBUS slave: SIMATIC ET 200X station
with BM 147 basic module
Machining station ProcessStation PROFIBUS slave: SIMATIC ET 200S station
with IM151/CPU
PC for visualization
and analysis Analysis PC on the Ethernet
Machine 2
Table 2-2 Technological module, machine 2
Modules Designation Stations
Testing station Testing Link to ET 200X station
Machine 2 is listed for the sake of completeness, and is not discussed further in the
following des cri ptio ns.
Step 1: Defining your PROFInet components
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
A5E00122600-03 2-3
Structure of the Plant
Figure 2-2 Structure of the plant from the sample project
Reusable Modules
Breaking down the plant gives the following reusable modules:
one coordination station,
two transport modules,
one machining station
PROFInet components are to be created for these modules.
The next step is to define the devices and technological functions for the PROFInet
components to be created.
Step 1: Defining your PROFInet components
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
2-4 A5E00122600-03
2.2 Defining Devices and Technological Functions
Devices and Component Interfaces of the Modules
Once you have identified the modules in the plant, you can then define the
component interfaces. In STEP 7, the component interface of a PROFInet
component is implemented by the interface DB that determines the connectors
between PROFInet components in SIMATIC iMap.
Interface definitions for the Coordinator, Conveyor and ProcessStation components
are needed for the plant described in the automation task.
Coordinator Component
The coordinator contains the higher-level functions of a plant.
The OFF/ON signals from the control element ("OffOn" input) are converted to a
static ON signal and output at the "StatOn" output. The processing time
"ProcTimeHMI" specified in the control element is limited, and is output at the
"ProcTime" output.
The device is a PC station running WinLC PN V1.1 on the Ethernet with a
PROFIBUS connector. It acts as a DP master with proxy functionality.
Table 2-3 Component interface for the Coordinator component
Input /
Output Name Type Initial value Description
Input OffOn BOOL FALSE OFF/ON pulse from the HMI
Input ProcTimeHMI INT 0 Machining time from the HMI
Output StatIn BOOL FALSE Stations ON
Output ProcTime INT 0 Output machining time
Step 1: Defining your PROFInet components
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
A5E00122600-03 2-5
Conveyor Component
The conveyor element transports the material in one direction and at one speed. It
has a sensor on both the input and the output side.
If no errors have occurred and the conveyor is not assigned, the enable signal is
output at the "ReleaseOut" output for the upstream components. The drive starts
either if a log-on signal is received at the "AnnounceIn" input and the conveyor is in
the ON state without errors, or in response to a rising edge at the sensor on the
input side. The assigned state is set by a rising edge at the sensor on the input
side. The drive stops either in response to the sensor on the output side and if no
enable signal is received at the "ReleaseIn" input from the next element, or in
response to the falling edge at the sensor on the output side, which also resets the
assigned state.
The drive’s run time is monitored. If this time is exceeded, a fault is set at the
"Faulty" output. This can be reset via the "Reset" input on the control element
The device is an ET 200X with a BM 147/CPU basic module that acts as an
intelligent slave on the PROFIBUS.
Table 2-4 Component interface for the Conveyor component
Input /
Output Name Type Initial value Description
Input ON BOOL FALSE ON signal from higher-level
Input ReleaseIn BOOL FALSE Enable signal from downstream
Input AnnounceIn BOOL FALSE Log-on signal from upstream
Output Assigned BOOL FALSE Assigned state
Output ReleaseOut BOOL FALSE Enable signal for upstream
Output AnnounceOut BOOL FALSE Log-on to downstream machine
Table 2-5 Non-interconnectable connectors of the Conveyor component
Input /
Output Name Type Initial value Description
Input Reset BOOL FALSE Initialization from HMI
Output Faulty BOOL FALSE Fault
Step 1: Defining your PROFInet components
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
2-6 A5E00122600-03
The "Reset" input and "Faulty" output are non-interconnectable, i.e. they can only
be accessed via OPC/HMI.
ProcessStation Component
Processing the "ProcessStation" component stops the conveyor. The cylinder then
moves into the working position. Once the machining time has elapsed, it moves
back into the home position and enables the conveyor once more.
If no errors have occurred and the conveyor is not assigned, the enable signal is
output at the "ReleaseOut" output for the upstream components. The drive starts
either if a log-on signal is received at the "AnnounceIn" input and the conveyor is in
the ON state without errors, or in response to a rising edge at the sensor on the
input side. The assigned state is set by a rising edge at the sensor on the input
side. The drive stops either in response to the sensor on the output side and if no
enable signal is received at the "ReleaseIn" input from the next element, or in
response to the falling edge at the sensor on the output side, which also resets the
assigned state.
The drive’s run time is monitored. If the run time is exceeded, a fault is set. This
can be reset using the Reset command on the control element (HMI).
The device is an ET 200S with an IM 151/CPU that acts as an intelligent slave on
Table 2-6 Component interface for the ProcessStation component
Input /
Output Name Type Initial value Description
Input ON BOOL FALSE ON signal from higher-level controller
Input ReleaseIn BOOL FALSE Enable signal from downstream
Input AnnounceIn BOOL FALSE Log-on signal from upstream machine
Input ProcTimeIn INT 0 Setpoint machining time
Input Reset BOOL FALSE Initialization from HMI
Output Assigned BOOL FALSE Assigned state
Output ReleaseOut BOOL FALSE Enable signal for upstream machine
Output AnnounceOut BOOL FALSE Log-on to downstream machine
Output ProcTimeOut INT 0 Actual machining time
Output Faulty BOOL FALSE Fault
Table 2-7 Non-interconnectable connectors of the ProcessStation component
Input /
Output Name Type Initial value Description
Input Reset BOOL FALSE Initialization from HMI
Output Faulty BOOL FALSE Fault
Step 1: Defining your PROFInet components
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
A5E00122600-03 2-7
The "Reset" input and "Faulty" output are non-interconnectable, i.e. they can only
be accessed via OPC/HMI.
Interconnection Diagram
Figure 2-3 Interconnection Diagram
Next Steps
If you want to create your own PROFInet components using STEP 7, then go to
Step 2.
If you prefer to design a plant with SIMATIC iMap using off-the-shelf PROFInet
components, then go to Step 3.
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
A5E00122599-03 3-1
Step 2: Creating PROFInet Components
with STEP 7 3
3.1 Basic procedure
The "Creating PROFInet Components with STEP 7" chapter is only of relevance to
users who create their own PROFInet components.
Requirements for creating components
Windows 2000, SP3 or later must be installed on the PG/PC.
The hardware configuration for the PROFInet components to be created is
The component interfaces are defined.
STEP 7 V5.2 must be installed.
SIMATIC iMap STEP 7 AddOn V1.2 or later is installed.
Which PROFInet components are created?
There are three PROFInet components to be created for machine 1 in the sample
Table 3-1 PROFInet components for the sample project
Creating PROFInet
components from
PC / station Function Designation of the
a WinLC PN PC with WinLC PN Plant controller Coordinator
an intelligent DP
slave (I slave) ET 200X station Workpiece feeder Conveyor
an intelligent DP
slave (I slave) ET 200S station Workpiece
machining ProcessStation
Step 2: Creating PROFInet Components with STEP 7
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
3-2 A5E00122599-03
Main Procedure
The PROFInet components are created using STEP 7. The following steps are
required to create each PROFInet component:
1. In SIMATIC Manager, create a project for a component and configure the
station hardware in HW Config.
2. Create the interface DB for the component interface.
3. Create and test the S7 program.
4. Select the PROFInet component using a menu command and store it in a
Procedure with STEP 7 Sample Projects
Sample projects for the automation task described above are installed, together
with SIMAT IC iMap STEP 7 AddOn, in the Step7 \ Examples directory. If you use
these samples, you will not need to carry out steps 1 to 3 above. You can open
and view ind ivid ua l blocks from the STEP 7 projec ts supplie d, but you will not have
to copy any blocks or type out sections of programs.
The existing sample projects require the following procedure in the subsequent
1. Open the sample project in SIMATIC Manager and Hardware configuration.
2. Open the interface DB and other program blocks.
3. Create the PROFInet component.
The sample projects can be used as templates for creating further PROFInet
components. Steps 2 and 3 allow you to modify these projects to suit your
More Detailed Information
The information in these Getting Started instructions is limited to the sample project
and the bare essentials. For more detailed information on the individual topics,
consult the SIMATIC iMap online documentation under "Creating PROFInet
Components with STEP 7".
Next Steps
Starting SIMATIC Manager and opening the sample projects one after another.
Step 2: Creating PROFInet Components with STEP 7
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
A5E00122599-03 3-3
3.2 Creating the Coordinator Component from WinLC PN
3.2.1 Creating an S7 Project and Configuring the Hardware
S7 project for the "Coordinator" component
Table 3-2 Coordinator: S7 sample project, hardware configuration
Step Description
1 In SIMATIC Manager, select the File > Open... menu command to open the
sample project for the "Coordinator" component. The project is located under
"ZEn27_02_PN_Coordinator" on the "Sample projects" tab. The path is
Examples\ZEn27_02 in the Step7 folder.
2 Select the File > Save As... menu command to create a copy of the project.
3 Open the copied project and its hardware configuration. The coordinator is
configured as a PC station running WinLC PN V1.1 and with an Ethernet
connector via the IE General communication processor.
Step 2: Creating PROFInet Components with STEP 7
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
3-4 A5E00122599-03
Step Description
Next Steps
Opening the program blocks for the "Coordinator" component and learning about
its PROFInet-specific features.
Step 2: Creating PROFInet Components with STEP 7
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
A5E00122599-03 3-5
3.2.2 Blocks in the S7 Program
The block folder for the project contains the S7 program blocks. The interface DB
(DB100) was created specifically for the basic project from which the "Coordinator"
PROFInet component is created.
In all the sample projects described here, the interface DB is the global data block
Interface DB
The interface DB contains the interface definition of the PROFInet component. It
returns the STEP 7 program name and the data types and attributes of the inputs
and outputs. In SIMATIC iMap, connector information entered about the PROFInet
component is converted into graphical format:
Example: Interface DB
Step 2: Creating PROFInet Components with STEP 7
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
3-6 A5E00122599-03
User-Defined Attributes
The user-defined attributes are an important part of interface DB declarations.
Step Description
1 In SIMATIC Manager, open the block folder for the "Coordinator" project.
2 Select block DB100 and open the Object Properties dialog.
The "Attributes" tab should contain the attribute "CBA_db", with the value "true".
This attribute identifies the block as an interface DB.
3 Close the "Properties" dialog.
4 Double click on DB100 to open it.
Inputs and outputs that are identified by a flag symbol also have user-defined
attributes that determine the type of connector.
5 Click on the flag symbol to view the assigned attributes.
The "OffOn" entry is identified as the first input.
The "StatOn" entry is identified as the first output. It has the attribute
"CBA_directi on" and the val ue "out ".
Additional information about user-defined attributes can be found under "Properties
of the Interface DB" in the SIMATIC iMap basic help.
Step 2: Creating PROFInet Components with STEP 7
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
A5E00122599-03 3-7
Organizational Bl ocks Required
The S7 program on the WinLC PN must contain the following organizational blocks
in order to be able to respond to events:
Diagnostic alarm OB (OB 82) e.g. if a DP slave is switched to STOP or RUN
Program sequence error OB (OB 85) e.g. for errors that occur when the
process image is updated when a DP slave fails
Rack failure OB (OB 86) e.g. when the connection to a DP slave is interrupted
3.2.3 Creating PROFInet Components
The S7 project for the "Coordinator" component has been created and the
hardware is configured.
The interface DB has been created.
The S7 program has been created.
Create separate folders as the storage locations for each of the components. This
is the only way to ensure that you do not overwrite existing PROFInet components
in the sample project.
Step 2: Creating PROFInet Components with STEP 7
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
3-8 A5E00122599-03
Creating PROFInet Components
The following steps describe how to create a PROFInet component from the
"Coordinator" station.
Step Description
1 In SIMATIC Manager, highlight the "Coordinator" station, and then select the
Create PROFInet component command from the context menu.
Step 2: Creating PROFInet Components with STEP 7
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
A5E00122599-03 3-9
Step Description
The "Create PROFInet com pone nt" dia log ope ns.
Step 2: Creating PROFInet Components with STEP 7
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
3-10 A5E00122599-03
Step Description
2 On the "Storage Areas" tab, click on the "Browse..." button, and select the folder
that you created from the file system as the location for storing your PROFInet
components, e.g. D:\PROFInet_components.
Step 2: Creating PROFInet Components with STEP 7
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
A5E00122599-03 3-11
Step Description
3 The paths to the icons and the documentation link then appear on the
"Additional Properties" tab.
A brief description of the sampl e comp onen ts can be found in the sample
project folder, i.e. \Examples\ZEn27_02\Coordinator.htm
The Coordinator PROFInet component is stored as an XML file in a separate
directory together with the STEP 7 project.
Next Steps
Opening the S7 sample project for the "Conveyor" component.
Step 2: Creating PROFInet Components with STEP 7
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
3-12 A5E00122599-03
3.3 Creating the Conveyor component from ET 200X
3.3.1 Creating an S7 Project and Configuring the Hardware
S7 project for the "Conveyor" component
Table 3-3 Conveyor: S7 sample project, hardware configuration
Step Description
1 In SIMATIC Manager, select the File > Open... menu command to open the
sample project for the "Conveyor" component. The project is located under
"ZEn27_01_PN_ Conveyor" on the "Sample projects" tab. The path is
Examples\ZEn27_01 in the Step7 folder.
2 Select the File > Save As... menu command to create a copy of the project.
Step 2: Creating PROFInet Components with STEP 7
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
A5E00122599-03 3-13
Step Description
3 Open the copied project and its hardware configuration. The conveyor element
is configured as a SIMATIC 300 station with the ET 200X distributed peripheral
and the BM 147 basic module as a programmable DP slave.
Next Steps
Opening the program blocks for the "Conveyor" component and learning about its
PROFInet-specific features.
Step 2: Creating PROFInet Components with STEP 7
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
3-14 A5E00122599-03
3.3.2 Blocks in the S7 Program
The block folder of the sample project contains the S7 program blocks. The
interface DB (DB100) was created specifically for the basic project from which the
"Conveyor" PROFInet component will be created. You will also need the PN_IN
(FC10) and PN_OUT (FC11) functions and the PN_IO_DB (DB2) data block.
Interface DB
The interface DB contains the interface definition of the PROFInet component. It
returns the STEP 7 program name and the data types and attributes of the inputs
and outputs.
In SIMATIC iMap, connector information entered about the PROFInet component is
converted into graphical format:
Step 2: Creating PROFInet Components with STEP 7
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
A5E00122599-03 3-15
User-Defined Attributes
The user-defined attributes are an important part of interface DB declarations.
Step Description
1 In SIMATIC Manager, open the block folder for the "Conveyor" project.
2 Select block DB100 and open the Object Properties dialog.
The "Attributes" tab should contain the attribute "CBA_db", with the value "true".
This attribute identifies the block as an interface DB.
3 Close the "Properties" dialog.
4 Double click on DB100 to open it.
Inputs and outputs that are identified by a flag symbol also have user-defined
attributes that determine the type of connector.
Step 2: Creating PROFInet Components with STEP 7
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3-16 A5E00122599-03
Step Description
5 Click on the flag symbol to view the assigned attributes.
The "IN" entry is identified as the first input. It has the attribute "CBA_direction"
and the value "in". The "Reset" and "Faulty" entries are identified as non-
connectable, i.e. they can only be accessed via OPC, and do not appear as
connectors in the SIMATIC iMap plant view. They have the attribute
"CBA_transfer_type" and the value "s7extended".
The "Pad" entry is identifie d as a separator ele men t to ensure corre ct alig nme nt
at the ends of words. It has the attribute "CBA_pad_item" and the value "true".
The "Assigned" entry is identified as the first output. It has the attribute
"CBA_directi on" and the val ue "out ".
Additional information about the user-defined attributes can be found under
"Properties of the Interface DB" in the SIMATIC iMap basic help.
Other blocks
The following blocks are important while the program for the PROFInet
components to be created is running:
Block Description
FC10 PN_IN - Copies the data from the transfer area of the CPU pre-processor to
the inputs of the interface DB
Attribute: CBA_islave_copy_fc and value: in
FC11 PN_OUT - Copies the outputs of the interface DB to the transfer area of the
CPU pre-processor
Attribute: CBA_islave_copy_fc and value: out
DB2 PN_IO_DB Data block, parameters of the PN_IN and PN_OUT function calls
Attribute: CBA_islave_copy_db and value: true
The data block number can be modified as required.
The functions PN_IN and PN_OUT are called in the user program (OB1) for an
intelligent DP slave. The PN_IO_DB data block is passed as a parameter.
Step 2: Creating PROFInet Components with STEP 7
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
A5E00122599-03 3-17
Function Calls in OB1
The block PN_IN (FC10) must be called right at the start of OB1 to ensure that it is
the current data that is transferred.
Table 3-4 Call: PN_IN
Call Block no.
The block PN_OUT (FC11) must be called right at the end of OB1 to ensure that
the data in the transfer area is not overwritten.
Table 3-5 Call: PN_OUT
Call Block no.
Additional information about blocks can be found under "Special Features of DP
Slaves" in the SIMATIC iMap basic help.
Organizational Bl ocks Required
The S7 program of an intelligent DP slave must contain the following organizational
blocks in order to be able to respond to events:
Diagnostic alarm OB (OB 82) e.g. if the DP master is switched to STOP or
Rack failure OB (OB 86) e.g. when the connection to the DP master is
Next Steps
Creating the "Conveyor" PROFInet component from the PC station for the STEP 7
Step 2: Creating PROFInet Components with STEP 7
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3.3.3 Creating PROFInet Components
The S7 project for the "Conveyor" component has been created and the
hardware is configured.
The interface DB has been created.
The S7 program has been created.
Creating PROFInet Components
Create the PROFInet component from the "Conveyor" station following the
description in the section entitled "Creating a Coordinator Component from WinLC
The "Conveyor" PROFInet component is stored as an XML file in a separate
directory together with the STEP 7 project.
Next Steps
Opening the S7 sample project for the "ProcessStation" component.
Step 2: Creating PROFInet Components with STEP 7
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3.4 Creating the ProcessStation component from ET 200S
3.4.1 Creating an S7 Project and Configuring the Hardware
S7 project for the "ProcessStation" component
Table 3-6 ProcessStation: S7 sample project, hardware configuration
Step Description
1 In SIMATIC Manager, select the File > Open... menu command to open the
sample project for the "ProcessStation" component. The project is located under
"ZEn27_03_PN _Proc es sStat ion " on the "Sample project s" tab. The path is
Examples\ZEn27_03 in the Step7 folder.
2 Select the File > Save As... menu command to create a copy of the project.
Step 2: Creating PROFInet Components with STEP 7
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Step Description
3 Open the copied project and its hardware configuration. The process station is
configured as a SIMATIC 300 station with the ET 200S distributed peripheral
and IM 151/CPU as a programmable DP slave.
4 Check the settings of the integral interface. Click on the X1 MPI/DP line and
open the object properties. The interface must be set to the "PROFIBUS" type
on the "General" tab.
Step 2: Creating PROFInet Components with STEP 7
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Step Description
5 The operating mode "DP slave" must be set on the "Operating mode" tab with
the "Commissioning/Test operation" option.
Next Steps
Opening the program blocks for the "ProcessStation" component and learning
about its PROFInet-specific features.
Step 2: Creating PROFInet Components with STEP 7
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3.4.2 Blocks in the S7 Program
The block folder of the sample project contains the S7 program blocks. The
interface DB (DB100) was created specifically for the basic project from which the "
ProcessStation " PROFInet component will be created. You will also need the
PN_IN (FC10) and PN_OUT (FC11) functions and the PN_IO_DB (DB2) data
Interface DB
The interface DB contains the interface definition of the PROFInet component. It
returns the STEP 7 program name and the data types and attributes of the inputs
and outputs.
In SIMATIC iMap, connector information entered about the PROFInet component is
converted into graphical format:
Step 2: Creating PROFInet Components with STEP 7
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User-Defined Attributes
The user-defined attributes are an important part of interface DB declarations.
Step Description
1 In SIMATIC Manager, open the block folder for the "ProcessStation" project.
2 Select block DB100 and open the Object Properties dialog.
The "Attributes" tab should contain the attribute "CBA_db", with the value "true".
This attribute identifies the block as an interface DB.
3 Close the "Properties" dialog.
4 Double click on DB100 to open it.
Inputs and outputs that are identified by a flag symbol also have user-defined
attributes that determine the type of connector.
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Step Description
5 Click on the flag symbol to view the assigned attributes.
The On entry is identified as the first input. It has the attribute "CBA_direction"
and the value "in".
The "Reset" and "Faulty" entries are identified as non-connectable, i.e. they can
only be accessed via OPC, and do not appear as connectors in the SIMATIC
iMap plant view. They have the attribute "CBA_transfer_type" and the value
The "Pad" entry is identifie d as a separator ele men t to ensure corre ct alig nme nt
at the ends of words. It has the attribute "CBA_pad_item" and the value "true".
The "Assigned" entry is identified as the first output. It has the attribute
"CBA_directi on" and the val ue "out ".
Additional information about the user-defined attributes can be found under
"Properties of the Interface DB" in the SIMATIC iMap basic help.
Other blocks
The following blocks are important while the program for the PROFInet
components to be created is running:
Block Description
FC10 PN_IN - Copies the data from the transfer area of the CPU pre-processor to
the inputs of the interface DB
Attribute: CBA_islave_copy_fc and value: in
FC11 PN_OUT - Copies the outputs of the interface DB to the transfer area of the
CPU pre-processor
Attribute: CBA_islave_copy_fc and value: out
DB2 PN_IO_DB Data block, parameters of the PN_IN and PN_OUT function calls
Attribute: CBA_islave_copy_db and value: true
The data block number can be modified as required.
The functions PN_IN and PN_OUT are called in the user program (OB1) for an
intelligent DP slave. The PN_IO_DB data block is passed as a parameter.
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Function Calls in OB1
The block PN_IN (FC10) must be called right at the start of OB1 to ensure that it is
the current data that is transferred.
Table 3-7 Call: PN_IN
Call Block no.
The block PN_OUT (FC11) must be called right at the end of OB1 to ensure that
the data in the transfer area is not overwritten.
Table 3-8 Call: PN_OUT
Call Block no.
Additional information about blocks can be found under "Special Features of DP
Slaves" in the SIMATIC iMap basic help.
Organizational Bl ocks Required
The S7 program of an intelligent DP slave must contain the following organizational
blocks in order to be able to respond to events:
Diagnostic alarm OB (OB 82) e.g. if the DP master is switched to STOP or
Rack failure OB (OB 86) - e.g. when the connection to the DP master is
Next Steps
Creating the "ProcessStation" PROFInet component from the PC station for the
STEP 7 project.
Step 2: Creating PROFInet Components with STEP 7
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3.4.3 Creating PROFInet Components
The S7 project for the " ProcessStation" component has been created and the
hardware is configured.
The interface DB has been created.
The S7 program has been created.
Creating PROFInet Components
Create the PROFInet component from the "ProcessStation" station following the
description in the section entitled "Creating a Coordinator Component from
W inLC PN".
The "ProcessStation" PROFInet component is saved as an XML file in the STEP 7
Next Steps
Once you have created all your PROFInet components, you can close STEP 7 and
move on to step 3.
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Step 3 to 7: Configuring a plant with
4.1 Step 3: Creating a SIMATIC iMap library
SIMATIC iMap must be installed on your PC/PG.
The PROFInet components have been created and stored in the file system.
Alternative procedures
There are two ways to insert PROFInet components from the sample project into a
SIMATIC iMap project:
Create a new library in SIMATIC iMap, then import the PROFInet components
created in STEP 7 from the file system into the library.
Open the "Getting_Started" library with the off-the-shelf PROFInet components.
Step 3 to 7: Configuring a plant with SIMATIC iMap
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Creating a New Library
Libraries are used to administer and structure your PROFInet components.
Table 4-1 Creating a New Library
Step Description
1 Start SIMATIC iMap by selecting Start / Programs / Component based
Automation / SIMATIC iMap.
2 Select Library > New....
3 Under Search in, sel ect the path Programs / Siemens / iMap / libs.
4 In the "libs" folder, create a library with the file name "lib_1. Click on the "Save"
button to confirm your input.
The library is created and opened in the library window.
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Opening the Off-the-Shelf Library
Table 4-2 Opening the Off-the-Shelf Library
Step Description
1 Start SIMATIC iMap by selecting Start / Programs / Component based
Automation / SIMATIC iMap.
2 Select Library > Open....
3 Under Search in, sel ect the path Programs / Siemens / iMap examples /
4 Open the "Getting_Started" folder and select the Getting_St arted .cb l" library.
Click on the "Open" button to confirm your input.
The library is opened in the library window.
You can also open SIMATIC iMap by clicking on the iMap icon on your desktop.
In libraries, you can sort PROFInet components by technology, for example.
A SIMATIC iMap library for "Getting Started" containing off-the-shelf PROFInet
components can be found in the iMap install directory at
Next Steps
Once you have created a new library, you should then import the PROFInet
components that you created in STEP 7 from the file system and into the new
library. To do this, go to step 4.
If you wish to work with the off-the-shelf library which already contains a number
of prepared PROFInet components from the sample project, then go to step 5.
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4.2 Step 4: Importing PROFInet Components into a Library
The library "lib_1" must be created and open in SIMATIC iMap.
The PROFInet components were created with STEP 7 and are stored in the
"PROFInet_Components" folder in the file system or
the path to the off-the-shelf PROFInet components is already known (generally
Programs / Siemens / iMap / examples / components).
Importing Components into the Library
Before you can edit the PROFInet components in the sample project, you must first
import them from the file system and into the new SIMATIC iMap library.
Table 4-3 Importing Components into the Library
Step Description
1 Right click in the library window and then select the Import
Components...command from the context menu.
2 Under Search in, sel ect the path Programs / Siemens / iMap / components.
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Step Description
3 Select the "coordinator.xml" file from the "Coordinator" folder. Click on the
"Open" button to confirm your input.
The "Coordinator" PROFInet component is imported into the library and is
displayed as an icon.
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Step Description
4 Repeat steps 1 to 3 with the "Conveyor" and "Proc es sStat ion" PROFInet
components until you have imported all the PROFInet components that you
need for your project into the library.
The preview window contains the PROFInet component that is selected in the
library window. It is represented as a technological function with inputs and
outputs or as a device with its bus ports on two table (see diagrams above).
You can change the component representation and display the details using the
View context menu in the library window.
Next Steps
Inserting PROFInet components from the library into the project.
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4.3 Step 5: Inserting PROFInet components into the project
The PROFInet components have been imported into the library and the "lib_1"
library is open.
The "Getting_Started" library is open.
Inserting PROFInet Components from the Library into the Project
PROFInet components can be inserted into the plant view or into the network view
for the project in one of the following ways:
Highlight the component in the library window and then select Paste Into
Project from the context menu.
Drag the component from the library into one of the windows network view,
plant view or project window.
Table 4-4 Inserting PROFInet Components into the Project
Step Description
1 Switch from the plant view to the network view.
2 In the library window, highlight the "Coordinator" component, then select Paste
Into Project from the context menu.
The Ethernet is represented by a green line and the PROFIBUS by a violet line
in the network view. The "Coordinator" is automatically coupled to the Ethernet
and as a master to the PROFIBUS.
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Step Description
3 Use Drag & Drop to insert the "Conveyor" component from the library into the
network view. The possible destinations on the PROFIBUS are indicated by
green segments.
4 Repeat step 3 with the "ProcessStation" and "Conveyor" components until you
have inserted all the components that you need for your project.
In the project window, the component is listed as a technological function on the
"Plant chart" tab and as a device on the "Network chart" tab.
If a DP slave component is inserted into the network view first, then this
component appears in the network view above a separating line. It can then be
connected to the PROFIBUS using Drag&Drop.
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Example for Unconnected Components
Figure 4-1 Example for Unconnected Components
Close any windows that you do not need. You can open them again using the View
Next Steps
Assigning addresses to the devices in the network view.
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4.4 Step 6: Assigning addresses
The PROFInet components have been inserted into the project.
The IP address and subnet mask for the PC on which the WinLC PN is installed
are both known.
The PROFIBUS addresses have been set for the devices.
The addresses must be assigned to the devices in the plant using the device-
specific resources normally used for commissioning.
The PROFIBUS address of the ET 200X, BM 147/CPU is set at the DIL switch
on the device (see the ET 200X manual).
The PROFIBUS address of the ET 200S, IM 151/CPU is assigned via HW
Config (see the section entitled "IM 151/CPU: Downloading the PROFIBUS
address to the device for the first time").
Assigning Addresses in SIMATIC iMap
The IP and PROFIBUS addresses of the physical devices in the plant are assigned
to the devices in the iMap project. Addresses are needed in order to give a unique
identification to each PROFInet device, and thus allow communication
(downloading, online monitoring) between SIMATIC iMap and the devices in the
Step 3 to 7: Configuring a plant with SIMATIC iMap
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Table 4-5 Assigning Addresses in SIMATIC iMap
Step Description
1 In the network view, highlight the "Coordinator" component, then select Edit >
Make sure that the device number (e.g. WinLC PN) is the same as the
station name in the associated component wizard.
(See the section entitled "Checking your Settings")
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Step Description
2 On the "Addresses" tab, enter the IP address and subnet mask of the WinLC
PN. These must be the IP address and subnet mask of the PC on which the
WinLC PN is running. Click on the "OK" button to confirm your input. The
addresses are then assigned to the component.
3 In the network view, highlight the "Conveyor" component and select Edit >
Properties.... On the "Addresses" tab, enter the PROFIBUS address as set on
the device using the DIL sw itch, and click on the "OK" button to conf irm your
Step 3 to 7: Configuring a plant with SIMATIC iMap
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Step Description
4 Repeat step 3 for the "ProcessStation" and "Conveyor_1" components. All the
addresses are now assigned,
You can assign any names to the devices, apart from the name of the WinLC PN,
which must be identical to the station name set in the associated component
Next Steps
Interconnecting the technological functions in the project plant view.
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4.5 Step 7: Interconnecting technological functions
The PROFInet components must be correctly coupled to the networks.
The component interfaces, i.e.the connector assignments and the
interconnection diagram must be known.
Rules for interconnection
You must always connect an output to an input, but an output may be
interconnected to several inputs.
The two connectors of an interconnection must be of the same data type, e.g.
both of type I2 or type U12.
Interconnecting Technological Functions
You can interconnect technological functions in the plant view.
Table 4-6 Interconnecting Technological Functions
Step Description
1 Switch from the network view to the plant view. When the technological
functions first appear in the plant view, they are overlapped.
2 Use Drag & Drop to arrange the technological functions, and thus make the
plant clearer and easier to understand. To drag a function, click on its title bar.
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Step Description
3 a ) Click on the "StatOn" output of the coordinator and on the "On" input of the
a) Click on the "StatOn" output of the coordinator and on the "On" input of the
ProcessStation. The interconnection is represented by a line. Connector points
of the same type, e.g. BOOL, are shown in green. The selected output and the
currently selected input are also shown in green.
4 Interconnect the inputs and outputs of the techn olo gic al functions. The
connector assignments are shown in the following interconnection diagram.
Interconnections are replaced by numbered continuation connectors if a line
cannot be represented. You can change the representation of the lines by moving
the technological functions as required.
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Check the interconnections before you go any further:
1. Open SIMATIC iMap again. A warning appears, telling you that the library
cannot be opened a second time. Simply ignore this message for this step.
2. Open the "Getting_Started" sample project.
3. Compare the connectors in the plant view.
You can use the Properties... context menu to display information about the
connectors of a selected technological function.
Select View > Plant view > Dot Screen to display a dot screen to simplify
positioning of your technological functions.
Select View > Zoom to change the size of the plant view on screen.
Next Steps
Saving a nd gen erati ng a projec t.
Step 8: Generating and downloading
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Step 8: Generating and downloading 5
5.1 Saving and Generating a Project
STEP 7 must be installed on the same computer as SIMATIC iMap.
The "lib_1" library must be open, although the library window may be closed.
Saving and Generating a Project
When you generate the SIMATIC iMap project, the current data concerning the
PROFInet components is prepared for downloading to the devices of the plant.
Table 5-1 Saving and Generating a Project
Step Description
1 Select Project > Generate > Changes Only. A message appears to tell you
that the project must be automatically saved before generating. You are asked
whether you wish to continue. Click on "Yes" to confirm. The "Save SIMATIC
iMap Project As" dialog opens.
2 Under Search in, sel ect the path Programs / Siemens / iMap / projects.
3 Enter "Plant_1" as the project file name and click on the "Save" button to
confirm your input. The project is saved and generated.
The entire project is generated when you call the Project > Generate >
Changes Only menu command for the first time. Thereafter only the changes
are generated when you call this menu command again.
Step 8: Generating and downloading
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Step Description
4 You can follow the generation progress messages in the Info window.
Generation can take a long time for large projects, You can cancel generation at
any time by clicking on the "Cancel" button in the message box.
If generation is successful, all the PROFInet components in the project are
assigned the generation status "generated" in their properties. The program can
then be downlo ade d.
Next Steps
Download the assigned PROFIBUS address to the IM 151/CPU for the first time.
Step 8: Generating and downloading
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5.2 IM 151/CPU: Download PROFIBUS address to the device for the first
PROFIBUS address of the IM 151/CPU
In step 6, you assigned a PROFIBUS address to the IM151_CPU device in
SIMATIC iMap. You will have to download this PROFIBUS address from STEP 7
via MPI to the device yourself for the first time.
The IM 151/CPU must be set to STOP.
The PG/PC must be connected to the IM151/CPU via MPI.
The SIMATIC iMap project must have been generated. When you open the
properties of the IM151_CPU device, the generation status "Generated" must
appear on the "General" tab. Generate the project if this is not the case.
Step 8: Generating and downloading
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5-20 A5E00122600-03
Do wnloa d PROFIBUS addres s to th e device fo r th e firs t time
Table 5-2 IM 151/CPU: Download PROFIBUS address to the device for the first time
Step Description
1 Set the PG/PC interface to MPI.
From the task bar, select:
Start > Simatic > STEP 7 > Set PG/PC Interface. Configure the PG/PC interface as
Note: The communication processor may have a different name on your PG.
2 In the SIMATIC iMap network view, select the device IM151_CPU and then select
Special > Configuration from the contex t menu.
The station hardware configuration is opened in the shadow project.
Step 8: Generating and downloading
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Step Description
3 In HW Config, select PLC > Download to Module.
In the "Select Target Module" dialog box, select the IM 151 / CPU and click on "OK" to
Step 8: Generating and downloading
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Step Description
4 In the "Select Station Address" dialog, enter the MPI address of the CPU or click on "OK"
to accept the displayed address, e.g:
Result: The system data, including the PROFIBUS address, are downloaded to the IM
151 / CPU. The ET 200S can then communicate via the PROFIBUS.
5 Connect the ET 200S to the WinLC PN using the PROFIBUS cable.
Next Steps
Check the PG/PC interface and PC station settings on your computer. You can
then download the project data from SIMATIC iMap to the devices of the plant.
Step 8: Generating and downloading
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5.3 Checking your Settings
Possible configurations
With WinLC PN, we distinguish between two situations:
STEP 7/SIMATIC iMap and WinLC PN are both on the local PC
STEP 7/SIMATIC iMap are on the local PC, while WinLC PN is on the remote
The settings you will need for both configurations are described below.
General requirements
SIMATIC NET IE SOFTNET-PG V6.0 + SP5 or later must be installed on both the
local and the remote PC (with the WinLC PN).
STEP 7, SIMATIC iMap and WinLC PN are both on the local PC
Station name and device name
The station name of the PC containing the WinLC PN must be the same as the
device names of the "Coordinator" components in the SIMATIC iMap network view.
You can modify the station names:
via the "Station name" button in the component wizard.
via the device properties in the SIMATIC iMap network view.
Step 8: Generating and downloading
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Table 5-3 Settings on the local PG/PC
Step Description
1 Select the following command:
Start > Simatic > SIMATIC NET > Settings > Set PC Station
The configuration console opens.
2 Under "Modules" in the "Tree" window, select the Ethernet module of the
The "Configured mode" operating mode must be set under "General".
The index must be the same as the CP "IE General" slot in the component
project in STEP 7/HW Config.
3 Select the PROFIBUS module of the computer.
The "PG mode" operating mode must be set under "General".
Step 8: Generating and downloading
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Step Description
4 Select "Access Points" and check the following settings:
The local PROFIBUS module must be set as the access point for the
"CP_L2_1" application.
"PC internal (local) must be set as the access point for the "S7ONLINE
(STEP 7)" application.
5 Accept any changes and close the configuration console.
You can also set the access points using Start > Settings > Control Panel > Set
PG/PC Interfa ce.
Step 8: Generating and downloading
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STEP 7 and SIMATIC iMap are on the local PC, while WinLC PN is on the
remote PC
Table 5-4 Settings on the local PG/PC (with SIMATIC iMap)
Step Description
1 Select the following command:
Start > Simatic > SIMATIC NET > Settings > Set PC Station
The configuration console opens.
2 Select the Ethernet module in the computer from the "Tree" window.
The "PG mode" operating mode must be set under "General".
3 Select "Access Points" and check the following setting:
"TCP/IP must be set as the access point for the "S7ONLINE (STEP 7)"
4 Accept any changes and close the configuration console.
5 Open the "Plant_1" project in SIMATIC iMap.
6 Select any device from the SIMATIC iMap network view, then select Special >
Assign PG/PC.
This and the next step only have to be carried out if the automatic PG/PC
assignment when the project was generated was unsuccessful. A message
appears in the Info window in the event of an error.
7 From the "Assign PG/PC" dialog, select a new interface of the industrial
Ethernet type and assign this to your project. Detailed information can be found
in the online help for that dialog box or in the SIMATIC iMap help topics under
"Assign PG/PC".
Table 5-5 Settings on the remote PG/PC
Step Description
1 Select the following command:
Start > Simatic > SIMATIC NET > Settings > Set PC Station
The configuration console opens.
2 Select the Ethernet module in the computer from the "Tree window.
The "Configured mode" operating mode must be set under "General".
The index must be the same as the CP "IE General" slot in the component
project in STEP 7/HW Config.
3 Select the PROFIBUS module in the computer from the "Tree window.
The "PG mode" operating mode must be set under "General".
4 Accept any changes and close the configuration console.
5 Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Set PG/PC interface. C he ck the
following sett ing:
The local PROFIBUS module must be set as the access point for the
"CP_L2_1" application.
Step 8: Generating and downloading
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5.4 Downloading Programs and Interconnections
The project has been saved under "Plant_1" and has been generated without
STEP 7 and SIMATIC NET have been installed.
The WinLC PN has started and is in the STOP or RUN-P state. (If it is in the
RUN-P state, it will be stopped during the download).
The devices of the plant are running.
If the WinLC PN is on a remote PC: The PG/PC is connected to the remote PC
via Ethernet. The DP slaves ET 200X and ET 200S are connected to the WinLC
The necessary PG/PC interface and PC station settings have been made.
Commissioning of the individual devices is described in the associated product
Downloading transfers data from SIMATIC iMap to the devices of the plant. All or
just the selected PROFInet components may be downloaded. The following data
may be downloaded using the Online menu:
The user programs you have created, including the hardware and network
the interconnections between technological functions,
all, i.e.both programs and interconnections.
The program must be downloaded when a device is commissioned.
Interconnections can be downloaded later if required, for example in order to test
the PROFInet communication between the components.
Step 8: Generating and downloading
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
5-28 A5E00122600-03
Downloading Programs and Interconnections
For the sample project, the programs and interconnections of all the PROFInet
components will be downloaded to the devices of the plant.
Table 5-6 Downloading Programs and Interconnections
Step Description
1 In the network view, highlight the "Coordinator" device (WinLC PN) and select
Online > Download Selected Device > All.
The program and interconnections are downloaded to the WinLC PN. You are
then prompted to stop the WinLC.
2 Click on "Yes" to confirm the message.
Messages appear, asking whether you want to overwrite individual blocks.
3 Click on the "Yes" button to confirm these mess ag es.
The blocks are overwritten with the new programs from SIMATIC iMap.
You are then prompted to restart the WinLC.
4 Click on the "Yes" button to confirm the message.
5 In the network view, highlight all the other devices and select Online >
Download Selected Device > All.
The programs and interconnections of the selected PROFInet components are
downloaded to the devices of the plant.
Messages similar to those for the WinLC PN appear for the other devices.
6 Click on the "Yes" button to confirm these mes sag es.
7 Messages concerning progress of the dow nload and as kin g whether you w ish
to cancel the action appear in the Info window.
Downloading can take a long time for large projects, You can cancel the process at
any time by clicking on the "Cancel" button in the message box.
Step 8: Generating and downloading
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
A5E00122600-03 5-29
You can determine which devices need a program download by carrying out an
online-offline comparison.
If you have only changed interconnections in the project, then only the
interconnections have to be downloaded. You do not have to download the
program again.
A program download is generally only needed once, while the interconnections
can be downloaded as often as required.
The devices and technological functions that require interconnections to be
downloaded are identified by a "download" symbol in the online view and are
listed on the "Devices" or "Functions" tab in the diagnostic window.
Next Steps
Learning how to represent the diagnostic information in the diagnostic window with
reference to an example.
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
A5E00122600-03 6-1
Step 9: Diagnostics 6
6.1 Monitoring the plant online
The SIMATIC iMap project "Plant_1" has been generated.
The programs and interconnections of all the PROFInet components in the
project have been downloaded to the devices in the plant.
When SIMATIC iMap is connected to the plant online, information about the status
of the PROFInet communication partners and the operating states of the devices
(regardless of the type of device) appear in the diagnostic window, the plant view
and the network view.
Step 9: Diagnostics
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
6-2 A5E00122600-03
Table 6-1 Diagnostics
Step Description
1 Select Online > Monitor. SIMATIC iMap is connected to the plant online. A fault
that appears in the diagnostic window is identified by a symbol on the affected
device in the plant and network views.
2 All faulty functions are displayed on the "Functions" tab in the diagnostic
3 All faulty devices are displayed on the "Devices" tab in the diagnostic window.
Information on the currently selected object is displayed in the right-hand
window. Click on the "Help" button to call up online help on troubleshooting.
Step 9: Diagnostics
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
A5E00122600-03 6-3
Step Description
4 Click on the "Online Monitoring" icon to switch to online mode.
Select the "Conveyor" device from the network view, then select Online-Offline
Comparison > Interconnection Only from the context menu (right mouse
button). The online and offline data for the interconnections are compared, and
the result appears in the Info window.
Possible display when no interconnections have yet been downloaded.
Possible Errors
Possible errors in functions and devices are identified by symbols in the plant and
network views. The type of error is described in the diagnostic window.
The interconnection is faulty
Interconnection download required.
The device is not available.
The device has a fault.
Program download is required.
Click on the column headers, e.g. on "Reference object", in the Info window to
switch to the ideal column width.
Double- click on a faulty function in the diagnostic window to display the
aff ect ed technolog ic al func ti on in the plant vi e w.
If you double-click on a faulty device in the diagnostic window, the affected
device is displayed in the network view.
If "Download necessary" is signalled as a fault, you can click on the "Download"
button to start downloading the interconnections immediately.
Next Steps
Visualizing the process data.
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
A5E00122600-03 7-1
Step 10: Visualizing process data 7
7.1 Analyzing with OPC
OPC: OLE for Process Control
In SIMATIC iMap, you can create an OPC symbol file for the project. This file
contains information about the current process data.
Anyone in the office can use an OPC client program to access the data for
PROFInet devices at the control and production levels.
An OPC client program must be installed, e.g. OPC Scout from SIMATIC Net.
The SIMATIC iMap project "Plant_1" is open and has been generated without
Analyzing Process Data
Table 7-1 Creating and Editing the OPC Symbol File
Step Description
1 In SIMATIC iMap, select Options > CreateOPC Symbol File....
2 In the "Save OPC symbol file as" dialog box, select a folder as the storage location.
The following OPC symbol files are stored in this folder:
You can then close SIMATIC iMap.
Step 10: Visualizing process data
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
7-2 A5E00122600-03
Step Description
3 Select Start > Simatic > SIMATIC NET > Settings > Set PC Station.
The configuration console opens. This is used to make your new OPC symbol file known to a
In the "Tree" window, open the "Applications, Symbols" folder.
4 Select the "Use a symbol file" option and enter the path of the _TAGFILE_.SSD symbol file
under "File name" (see Step 2).
Click on the "Browse" button to search for the file.
5 Click on the "Extended symbols" button (see picture in step 2) and select the module for the
TCP/IP protocol on your PG/PC from the "PROFInet" box.
This settings requires you to access the non-connectable connectors (attribute
"CBA_transfer_type" with the value "true", see "Blocks in the S7 Program").
Step 10: Visualizing process data
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
A5E00122600-03 7-3
Step Description
6 Open the OPC protocol selection dialog and highlight the PROFInet and S7 protocols.
Click on the "Apply" button to confirm your settings.
7 Use the command Start > Simatic > SIMATIC NET > Industrial Ethernet > SOFTNET
Industrial Ethernet > OPC Scout to start OPC Scout.
OPC Scout opens. Here you can create a new group for your project data.
Double-click to open this group. The OPC navigator opens.
Select the project variables that you wish to display by selecting the function in the "Nodes"
window. Then use the arrow button to transfer the desired item name to the right-hand
Step 10: Visualizing process data
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
7-4 A5E00122600-03
Step Description
8 Click on the "OK" button to conf irm your input.
A table with the selected OPC variables and their status information appears in OPC Scout.
Save your selected visualization data to an .OPP file. You can then open this file
directly using OPC Scout.
W hen visuali za tio n is working with the "OPC Scout " diagno s t ic tool, you can use
any OPC-compatible software package (e.g. ProTool/Pro, WinCC) to access the
OPC server running on the PC.
Getting Started with Component bas ed Aut omati on
A5E00122600-03 8-1
If you w ant to learn more 8
Detail ed descriptions.. .
... of PROFInet devices and how to work with SIMATIC iMap can be found in the
appropriate product documentation:
on the subject Manual can be found on the CD-ROM...
SIMATIC iMap Configuring Plants with
W inLC PN V1.1 WinLC PN V1.1 W inLC PN V1.1
OPC Industrial communications with
Getting Started with Component bas ed Automati on
A5E00122600-03 8-2
Getting Started with Component bas ed Automati on
A5E00122600-03 Index-1
Analyzing process data
Getting Started 7-1
Assign IP address
WinLC PN 4-12
Assign PROFIBUS addr ess 4-12
Assign subnet mask
Subnet mask 4-12
Assigning Addresses 4-10
Break ing do wn the plant
Getting Started 2-1
component in ter f ac e
Defining 2-4
Component inter f ac e
Conveyor component 2-5
Coordinator component 2-4
ProcessStation component 2-6
Continuation connector 4-15
Create OPC Symbol File
Getting Started 7-1
Creating a new library
Getting Started 4-2
Creating PROFIn et Com pone nts
Getting Started 3-8
Diagnostic win do w
Getting Started 6-1
Getting Started 6-1
Download 6-3
Downloading programs and
interconnections 5-28
Generat ion 5-18
Getting Started
Steps of the Soluti on 1-3
Getting Started 4-4
Importing components into a library
Getting Started 4-4
Inserting PROFInet Components from the
Library into the Project
Getting Started 4-7
Interconnecting technological functions
Getting Started 4-14
Getting Started 4-15
Interconnection diagram
Getting Started 2-7
Library window 4-6
Network view
Getting Started 4-7
Online-offline comparison 5-29
OLE for Process Control 7-1
Opening the sample library
Getting Started 4-3
Plant view 4-14
Function call 3-16, 3-24
Function call 3-16, 3-24
Possible errors
Getting Started 6-3
Preview window 4-6
PROFInet components for the sample
project 3-1
Sample project
Getting_Started 4-16
Saving a project 5-17
Saving and generating a project 5-17
Set PC Statio n
Getting Started 7-2
Structure of the plant
Getting Started 2-3
Technological functions 4-14
technological modules
Break ing do wn the plant 2-1
Visualization data
Getting Started 7-4