UES1401 BYW29-50 BYW80-50 RECTIFIERS UES1402 BYW29-100 BYW80-100 High Efficiency, 7A and 8A UES1403 BYW29-150 BYW80-150 UES1404 BYW29-200 BYW80-200 FEATURES DESCRIPTION e Very Low Forward Voltage The UES1400/BYW29/BYW80 Series, in a plastic package similar to the TO-220, is e Very Fast Recovery Times specifically designed for operation in power switching circuits to frequencies in excess @ Economical, Convenient Plastic Package of LOOKHz. The very low forward voltage and very fast recovery time make them @ Low Thermal Resistance particularly suited for switching type power supplies. Mechanically Rugged ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS : UES1401 UES1402 UES1403 UES1404 Peak Inverse Voltage, Va... cc cece cece cee eee ne ee ee cb en nn ene cee e ene enter ae 5OV ..... 100V ...., 150V .... 200V Repetitive Peak Inverse Voltage, Vawm ... 0-0... c reer cece erent ee tee tere cree en eee eects 50V...... 100V...... 150V .... 200V Non-Repetitive Peak Inverse Voltage, Vasm oo... 0c c ccc c cece nner re ee ee eee e eect rere et eee red 50V ...... 100V ..... 150V .... 200V Maximum Average D.C. Output Current, lo @ Tc = 125C, (Note 1) 8.0A @ Ta = 25C... eee cece aes @ Ta = 25C, (NOG 2). cece ee nn een nee Eee EES Non-Repetitive Sinusoidal Surge Current at 8.3 MS, lrsm .--- sc cece eee cece eee e eee tenet eee 80A.... Thermal Resistance, Junction to CasS@, Rac . 00.6. e eee eee eee e en aee 2.5C/W . Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient, Resa... 2... 22 cee cece ene e eens . 60C/W Storage Temperature Range, Tsta 66... cece cece cee eee eee ee teens ~55C to +150C Maximum Operating Junction Temperature, Tmax 006-0 c cece eee e eee cette t reece tenet nna +150C Loe ee Note 1. Above 100C use the tab for electrical connection. Note 2, Using Wakefield Type 295 heatsink with convection cooling. For more definitive data refer to the Output Current vs. Temperature Curves on this datasheet. BYW29-50 BYW29-100 BYW29-150 BYW29-200 BYW80-50 BYW80-100 BYW80-150 BYW80-200 Peak Inverse Voltage, Va ......-e eee ee cee eee 5OV ..... 100V ..... 150V ... 200V ..... 50V .... LOOV ... 150V..... 200V Repetitive Peak Inverse Voltage. Vawm .......-+ 5OV ..... 100V..... 150V ... 200V ..... 50V..... 100V ... 150V.... 200V Non-Repetitive Peak Inverse Voltage, Vasm .... SOV ..... 100V ..... 150V ... 200V..... 50V .... 100V ... 150V..... 200V Maximum Average D.C. Output Current @ Te = 125C, (Note 1) oo. eee eee DA icc cece eect tee teen eee Non-Repetitive Sinusoidal Surge Currant at 8. 3ms Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case, Rac ......+---- 2.5C/W .. Therma! Resistance, Junction to Ambient, Raa ........-- . 60C/W .... Operating and Storage Temperature Range oo... . cece cence eter e eter eee ttarane -55C to +150C Maximum Operating Junction Temperature, Timon 2.2... eee ee ee eee eee +150C Note 1. Above 100C use the tab for electrical connection. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS UES1401 SERIES . mate BYW29 SERIES | | 'O220AC cas Pa a TE ' | eT ~~ el AY (A seer An eli, PIN 1. Cathode R | ye 2. Anode ley S Tab is connected to Cathode. Ne Microsemi Corp. Watertown 12/83 2-73 The diode experts UES1401 BYW29-50 BYW80-50 UES1402 =BYW29-100 BYW80-100 UES1403. BYW29-150 BYW80-150 UES1404 = BYW29-200 BYW80-200 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Typical Maximum Forward Maximum Reverse Recovery Typical Maximum Maximum Reverse Current, Ir Recovery Voltage Forward Reverse Forward Voltage, VF @ rated Vr Time @1A Recovery Voltage | ee ae _ i 4 Charge Type VR Ty = 25C Ts = 100C Ty = 25C Ts = 100C Trr Tr = 8nS Qrr @ 25 UES1401 50V 150nA OV @ 4A UES1402 10GV 0.8V @ 4A 150A 1 UES1403 Oy Oe eons | 0.895 @ BA SuA 150A 35nS Lav - UES1404 200 # 500uA BYW29-50 50V 1.300V 0.850 BYW29-100 100V @ @ - 600uA 36nS" 1.AV - BYW29-150 150V 20A 5A # , BYW29-200 200V avwao.00 | roo | 12 | o8sov . 5 BYW80-150 150V ODA oa 10pA imA 35nS _ 15nc BYW80-200 200V NOTES: 1. Measured in circuit Ir = 0.5A, Ip = 1.0A, Inec = 0.254 2. Measured in circuit Ip = 1A to Vp = 30V, die/dt = 50A/puS 3. Measured in circuit Ir = 2A, Va <= 30V, dig/dt = ~20A/uS Output Current vs Temperature remee | emperature 26 T Ir Duty Cycle] NN 30% 10% z ze NY 50% = = NN oN) \ ~ 2 ha 5 100% Z S44 mm \ x z NX & 5 3 NN N \ | = 10 " | YY 3 6 2 0 100 110 120 130 140 150 TEMPERATURE (C) Te ~ CASE TEMPERATURE (C) Forward Pulse Current vs. Duration Multiple Surge Current vs. Duration 10,000 100 5,000 Peak Half Sine Current vs. g 80 1,000 Duration for Non-Repetitive Pulse z= = 500 = 6 oe = 100 a 40 oO 50 oO y sm 2 z 4 9 5 5 50 5 5 12 5 10 20 50 100 200 S09. 1000 -tuS 1s 10uS 10028 Ims loms CYCLES AT 60 Hz SINE WAVE PULSE OURATION 580 PLEASANT STREET * WATERTOWN, MA 02172 TEL. (617) 926-0404 FAX (617) 924-1235 2-74 PRINTED IN U.S.A. Typical Forward Current vs Forward Voltage |, CURRENT (A) 5 6 7 8 9 101.11213 V, VOLTAGE (V) Thermal Impedance vs Pulse Width 2.5 1.0 25 05 01.02 05.1.2 .6 1 2 5 10 20 50100 200 try PULSE WIDTH (ms) Zacty THERMAL IMPEDANCE (C/W) 580 PLEASANT STREET WATERTOWN, MA 02172 TEL. (617) 926-0404 + FAX (617) 924-1235 1000 UES1401 BYW29-50 BYW80-50 UES1402 BYW29-100 BYW80-100 UES1403. BYW29-150 BYW80 150 UES1404 BYW29-200 BYW80-200 Typical Reverse Current vs Voltage OL 02 | = OPC fp CURRENT (uA) S N n T= +75" 100 T, = +100C 200 T, = 125C 1000 120 1000080 60 40 20 VOLTAGE IN % OF PIV Reverse-Recovery Circuit 500 100 = 25vde == (APPROX) (2) OSCILLOSCOPE NOTE L 10 NOTE 3 NOTES: 1. Oscilloscope: Rise time & 3ns. input impedance = 500 2. Pulse Generator: Rise ttme = 8ns; source impedance 10Q 3. Current viewing resistor, non-inductrve, coaxial recommended PRINTED IN U.S.A.