73M1822/73M1922 MicroDAA Silicon DAA with Serial Interface DATA SHEET Simplifying System IntegrationTM DS_1x22_001 April 2010 DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS The 73M1822 MicroDAA is the world's first single-package silicon Data Access Arrangement (DAA) for data/fax modem and voice applications. It provides a serial Modem Analog Front End (MAFE) interface to popular DSP/host processors to implement a globally compliant low-cost soft modem solution. * * * * * * The 73M1822 MicroDAA is available as a two-chip configuration (the 73M1922) that consists of a 73M1902 Host-Side Device and a 73M1912 Line-Side Device. The MicroDAA integrates all codec and DAA functions necessary to achieve reliable PSTN connection worldwide. FEATURES The MicroDAA uses a small pulse transformer, which can achieve more than 6 kV isolation. Power may be supplied along with data through this barrier interface to achieve superior performance in weak loop current conditions. Inherently immune to RFI and other forms of common mode interference, the patented MicroDAA technology achieves global DAA compliance with unparalleled flexibility, reliability, and cost structure and requires less than 2 square inches of a single sided PCB. The MicroDAA supports Caller ID Type I and II, ring detection, tip/ring polarity reversal detection, hook switch control, pulse dialing, regulation of loop current (DC mask), configurable line impedance matching, line in use and parallel pickup detection. The MicroDAA integrates billing tone filters, external clock reference, audio monitor output, and requires only a small number of low cost and commonly available external components. The MicroDAA incorporates a configurable sample rate circuit to support soft modem and DSP-based implementations of all speeds up to V.92 (56 Kbps). Sampling rates from 7.2 kHz to 16 kHz can be easily supported. Rev. 1.6 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * V.92 modems Satellite Set Top Boxes Fax/Multifunction Peripherals (MFP) Point of Sale Terminals Voicemail Systems Industrial and medical telemetry Meets FCC, ETSI ES 203 021-2, JATE, NET4 and other PTT standards Configurable PSTN termination Up to 8 mA minimum line current operation 0 dBm Transmit/Receive full scale THD -80 dB 16-bit codec up to 16 kHz sample rate Up to 56 Kbps (V.92) performance Configurable sample rates (7.2 - 16 kHz) Reference clock range of 9-40 MHz Crystal frequency range of 9-27 MHz MAFE I/F with Master, Slave and Daisy Chaining Billing tone reject filter Polarity reversal detection on-chip GPIO for user-configurable I/O port Call Progress Monitor 3.3 V Operation Industrial temperature range (-40 to +85 C) 6 kV isolation (73M1922) 4-5 kV isolation (73M1822) 8x8 mm 42-pin QFN (73M1822) 20-pin TSSOP or 5x5 mm 32-pin QFN (73M1922) RoHS compliant (6/6) lead-free package (c) 2010 Teridian Semiconductor Corporation 1 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet DS_1x22_001 Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 6 Pinout ................................................................................................................................................ 8 2.1 73M1902 20-Pin TSSOP Pinout ............................................................................................... 8 2.2 73M1912 20-Pin TSSOP Pinout ............................................................................................. 10 2.3 73M1902 32-Pin QFN Pinout ................................................................................................. 11 2.4 73M1912 32-Pin QFN Pinout ................................................................................................. 13 2.5 73M1822 Pinout..................................................................................................................... 15 2.6 Exposed Bottom Pad on 73M1x66B QFN Packages .............................................................. 16 Electrical Characteristics and Specifications................................................................................ 17 3.1 Isolation Barrier Characteristics.............................................................................................. 17 3.2 Electrical Specifications ......................................................................................................... 17 3.2.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings .......................................................................................... 17 3.2.2 Recommended Operating Conditions ........................................................................... 17 3.2.3 DC Characteristics........................................................................................................ 18 3.3 Serial Interface Timing Specification ...................................................................................... 19 3.4 Analog Specifications............................................................................................................. 19 3.4.1 DC Specifications ......................................................................................................... 19 3.4.2 Call Progress Monitor ................................................................................................... 20 3.5 73M1x22 Line-Side Electrical Specifications (73M1912)......................................................... 22 3.6 Reference and Regulation ..................................................................................................... 22 3.7 AC Signal Levels ................................................................................................................... 22 3.8 DC Transfer Characteristics ................................................................................................... 23 3.9 Transmit Path ........................................................................................................................ 24 3.10 Receive Path ......................................................................................................................... 25 3.11 Transmit Hybrid Cancellation ................................................................................................. 26 3.12 Receive Notch Filter............................................................................................................... 26 3.13 Detectors ............................................................................................................................... 27 3.13.1 Over-Voltage Detector................................................................................................. 27 3.13.2 Over-Current Detector ................................................................................................. 27 3.13.3 Under-Voltage Detector............................................................................................... 27 3.13.4 Over-Load Detector..................................................................................................... 27 Applications Information ................................................................................................................ 28 4.1 Example Schematic of the 73M1922 and 73M1822 ................................................................ 28 4.2 Bill of Materials ...................................................................................................................... 30 4.3 Over-Voltage and EMI Protection ........................................................................................... 31 4.4 Isolation Barrier Pulse Transformer ........................................................................................ 32 Control and Status Registers ......................................................................................................... 33 5.1 Line-Side Device Register Polling .......................................................................................... 36 Hardware Control Functions .......................................................................................................... 37 6.1 Device Revision ..................................................................................................................... 37 6.2 Interrupt Control..................................................................................................................... 37 6.3 Power Management ............................................................................................................... 38 6.4 Device Clock Management .................................................................................................... 38 6.5 GPIO Registers...................................................................................................................... 39 6.6 Call Progress Monitor ............................................................................................................ 40 Clock and Sample Rate Management ............................................................................................ 41 7.1 Clock Generation with HIC (73M1902) ................................................................................... 41 7.2 Crystal Oscillator.................................................................................................................... 41 7.3 PLL Prescaler ........................................................................................................................ 42 7.4 PLL Circuit ............................................................................................................................. 42 7.5 PLL System Timing Control.................................................................................................... 45 MAFE Serial Interface ..................................................................................................................... 46 8.1 Data and Control Frame Formats ........................................................................................... 46 8.2 Data and Control Frame Timing ............................................................................................. 47 8.3 Serial Clock Operation ........................................................................................................... 48 Rev 1.6 DS_1x22_001 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet 8.4 MicroDAA IN Master/Slave Configuration ............................................................................... 49 8.5 73M1x22 Reset ..................................................................................................................... 49 8.6 73M1x22 in Daisy Chain Configuration................................................................................... 50 8.7 MAFE Configuration Registers ............................................................................................... 51 8.8 Slave Registers...................................................................................................................... 51 9 Signal Processing........................................................................................................................... 52 9.1 Transmit Path Signal Processing ........................................................................................... 52 9.1.1 General Description ...................................................................................................... 52 9.1.2 Total Transmit Path Response...................................................................................... 52 9.1.3 73M1x22 Transmit Spectrum ........................................................................................ 53 9.2 Receive Path Signal Processing ............................................................................................ 53 9.2.1 General Description ...................................................................................................... 53 9.2.2 Total Receive Path Response....................................................................................... 54 9.3 Signal Control Functions ........................................................................................................ 55 9.3.1 Transmit and Receive Level Control ............................................................................. 55 10 Barrier Information ......................................................................................................................... 57 10.1 Isolation Barrier...................................................................................................................... 57 10.2 Barrier Powered Options ........................................................................................................ 57 10.2.1 Barrier Powered Operation .......................................................................................... 57 10.2.2 Line Powered Operations ............................................................................................ 57 10.3 Synchronization of the Barrier ................................................................................................ 57 10.4 Auxiliary A/D Converter .......................................................................................................... 58 10.5 Auto-Poll................................................................................................................................ 58 10.6 Barrier Control Functions ....................................................................................................... 59 10.7 Line-Side Device Operating Modes ........................................................................................ 60 10.8 Fail-Safe Operation of the Line-Side Device ........................................................................... 60 11 Configurable Direct Access Arrangement (DAA) .......................................................................... 61 11.1 Pulse Dialing.......................................................................................................................... 61 11.2 DC Termination...................................................................................................................... 61 11.2.1 Current Limit Detection................................................................................................ 63 11.3 AC Termination ...................................................................................................................... 63 11.4 Billing Tone Rejection ............................................................................................................ 64 11.5 Trans-Hybrid Cancellation ...................................................................................................... 65 11.6 Direct Access Arrangement Control Functions ....................................................................... 65 11.7 International Register Settings Table for DC and AC Terminations ......................................... 69 12 Line Sensing and Status ................................................................................................................ 70 12.1 Auxiliary A/D Converter .......................................................................................................... 70 12.2 Ring Detection ....................................................................................................................... 70 12.3 Line In Use Detection (LIU) .................................................................................................... 70 12.4 Parallel Pick Up (PPU) ........................................................................................................... 70 12.5 Polarity Reversal Detection .................................................................................................... 70 12.6 Off-hook Detection of Caller ID Type II ................................................................................... 70 12.7 Voltage and Current Detection ............................................................................................... 71 12.8 Under Voltage Detection (UVD) ............................................................................................. 71 12.9 Over Voltage Detection (OVD) ............................................................................................... 71 12.10 AC Signal Over Load Detection.............................................................................................. 71 12.11 Over Current Detection (OID)................................................................................................. 71 12.12 Line Status Functions Control Functions ................................................................................ 72 13 Loopback and Testing Modes ........................................................................................................ 75 14 Performance ................................................................................................................................... 77 14.1 DC VI Characteristics ............................................................................................................. 77 14.2 Receive ................................................................................................................................. 78 15 Package Layout .............................................................................................................................. 79 16 Ordering Information ...................................................................................................................... 81 17 Contact Information........................................................................................................................ 81 Revision History ..................................................................................................................................... 82 Rev. 1.6 3 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet DS_1x22_001 Figures Figure 1: Simple 73M1x22 Reference Block Diagram.................................................................................. 6 Figure 2: 73M1902 20-Pin TSSOP Pinout ................................................................................................... 8 Figure 3: 73M1912 20-Pin TSSOP Pinout ................................................................................................. 10 Figure 4: 73M1902 32-Pin QFN Pinout ..................................................................................................... 11 Figure 5: 73M1912 32-Pin QFN Pinout ..................................................................................................... 13 Figure 6: 73M1822 42-Pin Pinout.............................................................................................................. 15 Figure 7: MAFE Timing Diagram ............................................................................................................... 19 Figure 8: Call Progress Monitor Frequency Response............................................................................... 20 Figure 9: Demo Board Circuit Connecting AOUT to a Speaker .................................................................. 20 Figure 10: Recommended Circuit for the 73M1922 ................................................................................... 28 Figure 11: Recommended Circuit for the 73M1822 ................................................................................... 29 Figure 12: Suggested Over-voltage Protection and EMI Suppression Circuit ............................................. 31 Figure 13: Clock Generation Block Diagram (assumes 8 kHz sample rate) ............................................... 41 Figure 14: Crystal Oscillator with Configurable Load Current..................................................................... 41 Figure 15: Prescaler Block Diagram .......................................................................................................... 42 Figure 16: PLL Block Diagram .................................................................................................................. 42 Figure 17: Serial Port Timing Diagram ...................................................................................................... 46 Figure 18: Data and Control Frames Timing Diagram................................................................................ 47 Figure 19: Control Frame Position versus SPOS....................................................................................... 48 Figure 20: SCLK and FS with SCKM = 0................................................................................................... 48 Figure 21: Example Connections for Master and Slave Operation ............................................................. 49 Figure 22: Master/Slave Serial Timing Diagram ........................................................................................ 49 Figure 23: Daisy Chaining a Master and Two Slaves ................................................................................ 50 Figure 24: Timing Diagram with One Master and Two Slaves .................................................................... 50 Figure 25: Transmit Path Overall Frequency Response to Fs (8 kHz)........................................................ 52 Figure 26: Pass-Band Response of the Transmit Path .............................................................................. 52 Figure 27: Transmit Spectrum to 32 kHz ................................................................................................... 53 Figure 28: Overall Frequency Response of the Receive Path .................................................................... 54 Figure 29: Pass-band Response of the Overall Receive Path.................................................................... 54 Figure 30: Line-Side Device AC and DC Circuits....................................................................................... 60 Figure 31: DC-IV Characteristics............................................................................................................... 61 Figure 32: Tip-Ring Voltage versus Current Using Different DCIV Settings................................................ 62 Figure 33: Voltage versus Current in the Seize Mode is the Same for All DCIV Settings ............................ 63 Figure 34: Magnitude Response of IPMF, ACZ=01 (ETSI ES 203 021-2) .................................................. 64 Figure 35: Magnitude Response of Billing Tone Notch Filter ..................................................................... 64 Figure 36: Loopback Modes Highlighted ................................................................................................... 75 Figure 37: Off-Hook Tip and Ring DC Characteristics................................................................................ 77 Figure 38: ES 203 021-2 DC Mask with Current Limit Enabled .................................................................. 77 Figure 39: Australian Hold State Characteristics ....................................................................................... 78 Figure 40: Return Loss ............................................................................................................................. 78 Figure 41: 20-Pin TSSOP Package Dimensions........................................................................................ 79 Figure 42: 32-Pin QFN Package Dimensions ............................................................................................ 79 Figure 43: 42-Pin QFN Package Dimensions ............................................................................................ 80 4 Rev. 1.6 DS_1x22_001 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet Tables Table 1: 73M1902 20-Pin TSSOP Pin Definitions ........................................................................................ 8 Table 2: 73M1912 20-Pin TSSOP Pin Definitions ...................................................................................... 10 Table 3: 73M1902 32-Pin QFN Pin Definitions .......................................................................................... 11 Table 4: 73M1912 32-Pin QFN Pin Definitions .......................................................................................... 13 Table 5: 73M1822 Pin Definitions ............................................................................................................. 15 Table 6: Isolation Barrier Characteristics at 8 kHz Sample Rate ................................................................ 17 Table 7: Absolute Maximum Device Ratings ............................................................................................. 17 Table 8: Recommended Operating Conditions .......................................................................................... 17 Table 9: DC Characteristics ...................................................................................................................... 18 Table 10: Serial Data Port Timing at 8 kHz Sample Rate........................................................................... 19 Table 11: Reference Voltage Specifications .............................................................................................. 19 Table 12: Component Values for the Speaker Driver ................................................................................. 20 Table 13: Call Progress Monitor Specification ........................................................................................... 21 Table 14: Line-Side Absolute Maximum Ratings ....................................................................................... 22 Table 15: VBG Specifications ................................................................................................................... 22 Table 16: Maximum Transmit Levels ......................................................................................................... 22 Table 17: Maximum DC Transmit Levels ................................................................................................... 23 Table 18: Transmit Path............................................................................................................................ 24 Table 19: Receive Path ............................................................................................................................ 25 Table 20: Transmit Hybrid Cancellation Characteristics ............................................................................. 26 Table 21: Receive Notch Filter .................................................................................................................. 26 Table 22: Over-Voltage Detector............................................................................................................... 27 Table 23: Over-Current Detector ............................................................................................................... 27 Table 24: Under-Voltage Detector ............................................................................................................. 27 Table 25: Over-Load Detector ................................................................................................................... 27 Table 26: Reference Bill of Materials for 73M1822/73M1922..................................................................... 30 Table 27: Reference Bill of Materials for Figure 12 .................................................................................... 31 Table 28: Compatible Pulse Transformer Sources .................................................................................... 32 Table 29: Transformer Characteristics ...................................................................................................... 32 Table 30: Control and Status Register Map ............................................................................................... 33 Table 31: Alphabetical Bit Map ................................................................................................................. 34 Table 32: Clock Generation Register Settings for Fxtal = 27 MHz ............................................................. 43 Table 33: Clock Generation Register Settings for Fxtal = 24.576 MHz....................................................... 43 Table 34: Clock Generation Register Settings for Fxtal = 9.216 MHz......................................................... 43 Table 35: Clock Generation Register Settings for Fxtal = 24.000 MHz....................................................... 44 Table 36: Clock Generation Register Settings for Fxtal = 25.35 MHz......................................................... 44 Table 37: PLL System Timing Controls ..................................................................................................... 45 Table 38: Behavior of SCLK under SCKM................................................................................................. 48 Table 39: Signal Control Functions ........................................................................................................... 55 Table 40: Transmit Gain Control ............................................................................................................... 55 Table 41: Receive Gain Control ................................................................................................................ 56 Table 42: Barrier Control Functions........................................................................................................... 59 Table 43: Trans-Hybrid Cancellation ......................................................................................................... 65 Table 44: DAA Control Functions .............................................................................................................. 65 Table 45: Recommended Register Settings for International Compatibility ................................................ 69 Table 46: Line Sensing Control Functions ................................................................................................. 72 Table 47: Loopback Modes....................................................................................................................... 75 Table 48: Loopback Controls .................................................................................................................... 76 Table 49: Order Numbers and Packaging Marks ....................................................................................... 81 Rev. 1.6 5 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet DS_1x22_001 1 Introduction The 73M1922 MicroDAA is a two-device chip set that consists of a 73M1902 Host-Side Device and a 73M1912 Line-Side Device that can be used in any voice-band PSTN telephone interface application requiring a CODEC. The 73M1822 is a single-package MicroDAA with the same interfaces. Each connects directly between a host processor and the telephone network with a low-cost pulse transformer to provide the required high-voltage isolation. A few low-cost components complete the interface to the network. The pulse transformer transmits encoded digital data rather than analog signals as with other transformer designs. Data is transmitted and received without the usual degradation from common mode noise and magnetic coupling typical of other capacitive and voice-band transformer techniques. The data stream passed between the Host-Side and Line-Side Devices includes the media stream data, control, status and clocking information. The data sheet describes both the 73M1922 and 73M1822, which will be collectively referred to as the 73M1x22 in this document. The Host-Side Device uses a serial data port for transferring transmit and receive data, status and control information to a host. This interface is compatible with most DSP and high-performance processor synchronous serial CODEC interfaces. All media stream data and control information between the Host-Side Device and Line-Side Device of the 73M1822 and 73M1922 are transferred across the pulse transformer. Clocking information used by the Line-Side Device is embedded in the bit stream received from the Host-Side Device and reconstructed by the Line-Side Device of the 73M1822 or 73M1922. On start up, the Host-Side Device provides power to the Line-Side Device through the transformer. After going off-hook, the Line-Side Device is capable of being powered from the PSTN network. The only physical connections between the devices are the primary side of the pulse transformer that is connected to the Host-Side Device and the secondary side to the Line-Side Device. Figure 1 shows a reference block diagram of the 73M1922 connected by a pulse transformer and example external line interface circuitry shown for clarification. Host-Side Device Line-Side Device 73M1902 73M1912 CTL STA Ring Buffer Aux A/D STA Tip SCP PRP TxData RxData MAFE Interface Transmit Interpolation Filter (TIF) TxD Modem Side Barrier Interface Receive Decimation RxD (MSBI) Filter (RDF) Line Side Barrier Interface (LSBI) PRM Digital Sigma Delta Modulator (DSDM) SinC3 Filter TBS RBS Transmit Analog Front End (TxAFE) Receive Analog Front End (RxAFE) SCM TxA Off-Chip Line Interface Circuit On-Chip Line Interface Circuit RxA Ring Figure 1: Simple 73M1x22 Reference Block Diagram The Host-Side Device (73M1902) consists of: 1. 2. 3. 4. 6 Modem Analog Front End (MAFE) Interface Block Transmit Interpolation Filter (TIF) Receive Decimation Filter (RDF) Modem-Side Barrier Interface Circuit (MSBI) Rev. 1.6 DS_1x22_001 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet The Line-Side Device (73M1912 / 73M1822) consists of: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Digital Sigma Delta Modulator (DSDM) Transmit Analog Front End (TxAFE) Receive Analog Front End (RxAFE) including Sigma Delta Modulator (ASDM) Sinc^3 Filter (Sinc3) On-chip Line Interface Circuit (ONLIC) Line-Side Barrier Interface Circuit (LSBI) The transmit data (TxData) is interpolated up within TIF (Transmit Interpolation Filter) from the sampling frequency (Fs) to twice the sampling frequency resulting in TxD. Control information (CTL) is time-division multiplexed with TxD, serialized within MSBI, and sent across the barrier to 73M1912 LIC (Line Interface Circuitry). This is then received and processed within LSBI and separated into TxD and CTL. TxD is digitally sigma-delta modulated to form a serialized Transmit Bit Stream (TBS). The TBS is D/A converted for final transmission to the line. CTL is used to control various features of the Line-Side Device. On the receive side, the received analog signal from the line is sigma-delta modulated to form a serialized Receive Bit Stream (RBS). RBS is decimated down to twice the sampling frequency as RxD and time-division multiplexed with status Information (STA) from the Auxiliary A/D regarding line condition in LSBI block and transmitted to the Host-Side Device. The MSBI processes this data and separates it into RxD and STA. Rxd is further decimated to down to Fs and sent to the host through the MAFE interface. STA is sent to the host through the MAFE interface using a different time slot. Rev. 1.6 7 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet DS_1x22_001 2 Pinout The 73M1922 consists of two devices, the 73M1902 and the 73M1912, which are available as 20-pin TSSOP packages and as 32-pin QFN package sets. 2.1 73M1902 20-Pin TSSOP Pinout Figure 2 shows the 73M1902 20-pin TSSOP pinout. FSD 1 20 SDOUT FS 2 19 SDIN VND 3 18 VND VPD/VPPLL 4 17 SCLK OSCIN/MCLK 5 16 INT/RGDT OSCOUT 6 15 VPT/VPD VNPLL/VNA 7 14 PRP 8 13 PRM TYPE 9 12 M/S VPA/VPM 10 11 VNMVNT AOUT 73M1902 Figure 2: 73M1902 20-Pin TSSOP Pinout Table 1 describes the pin functions for the device. Decoupling capacitors on the power supplies should be included for each pair of supply pins. Table 1: 73M1902 20-Pin TSSOP Pin Definitions Pin Number Pin Name 1 FSD 2 3 4 FS VND VPD/VPPLL 5 OSCIN/MCLK 6 7 8 OSCOUT VNA/VNPLL AOUT O GND O 9 TYPE I 10 11 12 13 VPA/VPM VNM/VNT 8 M/S PRM Type O O GND PWR I PWR GND I I/O Description Frame synchronization (FS) delayed Frame synchronization Negative digital ground Positive digital/PLL supply Crystal oscillator circuit input pin. Input from an external clock source. Crystal frequency range is 9 MHz - 27 MHz. Crystal oscillator output pin. (N.C. with external oscillator) Negative analog/PLL ground Call progress audio output Type of frame sync. 0 = late (mode0), 1 = early (mode1). Weak-pulled high - default = early. Positive analog supply Negative barrier interface supply / negative transformer supply Master/slave control, reset at a transition. Pulse transformer primary minus Rev. 1.6 DS_1x22_001 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet 14 15 PRP VPD 16 INT/RGDT O 17 SCLK O 18 19 20 VND GND Rev. 1.6 SDIN SDOUT I/O PWR I O Pulse transformer primary plus Positive digital supply, positive transformer supply Ring detection indicator or other Interrupts Open drain Serial interface clock. With continuous SCLK selected, Frequency = 256Fs (=1.8432MHz for Fs=7.2kHz, 2.048MHz for Fs=8kHz) Negative digital ground Serial data input (or output from the controller to 73M1902) Serial data output (or input to the controller from 73M1902) 9 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet 2.2 DS_1x22_001 73M1912 20-Pin TSSOP Pinout Figure 3 shows the 73M1912 20-pin TSSOP pinout. DCI 1 20 DCG RGN 2 19 DCS RGP 3 18 DCD OFH 4 17 TXM VND/VNX 5 16 RXM SCP 6 15 RXP MID 7 14 VPD/VPS VPX 8 13 VNX/VNS SRE 9 12 ACS SRB 10 11 VBG 73M1912 Figure 3: 73M1912 20-Pin TSSOP Pinout Table 2 describes the pin functions for the device. Decoupling capacitors on the power supplies should be included for each pair of supply pins. Table 2: 73M1912 20-Pin TSSOP Pin Definitions Pin Number Pin Name Type Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 DCI RGN RGP OFH VND/VNX SCP MID VPX SRE SRB VBG ACS VNX/VNS VPD/VPS I I I O GND I/O I/O PWR I O O I GND PWR DC loop input Ring detect negative voltage input Ring detect positive voltage input Off-hook control Digital/analog negative supply voltage Positive side of the secondary pulse transformer winding Charge pump midpoint Supply from the barrier, connect to VPD Voltage regulator sense Voltage regulator drive VBG bypass, connect to 0.1 F capacitor to VNS AC current sense Digital/analog negative supply voltage Digital/analog positive supply voltage 15 16 17 18 19 20 RXP RXM TXM DCD DCS DCG 10 I I O O I O Receive plus - signal input Receive minus - signal input Transmit minus - signal output DC loop drive DC loop current sense DC loop drive Rev. 1.6 DS_1x22_001 2.3 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet 73M1902 32-Pin QFN Pinout GPIO6 GPIO7 VND FS FSD VPD SDOUT SDIN 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 Figure 4 shows the 73M1902 32-pin QFN pinout. VND 1 24 VND GPIO5 2 23 SCLK GPIO4 3 22 INT/RGDT VPD/VPPLL 4 21 LEV OSCIN/MCLK 5 20 VPT/VPD OSCOUT 6 19 RST VNPLL 7 18 PRP VNA 8 17 PRM 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 AOUT TOUT TYPE VPA/VPM SCLKM VNM/VNT M/S VBG 9 73M1902 Figure 4: 73M1902 32-Pin QFN Pinout Table 3 describes the pin functions for the device. Decoupling capacitors on the power supplies should be included for each pair of supply pins. Table 3: 73M1902 32-Pin QFN Pin Definitions Pin Number 1 2 3 4 Pin Name Type Description VND GPIO5 GPIO4 VPD/VPPLL GND I/O I/O PWR Negative digital ground Configurable digital input/output pins Configurable digital input/output pins Positive digital/PLL supply Crystal oscillator circuit input pin. Input from an external clock source. Crystal frequency range supported is 9 MHz - 27 MHz. Crystal oscillator output pin. (N.C. with external oscillator) Negative analog/PLL ground Negative analog/PLL ground Band gap voltage reference monitor Call progress audio output Digital test output Type of frame sync. 0 = late (mode0), 1 = early (mode1). Weak-pulled high - default = early. Positive analog supply 5 OSCIN/MCLK 6 7 OSCOUT VNA/VNPLL O GND 8 9 10 11 VNA/VNPLL VBG AOUT TOUT GND O O O 12 TYPE 13 VPA/VPM Rev. 1.6 I I PWR 11 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet DS_1x22_001 Pin Number Pin Name 14 SCKM 15 VNM/VNT 16 17 18 M/S PRM PRP I/O I/O 19 20 21 RST VPD LEV I PWR O 22 INT/RGDT O 23 SCLK O 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 VND SDIN SDOUT VPD 12 FSD FS VND GPIO7 GPIO6 Type I GND I GND I O PWR O O GND I/O I/O Description Controls the SCLK behavior after FS. Weak-pulled high - default = continuous SCLK Negative barrier interface/transformer supply Master/slave control, reset at a transition Pulse transformer primary minus Pulse transformer primary plus Factory test mode - leave open Positive digital supply, positive transformer supply Test output (CMOS level) Ring detection indicator or other Interrupts. Open drain Serial interface clock. With continuous SCLK selected, Frequency = 256Fs (=1.8432MHz for Fs=7.2kHz, 2.048MHz for Fs=8kHz) Negative digital ground Serial data input (or output from the controller to 73M1902) Serial data output (or input to the controller from 73M1902) Positive digital supply, positive transformer supply FS delayed Frame synchronization Negative digital ground Configurable digital input/output pins Configurable digital input/output pins Rev. 1.6 DS_1x22_001 2.4 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet 73M1912 32-Pin QFN Pinout GPO GPI VNS RGP RGN DCI DCG DCS 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 Figure 5 shows the 73M1912 32-pin QFN pinout. CKO 1 24 DCD OFH 2 23 RST CKI 3 22 TST VND/VNX 4 21 TXM 20 SACIN 73M1912 15 16 VNS VPS ACS 17 14 8 VBG VPX 13 RXP VNS 18 12 7 SRB SCM 11 RXM SRE 19 10 6 BYP MID 9 5 RCT SCP Figure 5: 73M1912 32-Pin QFN Pinout Table 4 describes the pin functions for the device. Decoupling capacitors on the power supplies should be included for each pair of supply pins. Table 4: 73M1912 32-Pin QFN Pin Definitions Pin Number 1 Pin Name CKO 2 Type Description O Test point for recovered clock OFH O Off-hook control 3 CKI I Test input for clock 4 5 6 7 8 VND/VNX SCP MID SCM VPX 9 RCT I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 BYP SRE SRB VNS VBG ACS VNS I I O GND O I GND Rev. 1.6 GND I/O I/O I/O PWR Digital/analog negative supply voltage Positive side of the secondary pulse transformer winding Charge pump midpoint Negative side of the secondary pulse transformer winding Supply from the barrier side, connect to VPD External rectification - disables internal rectifier when low, leave open Factory test mode - leave open Voltage regulator sense Voltage regulator drive Analog/digital negative supply voltage VBG bypass, connect to 0.1F capacitor to VPS AC current sense Analog/digital negative supply voltage 13 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet DS_1x22_001 Pin Number 17 Pin Name VPS 18 19 RXP RXM I I Receive plus - signal input Receive minus - signal input 20 21 SACIN TXM I O Caller ID mode AC impedance connection Transmit minus - transhybrid cancellation output 22 23 24 TST RST DCD I I O Factory test mode - leave open Factory test mode - leave open DC loop drive 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 DCS DCG DCI RGN RGP VNS GPI GPO I O I I I GND I O 14 Type Description PWR Analog/digital positive supply voltage DC loop current sense DC loop drive DC loop input Ring detect negative voltage input Ring detect positive voltage input Analog/digital negative supply voltage General purpose input (test pin) General purpose output (test pin) Rev. 1.6 DS_1x22_001 2.5 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet 73M1822 Pinout VPX MID SCP VND/VNX M20BP OFH RGP RGN DCI DCG DCS 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 Figure 6 shows the 73M1822 42-pin pinout. 31 DCD 30 TXM 29 RXM PRM 1 28 RXP PRP 2 27 VPS VPD/VPT 3 26 VNS INT/RGDT 4 25 ACS SCLK 5 24 VBG SDIN 6 23 SRB SDOUT 7 22 SRE FSD 8 FS 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 VND VPD/VPPLL OSCIN/MCLK OSCOUT VNA/VNPLL VNA AOUT VPA/VPM VNA M/S 10 GPIO VND 73M1822 Figure 6: 73M1822 42-Pin Pinout Table 5 describes the pin functions for the device. Decoupling capacitors on the power supplies should be included for each pair of supply pins. Table 5: 73M1822 Pin Definitions Pin Number 1 2 3 Pin Name Type Description PRP PRM VPD/VPT I/O I/O PWR 4 INT/RGDT O 5 SCLK O 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 SDIN SDOUT FSD Pulse transformer primary plus Pulse transformer primary minus Positive digital/transformer supply Ring detection indicator or other Interrupts Open drain Serial interface clock. With continuous SCLK selected, Frequency = 256Fs (=1.8432 MHz for Fs=7.2 kHz, 2.048 MHz for Fs=8 kHz) Serial data input (or output from the controller to the 73M1822) Serial data output (or input to the controller from the 73M1822) FS delayed Frame synchronization Negative digital ground Configurable digital input/output pins Negative digital ground Positive digital supply Rev. 1.6 FS VND GPIO VND VPD/VPPLL I O O O GND I/O GND PWR 15 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet DS_1x22_001 Pin Number Pin Name 14 OSCIN/MCLK 15 16 17 18 19 20 OSCOUT VNA/VNPLL VNA AOUT VPA/VPM VNM/VNT O GND GND O PWR GND Crystal oscillator circuit input pin. Input from an external clock source. Crystal frequency range supported is 9 MHz - 27 MHz. Crystal oscillator output pin. (N.C. with external oscillator) Negative PLL ground Negative analog ground Call progress audio output Positive analog supply Negative transformer supply 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 M/S SRE SRB VBG ACS VNS VPS RXP RXM TXM DCD I I O O I GND PWR I I O O Master or slave selection / reset - active during transition S/Sh regulator sense S/Sh regulator drive VBG bypass, connect to 0.1uF capacitor to VPS AC current sense LIC analog/digital negative ground LIC analog/digital positive supply voltage Receive plus -signal input Receive minus - signal input Transmit minus - signal output DCD for integrated Darlington 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 DCS DCG DCI RGM RGP OFH M20BP 39 40 41 42 VND/VNX SCP MID VPX 2.6 Type I I O I I I O I GND I/O I/O PWR Description DC loop current sense DC loop drive DC loop input Ring minus voltage input Ring plus voltage input Off-hook control Substrate connection. Connect to VNX. LIC digital/analog negative ground Positive side of the secondary pulse transformer winding Charge pump -normally left open LIC supply from the barrier side Exposed Bottom Pad on 73M1x66B QFN Packages The 73M1822 and 73M1922 QFN packages have exposed pads on the underside that are intended for device manufacturing purposes. These exposed pads are not intended for thermal relief (heat dissipation) and should not be soldered to the PCB. Soldering of the exposed pad could also compromise electrical isolation/insulation requirements for proper voltage isolation. Avoid any PCB traces or through-hole vias on the PCB beneath the exposed pad area. 16 Rev. 1.6 DS_1x22_001 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet 3 Electrical Characteristics and Specifications 3.1 Isolation Barrier Characteristics Table 6 provides the characteristics of the 73M1x22 Isolation Barrier. Table 6: Isolation Barrier Characteristics at 8 kHz Sample Rate Parameter Barrier frequency Data transfer rate across the barrier 3.2 Rating 768 kHz 1.536 Mbps Electrical Specifications This section provides the absolute maximum ratings, the recommended operating conditions and the DC characteristics. 3.2.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Table 7 lists the maximum operating conditions for the 73M1x22. Permanent device damage may occur if absolute maximum ratings are exceeded. Exposure to the extremes of the absolute maximum rating for extended periods may affect device reliability. Table 7: Absolute Maximum Device Ratings Parameter Supply voltage Pin input voltage (except OSCIN) Pin input voltage (OSCIN) Min -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 to VDD Max 4.0 6.0 0.5 Unit V V V 3.2.2 Recommended Operating Conditions Function operation should be restricted to the recommended operating conditions specified in Table 8. Table 8: Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Supply voltage (VDD) with respect to VSS Operating temperature Rev. 1.6 Min 3.0 V 0 Max 3.6 85 Unit V C 17 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet DS_1x22_001 3.2.3 DC Characteristics Table 9 lists the 73M1x22 DC characteristics. Table 9: DC Characteristics Parameter Input low voltage Input high voltage (except OSCIN) Input High Voltage OSCIN Output low voltage (except OXCOUT, FS, SCLK, SDOUT) Output low voltage OSCOUT Output Low Voltage FS, SCLK, SDOUT Output high voltage (except OSCOUT, FS, FSD, SCLK, SDOUT) Output High Voltage OSCOUT Output high voltage FS, FSD, SCLK, SDOUT Input low leakage current Input high leakage current Input Leakage Current OSCIN Input High Leakage Current OSCIN Active digital current Active PLL current Active analog current IDD total current* IDD total current* IDD current PWDN=1 IDD current SLEEP=1 (Ext Ref Clk) IDD current IDL2=1 (Ext Ref Clk) IDD current ENFEH=0 (Ext Ref Clk) VIL VIH1 Condition - - Min -0.5 0.7 VDD Nom - - Max 0.2 VDD 5.5 Unit V V VIH2 - 0.7 VDD - VDD + 0.5 V VOL IOL=4 mA - - 0.45 V VOLOSC IOL=3 mA - - 0.7 V VOL IOL = 1mA - - 0.45 V VOH IOH=-4 mA VDD - 0.45 - - V VOHOSC IOH =-3.0 mA VDD - 0.9 - - V VOH IOH=-1 mA VDD - 0.45 - - V IIL1 VSS < Vin < VIL1 10 - 40 A IIH1 IIL2 VIH1 < Vin < 5.5 VSS < Vin < VIL2 1 - - 1 30 A A IIH2 VIH2 < Vin < VDD 1 - 10 A 1.0 1.0 12 15 20 1.0 1.5 1.5 17 20 30 5 mA mA mA mA mA A IDD current at 3.0 V - 3.6 V Nominal at 3.3 V - - IDD1dig - - IDD1pll - - IDD1ana - - IDD1 - - IDD2 - - IDD2 IDD3 - - 0.5 1.0 mA IDD4 - - 10 15 mA IDD5 - - 1.0 1.5 mA *Note: IDD1 is with the secondary of the barrier left open. IDD2 is with the secondary of the barrier connected to the 73M1912 fully powered. 18 Rev. 1.6 DS_1x22_001 3.3 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet Serial Interface Timing Specification The 73M1x22 has a synchronous serial interface, called the MAFE interface, to transfer data to and from a host. Table 10 provides the timing specification for the MAFE interface. Table 10: Serial Data Port Timing at 8 kHz Sample Rate Parameter SCLK period (Tsclk) SCLK to FS delay (td1) - mode1 SCLK to FS delay (td2) - mode1 SCLK to SDOUT delay (td3) with 10 pf load Setup time SDIN to SCLK (tsu) Hold time SDIN to SCLK (th) SCLK to FS delay (td4) - mode 0 SCLK to FS delay (td5) - mode 0 Min - - - - 15 10 - - Nom 1/1.536 MHz - - - - - - - Max - 20 20 20 - - 20 20 Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns SCLK FS (mode1) SDOut SDIN FS (mode0) Figure 7: MAFE Timing Diagram 3.4 Analog Specifications This section provides the electrical characterizations of the 73M1x22 analog circuitry. 3.4.1 DC Specifications VBG is to be connected to an external bypass capacitor with a minimum value of 0.1 F. This pin is not intended for any other external use. Table 11: Reference Voltage Specifications Parameter VBG VBG Noise VBG PSRR Rev. 1.6 Test Condition VDD=3.0 V - 3.6 V 300 Hz - 3.3 kHz 300 Hz - 30 kHz Min 0.9 - 40 Nom 1.19 -86 - Max 1.4 -80 - Units V dBm600 dB 19 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet DS_1x22_001 3.4.2 Call Progress Monitor The Call Progress Monitor monitors activities on the line. The audio output contains both transmit and receive data with a configurable level individually set by Register 0x10. Figure 8 shows the frequency response of the Call Progress Monitor Filter based upon the characteristics of the device plus the external circuitry as shown. Figure 8: Call Progress Monitor Frequency Response C1 0.1uF R1 120K R2 120K -VIN CD VOUT1 VOUT2 LS1 AOUT VCC R3 120K 4 1 2 3 + C2 2.2uF VREF1 VREF2 C4 1uF U1 V+ GND 5 8 AT-2308 INTERVOX VCC 6 7 C3 NJM2135 1uF Figure 9: Demo Board Circuit Connecting AOUT to a Speaker Table 12: Component Values for the Speaker Driver Quantity 1 1 2 1 3 1 Reference C1 C2 C3, C4 LS1 R1, R2, R3 U1 Part Description Ceramic capacitor Ceramic capacitor Ceramic capacitor Sound transducer 1/8 W resistor Audio amplifier Part 0.1 F 2.2 F (optional) 1 F Speaker (Intervox) 120 k NJM2135 (New Japan Radio) All measurements are at the AOUT pin with CMVSEL=0. Note that when CMVSEL=1, the peak signal at AOUT is increased to approximately 1.11 Vpk. 20 Rev. 1.6 DS_1x22_001 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet Table 13: Call Progress Monitor Specification Parameter AOUT for transmit AOUT transmit THD AOUT for receive AOUT receive THD AOUT output impedance Rev. 1.6 Test Condition 1 kHz full swing code word at SDIN pin CMRXG=11(Mute) Observe AOUT pin CMTXG=00 CMTXG=01 relative to CMTXG=00 CMTXG=10 relative to CMTXG=00 CMTXG=11(Mute) CMTXG=00 1.0 Vpk, 1 kHz at the line or 0.5 Vpk at RXP/RXM with RXG=10 (+6 dB) CMTXG=11(Mute) Observe AOUT pin CMRXG=00 CMRXG=01 relative to CMRXG=00 CMRXG=10 relative to CMRXG=00 CMRXG=11(Mute) CMRXG=00 - Min Nom Max Units - - - - - 0.98 - Vpk - -6 - dB - -12 - dB - - Mute 40 - - dB dB - - - - - 0.96 - Vpk - -6 - dB - -12 - dB - - Mute 40 - - dB dB - 10 - k 21 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet 3.5 DS_1x22_001 73M1x22 Line-Side Electrical Specifications (73M1912) Table 14 lists the absolute maximum ratings for the line side. Operation outside these rating limits may cause permanent damage to this device. Table 14: Line-Side Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Pin input voltage from VPX to VNX Pin input voltage (all other pins) to VNS 3.6 Min -0.5 -0.5 Max 6.0 4.0 Unit V V Reference and Regulation Table 15 lists the VBG specifications. VBG should be connected to an external bypass capacitor with a minimum value of 0.1F. This pin is not intended for any other external use. The following conditions apply: VPX=5 V; Barrier Powered Mode; Barrier Data Rate across the Barrier=1.5 Mbps; VBG connected to 0.1 F external cap. Table 15: VBG Specifications Parameter VBG VBG Noise VBG PSRR VPS VPS PSRR 3.7 Test Condition See conditions above. 300 Hz - 3.3 kHz 300 Hz - 30 kHz VPX=5.5 V VPX=4.5 V to 5.5 V Min - - 40 - - Nom 1.19 -86* - 3.15 40 Max - -80 - - - Units V dBm600 dB V dB AC Signal Levels Table 16 shows the maximum transmit levels that the 73M1912 Line-Side Device is capable of delivering. Table 16: Maximum Transmit Levels Transmit Type V.90 QAM DPSK FSK DTMF (high tone) DTMF (low tone) 22 Maximum Level at the Line (dBm) -12.0 -7.3 -5.1 -3.0 -7.8 -9.8 Peak to RMS Ratio 4 2.31 1.81 1.41 1.41 1.41 RMS Voltage on the Line (V) 0.195 0.334 0.431 0.548 0.316 0.251 Peak Voltage on the Line (V) 0.778 0.772 0.779 0.775 0.446 0.354 Rev. 1.6 DS_1x22_001 3.8 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet DC Transfer Characteristics Table 17 lists the maximum DC output levels. All tests are driven at pin DCI and measured at pin DCS. DCEN=1 and pin DCI is shorted to pin DCS. ILM=0 unless stated otherwise. Table 17: Maximum DC Transmit Levels Parameter VDCON (DC "On" Voltage) With ENAC=0 DC Gain IDCI before ILIM IDCI after ILIM *Noise Rev. 1.6 Test Condition DCIV=00 DCIV=01 DCIV=10 DCIV=11 DCIV=XX VDCON 125 mA if ILM=0, or > 55 mA if ILM=1. Rev. 1.6 DS_1x22_017 13 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet Loopback and Testing Modes Figure 36 show the five loopback modes available in the 73M1x22. 73M1822 HIC/ 73M1902 73M1822 LIC/ 73M1912 CTL STA Ring Buffer Aux A/D STA Tip Interp. Filter PRP TxD SCP LSBI MSBI DSDM TxD Onchip LIC TBS TxAFE TxA TxData RxData MAFE Interface DIGLB1 DIGLB2 INTLB1 Decim. Filter RxD RxD PRM SCM SinC3 Filter External LIC ALB INTLB2 RxAFE RBS RxA Ring Figure 36: Loopback Modes Highlighted Table 47 describes how the above control bits interact to provide each of the six loopback modes. Table 47: Loopback Modes Rev. 1.6 TEST TMEN DTST 0000 0 00 0000 1 10 0000 1 11 0001 0 00 0010 0 00 0011 0 00 Loopback Mode Normal mode. (Default) Mnemonic No Loops Digital Loopback mode. Interpolated TxData (TxD) is looped back to the Decimated RxData input (RxD). Remote Analog Loopback. Received RxD is looped back as TxD and transmitted back to the 73M1922 Line-Side Device; RxD is D/A converted to yield the analog transmit signal (TxA). Digital Loopback mode. Transmit Bit Stream (TBS) is looped back to receive digital channel and received (DIGLB2). Remote Analog Loopback. Receive analog signal is converted to Received Bit Stream (RBS) and is looped back to TBS and the analog transmit channel (INTLB2). Analog Loopback. The transmit data is connected to the receiver at the analog interface and received (ALB). DIGLB1 INTLB1 DIGLB2 INTLB2 ALB 75 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet DS_1x22_017 13.1 Loopback Controls Table 48 describes the registers used for loopback control. Table 48: Loopback Controls Function Mnemonic TMEN DTST Register Location 0x02[7] 0x07[3:0] Type W W Description Test Mode Enable Used to enable the activation of the test loops controlled by the DTST bits (DIGLB1 and INTLB1). 0 = No DTST loops enable. (Default) 1 = DTST loops enable. TMEN has to be set to 1 before the setting of the DTST bits. These control bits enable DIGLB1 and INTLB1. Prior to writing to these bits, TMEN must be set to 1. TEST 76 0x18[7:4] W DTST1 DTST0 Selected Test Mode 0 0 Normal (Default) 1 0 DIGLB1 1 1 INTLB1 This four-bit field is used to enable the loopback mode per the following table: TEST Loopback Mode 0000 Normal mode. (Default) Transmit and receive channels are independent. 0001 Digital loopback mode. Transmit Bit Stream (TBS) is looped back to receive digital channel and received (DIGLB2). 0010 Remote Analog loopback. Receive analog signal is converted to Received Bit Stream (RBS) and is looped back to TBS and the analog transmit channel (INTLB2). 0011 Analog loopback. The transmit data is connected to the receiver at the analog interface and received (ALB). Rev. 1.6 DS_1x22_017 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet 14 Performance This section provides an overview of typical performance characteristics measured using a 73M1x22 production device on a Teridian Reference Board. The measurements were made at the tip and ring pins. 14.1 DC VI Characteristics 14.1.1 Off-Hook Tip and Ring DC Characteristics Tip and Ting DC Voltage (volt) Figure 37: Off-Hook Tip and Ring DC Characteristics 5 0 DCIV=00, ILM=1 DCIV=01, ILM=1 DCIV=10, ILM=1 4 0 3 0 TBR21 Not allowed 2 0 Not allowed 1 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 9 1 1 2 2 3 3 0 5 0 5 0 5 Tip and Ring DC Current (mA) 4 0 4 5 5 0 5 5 6 0 Figure 38: ES 203 021-2 DC Mask with Current Limit Enabled Rev. 1.6 77 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet DS_1x22_017 14 Australian Prohibited Region Tip and Ring DC voltage 12 10 DCIV=11 8 6 Australian not recommended Region 4 2 95 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 8 4 0 0 Loop current Figure 39: Australian Hold State Characteristics 14.2 Receive 50 US 45 TBR21 40 China Australia Return Loss dB 35 30 25 20 15 Australia Limit USA Limit 10 TBR21 Limit 5 5500 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Frequency Figure 40: Return Loss 78 Rev. 1.6 DS_1x22_017 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet 15 Package Layout Figure 41: 20-Pin TSSOP Package Dimensions 0.85 NOM./ 0.9MAX. 5 0.00 / 0.005 2.5 0.20 REF. 1 2.5 2 3 5 SEATING PLANE TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW 0.35 / 0.45 3.0 / 3.75 CHAMFERED 0.30 0.18 / 0.3 1.5 / 1.875 1 2 3 3.0 / 3.75 0.25 1.5 / 1.875 0.5 0.2 MIN. 0.35 / 0.45 0.5 0.25 BOTTOM VIEW Figure 42: 32-Pin QFN Package Dimensions Rev. 1.6 79 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet DS_1x22_017 Figure 43: 42-Pin QFN Package Dimensions 80 Rev. 1.6 DS_1x22_017 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet 16 Ordering Information Table 49 lists the order numbers and packaging marks used to identify 73M1822 and 73M1922 products. Table 49: Order Numbers and Packaging Marks Part Description 73M1922 32-Pin QFN, Lead free Order Number 73M1922-IM/F 73M1922 32-Pin QFN, Lead free, Tape and Reel 73M1922 20-Pin TSSOP, Lead free 73M1922-IMR/F 73M1922 20-Pin TSSOP, Lead free Tape and Reel 73M1822 42-Pin QFN, Lead free 73M1822 42-Pin QFN, Lead free, Tape and Reel 73M1922-IVT/F 73M1922-IVTR/F 73M1822-IM/F 73M1822-IMR/F Packaging Mark 73M1912-M 73M1902-M 73M1912-M 73M1902-M 73M1912VT 73M1902A 73M1912VT 73M1902A 73M1822A-IM 73M1822A-IM Host/Line Line-Side IC Host-Side IC Line-Side IC Host-Side IC Line-Side IC Host-Side IC Line-Side IC Host-Side IC 17 Contact Information For more information about Teridian Semiconductor products or to check the availability of the 73M1822 or 73M1922, contact us at: 6440 Oak Canyon Road Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92618-5201 Telephone: (714) 508-8800 FAX: (714) 508-8878 Email: modem.support@teridian.com For a complete list of worldwide sales offices, go to http://www.teridian.com. Rev. 1.6 81 73M1822/73M1922 Data Sheet DS_1x22_017 Revision History Revision Date Description 1.0 10/26/2007 First publication. 1.1 11/7/2007 1.1.1 4/11/2008 1.2 8/28/2008 1.3 3/23/2009 1.4 8/6/2009 1.5 10/16/2009 1.6 4/7/2010 Changed the values in Table 17. Replaced the schematics in Figure 10 and Figure 11. Updated the Bill of Materials in Table 27. Added the ACCEN bit to Table 30 and Table 31. Corrected the Types (R, W, WO) in Table 31. Added clarification to the description of the PLDM bit. Added clarification to the description of the RGDT bit. Teridian Semiconductor Corporation is a registered trademark of Teridian Semiconductor Corporation. Simplifying System Integration is a trademark of Teridian Semiconductor Corporation. MicroDAA is a registered trademark of Teridian Semiconductor Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Teridian Semiconductor Corporation makes no warranty for the use of its products, other than expressly contained in the Company's warranty detailed in the Teridian Semiconductor Corporation standard Terms and Conditions. The company assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document, reserves the right to change devices or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice and does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to verify that this document is current by comparing it to the latest version on http://www.teridian.com or by checking with your sales representative. Teridian Semiconductor Corp., 6440 Oak Canyon, Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92618 TEL (714) 508-8800, FAX (714) 508-8877, http://www.teridian.com 82 Rev. 1.6 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Maxim Integrated: 73M1822-IM/F 73M1822-IMR/F 73M1922-IM/F 73M1922-20IVT-EVM 73M1922-IVTR/F 73M1922-IMR/F 73M1822EVM 73M1922-IVT/F 73M1922-KEYCHN