The VideoCon H.324 reference design delivers videophone,
videoconferencing and multim edia capabilities to any Pentium
PC over analog telephone lines. The VideoCon H.324
performs a l l vid eo compression and de comp ression on i t s
included SHARC floating-point digi tal signal processor (DSP)
and all audio compression and decompression on its included
fixed-point D SP. The reference design only us es the Pentium
processor for system control functions.
Compliance with H.324 for POTS
Videoconfere n cing
Programmable support fo r MPEG, AC3
and High-E nd Audio for Multimedia
Supports H.223 Data Framing, H.245 End-
to-End Signali n g an d Indi cation/Control
Supports G.723.1 at 6.3/5.3 kbps
Includes 60-400 ms of Acoustic Echo
Supports WindowsTM95 API to enable User
Customization of the Videoconferencin g
Application GUI
The Vid eoCon H. 324 reference design
implements the G.723.1 audio compression/
decompre ssion algorithms on its on-board
ADSP-2181 fixed-point DSP, the H.263 video
compr es s ion/de compression algorithms on its
on-board ADS P -21061 SHARC floating-point
DSP, the V.34 m odem algorithm s on any
external V.34 modem, and the H.223/245 system
control al gorithms on the ho st Pentium
The reference design includes a board, software
modules and development tools. The board is
plugged into the PCI bus of the Pentium PC .
The VideoCon H.324 – not the processor in the
PC – performs the audio and video compression
and decompression, audio acoustic echo
cancellation, standards-compliant processing of
audio, video, and telephony algorithms and
programmable multim edia support for MPEG,
Dolby AC-3 and high-end audio. The Pentium
process or is used only for sy stem control
functions. The design supports the
WindowsTM95 AP I to enable user cu stomization
of the videoconferencing a pplication Graphica l
User Interface (GUI). The hardware
compon ents consist of Analog Device s’ DSPs
and media codecs for real-time application
The VideoCon H.324 design complies with the
H.324 standa rd for POTS videoconferencing
over ana log telephone lines. Th e Vide oCon
H.324 architecture includes a high degree of
hardware and s oftware integratio n to reduce
system cost as well as a reprogrammable media
and communications architecture which can be
upgraded to new er design implementations in the
The ref ere nce design includes a flexi ble set of
softw are modules consisting of standards-
compliant audio, video, telephony and system
control algorithms. The Vide oCon H.324 design
provides advantages that proprietary, ASIC-
based systems cannot match