6SITRANS LG240, LG250, LG260 and LG270 - Safety Manual
2 Planning
2.1 Safety function
The sensor generates on its current output a signal between 3.8 mA
and 20.5 mA corresponding to the process variable. This analogue
signal is fed to a connected processing system to monitor the follow-
ing conditions:
• Exceeding a dened limit value of the process variable
• Falling below a dened limit value of the process variable
• Monitoring of a dened range of the process variable
For the design of the safety function, the following aspects must be
taken into account with regard to the tolerances:
• Due to undetected failures in the range between 3.8 mA and
20.5 mA, an incorrect output signal can be generated which devi-
ates from the real measured value by up to 2 %
• Increased measurement deviations can occur at the boundaries of
the measuring range (see Technical Data in the operating instruc-
2.2 Safe state
The safe state of the current output depends on the safety function
and the characteristics set on the sensor.
Monitoring upper limit val-
Monitoring lower limit value
4 … 20 mA Output current ≥ Switching
Output current ≤ Switching
20 … 4 mA Output current ≤ Switching
Output current ≥ Switching
Possible fault currents:
• ≤ 3.6 mA ("fail low")
• > 21 mA ("fail high")
2.3 Prerequisites for operation
• The measuring system should be used appropriately taking pres-
sure, temperature, density and chemical properties of the medium
into account. The application-specic limits must be observed.
• The specications according to the operating instructions manual,
particularly the current load on the output circuits, must be kept
within the specied limits
• Existing communication interfaces (e. g. HART, USB) are not used
for transmission of the safety-relevant measured value
• The instructions in chapter "Safety-related characteristics", para-
graph "Supplementary information" must be noted
• All parts of the measuring chain must correspond to the planned
"Safety Integrity Level (SIL)"
Safety function
Safety tolerance
Safe state
Fault signals in case of
Instructions and restric-