E MOBILE PENTIUM(R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY Maximum Operating Frequency n n n n n n n 133 MHz n Support for MMXTM Technology Compatible with Large Software Base MS-DOS*, Windows*, OS/2*, UNIX* 32-Bit CPU with 64-Bit Data Bus Superscalar Architecture Enhanced pipelines Two Pipelined Integer Units Capable of 2 Instructions/Clock Pipelined MMX Unit Pipelined Floating-Point Unit Separate Code and Data Caches 16-Kbyte Code, 16-Kbyte Write Back Data MESI Cache Protocol Low Voltage CMOS Silicon Technology 4-Mbyte Pages for Increased TLB Hit Rate n n n n n 150 MHz 166 MHz Advanced Design Features Deeper Write Buffers Enhanced Branch Prediction Feature Virtual Mode Extensions IEEE 1149.1 Boundary Scan Voltage Reduction Technology 2.45 VCC for core supply Internal Error Detection Features Power Management Features System Management Mode Clock Control Fractional Bus Operation 133-MHz Core/66-MHz Bus 150-MHz Core/60-MHz Bus 166-MHz Core/66-MHz Bus The mobile Pentium(R) processor with MMXTM technology extends the mobile Pentium processor family, providing performance needed for notebook applications. The mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology is compatible with the entire installed base of applications for MS-DOS*, Windows*, OS/2*, and UNIX* and is the first microprocessor to support Intel MMX technology. Furthermore, the mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology has superscalar architecture which can execute two instructions per clock cycle, and enhanced branch prediction and separate caches also increase performance. The pipelined floating-point unit delivers workstation level performance. Separate code and data caches reduce cache conflicts while remaining software transparent. The mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology has 4.5 million transistors and is built on Intel's enhanced 3.3V CMOS silicon technology and has full SL Enhanced power management features, including System Management Mode (SMM) and clock control. The additional SL Enhanced features, 2.45V core operation along with 3.3V I/O buffer operation, and the option of the TCP, which are not available in the desktop version, make the mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology ideal for enabling mobile MMX technology designs. The mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available upon request. June 1997 Order Number: 243292-004 6/26/97 9:25 AM 24329204.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM(R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY E Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Intel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. Intel products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications. Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked "reserved" or "undefined." Intel reserves these for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them. Intel retains the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. The mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request. *Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners. Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications and before placing your product order. Copies of documents which have an ordering number and are referenced in this document, or other Intel literature, may be obtained from: Intel Corporation P.O. Box 7641 Mt. Prospect, IL 60056-7641 or call 1-800-879-4683 COPYRIGHT (c) INTEL CORPORATION 1993, 1996, 1997 2 6/26/97 9:25 AM 24329204.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM(R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY CONTENTS PAGE 1.0. MICROPROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW .................................................... 4 2.0. MICROPROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW .................................................... 4 2.1. Mobile Pentium (R) Processor Family Architecture ................................................ 5 2.2. Mobile Pentium (R) Processor with MMX TM Technology ................................................. 7 2.3.1. Full support for Intel MMX TM technology ........................................... 7 2.3.2. Doubled code and data caches to 16K each..................................................... 7 2.3.3. Improved branch prediction .................. 7 2.3.4. Enhanced pipeline ................................ 8 3.0. MOBILE PENTIUM (R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY PINOUT ................... 8 3.1. Mobile Differences from Desktop ................ 8 3.2. TCP Pinout and Pin Descriptions ................ 9 3.2.1. TCP MOBILE PENTIUM (R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY PINOUT ..................... 9 3.2.2. TCP MOBILE PENTIUM (R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY PIN CROSS REFERENCE ..................................... 10 3.3. PPGA Package ......................................... 17 3.3.1. PPGA Pin Diagrams ........................... 17 3.3.2 PPGA MOBILE PENTIUM(R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY PIN CROSS REFERENCE ..................................... 19 3.4. Design Notes ............................................ 22 3.5. Quick Pin Reference ................................. 22 3.6. Bus Frequency ......................................... 30 PAGE 3.7. Pin Reference Tables ................................ 31 3.8. Pin Grouping According to Function .......... 34 4.0. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ................ 35 4.1. Maximum Ratings ..................................... 35 4.2. DC Specifications ...................................... 35 4.2.1. POWER SEQUENCING ..................... 35 4.3. AC Specifications ...................................... 38 4.3.1. POWER AND GROUND .................... 38 4.3.2. DECOUPLING RECOMMENDATIONS 38 4.3.3. CONNECTION SPECIFICATIONS ..... 39 4.3.4. AC TIMINGS FOR A 60-MHZ BUS .... 39 4.3.5. AC TIMINGS FOR A 66-MHZ BUS .... 45 4.4. I/O Buffer Models ...................................... 54 4.4.1. BUFFER MODEL PARAMETERS ...... 57 4.4.2. SIGNAL QUALITY SPECIFICATIONS 60 CLOCK SIGNAL MEASUREMENT METHODOLOGY ............................... 64 5.0. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS ............... 66 5.1. TCP Mechanical Diagrams ....................... 67 5.2. Plastic Pin Grid Array (PPGA) ................... 73 6.0. THERMAL SPECIFICATIONS ..................... 75 6.1. Measuring Thermal Values for TCP .......... 75 6.1.1. TCP Thermal Equations ..................... 75 6.1.2. TCP Thermal Characteristics ............. 75 6.1.3. TCP PC Board Enhancements ........... 75 TCP STANDARD TEST BOARD CONFIGURATION ............................. 76 6.2. Measuring Thermal Values For PPGA ...... 77 6.2.1. THERMAL EQUATIONS AND DATA . 78 3 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM (R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY 2.0. 1.0. MICROPROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW The mobile Pentium(R) processor with MMXTM technology is functionally similar to the mobile Pentium processor with voltage reduction technology (75-150) with the following differences: voltage supplies, maximum bus and core frequency and performance. This processor is socket compatible with the mobile Pentium processor voltage reduction technology (75-150) making it possible to design a flexible motherboard that supports both the mobile Pentium processor (75-150) and the mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology. It has all the advanced features of the desktop version of the Pentium processor with MMX technology except for the differences listed in Section 3.1. MICROPROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW The mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology extends the mobile Pentium family of microprocessors. It is binary compatible with the 8086/88, 80286, Intel386TM DX, Intel386 SX, Intel486TM DX, Intel486 SX, Intel486 DX2 and mobile Pentium processors with voltage reduction technology (75-150). The mobile Pentium processor family consists of the mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology described in this document and the mobile Pentium processor with voltage reduction technology (75-150). The mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology contains all of the features of previous Intel Architecture and provides significant enhancements and additions including the following: The mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology has several features which allow highperformance notebooks to be designed, including the following: * Support for MMXTM Technology * Superscalar Architecture * Enhanced Branch Prediction Algorithm * TCP dimensions are ideal for small form-factor designs. * Pipelined Floating-Point Unit * * Improved Instruction Execution Time TCP has superior thermal resistance characteristics. * Separate 16K Code and 16K Data Caches * 2.45V core and 3.3V I/O buffer VCC inputs reduce power consumption significantly, while maintaining 3.3V compatibility externally. * Writeback MESI Protocol in the Data Cache * 64-Bit Data Bus * Enhanced Bus Cycle Pipelining * Address Parity * Internal Parity Checking * Execution Tracing * Performance Monitoring * IEEE 1149.1 Boundary Scan * System Management Mode * Virtual Mode Extensions * Voltage Reduction Technology * SL Power Management Features * Pool of four write buffers used by both pipes * The SL Enhanced feature set The architecture and internal features of the mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology are identical to the desktop version specifications provided in the Pentium(R) Processor Family Developer' s Manual (Order Number 241428), except several features not used in mobile applications which have been eliminated to streamline it for mobile applications. This document should be used in conjunction with Pentium(R) Processor Family Developer' s Manual (Order Number: 241428) 4 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM(R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY 2.1. Mobile Pentium (R) Processor Family Architecture The application instruction set of the mobile Pentium processor family includes the complete Intel486 CPU family instruction set with extensions to accommodate some of the additional functionality of the Pentium processors. All application software written for the Intel386 and Intel486 family microprocessors will run on the Pentium processors without modification. The onchip memory management unit (MMU) is completely compatible with the Intel386 and Intel486 families of processors. The Pentium processors implement several enhancements to increase performance. The two instruction pipelines and floating-point unit on Pentium processors are capable of independent operation. Each pipeline issues frequently used instructions in a single clock. Together, the dual pipes can issue two integer instructions in one clock, or one floating-point instruction (under certain circumstances, two floating-point instructions) in one clock. Branch prediction is implemented in the Pentium processors. To support this, Pentium processors implement two prefetch buffers, one to prefetch code in a linear fashion, and one that prefetches code according to the Branch Target Buffer (BTB) so the needed code is almost always prefetched before it is needed for execution. The floating-point unit has been completely redesigned over the Intel486 processor. Faster algorithms provide up to 10X speed-up for common operations including add, multiply and load. Pentium processors include separate code and data caches integrated on-chip to meet performance goals. Each cache has a 32-byte line size and is 2-way set associative. Each cache has a dedicated Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) to translate linear addresses to physical addresses. The data cache is configurable to be writeback or writethrough on a line-by-line basis and follows the MESI protocol. The data cache tags are triple ported to support two data transfers and an inquire cycle in the same clock. The code cache is an inherently write-protected cache. The code cache tags are also triple ported to support snooping and split line accesses. Individual pages can be configured as cacheable or non-cacheable by software or hardware. The caches can be enabled or disabled by software or hardware. The Pentium processors have increased the data bus to 64 bits to improve the data transfer rate. Burst read and burst writeback cycles are supported by the Pentium processors. In addition, bus cycle pipelining has been added to allow two bus cycles to be in progress simultaneously. The Pentium processors' MMU contains optional extensions to the architecture which allow 4-Kbyte and 4-Mbyte page sizes. The Pentium processors have added significant data integrity and error detection capability. Data parity checking is still supported on a byte-by-byte basis. Address parity checking and internal parity checking features have been added along with a new exception, the machine check exception. As more and more functions are integrated on chip, the complexity of board level testing is increased. To address this, the Pentium processors have increased test and debug capability. The Pentium processors implement IEEE Boundary Scan (Standard 1149.1). In addition, the Pentium processors have specified four breakpoint pins that correspond to each of the debug registers and externally indicate a breakpoint match. Execution tracing provides external indications when an instruction has completed execution in either of the two internal pipelines, or when a branch has been taken. System Management Mode (SMM) has been implemented along with some extensions to the SMM architecture. Enhancements to the virtual 8086 mode have been made to increase performance by reducing the number of times it is necessary to trap to a vir tual 8086 monitor. Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology. The block diagram shows the two instruction pipelines, the "u" pipe and "v" pipe. The u-pipe can execute all integer and floating-point instructions. The v-pipe can execute simple integer instructions and the FXCH floating-point instructions. 5 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM (R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY The separate code and data caches are shown,. The data cache has two ports, one for each of the two pipes (the tags are triple ported to allow simultaneous inquire cycles). The data cache has a dedicated Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) to translate linear addresses to the physical addresses used by the data cache. TLB Branch Prefetch Code Cache Target 16 KBytes Buffer Address 128 Instruction Pointer Prefetch Buffers Control ROM Instruction Decode Branch Verif. & Target Addr 64-Bit Data Bus Control Unit V-Pipeline Connection 32-Bit Address Bus U-Pipeline Connection Page Unit Bus Unit Floating Point Unit Generate Address Address Generate (U Pipeline) (V Pipeline) TM MMX Unit Control Control Register File Add Integer Register File ALU ALU (U Pipeline) 80 Multiply 64 Barrel Shifter 32 64-Bit Data Bus Divide (V Pipeline) 32-Bit Addr. Bus 80 32 32 32 Data Cache 16 KBytes TLB 32 32 32 PP0115 Figure 1. Mobile Pentium (R) Processor with MMXTM Technology Block Diagram 6 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM(R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY The code cache, branch target buffer and prefetch buffers are responsible for getting raw instructions into the execution units of the mobile Pentium processor. Instructions are fetched from the code cache or from the external bus. Branch addresses are remembered by the branch target buffer. The code cache TLB translates linear addresses to physical addresses used by the code cache. The decode unit decodes the prefetched instructions so the mobile Pentium processor can execute the instruction. The control ROM contains the microcode which controls the sequence of operations that must be performed to implement the mobile Pentium processor architecture. The control ROM unit has direct control over both pipelines. The mobile Pentium processor contains a pipelined floating-point unit that provides a significant floating-point performance advantage over previous generations of processors. In addition to the SMM features described above, the mobile Pentium processor supports clock control. When the clock to the processor is stopped, power dissipation is virtually eliminated. The combination of these improvements makes the mobile Pentium processor a good choice for energy-efficient notebook designs. The mobile Pentium processor supports fractional bus operation. This allows the internal processor core to operate at high frequencies, while communicating with the external bus at lower frequencies. The architectural features introduced in this section are more fully described in the Pentium(R) Processor Family Developer's Manual (Order Number: 241428). 2.2. Mobile Pentium (R) Processor with MMX TM Technology The mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology is a significant addition to the mobile Pentium processor family. Available at both 150 and 166 MHz, it is the first microprocessor to support Intel MMX technology and now at 133 MHz. The mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology is both software and pin compatible with previous members of the mobile Pentium processor family. It contains 4.5 million transistors and is manufactured on lntel's enhanced 0.35 micron CMOS process which allows voltage reduction technology for low power and high density. This enables the mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology to remain within the thermal envelope while providing a significant performance increase. In addition to the architecture described in the previous section for the mobile Pentium processor family, the mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology has several additional microarchitectural enhancements, which are described below: 2.3.1. Full support for Intel MMX TM technology MMX technology is based on SIMD technique (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) which enables increased performance on a wide variety of multimedia and communications applications. Fiftyseven new instructions and four new 64-bit data types are supported in the mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology. All existing operating system and application software are fullycompatible. 2.3.2. Doubled code and data caches to 16K each On-chip level-1 data and code cache sizes have been doubled to 16KB each and are 4-way set associative on the mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology. Larger separate internal caches improve performance by reducing average memory access time and providing fast access to recentlyused instructions and data. The instruction and data caches can be accessed simultaneously while the data cache supports two data references simultaneously. The data cache supports a writeback (or alternatively, write-through, on a line by line basis) policy for memory updates. 2.3.3. Improved branch prediction Dynamic branch prediction uses the Branch Target Buffer (BTB) to boost performance by predicting the most likely set of instructions to be executed. The BTB has been improved on the mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology to increase its accuracy. Further, this processor has four prefetch buffers that can hold up to four successive code streams. 7 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM (R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY 2.3.4. Enhanced pipeline An additional pipeline stage has been added and the pipeline has been enhanced to improve performance. The integration of the MMX technology pipeline with the integer pipeline is very similar to that of the floating-point pipeline. Under some circumstances, two MMX instructions or one integer and one MMX instruction can be paired and issued in one clock cycle to increase throughput. The enhanced pipeline is described in more detail in the Pentium(R) Processor Family Developer' s Manual (Order Number 241428). Deeper write buffers. A pool of four write buffers is now shared between the dual pipelines to improve memory write performance. 3.0. MOBILE PENTIUM (R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY PINOUT 3.1. Mobile Differences from Desktop To better streamline the part for mobile applications, the following features have been eliminated: Upgrade, Dual Processing (DP), APIC and Master/Checker functional redundancy. Table 1 lists the corresponding pins which exist on the desktop Pentium processor with MMX technology but have been removed on the mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology. Table 1. Signals Removed in Mobile Pentium Signal (R) Processor with MMXTM Technology Function ADSC# Additional Address Status. This signal is mainly used for large or standalone L2 cache memory subsystem support required for high-performance desktop or server models. BRDYC# Additional Burst Ready. This signal is mainly used for large or standalone L2 cache memory subsystem support required for high-performance desktop or server models. CPUTYP CPU Type. This signal is used for dual processing systems. D/P# Dual/Primary processor identification. This signal is only used for an upgrade processor. FRCMC# Functional Redundancy Checking. This signal is only used for error detection via processor redundancy and requires two Pentium (R) processors (master/checker). PBGNT# Private Bus Grant. This signal is only used for dual processing systems. PBREQ# Private Bus Request. This signal is used only for dual processing systems. PHIT# Private Hit. This signal is only used for dual processing systems. PHITM# Private Modified Hit. This signal is only used for dual processing systems. PICCLK APIC Clock. This signal is the APIC interrupt controller serial data bus clock. PICD0 APIC' s Programmable Interrupt Controller Data line 0. PICD0 shares a pin with DPEN# (Dual Processing Enable). [DPEN#] PICD1 [APICEN] APIC' s Programmable Interrupt Controller Data line 1. PICD1 shares a pin with APICEN (APIC Enable (on RESET)). 8 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM(R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY 3.2. TCP Pinout and Pin Descriptions this section is not the actual text which will be marked on the packages). The text orientation on the top side view drawings in this section represent the orientation of the ink mark on the actual packages (Note that the text shown in VCC2 VCC3 VSS HOLD W B/W T# VCC2 VSS NA# BOFF# BRDY# VCC2 VSS KEN# AHOLD INV EW BE# VCC2 VSS VCC3 VSS CACHE# M /IO# VCC3 VSS BP3 VSS VCC2 BP2 PM1/BP1 PM0/BP0 FERR# VSS VCC2 IERR# VCC3 VSS DP7 D63 D62 D61 VCC2 VSS VCC3 VSS D60 D59 D58 D57 VCC2 VSS VCC3 VSS D56 DP6 D55 D54 VCC2 VSS VCC3 VSS D53 D52 D51 D50 VCC2 VSS VCC3 VSS D49 D48 DP5 D47 VCC3 VSS D46 D45 D44 D43 VCC3 VSS 3.2.1. TCP MOBILE PENTIUM (R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY PINOUT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 240 239 238 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220 219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200 199 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180 179 178 177 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 VCC2 VSS A11 A10 VCC3 VSS A9 VSS VCC2 A8 VCC3 VSS A7 A6 VCC3 VCC2 VSS A5 A4 VCC3 VSS A3 VSS VCC2 VCC3 VSS A31 A30 A29 A28 VCC3 VSS A27 A26 A25 A24 VCC3 VSS A23 A22 A21 NMI R/S# INTR SMI# VCC2 VSS IGNNE# INIT PEN# VCC2 VSS VCC2 VSS BF0 BF1 NC VCC2 VSS STPCLK# VCC2 VSS VCC3 VCC2 VSS NC VCC2 VSS VCC2 VSS VCC2 VSS VCC2 TRST# VSS VCC2 TM S TDI TDO TCK PP0116 Figure 2. TCP Mobile Pentium (R) Processor with MMXTM Technology Pinout 9 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM (R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY 3.2.2. TCP MOBILE PENTIUM (R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY PIN CROSS REFERENCE Table 2. TCP Pin Cross Reference by Pin Name Address A3 219 A9 234 A15 251 A21 200 A27 208 A4 222 A10 237 A16 254 A22 201 A28 211 A5 223 A11 238 A17 255 A23 202 A29 212 A6 227 A12 242 A18 259 A24 205 A30 213 A7 228 A13 245 A19 262 A25 206 A31 214 A8 231 A14 248 A20 265 A26 207 Data D0 152 D13 132 D26 107 D39 87 D52 62 D1 151 D14 131 D27 106 D40 83 D53 61 D2 150 D15 128 D28 105 D41 82 D54 56 D3 149 D16 126 D29 102 D42 81 D55 55 D4 146 D17 125 D30 101 D43 78 D56 53 D5 145 D18 122 D31 100 D44 77 D57 48 D6 144 D19 121 D32 96 D45 76 D58 47 D7 143 D20 120 D33 95 D46 75 D59 46 D8 139 D21 119 D34 94 D47 72 D60 45 D9 138 D22 116 D35 93 D48 70 D61 40 D10 137 D23 115 D36 90 D49 69 D62 39 D11 134 D24 113 D37 89 D50 64 D63 38 D12 133 D25 108 D38 88 D51 63 10 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM(R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY Table 2. TCP Pin Cross Reference by Pin Name (Contd.) Control A20M# 286 BREQ 312 HITM# 293 PM0/BP0 30 ADS# 296 BUSCHK# 288 HLDA 311 PM1/BP1 29 AHOLD 14 CACHE# 21 HOLD 4 PRDY 318 AP 308 D/C# 298 IERR# 34 PWT 299 APCHK# 315 DP0 140 IGNNE# 193 R/S# 198 BE0# 285 DP1 127 INIT 192 RESET 270 BE1# 284 DP2 114 INTR/LINT0 197 SCYC 273 BE2# 283 DP3 99 INV 15 SMI# 196 BE3# 282 DP4 84 KEN# 13 SMIACT# 319 BE4# 279 DP5 71 LOCK# 303 TCK 161 BE5# 278 DP6 54 M/IO# 22 TDI 163 BE6# 277 DP7 37 NA# 8 TDO 162 BE7# 276 EADS# 297 NMI/LINT1 199 TMS 164 BOFF# 9 EWBE# 16 PCD 300 TRST# 167 BP2 28 FERR# 31 PCHK# 316 W/R# 289 BP3 25 FLUSH# 287 PEN# 191 WB/WT# 5 BRDY# 10 HIT# 292 Clock Control BF0 186 BF1 185 CLK 272 STPCLK# 181 11 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM (R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY Table 2. TCP Pin Cross Reference by Pin Name (Contd.) VCC21 1 111 183 257 6 153 188 260 11 157 190 266 17 165 195 268 27 168 217 304 33 170 225 309 41 172 232 317 49 174 240 57 177 243 65 180 249 VCC32 2 91 178 258 19 97 204 264 23 103 210 275 35 109 216 281 43 117 221 291 51 123 226 295 59 129 230 301 67 135 236 306 73 141 241 313 79 147 247 85 160 253 12 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM(R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY Table 2. TCP Pin Cross Reference by Pin Name (Contd.) VSS 3 80 173 246 7 86 176 250 12 92 179 252 18 98 182 256 20 104 187 261 24 110 189 263 26 112 194 267 32 118 203 269 36 124 209 274 42 130 215 280 44 136 218 290 50 142 220 294 52 148 224 302 58 154 229 305 60 159 233 307 66 166 235 310 68 169 239 314 74 171 244 320 155 158 184 156 175 271 NC NOTE: 1. These VCC2 pins are 2.45V inputs to the core, but may change to a different voltage on future offerings of this microprocessor family. 2. All V CC3 pins are 3.3V I/O power inputs. 13 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM (R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY Table 3. TCP Pin Cross References by Pin Number (Pins 1-160) Pin # Signal Pin # Signal Pin # Signal Pin # Signal 1 VCC2 41 V CC2 81 D42 121 D19 2 VCC3 42 VSS 82 D41 122 D18 3 VSS 43 VCC3 83 D40 123 VCC3 4 HOLD 44 VSS 84 DP4 124 VSS 5 WB/WT# 45 D60 85 VCC3 125 D17 6 VCC2 46 D59 86 VSS 126 D16 7 VSS 47 D58 87 D39 127 DP1 8 NA# 48 D57 88 D38 128 D15 9 BOFF# 49 VCC2 89 D37 129 VCC3 10 BRDY# 50 VSS 90 D36 130 VSS 11 VCC2 51 VCC3 91 VCC3 131 D14 12 VSS 52 VSS 92 VSS 132 D13 13 KEN# 53 D56 93 D35 133 D12 14 AHOLD 54 DP6 94 D34 134 D11 15 INV 55 D55 95 D33 135 VCC3 16 EWBE# 56 D54 96 D32 136 VSS 17 VCC2 57 VCC2 97 VCC3 137 D10 18 VSS 58 VSS 98 VSS 138 D9 19 VCC3 59 VCC3 99 DP3 139 D8 20 VSS 60 VSS 100 D31 140 DP0 21 CACHE# 61 D53 101 D30 141 VCC3 22 M/IO# 62 D52 102 D29 142 VSS 23 V CC3 63 D51 103 V CC3 143 D7 24 VSS 64 D50 104 VSS 144 D6 25 BP3 65 VCC2 105 D28 145 D5 26 VSS 66 VSS 106 D27 146 D4 27 VCC2 67 VCC3 107 D26 147 V CC3 28 BP2 68 VSS 108 D25 148 VSS 29 PM1/BP1 69 D49 109 V CC3 149 D3 14 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM(R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY Table 3. TCP Pin Cross References by Pin Number (Pins 1-160) Pin # Signal Pin # Signal Pin # Signal Pin # Signal 30 PM0/BP0 70 D48 110 VSS 150 D2 31 FERR# 71 DP5 111 VCC2 151 D1 32 VSS 72 D47 112 VSS 152 D0 33 VCC2 73 VCC3 113 D24 153 VCC2 34 IERR# 74 VSS 114 DP2 154 VSS 35 VCC3 75 D46 115 D23 155 NC 36 VSS 76 D45 116 D22 156 NC 37 DP7 77 D44 117 VCC3 157 VCC2 38 D63 78 D43 118 VSS 158 NC 39 D62 79 VCC3 119 D21 159 VSS 40 D61 80 VSS 120 D20 160 VCC3 161 TCK 201 A22 241 V CC3 281 VCC3 162 TDO 202 A23 242 A12 282 BE3# 163 TDI 203 VSS 243 VCC2 283 BE2# 164 TMS 204 V CC3 244 VSS 284 BE1# 165 VCC2 205 A24 245 A13 285 BE0# 166 VSS 206 A25 246 VSS 286 A20M# 167 TRST# 207 A26 247 VCC3 287 FLUSH# 168 VCC2 208 A27 248 A14 288 BUSCHK# 169 VSS 209 VSS 249 VCC2 289 W/R# 170 V CC2 210 VCC3 250 VSS 290 VSS 171 VSS 211 A28 251 A15 291 V CC3 172 V CC2 212 A29 252 VSS 292 HIT# 173 VSS 213 A30 253 V CC3 293 HITM# 174 V CC2 214 A31 254 A16 294 VSS 175 NC 215 VSS 255 A17 295 V CC3 176 VSS 216 V CC3 256 VSS 296 ADS# 177 V CC2 217 V CC2 257 V CC2 297 EADS# 178 VCC3 218 VSS 258 V CC3 298 D/C# 179 VSS 219 A3 259 A18 299 PWT 15 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM (R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY Table 3. TCP Pin Cross References by Pin Number (Pins 1-160) Pin # Signal Pin # Signal Pin # Signal Pin # Signal 180 V CC2 220 VSS 260 V CC2 300 PCD 181 STPCLK# 221 VCC3 261 VSS 301 V CC3 182 VSS 222 A4 262 A19 302 VSS 183 VCC2 223 A5 263 VSS 303 LOCK# 184 NC 224 VSS 264 V CC3 304 V CC2 185 BF1 225 V CC2 265 A20 305 VSS 186 BF0 226 V CC3 266 V CC2 306 V CC3 187 VSS 227 A6 267 VSS 307 VSS 188 V CC2 228 A7 268 V CC2 308 AP 189 VSS 229 VSS 269 VSS 309 V CC2 190 V CC2 230 V CC3 270 RESET 310 VSS 191 PEN# 231 A8 271 NC 311 HLDA 192 INIT 232 V CC2 272 CLK 312 BREQ 193 IGNNE# 233 VSS 273 SCYC 313 V CC3 194 VSS 234 A9 274 VSS 314 VSS 195 V CC2 235 VSS 275 V CC3 315 APCHK# 196 SMI# 236 V CC3 276 BE7# 316 PCHK# 197 INTR/LINT0 237 A10 277 BE6# 317 V CC2 198 R/S# 238 A11 278 BE5# 318 PRDY 199 NMI/LINT1 239 VSS 279 BE4# 319 SMIACT# 200 A21 240 V CC2 280 VSS 320 VSS NOTE: 1. VCC2 pins are 2.45V inputs to the core. 2. VCC3 pins are 3.3V inputs to the I/O. 16 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM(R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY 3.3. mark on the actual packages (Note that the text shown in this section is not the actual text which will be marked on the packages). PPGA Package The text orientation on the top side view drawings in this section represent the orientation of the ink 3.3.1. PPGA Pin Diagrams 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 AN AM AN NC VSS A6 A10 VCC3 VCC3 VCC3 VCC3 VCC3 VCC2 VCC2 VCC2 VCC2 VCC2 VCC2 FLUSH# INC INC INC AM A30 A4 A8 VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS AL A3 VSS A7 A11 A12 A14 A16 A18 VSS NC A20 VSS SCYC VSS BE6# VSS BE4# VSS BE2# VSS W/R# EADS# BE0# BUSCHK#HITM# NC PWT AK A28 A29 A5 A9 A13 A15 A17 A19 RESET CLK BE7# BE5# BE3# BE1# A20M# HIT# D/C# VCC2 DET# AJ ADS# HLDA BREQ A31 AH A22 LOCK# A26 VSS AG AG VCC3 A24 VSS AE VCC3 A27 PCD SMIACT# VCC2 AE A23 VSS VCC3 APCHK# INTR R/S# VCC2 NC AD VSS NC NMI VCC2 PRDY NC HOLD VSS AB VSS SMI# AA VCC3 IGNNE# INIT WB/WT# NC Z VSS PEN# BOFF# VCC2 VSS Y X NC BF0 NC NA# BF1 W NC VCC3 NC KEN# EWBE# VCC2 V VSS STPCLK# AHOLD VSS U VCC3 VSS VSS INV VCC3 VCC3 CACHE# VCC2 MI/O# VSS S VCC3 NC NC BP3 BP2 VCC2 NC VCC3 P VSS VCC3 R NC VSS Q PM1BP1 VSS FERR# PM0BP0 VCC2 TRST# Q P TMS TDI T S R IERR# TDO DP7 VSS D63 VCC2 M N M VSS TCK D62 VSS L VCC3 NC K VSS J VCC2 D58 NC VSS D57 D56 D3 D53 VCC2 VSS D55 VCC2 F D4 L K D1 VCC3 D61 D59 NC VSS G D60 VCC3 D0 D2 VCC3 D5 DP5 D51 DP6 E J H G F E D6 VCC3 D7 D42 D46 D49 D52 D54 D DP0 D8 D12 DP1 D19 D23 D26 D28 D30 DP3 D33 D35 D37 D39 D40 D44 D48 D50 C D C D9 A Z BRDY# VSS V B AA VCC2 U H AB X VSS N AC Y VCC3 W T AF PCHK# VSS A21 NC AD AC AK AJ A25 VSS AH AF AL AP D10 D11 NC D14 D13 D15 D17 D16 D18 D21 D20 D22 VCC3 D24 VSS DP2 VSS VCC3 D25 VSS D27 VSS VCC3 VCC3 D29 VSS D31 VSS VCC3 VCC3 D32 VSS D34 VSS VCC2 VCC2 D36 VSS D38 VSS VCC2 VCC2 DP4 VSS VCC2 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 D45 8 D43 VSS VCC2 7 6 D47 INC B A D41 5 INC INC 4 3 2 1 PP0114 NOTE All INC and NC pins must remain unconnected. Connection of NC pins may result in component failure or incompatibility with processor steppings. Figure 3. Mobile Pentium (R) Processor with MMXTM Technology Pinout Top Side View 17 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM (R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY 1 2 AN AM AL AK AJ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 AN INC INC INC FLUSH#VCC2 VCC2 VCC2 VCC2 VCC2 VCC2 VCC3 VCC3 VCC3 VCC3 VCC3 A10 A6 NC VSS AM NC VCC 2 DET# EADS# W/R# VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS PWT HITM#BUSCHK#BE0# BE2# BE4# BE6# VSS VSS SCYC NC VSS A20 VSS A18 VSS A16 VSS A14 VSS A12 A8 A11 A4 A7 A30 AL A3 VSS AK AP D/C# HIT# A20M# BE1# BE3# BE5# BE7# CLK RESET A19 A17 A15 A13 A9 A5 A29 A28 AJ BREQHLDA ADS# A31 A25 VSS AH VSS LOCK# A26 A22 AG AG VCC2SMIACT#PCD A27 A24 VCC3 AF AF VSS PCHK# A21 VSS AE AE VCC2 NC APCHK# NC VCC3 A23 AD AD INTR VSS NC VSS AC AC VCC2 NC R /S# PRDY NMI VCC3 AB AB VSS HOLD SMI# VSS AA AA VCC2 NC WB/WT# INIT IGNNE#VCC3 Z Z VSS BOFF# PEN# VSS Y Y VCC2 NC NA# V C C 3 BF0 NC X X VSS BRDY# BF1 VSS W W VCC2 EWBE#KEN# NC NC VCC3 V V VSS AHOLD STPCLK# VSS U U VCC3 VSS VCC3 VCC2CACHE#INV T T VSS MI/O# VCC3 VSS S S V C C 3 NC NC VCC2 BP2 BP3 R R NC VSS PM1BP1 VSS Q Q TRST# VCC3 FERR# VCC2 PM0BP0 NC P P VSS IERR# TMS VSS N N TDO TDI VCC3 VCC2 D63 DP7 M M VSS D62 TCK VSS L L NC VCC3 VCC3 VCC2 D61 D60 K K VSS D59 D0 VSS J J NC D2 VCC3 VCC2 D57 D58 H H VSS D56 V S S NC G G VCC3 D3 D1 VCC2 D55 D53 F F DP6 D51 DP5 D5 D4 E E D54 D52 D49 D46 D42 D7 D6 VCC3 D D D50 D48 D44 D40 D39 D37 D35 D33 DP3 D30 D28 D26 D23 D19 DP1 D12 D8 DP0 C C D25 DP2 D24 INC D47 D45 DP4 D38 D36 D34 D32 D31 D29 D27 D21 D17 D14 D10 D9 B B INC D43 VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS D20 D16 D13 D11 A A INC D41 VCC2 VCC2 VCC2 VCC2 VCC2 VCC2 VCC3 VCC3 VCC3 VCC3 VCC3 VCC3 D22 D18 D15 NC AH PENTIUM(R) PROCESSOR WITHMMXTM TECHNOLOGY Pin Side View 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 PP0113 NOTE All INC and NC pins must remain unconnected. Connection of NC pins may result in component failure or incompatibility with processor steppings. Figure 4. Mobile Pentium(R) Processor with MMXTM Technology Pinout Pin Side View 18 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM(R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY 3.3.2 PPGA MOBILE PENTIUM(R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY PIN CROSS REFERENCE Table 4. PPGA Pin Cross Reference by Pin Name Address A3 AL35 A9 AK30 A15 AK26 A21 AF34 A27 AG33 A4 AM34 A10 AN31 A16 AL25 A22 AH36 A28 AK36 A5 AK32 A11 AL31 A17 AK24 A23 AE33 A29 AK34 A6 AN33 A12 AL29 A18 AL23 A24 AG35 A30 AM36 A7 AL33 A13 AK28 A19 AK22 A25 AJ35 A31 AJ33 A8 AM32 A14 AL27 A20 AL21 A26 AH34 Data D0 K34 D13 B34 D26 D24 D39 D10 D52 E03 D1 G35 D14 C33 D27 C21 D40 D08 D53 G05 D2 J35 D15 A35 D28 D22 D41 A05 D54 E01 D3 G33 D16 B32 D29 C19 D42 E09 D55 G03 D4 F36 D17 C31 D30 D20 D43 B04 D56 H04 D5 F34 D18 A33 D31 C17 D44 D06 D57 J03 D6 E35 D19 D28 D32 C15 D45 C05 D58 J05 D7 E33 D20 B30 D33 D16 D46 E07 D59 K04 D8 D34 D21 C29 D34 C13 D47 C03 D60 L05 D9 C37 D22 A31 D35 D14 D48 D04 D61 L03 D10 C35 D23 D26 D36 C11 D49 E05 D62 M04 D11 B36 D24 C27 D37 D12 D50 D02 D63 N03 D12 D32 D25 C23 D38 C09 D51 F04 19 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM (R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY Table 4. PPGA Pin Cross Reference by Pin Name (Contd.) Control A20M# AK08 BREQ AJ01 HITM# AL05 PM1/BP1 R04 ADS# AJ05 BUSCHK# AL07 HLDA AJ03 R/S# AC35 AHOLD V04 CACHE# U03 HOLD AB04 PRDY AC05 AP AK02 D/C# AK04 IERR# P04 PWT AL03 APCHK# AE05 DP0 D36 IGNNE# AA35 RESET AK20 BE0# AL09 DP1 D30 INIT AA33 SCYC AL17 BE1# AK10 DP2 C25 INTR AD34 SMI# AB34 BE2# AL11 DP3 D18 INV U05 SMIACT# AG03 BE3# AK12 DP4 C07 KEN# W05 TCK M34 BE4# AL13 DP5 F06 LOCK# AH04 TDI N35 BE5# AK14 DP6 F02 M/IO# T04 TDO N33 BE6# AL15 DP7 N05 NA# Y05 TMS P34 BE7# AK16 EADS# AM04 NMI AC33 TRST# Q33 BOFF# Z04 EWBE# W03 PCD AG05 VCC2DET# AL01 BP2 S03 FERR# Q05 PCHK# AF04 W/R# AM06 BP3 S05 FLUSH# AN07 PEN# Z34 WB/WT# AA05 BRDY# X04 HIT# AK06 PM0/BP0 Q03 Clock Control CLK AK18 BF0 Y33 BF1 X34 STPCLK# V34 20 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM(R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY Table 4. PPGA Pin Cross Reference by Pin Name (Contd.) VCC21 A17 A07 Q01 AA01 AN11 A15 A13 G01 S01 AC01 AN13 J01 U01 AE01 AN15 A11 L01 W01 AG01 AN17 A09 N01 Y01 AN09 AN19 VCC32 A19 A27 J37 Q37 U37 AC37 AN27 A21 A29 L37 S37 W37 AE37 AN25 A23 E37 L33 T34 Y37 AG37 AN23 A25 G37 N37 U33 AA37 AN29 AN21 VSS B06 B18 H02 P02 U35 Z36 AF36 AM12 AM24 B08 B20 H36 P36 V02 AB02 AH02 AM14 AM26 B10 B22 K02 R02 V36 AB36 AJ37 AM16 AM28 B12 B24 K36 R36 X02 AD02 AL37 AM18 AM30 B14 B26 M02 T02 X36 AD36 AM08 AM20 AN37 B16 B28 M36 T36 Z02 AF02 AM10 AM22 NC A37 S35 AD04 H34 Y03 AE03 J33 Y35 AE35 L35 W33 AL01 Q35 W35 AL19 R34 AA03 AM02 S33 AC03 AN35 INC A03 B02 C01 AN01 AN03 AN05 NOTE: 1. These VCC2 pins are 2.45V inputs to the core, but may change to a different voltage on future offerings of this microprocessor family. 2. All V CC3 pins are 3.3V power inputs to the I/O. 21 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM (R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY 3.4. Design Notes Note For reliable operation, always connect unused inputs to an appropriate signal level. Unused active low inputs should be connected to VCC3. Unused active HIGH inputs should be connected to GND (VSS). No Connect (NC) pins must remain unconnected. Connection of NC and INC pins may result in component failure or incompatibility with processor steppings. 3.5. Quick Pin Reference This section gives a brief functional description of each of the pins. For a detailed description, see the Hardware Interface chapter in the Pentium(R) Processor Family Developer's Manual. All input pins must meet their AC/DC specifications to guarantee proper functional behavior. The # symbol at the end of a signal name indicates that the active or asserted state occurs when the signal is at a low voltage. When a # symbol is not present after the signal name, the signal is active, or asserted at the high voltage level. Square brackets around a signal name indicate that the signal is defined only at RESET. The pins are classified as Input or Output based on their function in Master Mode. See the Error Detection chapter of the Pentium(R) Processor Family Developer' s Manual, for further information. 22 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM(R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY Table 5. Quick Pin Reference Symbol Type Name and Function A20M# I When the address bit 20 mask pin is asserted, the mobile Pentium (R) processor with MMXTM technology emulates the address wraparound at 1 Mbyte which occurs on the 8086. When A20M# is asserted, the processor masks physical address bit 20 (A20) before performing a lookup to the internal caches or driving a memory cycle on the bus. The effect of A20M# is undefined in protected mode. A20M# must be asserted only when the processor is in real mode. A31-A3 I/O As outputs, the address lines of the processor along with the byte enables define the physical area of memory or I/O accessed. The external system drives the inquire address to the processor on A31-A5. ADS# O The address status indicates that a new valid bus cycle is currently being driven by the processor. AHOLD I In response to the assertion of address hold, the processor will stop driving the address lines (A31-A3), and AP in the next clock. The rest of the bus will remain active so data can be returned or driven for previously issued bus cycles. AP I/O Address parity is driven by the processor with even parity information on all processor generated cycles in the same clock that the address is driven. Even parity must be driven back to the processor during inquire cycles on this pin in the same clock as EADS# to ensure that correct parity check status is indicated. APCHK# O The address parity check status pin is asserted two clocks after EADS# is sampled active if the processor has detected a parity error on the address bus during inquire cycles. APCHK# will remain active for one clock each time a parity error is detected. BE7#-BE5# BE4#-BE0# O I/O The byte enable pins are used to determine which bytes must be written to external memory, or which bytes were requested by the CPU for the current cycle. The byte enables are driven in the same clock as the address lines (A31 -3). I The Bus Frequency pins determine the bus-to-core frequency ratio. BF [1:0] are sampled at RESET, and cannot be changed until another non-warm (1 ms) assertion of RESET. Additionally, BF[1:0] must not change values while RESET is active. See Table 6 for Bus Frequency Selection. BF[0:1] In order to override the internal defaults and guarantee that the BF[0:1] inputs remain stable while RESET is active, these pins should be strapped directly to or through a pullup/pulldown resistor to VCC3 or ground. Drving these pins with active logic is not recommended unless stability during RESET can be guaranteed. During power up, RESET should be asserted prior to or ramped simultaneously with the core voltage supply to the processor. BOFF# I The backoff input is used to abort all outstanding bus cycles that have not yet completed. In response to BOFF#, the processor will float all pins normally floated during bus hold in the next clock. The processor remains in bus hold until BOFF# is negated, at which time the processor restarts the aborted bus cycle(s) in their entirety. 23 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM (R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY Table 5. Quick Pin Reference (Contd.) Symbol BP[3:2] Type Name and Function O The breakpoint pins (BP3-0) correspond to the debug registers, DR3-DR0. These pins externally indicate a breakpoint match when the debug registers are programmed to test for breakpoint matches. BP1 and BP0 are multiplexed with the performance monitoring pins (PM1 and PM0). The PB1 and PB0 bits in the Debug Mode Control Register determine if the pins are configured as breakpoint or performance monitoring pins. The pins come out of RESET configured for performance monitoring. BRDY# I The burst ready input indicates that the external system has presented valid data on the data pins in response to a read or that the external system has accepted the processor data in response to a write request. This signal is sampled in the T2, T12 and T2P bus states. BREQ O The bus request output indicates to the external system that the processor has internally generated a bus request. This signal is always driven whether or not the processor is driving its bus. BUSCHK# I The bus check input allows the system to signal an unsuccessful completion of a bus cycle. If this pin is sampled active, the processor will latch the address and control signals in the machine check registers. If, in addition, the MCE bit in CR4 is set, the processor will vector to the machine check exception. PM/BP[1:0] NOTE: To assure that BUSCHK# will always be recognized, STPCLK# must be deasserted any time BUSCHK# is asserted by the system, before the system allows another external bus cycle. If BUSCHK# is asserted by the system for a snoop cycle while STPCLK# remains asserted, usually (if MCE=1) the processor will vector to the exception after STPCLK# is deasserted. But if another snoop to the same line occurs during STPCLK# assertion, the processor can lose the BUSCHK# request. CACHE# O For processor-initiated cycles, the cache pin indicates internal cacheability of the cycle (if a read), and indicates a burst writeback cycle (if a write). If this pin is driven inactive during a read cycle, the processor will not cache the returned data, regardless of the state of the KEN# pin. This pin is also used to determine the cycle length (number of transfers in the cycle). CLK I The clock input provides the fundamental timing for the processor. Its frequency is the operating frequency of the processor external bus and requires TTL levels. All external timing parameters except TDI, TDO, TMS, TRST# and PICD0-1 are specified with respect to the rising edge of CLK. This pin is 3.3V-tolerant-only on the Pentium processor with MMX technology. NOTE: It is recommended that CLK begin 150 ms after V CC reaches its proper operating level. This recommendation is only to assure the long term reliability of the device. D/C O The data/code output is one of the primary bus cycle definition pins. It is driven valid in the same clock as the ADS# signal is asserted. D/C# distinguishes between data and code or special cycles. 24 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM(R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY Table 5. Quick Pin Reference (Contd.) Symbol Type Name and Function D63-D0 I/O These are the 64 data lines for the processor. Lines D7-D0 define the least significant byte of the data bus; lines D63-D56 define the most significant byte of the data bus. When the CPU is driving the data lines, they are driven during the T2, T12 or T2P clocks for that cycle. During reads, the CPU samples the data bus when BRDY# is returned. DP7-DP0 I/O These are the data parity pins for the processor. There is one for each byte of the data bus. They are driven by the processor with even parity information on writes in the same clock as write data. Even parity information must be driven back to the Pentium processor with voltage reduction technology on these pins in the same clock as the data to ensure that the correct parity check status is indicated by the processor. DP7 applies to D63-D56; DP0 applies to D7-D0. EADS# I This signal indicates that a valid external address has been driven onto the processor address pins to be used for an inquire cycle. EWBE# I The external write buffer empty input, when inactive (high), indicates that a write cycle is pending in the external system. When the processor generates a write and EWBE# is sampled inactive, the processor will hold off all subsequent writes to all E- or M-state lines in the data cache until all write cycles have completed, as indicated by EWBE# being active. FERR# O The floating-point error pin is driven active when an unmasked floating-point error occurs. FERR# is similar to the ERROR# pin on the Intel387TM math coprocessor. FERR# is included for compatibility with systems using MS-DOS type floating-point error reporting. FLUSH# I When asserted, the cache flush input forces the processor to write back all modified lines in the data cache and invalidate its internal caches. A Flush Acknowledge special cycle will be generated by the processor indicating completion of the writeback and invalidation. NOTE: If FLUSH# is sampled low when RESET transitions from high to low, tristate test mode is entered. HIT# O The hit indication is driven to reflect the outcome of an inquire cycle. If an inquire cycle hits a valid line in either the data or instruction cache, this pin is asserted two clocks after EADS# is sampled asserted. If the inquire cycle misses the cache, this pin is negated two clocks after EADS#. This pin changes its value only as a result of an inquire cycle and retains its value between the cycles. HITM# O The hit to a modified line output is driven to reflect the outcome of an inquire cycle. It is asserted after inquire cycles which resulted in a hit to a modified line in the data cache. It is used to inhibit another bus master from accessing the data until the line is completely written back. HLDA O The bus hold acknowledge pin goes active in response to a hold request driven to the processor on the HOLD pin. It indicates that the processor has floated most of the output pins and relinquished the bus to another local bus master. When leaving bus hold, HLDA will be driven inactive and the processor will resume driving the bus. If the processor has a bus cycle pending, it will be driven in the same clock that HLDA is de-asserted. 25 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM (R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY Table 5. Quick Pin Reference (Contd.) Symbol Type Name and Function HOLD I In response to the bus hold request , the processor will float most of its output and input/output pins and assert HLDA after completing all outstanding bus cycles. The processor will maintain its bus in this state until HOLD is de-asserted. HOLD is not recognized during LOCK cycles. The processor will recognize HOLD during reset. IERR# O The internal error pin is used to indicate internal parity errors. If a parity error occurs on a read from an internal array, the processor will assert the IERR# pin for one clock and then shutdown. IGNNE# I This is the ignore numeric error input. This pin has no effect when the NE bit in CR0 is set to 1. When the CR0.NE bit is 0, and the IGNNE# pin is asserted, the processor will ignore any pending unmasked numeric exception and continue executing floating-point instructions for the entire duration that this pin is asserted. When the CR0.NE bit is 0, IGNNE# is not asserted, a pending unmasked numeric exception exists (SW.ES = 1), and the floating-point instruction is one of FINIT, FCLEX, FSTENV, FSAVE, FSTSW, FSTCW, FENI, FDISI, or FSETPM, the processor will execute the instruction in spite of the pending exception. When the CR0.NE bit is 0, IGNNE# is not asserted, a pending unmasked numeric exception exists (SW.ES = 1), and the floating-point instruction is one other than FINIT, FCLEX, FSTENV, FSAVE, FSTSW, FSTCW, FENI, FDISI, or FSETPM, the processor will stop execution and wait for an external interrupt. INIT I The processor initialization input pin forces the processor to begin execution in a known state. The processor state after INIT is the same as the state after RESET except that the internal caches, write buffers, and floating-point registers retain the values they had prior to INIT. INIT may NOT be used in lieu of RESET after power up. If INIT is sampled high when RESET transitions from high to low, the processor will perform built-in self test prior to the start of program execution. INTR I An active maskable interrupt input indicates that an external interrupt has been generated. If the IF bit in the EFLAGS register is set, the processor will generate two locked interrupt acknowledge bus cycles and vector to an interrupt handler after the current instruction execution is completed. INTR must remain active until the first interrupt acknowledge cycle is generated to assure that the interrupt is recognized. INV I The invalidation input determines the final cache line state (S or I) in case of an inquire cycle hit. It is sampled together with the address for the inquire cycle in the clock EADS# is sampled active. KEN# I The cache enable pin is used to determine whether the current cycle is cacheable or not and is consequently used to determine cycle length. When the processor generates a cycle that can be cached (CACHE# asserted) and KEN# is active, the cycle will be transformed into a burst line fill cycle. 26 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM(R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY Table 5. Quick Pin Reference (Contd.) Symbol Type Name and Function LOCK# O The bus lock pin indicates that the current bus cycle is locked. The processor will not allow a bus hold when LOCK# is asserted (but AHOLD and BOFF# are allowed). LOCK# goes active in the first clock of the first locked bus cycle and goes inactive after the BRDY# is returned for the last locked bus cycle. LOCK# is guaranteed to be de-asserted for at least one clock between back-to-back locked cycles. M/IO# O The memory/input-output is one of the primary bus cycle definition pins. It is driven valid in the same clock as the ADS# signal is asserted. M/IO# distinguishes between memory and I/O cycles. NA# I An active next address input indicates that the external memory system is ready to accept a new bus cycle although all data transfers for the current cycle have not yet completed. The processor will issue ADS# for a pending cycle two clocks after NA# is asserted. The processor supports up to two outstanding bus cycles. NMI I The non-maskable interrupt request signal indicates that an external nonmaskable interrupt has been generated. PCD O The page cache disable pin reflects the state of the PCD bit in CR3; Page Directory Entry or Page Table Entry. The purpose of PCD is to provide an external cacheability indication on a page-by-page basis. PCHK# O The parity check output indicates the result of a parity check on a data read. It is driven with parity status two clocks after BRDY# is returned. PCHK# remains low one clock for each clock in which a parity error was detected. Parity is checked only for the bytes on which valid data is returned. PEN# I The parity enable input (along with CR4.MCE) determines whether a machine check exception will be taken as a result of a data parity error on a read cycle. If this pin is sampled active in the clock, a data parity error is detected. The processor will latch the address and control signals of the cycle with the parity error in the machine check registers. If, in addition, the machine check enable bit in CR4 is set to "1", the processor will vector to the machine check exception before the beginning of the next instruction. PM/BP[1:0] O These pins function as part of the performance monitoring feature. The breakpoint 1-0 pins are multiplexed with the performance monitoring 1 -0 pins. The PB1 and PB0 bits in the Debug Mode Control Register determine if the pins are configured as breakpoint or performance monitoring pins. The pins come out of RESET configured for performance monitoring. PRDY O The probe ready output pin indicates that the processor has stopped normal execution in response to the R/S# pin going active or Probe Mode being entered. PWT O The page writethrough pin reflects the state of the PWT bit in CR3, the page directory entry, or the page table entry. The PWT pin is used to provide an external writeback indication on a page-by-page basis. 27 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM (R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY Table 5. Quick Pin Reference (Contd.) Symbol Type Name and Function R/S# I The run/stop input is provided for use with the Intel debug port. Please refer to the Pentium (R) Processor Family Developer' s Manual (Order Number 241428) for more details. RESET I RESET forces the processor to begin execution at a known state. All the processor internal caches will be invalidated upon the RESET. Modified lines in the data cache are not written back. FLUSH# and INIT are sampled when RESET transitions from high to low to determine if tristate test mode will be entered or if BIST will be run. SCYC O The split cycle output is asserted during misaligned LOCKed transfers to indicate that more than two cycles will be locked together. This signal is defined for locked cycles only. It is undefined for cycles which are not locked. SMI# I The system management interrupt causes a system management interrupt request to be latched internally. When the latched SMI# is recognized on an instruction boundary, the processor enters System Management Mode. SMIACT# O An active system management interrupt active output indicates that the processor is operating in System Management Mode. STPCLK# I Assertion of the stop clock input signifies a request to stop the internal clock of the Pentium processor with voltage reduction technology thereby causing the core to consume less power. When the CPU recognizes STPCLK#, the processor will stop execution on the next instruction boundary, unless superseded by a higher priority interrupt, and generate a Stop Grant Acknowledge cycle. When STPCLK# is asserted, the processor will still respond to external snoop requests. TCK I The testability clock input provides the clocking function for the processor boundary scan in accordance with the IEEE Boundary Scan interface (Standard 1149.1). It is used to clock state information and data into and out of the processor during boundary scan. TDI I The test data input is a serial input for the test logic. TAP instructions and data are shifted into the processor on the TDI pin on the rising edge of TCK when the TAP controller is in an appropriate state. TDO O The test data output is a serial output of the test logic. TAP instructions and data are shifted out of the processor on the TDO pin on TCK's falling edge when the TAP controller is in an appropriate state. TMS I The value of the test mode select input signal sampled at the rising edge of TCK controls the sequence of TAP controller state changes. TRST# I When asserted, the test reset input allows the TAP controller to be asynchronously initialized. VCC2 I These pins are the 2.45V power inputs to the core. 28 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM(R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY Table 5. Quick Pin Reference (Contd.) Symbol Type Name and Function VCC3 I These pins are the 3.3V power inputs to the I/O. VCCDET# O VCC2 detect is used in flexible motherboard implementations to configure the voltage output set-point appropriately for the VCC2 inputs of the processor. 1 VSS I These pins are the ground inputs. W/R# O Write/read is one of the primary bus cycle definition pins. It is driven valid in the same clock as the ADS# signal is asserted. W/R# distinguishes between write and read cycles. WB/WT# I The writeback/writethrough input allows a data cache line to be defined as writeback or writethrough on a line-by-line basis. As a result, it determines whether a cache line is initially in the S or E state in the data cache. NOTE: 1. Only in PPGA package. 29 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM (R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY 3.6. Bus Frequency Core and bus frequencies can be set according to Table 6 below. Each mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology specified to operate within a single bus-to-core ratio and a specific minimum to maximum bus frequency range (corresponding to a minimum to maximum core frequency range). Operation in other bus-to-core ratios or outside the specified operating frequency range is not supported. Table 6. Bus Frequency Selections Max Bus/Core Frequency (MHz) Min Bus/Core Frequency (MHz) 2/5 60/150 66/166 30/75 33/83 1 1/32 N/A2 N/A2 1 0 1/2 1 66/133 33/66 1 1 Reserved Reserved Reserved BF1 BF0 Bus/Core Ratio 0 0 0 NOTES: 1. This is the default bus to core ratio for the mobile Pentium (R) processor with MMXTM technology. If the BF pins are left floating, the processor will be configured for the 1/2 bus to core frequency ratio. 2. This bus ratio is currently not supported in mobile Pentium processors. 30 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM(R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY 3.7. Pin Reference Tables Table 7. Output Pins 1 Name Active Level When Floated ADS# Low Bus Hold, BOFF# APCHK# Low BE7#-BE4# Low BREQ High CACHE# Low FERR# Low HIT# Low HITM# 2 Low HLDA High IERR# Low LOCK# Low Bus Hold, BOFF# M/IO#, D/C#, W/R# n/a Bus Hold, BOFF# PCHK# Low BP3-2, PM1/BP1, PM0/BP0 High PRDY High PWT, PCD High Bus Hold, BOFF# SCYC High Bus Hold, BOFF# SMIACT# Low TDO n/a Bus Hold, BOFF# Bus Hold, BOFF# All states except Shift-DR and Shift-IR NOTE: 1. All output and input/output pins are floated during tristate test mode (except TDO). 2. HITM# pin has an internal pull-up resistor. 31 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM (R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY Table 8. Input Pins Active Level Synchronous/ Asynchronous A20M# LOW Asynchronous AHOLD HIGH Synchronous BF0 HIGH Synchronous/RESET PullDown BF1 HIGH Synchronous/RESET Pullup BOFF# LOW Synchronous BRDY# LOW Synchronous Pullup Bus State T2,T12,T2P BUSCHK# LOW Synchronous Pullup BRDY# Name CLK Internal resistor Qualified n/a EADS# LOW Synchronous EWBE# LOW Synchronous FLUSH# LOW Asynchronous HOLD HIGH Synchronous IGNNE# LOW Asynchronous INIT HIGH Asynchronous INTR HIGH Asynchronous INV HIGH Synchronous EADS# KEN# LOW Synchronous First BRDY#/NA# NA# LOW Synchronous Bus State T2,TD,T2P NMI HIGH Asynchronous PEN# LOW Synchronous R/S# n/a Asynchronous RESET HIGH Asynchronous SMI# LOW Asynchronous Pullup STPCLK# LOW Asynchronous Pullup BRDY# BRDY# Pullup TCK n/a TDI n/a Synchronous/TCK Pullup TCK TMS n/a Synchronous/TCK Pullup TCK LOW Asynchronous Pullup n/a Synchronous TRST# WB/WT# Pullup First BRDY#/NA# 32 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM(R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY Table 9. Input/Output Pins 1 Name Active Level When Floated Qualified (when an input) A31-A3 n/a Address Hold, Bus Hold, BOFF# EADS# AP n/a Address Hold, Bus Hold, BOFF# EADS# BE3#-BE0# Low Bus Hold, BOFF# RESET D63-D0 n/a Bus Hold, BOFF# BRDY# DP7-DP0 n/a Bus Hold, BOFF# BRDY# Internal Resistor Pulldown 2 NOTES: 1. All output and input/output pins are floated during tristate test mode (except TDO). 2. BE3#-BE0# have pulldowns during RESET only. 33 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM (R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY 3.8. Pin Grouping According to Function Table 10 organizes the pins with respect to their function. Table 10. Pin Functional Grouping Function Pins Clock CLK Initialization RESET, INIT, BF[1:0] Address Bus A31-A3, BE7# - BE0# Address Mask A20M# Data Bus D63-D0 Address Parity AP, APCHK# Data Parity DP7-DP0, PCHK#, PEN# Internal Parity Error IERR# System Error BUSCHK# Bus Cycle Definition M/IO#, D/C#, W/R#, CACHE#, SCYC, LOCK# Bus Control ADS#, BRDY#, NA# Page Cacheability PCD, PWT Cache Control KEN#, WB/WT# Cache Snooping/Consistency AHOLD, EADS#, HIT#, HITM#, INV Cache Flush FLUSH# Write Ordering EWBE# Bus Arbitration BOFF#, BREQ, HOLD, HLDA Interrupts INTR, NMI Floating-point Error Reporting FERR#, IGNNE# System Management Mode SMI#, SMIACT# TAP Port TCK, TMS, TDI, TDO, TRST# Breakpoint/Performance Monitoring PM0/BP0, PM1/BP1, BP3-2 Clock Control STPCLK# Debugging R/S#, PRDY 34 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM(R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY 4.0. 4.1. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS WARNING Stressing the device beyond the "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage. These are stress ratings only. Operation beyond the "Operating Conditions" is not recommended and extended exposure beyond the "Operating Conditions" may affect device reliability. Maximum Ratings The following values are stress ratings only. Functional operation at the maximum ratings is not implied nor guaranteed. Functional operating conditions are given in the AC and DC specification tables. 4.2. DC Specifications Extended exposure to the maximum ratings may affect device reliability. Furthermore, although the mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology contains protective circuitry to resist damage from Electrostatic Discharge (ESD), always take precautions to avoid high static voltages or electric fields. Tables 11, 12 and 13 list the DC specifications which apply to the mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology. The processor core operates at 2.45V internally while the I/O interface operates at 3.3V. Case temperature under bias ......... -65C to 110C 4.2.1. Storage temperature....................... -65C to 150C There is no specific sequence required for powering up or powering down the VCC2 and VCC3 power supplies. However, for compatibility with future mobile processors, it is recommended that the VCC2 and VCC3 power supplies be either both ON or both OFF within one second of each other. VCC3 Supply voltage with respect to V SS .......................... -0.5V to +4.6V VCC2 Supply voltage with respect to V SS .......................... -0.5V to +3.7V POWER SEQUENCING 3V Only Buffer DC Input Voltage ...................................... -0.5V to V CC3 and +0.5V not to exceed V CC3 max Table 11. VCC and T CASE Specifications Package TCASE Supply Min Voltage Max Voltage Voltage Tolerance TCP 0 to 95C VCC2 2.285V 2.665V 2.45V +0.215 / -0.165 VCC3 3.135V 3.465V 3.3V 5% PPGA 0 to 85C VCC2 2.285V 2.665V 2.45V +0.215 / -0.165 VCC3 3.135V 3.465V 3.3V 5% 35 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM (R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY Table 12. 3.3V DC Specifications 1 Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit Notes VIL3 Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.8 V TTL Level 5 VIH3 Input High Voltage 2.0 VCC3 +0.3 V TTL Level 4 VOL3 Output Low Voltage 0.4 V TTL Level 2 VOH3 Output High Voltage V TTL Level 3 2.4 NOTES: 1. See Table 11 for V CC and TCASE assumptions. 2. Parameter measured at -4 mA. 3. Parameter measured at 3 mA. 4. Parameter measured at nominal V CC3 which is 3.3V. 5. VIL3,max for TCK is 0.6V. Table 13. ICC Specifications Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit Notes ICC2 Power Supply Current 3.3 3.7 4.1 A A A 133 MHz 1 150 MHz 1 166MHz1 ICC3 Power Supply Current 0.4 0.37 0.4 A A A 133 MHz 1 150 MHz 1 166 MHz 1 NOTE: 1. This value should be used for power supply design. It was determined using a worst case instruction mix an d maximum VCC. Power supply transient response and decoupling capacitors must be sufficient to handle the instantaneous current changes occurring during transitions from Stop Clock to full Active modes. 36 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM(R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY Table 14. Power Dissipation Requirements for Thermal Design Typical 1 Max2 Unit Thermal Design Power N/A 7.8 8.6 9.0 Watts Watts Watts 133 MHz 150 MHz 166 MHz 6, 7 Active Power 4.4 5.0 5.5 N/A Watts Watts Watts 133 MHz 150 MHz 166 MHz 5 Stop Grant / Auto Halt Power N/A 0.86 0.93 1.00 Watts Watts Watts 133 MHz 150 MHz 166 MHz 3 Stop Clock Power 0.02 0.05 Watts 133 MHz 150 MHz 166 MHz 4 Parameter Frequency Notes NOTES: 1. This is the typical power dissipation in a system. This value is expected to be the average value that will be measured in a system using a typical device at V CC2 = 2.45V and V CC3 = 3.3V running typical applications. This value is highly dependent upon the specific system configuration. Typical power specifications are not tested. 2. Systems must be designed to thermally dissipate the maximum active power dissipation. It is determined using a worstcase instruction mix with V CC2 = 2.45V and V CC3 = 3.3V. The use of nominal V CC in this measurement takes into account the thermal time constant of the package. 3. Stop Grant/Auto Halt Powerdown Power Dissipation is determined by asserting the STPCLK# pin or executing the HALT instruction. To achieve these values the TR12 Bit21 must be set high. Otherwise Stop Grant Power will be higher: 133 MHz = 1.50W, 150 MHz = 1.60W, 166 MHz = 1.75W. TR12 Bit21 is only supported in B-Step and later. 4. Maximum stop clock power dissipation is measured at 50 C. At maximum temperature of 95 C, processors will typically draw 90mW. 5. Active Power is the average power measured in a system using a typical device running typical applications under normal operating conditions at nominal V CC and room temperature. 6. For TDP (typ) refer to the Mobile Design Consideration application note. 7. Thermal design power is referenced at nominal DC supply voltage standard values as shown (V CC2=2.45V, V CC2=3.3V). System designers may choose to operate anywhere within the allowable V CC2 range (2.285V to 2.665V) as long as adequate decoupling is used to maintain the voltage tolerance within this range. Common power supply voltages include: V CC2=2.45V +0.215V / - -0.165V VCC2=2.50V +/-0.165V Actual TDP value will be higher as V CC2 nominal voltage is increased above the target value of 2.45V. Likewise, TDP value will decrease as V CC2 is lowered below the target value of 2.45V . For Example, a V CC2 of 2.5V will increase TDP(typ) by 300mW. 37 5/14/97 8:29 AM 243292_3.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL (until publication date) MOBILE PENTIUM (R) PROCESSOR WITH MMXTM TECHNOLOGY Table 15. Input and Output Characteristics Max Unit CIN Symbol Input Capacitance Parameter Min 15 pF 4 Notes CO Output Capacitance 20 pF 4 CI/O I/O Capacitance 25 pF 4 CCLK CLK Input Capacitance 15 pF 4 CTIN Test Input Capacitance 15 pF 4 CTOUT Test Output Capacitance 20 pF 4 CTCK Test Clock Capacitance 15 pF 4 ILI Input Leakage Current 15 A 0