MS0176-E-01 2006/01
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System Clock
The external cloc ks, which are required to operat e the AK4384, are MCLK, LRC K and BICK. The master clock (MC LK)
should be synchronized with LRCK but the phase is not critical. The MCLK is used to operate the digital interpolation
filter and t he delta-sigm a m odulat or. There are t wo met hods to set MC LK frequency. In Manual Sett ing Mode (ACKS =
“0”: Register 00H), the sam pling speed is set by DFS0/1(Ta ble 1). The frequency of MCLK at each sampling speed is set
automatically. (Table 2~4).After exiting reset (PDN = “↑”), the AK4384 is in Auto Setting Mode. In Auto Set ti ng Mode
(ACKS = “1”: Default), as MCLK frequency is detected automatically (Table 5), and the internal master clock becomes
the appropriate frequency (Table 6), it is not necessary to set DFS0/1.
In parallel mode, the sampl ing speed can be set by ACKS pin. The internal DFS0 andDFS1 bits are fixed to “0”.
Therefore, when ACKS pi n i s “L” , the AK4384 opera te s i n Normal Spe ed M ode. The AK4384 opera te s i n Aut o Se tti ng
Mode at ACKS = “H”. In para llel mode, the AK4384 does not support 128fs and 192fs of Double Speed Mode.
All externa l clocks (MCLK,BICK and LR CK) should always be present whene ver the AK4384 is in the norm al operation
mode (PDN= ” H”). If these clocks are not provided, the AK4384 may draw exce ss current and may fall into unpredict able
operation. This is because the device utilizes dynamic refreshed logic internally. The AK4384 should be reset by PDN=
“L” after threse clocks are provided. If the external clocks are not present, the AK4384 should be in the power-down
mode (P DN= “L” ). Aft er exi ting reset at power-up e tc., the A K4384 is i n the power-down m ode until MC LK and LRC K
are input.
DFS1 DFS0 Sampling Rate (fs)
0 0 Normal Speed Mode 8kHz~48kHz Default
0 1 Double Speed Mode 60kHz~96kHz
1 0 Quad Speed Mode 120kHz~192kHz
Table 1. Sampling Speed (Manual Setting Mode)
fs 256fs 384fs 512fs 768fs 1152fs 64fs
32.0kHz 8.1920MHz 12.2880MHz 16.3840MHz 24.5760MHz 36.8640MHz 2.0480MHz
44.1kHz 11.2896MHz 16.9344MHz 22.5792MHz 33.8688MHz N/A 2.8224MHz
48.0kHz 12.2880MHz 18.4320MHz 24.5760MHz 36.8640MHz N/A 3.0720MHz
Table 2. System Clock Example (Normal Speed Mode @Manual Setting Mode)
fs 128fs 192fs 256fs 384fs 64fs
88.2kHz 11.2896MHz 16.9344MHz 22.5792MHz 33.8688MHz 5.6448MHz
96.0kHz 12.2880MHz 18.4320MHz 24.5760MHz 36.8640MHz 6.1440MHz
Table 3. System Clock Example (Double Speed Mode @Manual Setting Mode)